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Dwayne Devon Davidson- Devon 51


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Devon 51
Power Level:
10/10 (150/178PP)
Unspent Power Points: 28pp
Trade-Offs: -3/+3 Attack and Toughness in Powerhouse form, +2/-2 Attack and Toughness in Speedster form. All other forms -0/-0


In Brief: an EMT gains the ability to turn into any number of Preserver modified Aliens, uses them to be a superhero.

Catchphrase: "Your number just came up."

Theme: Symbiotic- Starset


Alternate Identity: Dwayne Devon Davidson (Public), Three-D
Yonkers, New York

Residence: An apartment in Southside Freedom City
Occupation:  Full-Time EMT, member of the Atom Academy, Superhero
Affiliations: Atom Academy, the Freedom Metro Fire Department

Family: His Father and Mother still living in Yonkers, his sisters, one in Oregon and one in Manhattan


Age: 32 (DoB: 1991)
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Mixed-Race Caucasian/African American
Height:  5'10
Weight:  170lbs
Eyes:  Brown


Dwayne is a somewhat average looking man with curly black hair and a trimmed goatee and mustache. He's all business most of the time; serious, forthright, and honest. He was raised by his parents to work hard, never complain, and never back talk. He's taken these lessons to heart, but added some of his own; to be honest, to help others when they need them, and to drop a few extra dollars in the collection plate when he can. He keeps his clothes pressed and his shoes clean.




Born in Yonkers, New York, Dwayne Davidson grew up under the watchful eye of his father Patrick and his mother Shawna. Even in one of the most metropolitan areas in the world, there are still people who look down on a mixed-race kid. Dwayne wasn't the smartest, but he was a pretty hard worker, and he had good enough grades to have a decent pick to do what he wanted to with his life. His desire to help others led him to the NYFD, and the EMT training within. After he finished his training, he worked in the Bronx for a few years, but eventually the higher pay and the more consistent need of Freedom City called his interest, and Dwayne moved to the City of the Future, setting himself up in an apartment in Lincoln and joining a local fire station. Three-D became a favored member of the community afterwards; helping the elderly and the young both on and off the clock.


It changed during a big pile up on the Century Bridge during a Super Villain attack, one so bad that multiple precincts were called in for triage and rescue. During that moment, a random man- someone who Dwayne had never met before and never would again- was trapped in their car, threatening to tip over the edge. Dwayne ran to save them without concern, and as he tried to lift the man out, the car went over the bridge.


But rather than hitting the water, the man turned into an alien and carried the car to safety before collapsing.


The explanation was fast, but filled with important information, enough that Dwayne still isn't sure exactly what happened.


'This device is ancient Preserver Technology; the Encyclopedia Eternita. I've been keeping it safe, hidden, from those would would misuse it. But...now I have no more time left. Please. Keep this safe.'

And then the man died. And as the Encyclopedia Eternita left his wrist, he reverted back into a Lor. And the Encyclopedia bound itself to Dwayne. Damaged and in need of repair, the piece of super-technology now permanent bound to Dwayne is far from living up to it's potential. But under the watch of the Atom Family and with Dwayne's patient, careful nature, it's secrets are ready to slowly be unraveled.


But there are many that want the Encyclopedia, and Dwayne will have to protect it.


Personality & Motivation:

Dwyane is driven to help others and to figure out the burden that has been placed on him. He cares about Lincoln and his neighbors, but he also wants to use his powers to help others, which is what has led him to open come out as a Superhero to protect others. Calm, patient, and at times introspective, Dwayne will leap in to protect others, but always be considering his options. He is open to teams and defers to the more knowledgeable when in them; he knows he's great as a back-up, so he's naturally supportive of others and will attempt to cater to what others need to support them.


Powers & Tactics:

Dwayne's powers come entirely from the Encyclopedia Eternita; a wrist-watch looking device with a plate of numbers. It's primary color-scheme is blue and yellow, appropriate for an EMT. By entering a combination of numbers and twisting the plate, Dwayne can transform into any number of aliens that were catalogued by the Preservers; transforming into an exemplar of any species the Preservers recorded or modified. While he has certain creatures he favors, this is mostly because he has memorized the button combinations for them- since he can't translate the numbers himself, he has to rely on rote memorization to determine which form he gets-.


