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Hot and Bothered (IC)

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The supergenius detective, scientist, Freedom League reservist, and general all around superhero was, to be honest, not expecting this today. No, not being called for a consult on something. She was highly knowledgeable and extremely competent. It came with the territory. No, her problem was that Predator here was being both respectful and hadn't made a particularly bad job of this incident. It was quite well done, actually. So she was kind of thrown off stride for a few moments there. A small eternity with how fast her mind worked. The usual routine was not applicable.


She took one breath and let it out while perusing the information being sent about as fast as it was coming in. Ah, but she so appreciated competent professionalism. "Fascinating. I'm not quite sure why you've been directed to me, however. You seem to have matters well in hand." For Terrifica, this qualified as high praise. "AEGIS can handle the facility, though they may call me later. Dr. North there needs a medical checkup, which they can also handle, and then WEST can no doubt take good care of him. I'm familiar with Synth, but AEGIS also has files on her. I will certainly help track down that scientist." By which she meant she was already working on a shortlist of candidates for who she could be. Mercenary minded world class bioscience experts were decidedly not a dime a dozen. Though AEGIS again would handle some of the heavy lifting there. "I'm confused. What, specifically, do you need from me? Synth's biology isn't the simplest thing in the world, but unless she's in distress basic care should suffice. Unless there's something you haven't yet mentioned, of course."

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Doctor North staggered over to the comms. 


"Terrifica, this is North. Never mind me. Never mind Synth... that scientist has managed to create weapons. A modified, primitive clone of Synth, loaded up with a concoction of zoom and max


He paused for breath, his flesh still cold, his mind fighting the hypothermia. 


"An army of infiltrators, set to copy anyone. They get into place, the drug capsule bursts, and they go on a killing frenzy. Combined with superior strength and reflexes, they are an almost perfect assassination tool. Can you imagine if OVERTHROW, or any other two-bit terrorist group gets a hold of one..."


He shook his head at the thought. 


"The only consolation is that the clones can't handle the stress of the drugs. They expire, explode, in less than a minute. Quite clever of our scientist really. She makes sure there is always a demand..."

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Terrifica's eyes narrowed. "She'd finished her work and was already selling them." This was not a question. "That is a problem. A deathly serious one. Predator. Do everything you can to lock that facility down as tightly as possible. Work with Doctor North as needed. Your scientist may be returning swiftly with allies inclined to violence. I need to make a few calls and annihilate the speed limit on the way to Freedom to use the teleporter. I'll be there as soon as I can with whoever I can manage to bring." Terrifica really didn't like using that infernal contraption, but this was an emergency. 

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Predator considered what Dr North said. The combination of chemicals sounded reasonable as a base for the explosive effect. Perhaps if she had had more time she could have determined that herself. Perhaps been able to come up with some kind of counter-agent. But, she had been concerned for the doctor’s welfare and rushed ahead.

She replayed her conversation with the scientist in her head and regarded North.

“It would seem I misinterpreted her. When she spoke I thought she had intention to sell, not that she already had.”

The armored hero turned her attrition back to the screen and nodded.

“I’ll secure things as best I can here. I’ll also continue to search the files. Perhaps she was careless and left a data trail of her sales.”

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Dr North clutched the table to steady himself, taking deep breaths. Perhaps it was recovery from his frozen status. Perhaps it was anxiety. It would be unusual for someone so cold to sweat so badly. 


"Yes. Good. We need to alert... alert... alert well everyone really. A new bioweapon is on the market. Damn it! WEST was supposed to stop this. They will have my head on a ten foot pike for this. If only we had more resources..."


A sly eye turned to Predator. 


"Or more superhero agents..."


He dragged himself away from his probe. Dr North was a capable scientist, no doubt. But he had been chosen for his diplomatic abilities, trying to get countries and organisations to coorperate in stopping potentially catastrophic science experiments or strange natural events. 


"Are you any good with computers? This seems to be locked..." he said, fingers fumbling over the scientists computer keyboard...

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Dr North couldn’t see the corner of Jean’s lips curve up behind the smooth faceplate of the Predator armor.

“Yes, yes I am.”


The armored hero moved to take the doctor’s position at the keyboard. It took only a moment and she was in. Multiple passcodes and security measures attempted to stop her, but with Cynthia’s help she easily subverted nearly all of them. A few persisted, but they would fall eventually.

For now, Predator was content with sifting through the message chains and transition notes. Names, dates and locations scrolled across the screen.

“Cynthia, make a copy of everything. Usual security protocols, attempt to freeze and isolate any malware until it can be dealt with later.”


The computer’s voice replied as Predator plugged into the system.


“A backup copy will hopefully ensure no loss of valuable data.”

She commented to Dr North as she glanced at the screens. While her AI’s works on copying files Predator accesses the camp’s CCT network to watch for trouble.

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"Amazing!" said Dr North. "You cut through that computer like butter. Look, if you ever want to help out with WEST, then we could sure use your help. We have bases everywhere, and our headquarters is on Easter Island..."


He paused, his breath a groan. 


"That's right. WEST is run by North on East. Haha. Yes very good. Not deliberate, I assure you. Easter Island is just the most remote landmass we could get. In case we find something a bit... you know. Explosive..."


He cast his eyes to the six hypersynth clones floating. "Which reminds me - what are we going to do with these? They havent been imprinted yet. And they are explosive. But... they are still alive... arent they?"

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Predator made a noncommittal noise at the suggested pun, they weren’t her strong suit when it came to humor but she had heard better from old friends.

“While I prefer to remain independent, if WEST has need, I will do what I can to help.”

She offered.


She did turn her attention from the monitors and regarded North, then the clone vats.

“If the volatile chemicals could be removed, I can’t see any reason not to grant them asylum.”

Predator admitted.


“They have made no conscious decision in regards to the purpose they were conceived for. They shouldn’t be penalized for their creator’s poor choices.”

She crossed her arms.

“If they truly are blank slates, they may eventually be able to be taught to enter society as productive members of the populous.”

She paused a moment

“But, that is merely my own opinion.”

Predator turned back to the screens.

“I assume as potential bio-weapons, some agencies or another will want to take them into custody, for research and study. My only hope is that it is an agency with better intentions than to further our departed scientist's designs.”

The armored helmet glanced back at Dr North. And while simply a smooth reflective surface, the doctor could probably feel Jean’s gaze scrutinizing him.

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