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Dance Beneath the Stars (OOC)


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Okay, as Shift hits the Legion over near Visor and knocks her down, another duplicate appears.


Getting the order back up for convenience.


Round Four


26 Paper 3 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 6 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 2 HP (bruised 2)

18 Ghule 2 HP (injured 2)

16 Sureshot (unharmed, bound and helpless)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (bruised x2)

15 Legion (unharmed x4 / one near Visor staggered, dazed, prone / one near Ghule bruised 2 / one near Ghule, bruised x3, prone / one near Ghule bruised x3, prone / 1 near SC bruised 2, staggered, prone)

13 Shift 0 HP (injured 2)

10 Visor (bruised x2)

10 Star Khan (unharmed)

10 Mindfire (unharmed, -2 toughness drain (round 3), bound and helpless)

9 Nightscale 5 HP (bruised 2)


Visor will shot an energy blast at Nightscale, hitting with a 28. So DC 26 toughness save for Nightscale @Nerdzul (don't forget your two bruises, and you have lots of HPs)


Star Khan will move over to the Legion Shift just knocked down and try to knock her out, because of the +4 to hit for her now being prone, he will power attack -4 atk/+4 dam: He hits with a 27, DC 33 toughness save for Legion: 29!, so she only takes a bruise.


Will wait to for Mindfire's action to see how Nightscale fairs on his toughness save.


Yes, that it is. Let's see if Mindfire can make a Concentration roll: 22 she does.

She will use her Perception Telekinesis (Move Object) to grapple Nightscale: she gets a 37. As it is Damaging, that is also a DC 26 toughness save. @Nerdzul


25 that fails by one, that bruises are stacking up... 

32 Fails the grapple check with a 4 ofc... Rerolling with the hero point 

33 but with the +10 for the hero point for rolling a 5 it gets to 43 and so is a success


Okay, going to work on my GM post. (Star Khan's hit on Legion created another duplicate as well, as he failed to knock her out).


Updated Order/Status:


Round Four


26 Paper 3 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 6 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 2 HP (bruised 2)

18 Ghule 2 HP (injured 2)

16 Sureshot (unharmed, bound and helpless)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (bruised x2)

15 Legion (unharmed x5 / one near Visor staggered, bruised, daze, prone / one near Ghule bruised 2 / one near Ghule, bruised x3, prone / one near Ghule bruised x3, prone / 1 near SC bruised 2, staggered, prone)

13 Shift 0 HP (injured 2)

10 Visor (bruised x2)

10 Star Khan (unharmed)

10 Mindfire (unharmed, -2 toughness drain (round 3), bound and helpless)

9 Nightscale 4 HP (bruised 4)


Nightscale is up (and still has ahold of Mindfire) @Nerdzul




If I remember well, Luke can't coup de grace someone he is grappling right? If that's correct, and he can't he is gonna try and take down Mindfire (hopefully) with his Rending Claws, should be an auto hit Mindfire is grappled by him so the DC 26 Tou, Damages + Drain Toughness (DC 19).


So, looking at the build for the dragon, you would need the Improved Grapple feat to be able to deliver a coup de grace yourself while maintaining your grapple (which is a free action) or to use the rending claw to attack her. But, you can apply damage by just squeezing her (ie doing your +11 strength bonus in damage for a DC 26 toughness save)

Posted (edited)

In dragon form his tail should grants him Improved Grapple (Extra limb) right? If that doesn't work yeah he is just gonna squeeze :)

Edited by Nerdzul

Actually, yes, you are correct, you can use the tail to deliver the coup de grace as a full round action then (using your +11 STR bonus)


Okay, DC 31 toughness save (due to the auto crit): 23, Nope, she is out cold. :D 


(Is actually a 25, as I forgot she is slightly toughness shifted, but didn't matter anyway, still out)


Okay, time for what is likely the last round:


Round Five


26 Paper 3 HP (unharmed)

25 Stormcrow 6 HP (unharmed)

19 Shadowborne 2 HP (bruised x2)

18 Ghule 2 HP (injured x2)

16 Sureshot (unharmed, bound and helpless)

16 Multi-Girl 1 HP (bruised x2)

15 Legion (unharmed x5 / Original near Visor staggered, bruised, daze, prone / one near Ghule bruised 2 / one near Ghule, bruised x3, prone / one near Ghule bruised x3, prone / 1 near SC bruised 2, staggered, prone)

13 Shift 0 HP (injured x2)

10 Visor (bruised x2)

10 Star Khan (unharmed)

9 Nightscale 4 HP (bruised x4)


@Spacefurry Paper is up !

  • 4 weeks later...

Gonna spend a Hero Point on Inspire to give Shadowborne, Nightscale, Ghule, Multi-Girl and Shift a +5 boost to Attack, saves and checks until my next turn, should hopefully help the ones with bruises stick around.


Okay, sorry for the delay. Aoife is going to follow Charlie's instructions and go for Visor, taking a charge Action for the +2 to hit, which she's gonna Power Attack out for +2 to damage. 


Base Power: [24PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Slashing, Claws)

Damage 10 (Shadow Claws; Extras: Affects Corporeal; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Insidious)


1d20+10+5 = 23 which I hope hits, and if it does then DC27 Toughness for the guy. If he goes down then she'll Takedown Attack on Legion next to him.


Okay, Multi-Girl will take part of the +5 from Stormcrow's inspire to Power Attack -2 atk/+2 dam, making her area attack, focusing on putting down Visor and the original Legion.


First roll is terrible, 14, so will use last HP for a reroll, this time hitting 27. So DC 29 toughness saves:


Legion: 17, she was already staggered, so, she goes out, which means all the other Legion disappear.


Visor: 16, he was also already staggered, so he is out as well.

And that will end combat!



Alright, let's see what Charlie knows about them the bad guys before I post, with a Skill Mastered Computers check for Online Research with Well Informed, for a total result of 30.


Okay, so what Charlie knows;

Mind-Fire: she had a long list of crimes back in Emerald City, then back in early 2013, was captured in Freedom City by first Velocity and Voltage, then, after briefly escaping by Velocity and Young Britannia. Charlie figures she was probably being transported back to Blackstone after being taken downtown to the federal courthouse for some legal proceeding associated with her prior crimes that are still working their way through the legal system.


Legion: used to be involved in petty theft when in her late teens. Back in late 2013, was busted at Millenium Mall by Claremont students Tsunami, Glamazon and Crimson Tiger. Was broken out of custody shortly after by Visor and has worked with him since in various variations of a group of supervillains for hire. 


Visor: Mainly been operating leading a group of supervillains for hire, so far has managed to keep himself and most of the group out of custody.


Big-Horn: Been the muscle for Visor's group for several years.


Sureshot: Long history as a mercenary, often working for various organized crime groups up and down the East Coast. Has tangled with Foreshadow II in the past. Not previously affiliated with Visor or his group.

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