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Sound is Golden (OOC)


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  • 2 months later...

Bernie is vaguely aware of Osmosis Anthrax, a small time crust-punk band that frequents the less reputable punk dives of Freedom City. They're generally fine but not very successful, it's possible that they and Multiplicity have even played before, but while Multiplicity is growing bigger and getting more famous, Osmosis is sort of stagnating as a dive bar band chasing the big hit that'll put them on the spotlight. They were definitely looking for some kind of break.


Notice Results 1d20+7: 14 [1d20=7] Bernie manages to avoid notice so far.


And this is where Michael shows up and accidentally makes things a little more hectic. Let me know what your plan is as we're slowly moving towards a combat.


alright, roll times!


Osmosis Anthrax Members (Not Minions):


Initiative Results 4#1d20+2: 4 # 9 [1d20=7] 3 [1d20=1] 15 [1d20=13] 8 [1d20=6]




Initiative Results 1d20+1: 12 [1d20=11]




Initiative Results 1d20: 20 [1d20=20] how fun.




21: Multi-Girl: 3HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP

12: Maestro

15: The Bassist (Chip)

9: Lead Singer (Rocky)

8: Keyboard (Zed)

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon)


Which means it's Multi-Girl's turn this time!



Okay, Bernadette will leap to a spot between Maestro and the band and unleash her duplicates (her targeted 60' radius AOE selective Melee attack).


Rolls terrible at first with a 10, so will spend a HP for a reroll: 21 (after the +10 for rolling a natural 3).

For those that hits, DC 27 toughness save.




That's a quick hit on all of them, 21's still pretty good at PL 10 after all!


Rolling some saves!


Toughness Results 4#1d20+9: 4 # 20 [1d20=11] 20 [1d20=11] 21 [1d20=12] 20 [1d20=11]


so they all fail by more than 5, which is dazed and bruised on all of them. Next is Maestro


Toughness Results 1d20+10: 23 [1d20=13]


I messed this up; he's got +13 Toughness, not +10, so at 26 he's just bruised.


21: Multi-Girl: 3HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP

12: Maestro: Bruised

15: The Bassist (Chip): Bruised, Dazed

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Bruised, Dazed

8: Keyboard (Zed): Bruised, Dazed

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Bruised, Dazed


Go ahead and post IC and then Michael will take his turn, followed by the rest of these goofs!


as requested, knockback;


the band takes DC 20 due to being knocked back 5 steps, the Maestro tanks the knockback with Impervious.

Toughness Save Results 4#1d20+8: 4 # 27 [1d20=19] 26 [1d20=18] 12 [1d20=4] 19 [1d20=11]


So another bruise for the Keyboard and Bassist.


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP

12: Maestro: Bruised

15: The Bassist (Chip): Bruised 2x, Dazed

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Bruised, Dazed

8: Keyboard (Zed): Bruised 2x, Dazed

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Bruised, Dazed






Michael's going after the Keyboarder and will charge at him for the +2 bonus.


Attack on Keyboarder Results 1d20+9: 11 [1d20=2] he will miss badly


So the Maestro will make an attack on Bernie, attempting to Stun her!


Attack Roll on Bernie Results 1d20+11: 30 [1d20=19] Whew, barely missed the crit!


This is a stun at DC 23 Fort


After which, it becomes Bernie's Turn. Posts coming up.


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP

12: Maestro: Bruised

15: The Bassist (Chip): Bruised 2x, Dazed

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Bruised, Dazed

8: Keyboard (Zed): Bruised 2x, Dazed

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Bruised, Dazed


Okay, Mutli-Girl and her duplicates will stay on as many enemies as they can (continuing to use the selective AOE on Maestro and as many of the band as she can catch in her 60' radius (she will shift the center of it to catch the max number)).


She rolls a 16, probably won't hit Maestro. But should hit the band members, as they are now prone, so she would get +4 to hit them (making the roll a 20), unless any have Prone Fighting.


alright! Yeah, those are all hits.


Since they're not all matched right due to secondary injuries, let's start where we are;


Singer and Guitar first at +8


Toughness Save Results 2#1d20+8: 2 # 15 [1d20=7] 10 [1d20=2] Whelp.


that takes them both out.


Next the two at +7; Bassist and Keyboard


Toughness Results 2#1d20+7: 2 # 25 [1d20=18] 16 [1d20=9]


so the Bassist is okay, but the Keyboardist takes a second Staggered and is KO'd.


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP

12: Maestro: Bruised

15: The Bassist (Chip): Bruised 2x

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Unconscious

8: Keyboard (Zed): Unconscious

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Unconscious

Posted (edited)

Alright, first is Michael taking a swing; he's gonna go ahead and All-Out Power Attack to get to +2/+2 on his attack/damage, for +7/+11.


Attack Roll Results 1d20+7: 26 [1d20=19] He did it! That's DC 26 Toughness.


Toughness Results 1d20+7: 23 [1d20=16] which he almost manages to save against, but he's just bruised instead!


Maestro's turn! He's still dealing with Bernie obviously but since his Stun didn't work he'll try something new. 

Tell me if this is okay based on the rules; but he's going to use Emotion Control to try and 'Calm' Bernie down, which I want to run as Despair; I don't want Multi-girl the cool hero getting all depressed and stuff for no real reason, so my logic is instead it'd be difficult to fight against him if you're instead supernaturally calm.  That'll be DC 22 Will (Since it's Perception Range and thus has no +/- tradeoff)


And finally the Bassist will swing at Michael!


