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One of the alien soldiers attacked Predator, but she avoided it. Even as she reached  out, the blades slid back into the gauntlets and she grabbed the attacker. She attempted to spin him around and grapple him, but the alien managed to twist himself and her grip failed to secure a grip. Her mechanical fingers unable to find purchase where they slipped from its armor.


Predator gave the Boran a nod and assumed a defensive posture as she noticed the larger one she’d knocked down getting back up.

Edited by Spacefurry
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  • 2 weeks later...



The Boran facing Predator snarled at her as it managed to pull free from her grapple attempt. Taking a step back, it gave itself room to swing its large melee weapon at the heroine again, but the smaller Predator easily managed to duck under the swing. The two faced off once more as the nearby troopers all held their fire, not wanting to risk firing into the melee.


A short distance away, the Boran that was facing Fleur with the remaining Hunter mecha managed to land another blow with its weapon on the plant-controlling heroine. The other troopers also held their fire, not having any clear targets. They also were starting to appear nervous, as their leader was now down, as was one of the Justicars, and Paradigm was no longer hindered by the Delaztri crystal.


The remaining telepathic Hound sent a blast of mental energy at the Praetorian leader, the psychic blast striking her easily. However, Paradigm appeared unfazed by the attack, remaining focused on the fight around her.


The black clad telekinetic Hound moved around the central of the battlefield and reached out with its telekinesis to grapple La Puma, trying to hold her in place…

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Michael had been prepared to try and block the axe swinging down at him from the giant lizard man, but it was casually stopped by Paradigm. He would have had to try his best to stop it, and still might not have been able to, but there was this Hero just doing it easily. He grimaced a bit about that and tried to step up, flying up to swing at the big lizard alien's face, but the creature moved it's head and he caught only air, which he felt was quite embarassing. He floated around the creature afterwards, trying to keep his eye on the entirety of the battle as best he could, including watching out for Carmen, in case she needed help.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The remaining large mecha saw both Sovereign and a Justicar fall in short order. Rather than focus on the Terran heroine before it, who was mainly acting on the defensive, the mecha decided it needed to try to deal with one of the more serious threats.


Moving away from Fleur, the large mecha closed with Paradigm, bringing its plasma bladed down at the Praetorian in a wide swing. However, the Naram paragon was easily able to side-step the attack, the blade cutting into the pavement next to her instead.


A short distance away, the remaining Justicar climbed back to his feet, taking a moment to glance about. He then leveled his weapon at the held La Puma Negra, firing a blast of energy at the teen, hoping to remove her from the fight. But Star Khan stepped back into the path of the attack, raising one gauntleted hand to deflect the blast away.

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La Puma Negra


Bounding at breakneck speed to another combatant after taking out the one she had been fighting and was now aiming for one of the other Lieutenants that was currently fighting with Golden Star. Then there was a sudden feeling of something coming over her body, like a large invisible hand wrapping around her body where she was frozen in her tracks. It brought her off her feet as she struggled, attempting to steel herself against it, watching now as the last standing Justicar aimed a shot towards her. Helpless to stop it, Puma braced herself, for a shot that didn't come. Instead, Star Khan jumped in front of her, deflecting the shot with his bracers, sending it flying away. Even as she struggled, there was breath of relief thanks to this strange alien stranger.


Now however was the time to escape, and using her intuition, noted the alien creature or being that was targeting her. Puma wasn't going to let it off easy and using her lithe and agile body, somehow managed to slip out of its telekinetic hold upon her. That meant that La Puma Negra was now in full sprint of a new target, and with a pounce like maneuver, slashed at this supposed hound with a fury, appearing to catch it enough off guard. 

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La Puma's attack knocked the alien humanoid off its feet, dazing it in the process, although it was not quite out of the fight yet.


Over near Golden Star, Paradigm focused her attention on the massive Khanate mecha that had moved over to attack her. The Naram delivered a powerful left hook that knocked the mecha a short distance away and to the ground, the pilot dazed for the moment.


Star Khan leveled his dark eyes at the remaining Justicar once La Puma had managed to free herself from the telekinetic grip of one of the Hounds. "As if your treachery were not enough, you have proven yourself truly craven." The Khanate ruler stated as he flew over and delivered a powerful punch to the armored figure. The blow sent the Justicar flying backward a short distance, crashing to the pavement in an unconscious heap.


 The Boran facing Paradigm saw its ally taken down by Star Khan, noting that the number of combatants that posed a significant risk to either the Khanate ruler or the Praetorian leader were rapidly dwindling. Roaring in frustration, the large alien swung his axe wildly at Paradigm, trying to put everything he could behind the attack in an attempt to harm the Naram. However, Paradigm was easily able to sidestep the attack, causing the Boran to stumble past her, slightly off balance.