In battle, he generally picks a form that supports his allies, shoring up weaknesses or figuring out what they need more of before switching to it. By himself he tends to favor his Tempestian or Kelvanic transformations, but he's not afraid of turning into Humbaba when he needs the sheer brute force. He's not fond of Wrinkles.


Power Descriptions:

All of Dwayne's powers are Alien in nature, and natural expressions of that Alien's power. If he transforms into a Tempestian, he can throw lightning bolts. If he turns into a Jerrid, he becomes a powerful, fast swimming crocodile man. While they are provided by the machine, they are equally the alien or natural powers of the alien. This means that the powers can be disrupted by disrupting the Encyclopedia just as much as disrupting the actual Alien's biology.





DIAL H FOR HERO: Dwayne is a naturally self-sacrificing person, always looking out for others.


DIAL P FOR PRESERVER: Anyone who has an interest in Preserver technology is likely to want to get their hands on the Encyclopedia.

DIAL C FOR COLLECTOR: Specifically, creatures like The Collector would love to add it to their collection, since it's a massive repository of a significant amount of the Preserver's genetic manipulation efforts.


DIAL S FOR SYMBIOTE: The Encyclopedia is bound directly to Dwayne's vital systems; since it's forcefully changing him into various aliens, it has to be connected to almost every organ and muscle in his body- visible in appropriate scans as millions of micrometer thin wires throughout his body. These are not harmful to him, but it makes removing the Encyclopedia an extremely dangerous prospect; improper removal could result in Dwayne taking serious damage or being severely injured until it's returned to him


DIAL R FOR REPAIRS: This is made even worse by the fact that the Encyclopedia is not fully functioning due to wear and tear. It may provide incorrect translations using it's Communication power, it may turn Dwayne into the wrong alien, or it may have damaged sections of information that make it impossible to correctly use.


Caught Between Cultures; Dwayne is mixed-race, and all his transformations are, where appropriate, similarly mixed-race. This can lead to prejudice no matter what form he's in. Even more so, he doesn't really know anything about Alien Cultures, at least in specific, so if an alien comes to him expecting him to know culture related to the alien he is, he likely will not know it. He is also prone to being affected by the emotions and general feelings of the Alien he has taken the form of; loud, boastful Aurochians make Dwayne bold and boastful, while Machiros are constantly moving as fast as they can and make him unable to stop moving.


One at a time, please!; Dwayne can't change the Variable descriptor on his Blaster Array without completely changing his alien type, and similarly he may be unable to change his Variable Power without changing into a brand new Alien, depending on how the GM wishes to portray it.


Abilities: 2 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 26PP
Strength: 12/36 (+1/+13) 
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16/30 (+3/+10)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)/ 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 16 (+3) 
Charisma: 12 (+1) 


Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP
Initiative: +2 Base, +10 Speedster form
Attack: +6 Base,

+7 Melee in Powerhouse Form,
+10 in Sensor Form
+12 Melee in Speed Form
+10 with Energy Array in Blaster Form
Defense: Base +6
+7 (+6 Base, +1 Dodge Focus) in Powerhouse Form, +3 Flatfooted,
+10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus) in Sensor Form, +3 Flatfooted
+12 in Speed Form, +6 Flatfooted

+10 (+6 Base, +4 Shield) in Blaster Form, +3 Flatfooted
Grapple: +7 Base, +23 in Powerhouse Form, possibly more depending on Variable
Knockback: -1 in Base Form, -7 in Powerhouse Form, -5 in Blaster and Senses Forms, -4 in Speed Form


Saves: 5 + 6 + 5 = 16PP
Toughness: Powerhouse Form: +13/Speedster Form +8/Sensor Form +10 (+6 Flatfooted)/Blaster Form +10 (Impervious 8 for Energy that matches the current Blast)/ Default +3 (+3 Con)
Fortitude: +8 Base, Speedster, Sensor, and Blaster (+3 Con, +5), Powerhouse Form: +15 (+10 Con, +5)
Reflex: +8 Base, Powerhouse, Sensor, Blaster (+2 Dex, +6), Speedster +12 (+2 Dex, +10) 
Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) 


