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It is Black and It’s Hollow and It’s Cold

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Bernadette smirked at Charlie's comment about how she would be the one to complain if he got hit in the face. The redhead then focused back on Vic. "Sure, we can do two different matches, if that’s how you all want ta do things."


Suddenly Bernadette’s duplicate had popped into existence next to her. "But o' course I can provide an opponent fer each o' you." The duplicate stated with a grin.


The two redhead waited to see Charlie and Vic's reactions.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Charlie grins as Bernie creates a duplicate and states that she can provide fights for each of them. Part of him wants to do a joke about having dreams like this, but not today. Bernie's dealing with enough already.


"Sure, sure. If you want to get your cute butt whooped two times at once, then, by all means." 


He takes a step back, staff in hand. She's getting better, but knowing Bernie, it might help to fight it out.

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Vik grins as Bernie produces a duplicate for her and Charlie to fight. "Well, you're right Bernie. That does make things interesting."


23 hours ago, RocketLord said:



Charlie grins as Bernie creates a duplicate and states that she can provide fights for each of them. Part of him wants to do a joke about having dreams like this, but not today. Bernie's dealing with enough already.


"Sure, sure. If you want to get your cute butt whooped two times at once, then, by all means." 


He takes a step back, staff in hand. She's getting better, but knowing Bernie, it might help to fight it out.


"Ugh," she says, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Puh-lease. Flirt on your own time, lovebirds. There are more important things to do at the moment, like...settle who's the strongest. And it's obviously me!" 


She extends her arms out, and long claws extend from her fingertips. Stilt-like hinged bony protrusions emerge from her legs, and she now resembles a horrific praying mantis. Vik's eyes have turned a milky white, and she takes a step back, and gestures towards Bernie with a mocking "come hither" motion. "Your move, Bernie!" 

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Bernadette was about to make a comment in response to Charlie when Vic commented about flirting on their own time. "Spoil sport." The redhead said to Vic with a slight grin as she and her duplicate moved toward their respective opponents.


The duplicate that went after Charlie regarded her options slightly as he took a step back with his staff ready. She knew he was far too good with the staff (so much for no weapons) that any prolonged fight would favor him. Her best bet was to get in close fast and get ahold of him and rely in on her much greater strength. Deciding on her course of action, the redhead rushed forward, diving at Charlie to try to tackle him.


Meanwhile, the original Bernadette circled slightly around Vic as she moved carefully closer. While she had been in a couple fights and some training alongside Vic, she still did not know her ability as well as Charlie and some of the others. So, the Irish teen decided to see what she could gage about her opponent. Stepping in, she launched a round house kick at the side of Vic's head, but did not put everything into the attack, instead preparing to dodge aside should Vic block or avoid the attack and counter….

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Vik grinned at Bernie's reaction. "Well, hey. There's a time for flirting and a time for fighting. Unless you two are one of those couples that quips back and forth while you fight the same villain? Honestly, I hope not...woah!" 


Vik's arm shot up just in time to intercept Bernie's expertly executed roundhouse kick. A realization dawned on her that she might have underestimated Bernie's abilities. Maybe I've bitten off more than I can chew. It's better to take her out quickly.


She suddenly leaped towards Bernie, claws brandished (though blunted to prevent injury) like some terrible beast, and attempted to take her down as quickly as possible. Her arms blurred as she attacked with speed and ferocity, a flurry of bone claws aimed at Bernie. "Hope you can - ha - split your attention, Bernie, cuz I'm gonna give you a run for your money!" she said as she pressed forward with the relentless attack. 

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Twirling the staff in his hand, Charlie smiles while Bernie's dupe weighs her options. He seems almost more interested in spinning the staff around than actually sparring.


Of course she tries to get in close. It'd instantly eliminate any distance advantage the staff might provide him. It's good, it's smart, and she's fast enough to make it work, but Charlie follows suit, rushing towards Bernie himself, planting the staff down a bit in front of her and using it to leap over her, landing in a crouch behind her.


"C'mon, gotta work harder than that to get your hands on me."

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  • 2 weeks later...



The duplicate quickly rolled back up to her feet as Charlie vaulted himself over her. Turning back to face him, the redhead weighed her next move. As long as he had his staff, he had a clear advantage and more options on facing her. So, this time when the duplicate moved in, her goal was not to get at Charlie, but to catch ahold of the staff. If she could get ahold of it, her strength should be more than enough get it away from Charlie.


Meanwhile, the original Bernadette took a couple steps backward as she quickly dodged Vik’s flurry of strikes. "Not quiet how my duplicates work." The Irish teen said to her teammate with a slight grin. "While I have a mental link with my duplicates, I don' control them or anythin'."


As she dodged to the side of the last of Vik's punches, the redhead spotted an opening and reached out quickly to grab Vik’s wrist as she shifted to the right side of the zombie girl. In a quick movement, Bernadette pulled on Vik's arm so it was extended out, while her free hand pushed on the other girl's upper back. A moment later, she had Vik down on the mat, right arm pinned out to the side and Bernadette’s knee in her upper back. The redhead’s left arm grabbed Vik's left wrist, pushing it down before she could try to push herself back up.

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Posted (edited)


Vik confidentially pressed her advantage, trying to push the Irish teen further and further. But this confidence was cut short when, moments later, she was completely pinned. She flexed her claws and tried to escape, but there was no getting out of this one - not unless she wanted a broken arm.


After a few moments of struggling, Vik sighed. "Well done," she said reluctantly, though it was not without respect. The brawls she was used to in juvenile detention were fast, brutal, and didn't stop until the other girl was unconscious, or more likely, until the guards pulled them off each other. She realized that she had a lot to learn to become a superhero like them...and that was okay. All this she realized in the few moments it took for her to realize she was well and truly pinned, and she chuckled to herself. "Okay, Red, let up. I give." Maybe all this embarrassment she had been feeling was for nothing? Perhaps it was even okay to be a rookie - as long as she was learning with her team. 

Edited by Lone_Star
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Charlie is well aware that he can't stand up to Bernie if she gets her hands on him, duplicate or not. She's too strong for him to break a grapple, a punch might be enough to take him out... So yeah, staying back is better. His staff and experience are his advantages here... and he can see that Bernie has realized that too.


"To your left," he jokes, feinting towards the right with a strike, waiting for Bernie to try to grab it, before pushing the hidden button to collapse the staff, pulling it away from Bernie's grab just before she can reach it, before dropping to his knees, sweeping the staff towards the duplicate's legs as he extends it again.

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