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So, I know folks haven't rolled yet, but I just thought I would prefunk on Consuelo’s  next turn a little . . . .


So, Rot has the "reversible" feat on the power Eclipse copied and used. Can Rot reverse the effects Eclipse caused? Would it still be a free action? Would she have to make a power check? What if she spent a hero point?

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You would need to stunt another effect like Healing to be able to do something like that, Huck. Mechanics wise, Eclipse has made a power that does the same thing as your power, a copy of it, but is not your power, and you can reverse other people's powers.


What is the descriptor for the power? Being Insubstantial, Parker is immune to Physical and Energy effects at the moment.


In case I'm not immune to that (though I think I should be), I'll roll:

Reflex save: 9

Fortitude: 17, I'm fine with a 1 TOU drain for now

TOU Save: 28, no damage.

Again, only if being Insubstantial does not make Spaceman immune.


I will spend a HP to stunt this power off my Space Control Array:

Blast 8 (Extras: Autofire; Feats: Homing 3, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment]) {32/32} (Descriptors: Bring Hazard, Change distance to hazardous environment or effect)


And then I'll attack Eclipse with the power of the sun: 11, and I'm gonna reroll that with another HP for: 22

That's a DC23TOU + 1DC for every 2 above defense, at max +4 from Autofire. Indirect might catch her flat-footed, but doubt it given all that's going on now.


Well Rot'a power does Affect Insubstantial 1, so it would work at half effect I think? So it would be DC 14 Drain and DC 19 damage, which I think means you're safe from both effects due to the save.


Her power is also Distracting, meaning Eclipse is flatfooted against retaliation, which turns out to be really bad for her here, because it means she takes the full DC 27.


Toughness Save: 1d20+12: 32


Natural 20. Oof.



Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23, 1x Bruise

Dragon Star: 23, Staggered, 4x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 2HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 1HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 2HP


@Huckleberry Rot's turn! 


Alright, how about Rot will use her standard action to use her distract feat on Eclipse, using Intimidate and skill mastery to give Eclipse a DC 25 check with the highest of her Intimidate, Sense Motive, or Willpower bonuses or be Dazed for one round.


Then Rot will use her movement action to get next to what's left of the dragon. 


Hmm, I guess Rot should surge and attack the dragon too. Never mind about that move action. She'll charge the dragon and all out attack with Poof! And then use a hero point to recover.


To hit: 18


That's a rank 13 Toughness Drain and rank 13 damage if that hits. 




Another question. If Eclipse's powers are "not" Rot's powers, would she be immune to Rot's damage and drain, or immune to her own? Being immune to both would seem to clash with the concept of Eclipse's powers "not" being Rot's powers. 


Same for Rot too, would she be immune to Eclipse's damage and drain?


Over all, it seems to me like the idea of Eclipse's powers "not" being Rot's powers creates more problems than it solves.


okay, uh... let me see.


This isn't in order but this is how I'm choosing to discuss it;


Eclipse stole Rot's powers using Mimic, including Mimicing the Immunity to her own powers; they then became immune to each other's powers; Rot couldn't hurt Eclipse, Eclipse couldn't hurt Rot using Rot's powers. It was essentially a double edged sword; she can't hurt Rot anymore, but the person with the highest damage possibility in the group can't hurt her either.


However, this doesn't let Rot remove the effects of damage or drains inflicted by Eclipse, because it's not Rot that's doing it; Reversible is effects you created, not effects that match the descriptor.


The way I'd sort of look at it is like this;


Rot has Immunity 1: Rot's Attack Array, she is specifically immune to effects from 'Rot's Attack Array'. she's immune to other effects but that one is the relevant portion.

Eclipse has Mimiced the power 'Rot's Attack Array'; she has acquired it, including it's Flaws and Feats. Rot is Immune to 'Rot's Attack Array' due to her Immunity, so any power Eclipse uses that is based on Rot's Attack Array is ineffective on Rot.

Eclipse has also Mimiced the power 'Immunity 1: Rot's Attack Array'. So she is immune to 'Rot's Attack Array' as well; so any of Rot's attacks using the Attack Array don't work on her.


However, they still have two different POWERS; that is to say, while they have the exact same name and the exact same effects, they are still different powers, thus they can't reverse each other's effects using the Reversible power feat.


It's the same reason that, for instance, someone with Fire Control couldn't use the Reversible power feat on someone else's Fire Control to turn it off; they have the same effect but it's different powers.


