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Red Team: Jeopardy In The Jungle (OOC)

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Grapple Roll Results 2#1d20+14: 2 # 20 [1d20=6] 15 [1d20=1]


so two drones are Grappled, then thrown into two other drones. Since these are minions, I'll just take 10 on those attacks as well; since the idea is you have taken 10 on the first minions, grappled them, then thrown them as projectiles.


While that's a lot of rolls, it makes since you'd need to do something like that to me, since this is basically making two attacks in a turn, plus since they're minions it's not that bad. So now the drones have to make DC 23 Toughness saves- your Telekinesis Power Rank's damage-


Toughness Results 4#1d20+8: 4 # 12 [1d20=4] 20 [1d20=12] 28 [1d20=20] 19 [1d20=11]


So that's 3 destroyed Drones, leaving 1 of the 4 okay and one that wasn't targeted. Go ahead and make an IC post @Dracosternand then it's @Avenger Assembled's turn


Round 3

Neko: 28, 1HP

Kazra: 26, Dazed, 2x Bruised

Timeout: 21, 3HP

Esquire: 21, 1x Bruise, Everyone has Total Concealment from him.

Drones: 13, 2 of them remaining

Hotshot: Unconscious

Daniel: 4, Bruise

Iris: 4 2HP

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Man, now I need to figure out what a 28 and a 15 on History get.


so I'll say at the least, 15 is enough to remember the Crimson Katana from History Class; Imperial Japan's most evil Super-Soldier in WW2 and beyond.


Probably Lawrence is also aware of how there's been multiple Crimson Katanas and Katanarchists since, even to the present day. If AA wants to add anything since it's a roll about something relevant to his character that they would know, he should feel free to overwrite me here.


We'll also drop out of combat time.

Edited by Poncho
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

to make sure it's clear for our mental psychics; he's not actually near as cool as he's acting. This is like clearly him putting on the stiff upper lip to try and avoid cowering. He's definitely beat; that's on me for not being super clear.

Edited by Poncho
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

sorry! I'm not dropping this, I was just trying to give @Thevshi a chance to post.


If she's not got the time I can totally do one more GM post and then you can each wrap up with one more post of what you did during the rest of your trip so you can have your pterodactyl hunt

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