Skills: 40R = 10PP
Bluff 10 (+11)

Drive 4 (+6)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 6 (+9)/ 6 (+11)

Language 1 (Base: English, Spanish)

Medicine 7 (+10)

Notice 6 (+9)/ 14(+17) in Sensor Form

Pilot 2 (+4)

Profession (EMT) 4 (+7)

Search 0 (+3)/ 0 (+5)/ 12 (+15) in Sensor Form

Feats: 6PP
Luck 2
Benefit (Atom Academy Member)
Distract (Bluff)
Fast Feint


Powers: 68 = 68PP


Device 17 (Encyclopedia Eternita, 85PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [68PP] (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver)

  • Comprehend 3- (Speak One Language at a Time, Understand and Read all Languages) (Universal Translator) [6DP]
  • Enhanced Ability- Intelligence 4 (To Intelligence 20, +5) (Onboard Supercomputer) [4DP]
  • Enhanced Feat 1 (Eidetic Memory) (Onboard Supercomputer) [1DP]
  • Variable 2 (10pp of Traits, any Traits) (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver, Alien of Species of transformation) [16DP]
  • Alternate Form 11 (Extra; Linked, Feats; Alternate Power 3) (Technology, Alien, Genetic, Preserver, Alien of Species of transformation) [58DP]
    • Powerhouse Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
      • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
      • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
      • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
      • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +7 Melee) [1]
      • Dodge Focus 1 (to +7 Defense) [1]
      • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
    • Speedster Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
      • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
      • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
      • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
      • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
      • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 (to +12) [6]
      • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
      • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
      • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
      • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
    • Sensor Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
      • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
      • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
      • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
      • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
      • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
      • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
    • Blaster Alternate Form Baseline [55/55]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
      • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
      • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
      • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
      • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
      • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
      • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]


Drawbacks: -0PP


DC Block


Powerhouse Unarmed: DC28 Tou, +7 Accuracy

Speedster Stirke: DC23 Tou, +12 Accuracy

Sensor Strike: DC25 Tou, +10 Accuracy

Sensor Blast: DC25 Tou, +10 Accuracy

Ranged Blaster Single Blast: DC25 Tough, +10 Accuracy, Crits on 18-20, Precise

Ranged Blaster AOE Cone: DC 20 Ref/DC25 Tough




Abilities (26) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (10) + Feats (6) + Powers (68) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/178 Power Points






Some aliens also come with additional complications.





An Auochian from planet Bovini, the Auochians are tall, muscled creatures with oversized arms who are constantly fighting, using their massive, muscular bodies and horns to wrestle for dominance. They become stronger as they become more confident in their own abilities.


I THINK I CAN!: Auochians are powered by their own confidence. If Dwayne starts to lose confidence in himself, he will grow weaker


  • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
  • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
  • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
  • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
  • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +7 Melee) [1]
  • Dodge Focus 1 (to +7 Defense) [1]
  • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Additional Limbs 1- (Tail) [1]
    • Super-Strength 2- (Effective Strength +10, Total Strength 61) [4]
    • Enhanced Feats; Improved Grab, Chokehold, Improved Pin, Crushing Pin, All-Out Attack [5]

Alien Gator III-


A Jereid, from the Jereid Hegemony, Essentially a humanoid Crocodile


Not again!: People know about Alien Gator 1 and 2, and Alien Gator III looks exactly like them, even if he can talk and is clearly helpful.


