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"What am I? What am I? I am no mere... THING!" roared General Sparks, shaking one lightning fist to the skies. "I AM GENERAL SPARKS! SUPREME COMMANDER OF EARTH!"


He looked around. 


"Where am I? Am I on earth?" he asked, looking quite confounded and confused. The sparks still flewm however. 


The lights on the cieling exploded, and glass tinkled to the ground, covering the heroes. 


"What have you done??? Where am I?" screamed General Sparks. 

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Daniel blinked in surprise when he saw General Sparks in...the real world?! The male twin's eyes shifted around the room briefly, he had to turn away from the flash, a flash that seemed to have awoken Iris. He breathed a sigh of relief before turning to the misplaced villain.


"You shouldn't be here!" He cried out, seeing Carmen's attack fail made Daniel reconsider throwing something at him. "We'll tell you later Carmen! We need to stop this wannabe dictator." With that he pointed towards Sparks and focused. Faint purple waves shot out from his forehead and pressed against the General's. Causing mental pain as Daniel Mind Blasted him!

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Michael was not having a good time, but he had barely calmed down enough. Iris still needed help, but he was calming down a little now that Carmen was here. Then a blinding flash of light almost got him, but he closed his eyes. When General Sparks was monologueing, he felt his rage building again,  "I don't know why...or how... you followed us." Michael said as he turned his attention to the two foot tall energy being. He was glowing heavier and heavier, turning from light gold and pinkish red to a deep, burnt orange and red; like the sun viewed up close. His eyes burned like he had the sun inside himself, even, and he gritted his teeth.


"BUT I WANT YOU TO LEAVE!" he roared, and all of his energy went out at once at Sparks, and everything behind him- everything within the back of his own room, everything in the quad behind it. A blast of pure energy like a solar flare erupted out of his chest in a wave of burning hot plasma.

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The Plasma hit General Sparks like a hurricane. He had barely time to put his hands up and his head to one side before the solar flare ripped through his lightning body. 


And onward. 


It shattered the dorm room wall, sending dust and sparks everywhere. It roared outwards through the grounds, scorching the grass, setting a hedge on fire, and splintering an innocent tree into dust. Only a smoking stump remained, a stump that would forever be known as the "Golden Seat" for those who, strolling the Claremont grounds, fancied a little rest and sit down. 


"Fools!" roared the electical General Sparks. "You are no match for my matchles power. I will de-de-de-destrooooooy you!"


He was glitching now. Large pixellated blurring running through his body like a rampant disease. 


On the ground, the sparking Nintendo 64 lost power and died. 


The blast may not have effected General Sparks, but it had killed the power supply to the Ninento! The whole Claremont dorm was without power!

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The flash as well as the loud noises managed to awaken Iris. She hurt quite a a bit and grunted before getting up and looking around to see this chaos. So they had managed to escape but...General Sparks was here?! Why?! How?! 

Not only that but he seemed to have effected the dorm's electricity and the others seemed to be struggling against him! She could figure out how this happened later. For now she needed to help! So Iris activated her forcefield. A thin purple like surrounded her body for a slit second before dying down. 

Then she mental blasted Sparks in a similar fashion to her brother. However the General's will to conquer was too strong! As such she was unaffected! 

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"...You gotta be kidding...me..." Michael said, staring in absolute disbelief. He'd completely destroyed his dorm room and blown up the quad and the guy wasn't even hurt! Had escaping the game made General Sparks even stronger? Michael hadn't even realized how strong this guy was in the video game, he'd managed to throw him in the collapsing tower and that'd been the end of it.


Michael had blown most of his battery doing something that hadn't even had an effect other than destroying part of the school. It was an earth-shattering blow to his confidence for sure. He grabbed his chest as he was suddenly exhausted, gritting his teeth. He looked almost defeated without having a single attack sent at him this time. When Sparks attacked him, he could only take the blow, gritting his teeth as he tried to gather up what little bits of his battery he could still get energy from as he panted.


"....This guy is ridiculous..."

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General Sparks took one or two steps back, clutching his electical head with electrical hands. The pixellation of his body grew worse. Sparks were flying from his body, landing on the carpet, leaving scorch marks. 


The whole room was now looked like a bomb site. And not just because it has some students living in it. 


"Ridoculous? You think I am worthy of.... RIDICULE? R-R-R-RIDICULE?" said General Sparks, pointing one finger at Golden Star. 


"I'l Sh-sh-show you... RIDICULOUS!"