That may not be how other GMs will run it, but that's how it makes sense to me, so it's how I'm gonna run it if this specific situation ever happens again, though I doubt it will just given how specific it is.


Now for the actual turn:


Opposed Intimidate: 1d20+10: 15 [1d20=5] So she's Dazed for her next turn.


18 hits.


Fort Save Against Drain: 1d20+13: 17 [1d20=4] So the Dragon loses 3 toughness.


Toughness Save: 1d20+6: 7 [1d20=1] The Dragon is obliterated.


@The Sailor Torpedo Lass II's turn once Huck does an IC post, so you can go ahead and get your action rolled up! Then I'll do a GM post once you both do your IC :)


Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23, 1x Bruise, Dazed

Spaceman: 20, 2HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 0HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 2HP





Posted (edited)

Reflex Save: 8, Using HP: Rolled a 4, so that makes it 14 and with a +5 reflex save that's a 19


Half Damage.


So now for the Drain Toughness check: CRITFAIL AND CAN'T HP.


Vs 0 Toughness TL: 11


Spending 1 HP to shake off the dazed condition so my attack still happens this turn.

Edited by The Sailor
Posted (edited)

24 on the roll for the Reflex Save. Evasion 2 means that she takes no Damage instead.


23 with a Claw attack from Puma will redirect her ire to go after Eclipse lady and combo straight off of Torps big attack, dashing towards her. She will then Surge to do a trip attack (if she isn't knocked out), scoring a 22 (26 with Improved Trip). From there, Puma will make if such was successful a 26 with her Dex to finish the trip attempt.


HP to cancel fatigue. 

Edited by MoonSimply

With the portal threatening to open up wider and Eclipse immune to Rot's powers, Rot could try a Power Check using her Disintegration to try and destroy the portal, or at least part of it, before it finishes opening.


@RocketLord has the first action, then @Huckleberry and then @The Sailor. We'll see where we are after that.


Puma: 29. 3HP

Eclipse: 23, 2x Bruise, Staggered, Prone

Spaceman: 20, 2HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 0HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 1HP, Bruise




So it doesn't really go with the apparent direction of the narrative, and I'm all about adding to the narrative, so I'll probably just have Rot make a power check to destroy the portal as suggested, but . . . . is there any reason Rot couldn't just reverse the effect of her original attack on the umbral stone and have it go back together, now that the dragon is vanquished?


Alright, gonna switch away from the stunt and back to elongation and super-strength, since her being prone means that I'd take a penalty to hit otherwise and Personal Space Control Array to Super-Strength.


Power Attack Maneuvre for +2DC/-2ATK, and rolling to punch her: 14

That should hit, as confirmed by Poncho, meaning a DC25 TOU save.


Gonna try to establish a grapple if she's still standing: 52


And depending how that goes, I might want to do something more.


I'm gonna hold Eclipse with the grapple so Torpedo Lass and Puma can hit her, since she's now Bound and Helpless with an effective Defense of 5, in addition to you getting +4 to hit and being able to coup de grace if you want to!


IC coming tomorrow


So, on her turn, Rot will use a free action to reverse the effects of her powers on the Umbral stone. Then, she will try to slam Eclipse. My (suspect) understanding of that combat manuever is to replace Rot's -1 strength modifier with +4 for an accelerated move and potentially add movement ranks to damage for flight, but my read of the progression table is that she'd need to be at least 100 feet away to get even an additional +1, so discounting that.


Anyhoo, rolled an 11, which I believe actually hits, for a DC 19 Toughness save. Rot would take a +2 damage, but it wouldn't get through her impervious toughness. 


I think that is all right, at least. Though I think you're right regarding the movement ranks, so it's just the +4.


Toughness Save: 1d20+8: 10


So a Bruise and Daze. Go ahead and get your IC post up.


@The Sailor TL2's turn, and she can hit a coup de grace on the helpess Eclipse if she is in or gets into Melee range.


Puma: 29. 3HP

Eclipse: 23, 4x Bruise, Staggered, Prone, Daze, Helpless

Spaceman: 20, 2HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 0HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 1HP, Bruise

Posted (edited)

It's time...


First will do a full round action to leap into melee, then surge to execute hull breaking strikes as a Coup de Grace on Eclipse. No worries I'm only gonna knock her the heck out. But darn if I'm not gonna make it look like it hurt.

Edited by The Sailor

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