  • Enhanced Strength 24 (to 36/+13) [24]
  • Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14]
  • Protection 3 (to +13) [3]
  • Impervious Protection 5 [5]
  • Attack Focus: Melee 1 (to +7 Melee) [1]
  • Dodge Focus 1 (to +7 Defense) [1]
  • Super-Strength 3- (Effective Strength +15, Total Strength 51) (Feat: Groundstrike) [7]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Super Senses 1 (Low Light Vision) [1]
    • Regeneration 1 (Bruised after 1 round) [1]
    • Swimming 5 (50mph, 500' move action) [5]
    • Enhanced Feats: Power Attack, All-Out Attack [2]
    • Additional Limbs 1- (Tail) [1]




Quick Claw


a Machairo from planet Macha, these 4 legged tiger-like creatures live in fast forward, as their planet circles their sun at a highly accelerated rate, and they have evolved to adapt; they secrete a paralyzing poison from their claws and mouths.


Cantstopwontstop: Machairos never know how to stop moving, as they are constantly living in fast forward. If they have to stop moving, their respiratory functions also stop.


  • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
  • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
  • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
  • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 (to +12) [6]
  • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
  • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
  • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
  • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Paralyze 5 (Extra; Alternate Save (Fortitude) [10]

Galloping Ghost


A Protoesquise from planet Protoes, these centaur like creatures with 4 legs and 2 arms have no mouths, eyes positioned on eyestalks on their head, and the ability to go invisible and phase through objects.


Basically Long, Weird Fingers; Protoesquise have the same issues with their legs as earth horses; surprising frailty and possibility for damage.


  • Speed 8 (2,500 MPH/25,000' Move Action) [8]
  • Quickness 5 (50x faster Actions) [5]
  • Enhanced Reflexes 4 (to +12) [4]
  • Enhanced Feat: Evasion 2 [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 2 (to +10) [2]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 (to +12) [6]
  • Enhanced Defense 6 (to +12) [12]
  • Protection 5 (to +8) [5]
  • Strike 7 (Feats: Mighty) [8]
  • Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2, Water Running, Flaw: Only while Moving) [3]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Super Senses 1- Radius on regular Vision [1]
    • Concealment 4- All Visual senses [8]
    • Super Movement 1- Permeate (Flaw; Only while Moving) [1]






a Pterochiro from planet Chirodi, they are 6 foot tall bat like creatures with highly advanced sensory organs and front limbs that function as wings.


Bats in the Belfry; Pterochiro are extremely easy to confuse with loud or persistent sounds.


  • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
  • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
  • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
  • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
  • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
  • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
  • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Alternate Variable Power [10/10]
    • Blast 10 (Flaw; Full Round Action, Sonic Wail) [10/10]



An Anuratria from planet Triadoba, these frog like creatures are highly perceptive and highly smart, whose brains work much faster than a normal human's.


Naughty; Anuratria can be a bit...devious.


  • Super Senses 21 (Extended on hearing group [3] (-1/10,000), extended on sight group [3] (-1/10,000), Accurate on hearing group [4], Ultravision [1], Infravision [1], Ultrahearing [1], Analytical on all Vision [2], Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Sense Weakness: Detect Weaknesses, Ranged, Acute, Analyze, Assessment power feat [5]) [21]
  • Enhanced Skills  5- Notice +8 (to +14/+17), Search to +12 (+12/15) [5]
  • Enhanced Attack Bonus 4 to +10 [8]
  • Strike 10- (Feats; Improved Critical 2) [12]
  • Enhanced Feat: Dodge Focus 4- (To +10 Defense) [4]
  • Protection 3- (To +6) [3]
  • Enhanced Feat; Defensive Roll 2- (To +10 Toughness) [2]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Enhanced Intelligence 8 (to 28/+8) [8]
    • Quickness 4 (Flaw; Limited to Mental Tasks) [2]






A Kelvanic from planet Ke, these massive creatures are made of living ice, and and project ice shards and frost storms from their hands, along with summoning Snow storms.


Crushed Ice; Blunt impacts can be severely damaging to Kelvanics.


  • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
  • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
  • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
  • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
  • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Environmental Control 8 (Create Extreme Cold, DC 15 Distraction, reduce movement to one-quarter, reduce visibility) [8]
    • Immunity 1 (Cold) [1]
    • Enhanced Feat: Ranged Pin (Ice Shards) [1]
  • Alternate Variable Powers
    • Blast- added to existing Blast to create any of the following powers
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast, Extras; Area General Cone (+1), Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Scouring, Extras; Alternate Save (Fortitude)) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Rapid-Fire Blasts, Extras; Autofire) [10/10]

Shock and Awe


A Tempestian from planet Tempest, capable of controlling and becoming electricity.