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Posted (edited)



Predator had easily ducked the Boran’s swing. They were slow and sloppy. He really should have chosen a lighter weapon. Weight and power meant nothing if you couldn’t land the blow.


Her gauntlet fist lashed out under servo enhanced speed, but the aim was her own. As if to prove her mental assessment, the alien stumbled back and collapsed under the power of the blow.


She quickly dismissed her would-be attacker and focused on the officer that had the mind to re-engage with her. Power laced through servos and Predator set herself to receive the attacker.

Edited by Spacefurry
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When the mighty Paradigm casually side-stepped the blow by the Boran creature, Michael pulled back his fist and punched it in the face, doing little more than giving it a bruise- he was no greater fighter yet, after all. He shook his hand to get the feeling back in it after hitting the surprisingly tough creature.


"I can handle this one if there's someone more worth your time, Paradigm. Maybe...I think I can, at least." he said with as much confidence as he could muster.

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Whatever this thing was to this alien race, La Puma wasn't going to take being grabbed by it in some sort of mental projection standing and so continued her assault of the alien being like it was a form of a good Earth welcome. Of course, her welcome was anything but welcoming as she launched into a sort of assault that she had modelled off a video game, slashing several times before pushing her body up to uppercut this hound creature, knocking it out as she flipped backwards, landing on two feet a good few feet away and observing the now knocked out alien. They wouldn't be getting up for a awhile after that.


"Alright, whose next!" she'd shout, a bit too pumped.

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Once again the remaining Hound telepath sent a psychic blast at Paradigm. However, as before, the Naram paragon was seemingly unaffected by the attack as she looked briefly about the area before focusing back on Michael and the Boran he had just hit.

"I appreciate the bravery, and do not doubt you could deal with this one. But right now he is the most significant threat present."


With that, she delivered a powerful right hook to the Boran’s chin.



The blow knocked it off its feet and sent it sailing backward, only halted by slamming into part of the plant barrier that Fleur had put up, where it collapsed to the ground unconscious.


Not far away, Star Khan turned his gaze at the Hound telepath and raised one gauntlet and fired and energy blast that knocked the telepath off its feet and sent it flying backward to similarly land unconscious.


Over by Predator, the remaining conscious Boran looked about, seeing its unconscious leader, the two unconscious Justicars, and so many of its other allies down as well. So the large alien dropped its melee weapon and took a few steps back from Predator as it raised its empty hands in front of it. <"I yield."> It stated in GalStandard, though the intent was rather clear to even those that did not speak the language.


The remaining troopers along the perimeter of the fight similar took their hands off the pommel and triggers of their energy weapons and slowly set them on the ground with their off-hands before taking a step away from them and raising empty hands as well. The remaining Hunter had pushed itself back upright, but seeing that its remaining allies were done fighting, the pilot powered the mecha down, and then disengaged the hatch and climbed out, showing empty hands as well.

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"Uh...y..yeah." He mumbled, watching the creature go flying.


"...Well. Thanks." he said, offering a smile to the Alien. "We uh...we don't have people like you around anymore. I mean there's some. But the Centurion's dead, Captain Thunder's retired...Obviously the Freedom League is supreme, like Miss Fleur, but uh...I've never seen someone whose got powers like I've got up close before. That was...really impressive, M'am." He finally said before looking around and floating over to Carmen. "Er...excuse me, one moment." he said, bending his head in an apologetic gesture before turning to float over to the Catgirl


"...Are you okay? I'm sorry...I got us all tangled up in something and this was supposed to be our first date." he said to her, rubbing his arm. "...Kind of a bad first showing for me as a boyfriend."

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Predator watched as the alien soldier dropped their weapon and backed away. She relaxed he own stance and nodded in acknowledgment as she took a step back to show acceptance of the ‘cease-fire’.


The armored hero moved to rejoin the others, noting the sentiment was shared by the rest of the alien force. 

“Well, it would seem that sensibility has been reached.”

Predator came to stand beside Fleur. She regarded the leader, Sovereign.

“What will you do with him?”

The question obviously directed at Paradigm and Star Khan.

“I would assume your own claim for justice supersedes our own.”

The polished helmet looks up at the taller heroes.

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There was a calm now, the fight over as the hostilities ceased for the time being.  Puma could rest easy as she went from a more animalistic stance to one more passive, not spoiling for a fight that likely if Patriot were here to see this, she would have been harshly critiqued. Too brash and eager, letting herself get after making a tactical error. Puma's breathing was calming down and she could hear Michael speaking to her to see if she was okay. 


"I'm fine, I'm fine," she speaks holding now towards her arm, bruised from whatever sort of weapon that these aliens had used. The adrenaline was starting to fade away quickly, though not too quickly as she turned to face Michael. A bit of soot was still on her from rescuing people trapped in the apartment fire, the ever lingering sulfur smell that wouldn't go away until she took a bath, drawing back bad memories.