Attack Roll Results 1d20+9: 22 [1d20=13] He cracks Michael upside the head for DC 24



Toughness Results 1d20+9: 16 [1d20=7] Which successfully Dazes him!


That brings up Knockback; which is only 2, so Michael eats it and only goes flying a little bit.

Let me make my IC posts and it'll be your turn again :D


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 1HP, Bruised, Dazed

15: The Bassist (Chip): Bruised 4x

12: Maestro: Bruised

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Unconscious

8: Keyboard (Zed): Unconscious

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Unconscious

Edited by Poncho

Mutli-Girl fails the save with a 15. According to UP, you have to fail by 10 or more to not take any hostile action (unless attacked). But, it does make Calm a bit nerfed compared to others, so I will role play with it some and have her attitude changing to indifferent have her stop attacking for the moment.




Michael is gonna HP to shake off his Daze, then swing at the Bassist. Same as before!


Attack Roll Results 1d20+7: 20 [1d20=13]


That's a hit on him!


Toughness Results 1d20+5: 18 [1d20=13] failure by 8, that's a Bruise and Daze, which triggers knockback of 4, and a DC of 19


Toughness Results 1d20+4: 16 [1d20=12] That's another Bruise.


Michael is going to Surge and smash him again!


Attack Roll Results 1d20+7: 27 [1d20=20] CRIT!


that's 11 + 5 + 15 for DC 31!


Toughness Results 1d20+3: 7 [1d20=4]


That finally knocks him out!


The Maestro isn't attacking Bernie since she's calm, but I'll offer a chance for a HP; if you take the Maestro's deal and go retrieve the object, you can get a HP. Otherwise continue on!


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 0HP, Bruised, Fatigued

15: The Bassist (Chip): Unconscious

12: Maestro: Bruised

9: Lead Singer (Rocky): Unconscious

8: Keyboard (Zed): Unconscious

3: Lead Guitar (Gordon): Unconscious

  • 1 month later...

Alright! Hero Point avoided but Bernadette is free to act again as Maestro is still being hostile!


He's combined the instruments of his little boy band to form Orchestra, a musical robot to attempt to defeat the heroes so he can get his Speaker back and get out of here!


Initiative Results 1d20+1: 5 [1d20=4] Orchestra is very slow! So he's going last!


21: Multi-Girl: 2HP

20: Golden Star: 0HP, Bruised, Fatigued

12: Maestro: Bruised

5: Orchestra


@Thevshi Bernie's turn! And you're free to do whatever you'd like!

  • 4 weeks later...



That's a hit on them both! So DC 27 Toughness I believe?


Toughness Results 1d20+12: 23 [1d20=11] 1d20+11: 21 [1d20=10]


That's a failure by 4 on Maestro, for another Bruise, then a failure by 6 for a Bruise and a Daze by Orchestra. That triggers knock back at 12, with it's Impervious 9 plus the extra it doesn't go anywhere hard enough to break the Impervious, but it does fall prone!


21: Multi-Girl: 1HP

20: Golden Star: 0HP, Bruised, Fatigued

12: Maestro: 2x Bruised

5: Orchestra: Bruised, Dazed


alright, now for the others!


Michael's turn first. He's going to go try and grapple Orchestra and keep it pinned down! Though he is fatigued.


Grapple Attack Roll Results 1d20+6: 24 [1d20=18] He grabs it.


Grapple Control Roll Results 1d20+26: 31 [1d20=5]


Grapple Control Roll Results 1d20+24: 27 [1d20=3] His roll was bad, but Orchestra's was worse! At a failure by 4, so it's Pinned for now. He'll try to do damage to it, but due to his Fatigue, his damage bonus is only +8, which means he can't penetrate the Impervious.


So we move to Maestro, whose used all of his non-damaging powers at this point trying to stall Bernie, so he's going to just straight up try to blast her now!


Attack Roll Results 1d20+11: 21 [1d20=10] 21! If that's a hit that's DC28 Toughness.


And with Orchestra pinned, they'll be rolling grapple control rolls on Michael's next turn, so it will be your turn once I get these two IC posts up! @Thevshi


Ouch indeed! Alright, so with the daze and your permission, we move on over! I will be retroactively giving you another HP because of our discussion in the discord where you pointed out you had used your real duplicate to get away from the media people, which I didn't realize.


So the first thing that happens is a Grapple Control Check between Michael and Orchestra.


Opposed Grapple Rolls Results 1d20+26: 35 [1d20=9] 1d20+24: 25 [1d20=1] Lol these two are rolling awfully, but it keeps him locked up, so Orchestra is now Helpless.


Doing some math here, and taking the robot at 2,000 lbs, with Michael's Strength effectively being 62, that means he can throw it an extra 7 range bands over 5 feet, or 1000 feet.

So he's going to throw it 1,000 feet straight up into the air. Which is going to at least give it a couple of turns of falling before it hits the ground.


Which leaves the Maestro's turn, so with Multi-Girl staggered, he's going to turn on Michael.


Attack Roll Results 1d20+11: 23 [1d20=12] That's a hit. Toughness Save 28


Toughness Results 1d20+7: 13 [1d20=6] And that's a failure by 15, so Michael gets KO'd!


21: Multi-Girl: Staggered, 2HP

20: Golden Star: 0HP, Bruised, Fatigued, KO'd!

12: Maestro: 2x Bruised

5: Orchestra: Bruised, 1000 Feet in the Air.


So, having spent a HP on a recovery check, Multi-Girl gets a 23, so recovers from her staggered condition.

She will kip up to her feet (free action she automatically makes with skill mastery acrobatics) and go to attack Maestro: 22 to hit, if that hits, DC 27 toughness save.

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