Fun With Magnets: Tempestian electric powers can have some unforeseen magnetic effects. This isn't conscious use, but their lightning bolts can disrupt or move magnetized objects, and on the flipside, concentrated and powerful magnetic fields can disrupt their attacks or shut down their ability to generate electricity at all.



  • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [25]
  • Enhanced Feat: Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (to +10) [4]
  • Shield 4 (to Defense +10) [4]
  • Protection 7 (To +10 Toughness) [7]
  • Flight 5 (250 MPH, 2,500' move action) [10]
  • Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw; Limited to Energy with the same Descriptor as current Energy Array) [4]
  • Immunity 1 (Own Powers) [1]
  • Variable Power [10/10]
    • Enhanced Feats; Power Attack, Accurate Attack, Move-By Action [3]
    • Flight 2- to Flight 7 (1,000MPH, 10,000' per move action) [4]
    • Environmental Control 1 (Generate Light) [1]
    • Communication 2 (Radio, 25 feet) [2]
  • Alternate Variable Powers
    • Blast- added to existing Blast to create any of the following powers
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Blast, Extras; Area General Cone (+1), Feats; Precise, Improved Critical 2, Variable 2) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Elemental Scouring, Extras; Alternate Save (Fortitude)) [10/10]
      • Blast 10 (Rapid-Fire Blasts, Extras; Autofire) [10/10]
Edited by Thevshi
+2pp for December 2024

Ah, I see you woke up and chose violence.


Looks broadly good, just a bunch of the mathmathmathmath stuff that creeps into every sheet and gets amplified by one as modular as this:


You've bought 30PP of Abilities, rather than 28, so you're slightly over-budget.


You've shorted yourself on Initiative and Reflex/Will saves - they're calculated off of +2 Dex and +2 Wis rather than +4 and +3 respectively. You've also bought 6PP of Will save but only paid for 5PP, so that at least may be easy to balance back out.


You've bought 12PP of base Defense, but the Combat line says you've only bought 8PP. The final tally line looks to be correct, though, so this is probably a notation thing rather than a budget thing.


The powerhouse form's Attack Focus (Melee) would boost it to +7, not +8 - which is good, because +8 would break combat caps!

19 hours ago, Fox said:

Ah, I see you woke up and chose violence.


Looks broadly good, just a bunch of the mathmathmathmath stuff that creeps into every sheet and gets amplified by one as modular as this:


You've bought 30PP of Abilities, rather than 28, so you're slightly over-budget.


You've shorted yourself on Initiative and Reflex/Will saves - they're calculated off of +2 Dex and +2 Wis rather than +4 and +3 respectively. You've also bought 6PP of Will save but only paid for 5PP, so that at least may be easy to balance back out.


You've bought 12PP of base Defense, but the Combat line says you've only bought 8PP. The final tally line looks to be correct, though, so this is probably a notation thing rather than a budget thing.


The powerhouse form's Attack Focus (Melee) would boost it to +7, not +8 - which is good, because +8 would break combat caps!


I promise I do it out of love ❤️, thank you for checking my math.


I dropped Charisma by a few points, raised some skills instead; gets the Abilities out.


I checked the Initiative and Ref/Will ; I did accidentally have the wrong modifier next to Dex (+4 instead of +2), but it looks like my Initiative is right; +2 from Dex, then added +8 only when in Speedster to get to +10.


Fixed the 8/13 listing. I also fixed it on the Defense of the Powerhouse forms, which were also overcapped at 8/13. That's a leftover from when the Powerhouse forms were only +2/-2 instead of +3/-3. Both should correctly reflect 7/13 now.





That's fair. which parts do you think should be spoilered? The different configurations would make the most sense to hide, I think


There we go, I've hidden the Complications and made each example Alien it's own spoiler. I could also hide the alternate forms if that would make it read easier.

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