There was no doubt about it now, he was glitching. 


But the power of his body didnt seem to be lessening. If anything, it was become stronger. And less controlled...

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La Puma Negra


After receiving the most painful shock of her life and somehow coming out of it unharmed, Carmen was not happy, fur already on end and her already long and somewhat wild head of hair was now more so bedraggled than before. A smell of ozone, living electricity before them in some strange manner from whatever it was it came from. Puma would look to the console, to the device for which her fellow students had suddenly appeared from and this apparent being as well, thinking it may be the ticket they need as she pounced towards it, grabbing it swiftly before making a sort of improvised lasso. There wasn't that much experience with such a thing, but she had seen a lot on trips to a rodeo or two back in Puerto Rico, aiming it right for this generalissimo of sorts to wrap around him.


"Gotcha now!" she exclaims as her aim appears true.

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The Nintendo console looped around General Sparks, who looked down in some surprise at the sparking cord. 


"Do you think this feeble thing will hold me? I AM GENERAL SPARKS! I AM INV.."


He glitched. 


"I AM INV..."


He glitched again. 




And with that, he dissappeared. The lassoo and the Ninento fell to the floor. 


There was one brief moment of silence. Some chipped masonry fell to the floor. 


And then the great grandmother of EMP bursts, impossibly coloured a sort of purple-blue wave, ripped through Claremont!

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


After General Sparks flashed and disappeared after Carmen's actions. The twins would take a deep breath and calm down. It was done...it was done, they were safe now! "Thank you Carmen." Daniel speaks up with a smile as he wipes his brow. That was intense. 

Iris, meanwhile, was shaking her head. She hurt like hell but she'll heal, it'll be fine. "Michael, I hope you've learned a lesson here. Don't accept strange objects from well...strangers."

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La Puma Negra


"No sé!"


Puma with good aim managed to lasso this General Sparks, wrapping cord around him along with the console. It was a Hail-Mary sort of play that she was going for, unsure if something like that would even work with this creature. It wasn't like she was winning awards for best grades in physics class here, but it was worth a shot to at least try. To her at the least it could be said that it was the only good idea she had beyond trying to slash him but harder next time.


Then, in a flash, he was gone, derezzed like a glitch in some sort of system. A moment of pause as the makeshift lasso fell to the ground, clattering on to the now damaged wood floor. That was before suddenly, as Carmen still held the other uninsulated end of an old controller, received a shock that knocked her back into a couch, flipping it over as she impacted into it and a blast of electromagnetism surged through the local school grounds.


"I'm fine.... you're welcome," Carmen says, taking a deep breath as she laid on the ground, looking up at the ceiling.

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Covering his eyes as Carmen successfully caught the fake (Real?) General Sparks in the Nintendo cable, then he violently exploded. If the lights hadn't been out in the dorm already, it was definitely out now, possibly in the entire school now. He blew out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair.


With his battery drained and no better than a totally regular human kid at this point, Michael stood in the blown out remnants of his dorm room, with the lights dead and the sunlight streaming through the blasted out wall into the quad. He frowned looking down at the burnt out stump of a tree that he caused, looked around, took in all the destruction and issues that had happened; from Carmen to the Twins. 


He sighed again, and started picking up the destroyed room, checking his notes to see which ones hadn't been exploded, flipping furniture back into the right orientations, writing down notes of what needed to be replaced. He was avoiding responding to Iris just yet, using his fastidious cleaning to avoid acknowledging her while he put his thoughts in order. He picked up his planner- which had a massive hole in the middle of it- and flipped through it reflexively, even though it was clearly utterly destroyed.


"...But it was pretty fun, huh?" he finally said to Iris, grinning. Then he started laughing. "It was almost worth spending all those hours learning how ancient video game systems were put together!"

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Iris raised an eyebrow at Michael. Fun? That? Well she had to admit that it was interesting at least. Could go without the shocks though. "Maybe it was somewhat interesting. However it was also quite dangerous. Just be careful next time alright?" With that she shook her head and headed for the door. 

Daniel, meanwhile, was grinning a little bit. "That was actually fun! Though umm...if it happens again let's try to stick together from the beginning yeah? Had a few scares in that game." He would then turn to Carmen with a more apologietic look on his face. 

"Sorry Carmen. A lot happened, maybe we can catch you up on that over some ice-cream?


At the offer of Ice-Cream, Iris paused and looked back.

"Assuming we can get some before we get into trouble for all this." And she gestures to the destroyed room.


"Haha- yeah-."

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