"You kidding me, who else gets to meet and fight aliens on a first date? It was great.... well besides getting hit."

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  • 4 weeks later...



Amara looked at Michael a moment before giving him a small smile. "When I first joined the Praetorians over two thousand years ago, I had my brother and the legends of other Naram champions that had proceeded us to follow and aspire to. But since awaking in this century, I have had to learn to forge my own path, for myself and the Praetorians."


She then placed one hand on his shoulder. "You did well. I have no doubt that if you continue to follow the example of those on the Freedom League and your instructors at Claremont, you will be able to get to where you wish to be. But if you ever truly feel you are in need of my perspective, the League and your Headmistress know how to contact me on CoVic Station." She said, giving him a small smile as he excused himself to go over to speak with Carmen.

Star Khan gave Miachael a small nod and smile as well, before turning to regard Predator as she came over to the pair and Fleur. "You once again fought well friend Predator." He said in greeting before he looked down to regard the unconscious Sovereign as well.


"I am sure the League will be able work out jurisdiction issues over Dovox with the Republic and Coalition worlds." Paradigm replied before glancing at Kinarr. "And I am sure the Stellar Khanate would also wish to assert charges against him as well."

"This one has a lengthy history of criminal activity against the Republic and since the Incursion all the Coalition worlds. And the Khanate as well." The young Star Khan stated in agreement.


"But in the meantime…" Paradigm then stated as she raised her left arm and activated her communicator. "Traveller, Galvanic, Moon-Moth. Dovox and his forces have been defeated here. What is the situation on the cruiser?"

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"Yes Ma'am, thank you. I'll certainly take you up on that offer when I'm not swamped with work...I've only been a hero for a couple of months at this point." he said as he waved to her. Then he focused his attention on Carmen


"Yeah, they dinged me pretty good too." Michael agreed as he rubbed his shoulders. "...Those big lizard guys are real tough." he smiled. "But you're as incredible as always. You looked like you really belonged." he said cheerfully. "I mean, I guess you're definitely going to get there some day...so for a first date...yeah! I mean, that's the best first date I think; I got to see you do something super cool, in your element...it's really impressive!" he said. "Like a movie would be fine, but getting to see you express your talents is great too." he rambled for a bit before slowing down and taking a breath, watching the adults at work.


"...We sort of ended up in something really serious, didn't we...we're gonna have a lot to talk about with the others when we end up catching up. If we even get to talk about all this." He said, continuing to both listen to the conversation with Paradigm and the others and his discussion with Carmen at the same time. He was losing his glow now, returning to normal, and he looked a little flushed and tired; he had done a lot already, after all.

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Predator looked down at the unconscious leader of the attack and nodded. With a silent command the Predator armor returned to z-space with only the faintest sound of air rushing into the now empty space.

“While not an actual member rod the League myself, I can not speak for them. But, personally I can offer my services if you should need them in the future.”

She offered Star Kahn her hand, then offered it to Paradigm.

“Hopefully next time we meet, it will be under more peaceful terms.”

She glanced over at the two younger heroes.

“Although it seems the younger ones seem to have no objections to such rowdiness.”

She chuckled.

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  • 1 month later...



Star Khan glanced at Predator's extended hand a moment and then looked over toward Paradigm, who gave him a small nod. Turning back to Predator, he took the offered hand, giving her a smile as he did so. "I appreciate the offer friend Predator. I also hope we are able to meet again."


Paradigm then shook Predator's hand, appearing to have more practice in the Earth custom. "I also hope our next meeting will be under more peaceful circumstances." She then gave a small smile at Predator's comment about the two teen heroes not seeming to object to the rowdiness, glancing that way briefly as well. "I can certainly recall a period where I was more headstrong and quick to action after gaining my powers."


Then the Praetorian's communicator lit up as a response was received to her earlier transmission.




"Waymaker will surrender. Says more forces possibly inbound."


The Naram looked up towards the other heroes. "It sounds like things are under control up there as well. Shall we make our way up to the Lighthouse?"

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"The Lighthouse!? That would be-." Michael stopped, coughed a little, shuffled his feet. Be mature. Act appropriate. This is a serious issue. He straightened up and tried to act mature.


"That would be an honor, if you think it's appropriate. I would hate to intrude, but I would certainly be willing go if you are extending an invitation." Which was about as neutral as he could be when what he really wanted to say was 'please please please take me with you'. He looked at Puma momentarily and smiled, squeezing her hand supportively. Were they out of their depth? Maybe. But at this point Michael was just along for the ride and trying to see where this train of an incredible day was going to go. This was easily the best Valentine's Date he'd ever been on, and they hadn't even gotten to the movie theater yet!


"I promise I won't be a bother."

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