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WIP - Woodsman

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Abilities: 8 + 14 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 6 = 52PP

Strength 18 (+4)

Dexterity 24 (+7)

Constitution 18 (+4)

Intelligence 18 (+4)

Wisdom 18 (+4)

Charisma 16 (+3)


Combat: 20 + 16 = 36PP

Initiative: +11

Attack: +10, +11 w/Hatchet, +14 with bow

Grapple: +14/+22 w/Escape Artist

Defense: +14 (+8 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -3/-2/-1


Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15PP

Toughness: +6/+4 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5)

Reflex: +12 (+7 Dex, +5)

Will: +9 (+4 Wis, +5)


Skills: 156R = 39PP

Acrobatics 13 (+20)

Bluff 7 (+10)

Climb 7 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Craft (chemical) 1 (+5) 

Craft (mechanical) 6 (+10)

Craft (structural) 1 (+5) 

Drive 3 (+10) 

Escape Artist 15 (+22)

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Handle Animal 2 (+5) 

Intimidate 13 (+16)

Investigate 1 (+5) 

Knowledge (cosmology) 1 (+5) 

Knowledge (history) 1 (+5) 

Knowledge (streetwise) 1 (+5) 

Knowledge (tactics) 6 (+10)

Knowledge (technology) 6 (+10) 

Languages 2 (French, Spanish, Base: English) 

Medicine 2 (+6, Skill Mastery) 

Notice 15 (+19, Skill Mastery)

Search 6 (+10)

Sense Motive 11 (+15) 

Stealth 15 (+22, Skill Mastery)

Survival 11 (+15) 


Feats: 31PP

Acrobatic Bluff 

Attack Specialisation (bow) 2

Beginner’s Luck

Challenge 2 (Fast Acrobatic Bluff, Fast Startle)

Defensive Roll 1

Dodge Focus 6

Equipment 3

Evasion 2

Hide In Plain Sight 

Improved Initiative

Jack of all Trades


Master Plan 2

Power Attack

Quick Draw

Skill Mastery (Climb, Medicine, Notice, Stealth)


Takedown Attack 

Track (visual) 

Uncanny Dodge (auditory) 


Equipment: 15EP

Hatchet (Damage 3, PFs: Masterwork, Mighty) [5EP]

Motorcycle [9EP]


Powers: 22PP

Device 5 (25PP, Woodsman Costume, Flaw: Hard to Lose, PF: Subtle [Concealable]) [21PP]

Bow Array 8 (16PP, PFs: Alternate Powers 2) [19PP] 

BE: Blast 6 (crossbow, PFs: Improved Crit, Improved Range 1 [75 ft increment], Variable Descriptor 2 [any physical]) [16PP] 

AP: Damage 10 (bomb, Extra: Area [Burst], Flaw: Limited [5 uses a day], PFs: Subtle 2, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [any chemical]) {15/16}

AP: Damage 10 (bomb arrow, Extra: Area [Burst], Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Limited [5 uses a day], PFs: Improved Range [75 ft increment], Subtle, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [any chemical]) {15/16]

AP: Obscure 4 (all senses, 10 ft) [8] + Super-Movement 4 (Slow-Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling 2) [8+8/16]

Enhanced Feats 4 (Improvised Tools, Second Chance 2 [Toughness vs. Bullets, Toughness vs Falling])., Ultimate Save [Toughness]) [4PP] 

Super-Senses 2 (Extended Vision, Infravision)  [2PP]

19 + 4 + 2  


Features 1 (Temporal Inertia [not from here]) [1PP] 


22 + 31 + 39 + 15 + 36 + 52


I think the Hatchet is 6 EP?

Masterplan 2 - is that use Tactics instead of INT?

No favoured environment [woods]? :D

If you are min-maxing: Its extremely rare you would be distracted with Survival skill (Its pretty much aways take 10 or 20), whereas Medicine SM is pretty handy if you hit +5 or more (you can do it under fire to remove a stun off an ally). 


Out of interest the woodsman costume bow array - is that essentially a bow thats is part of his costume (cant be disarmed)?

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