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Blue Bolt


Vueriz wasn't sure if flying straight up and saying hello was quite the brightest (hah!) idea, and had meant 'Meet and Greet' euphemistically. She cringed as the rocket flew, not really out of any concern for Michael's safety, she was pretty confident he was gonna be fine, but rather at the terrible attempt at a snappy one liner. Still, as the explosion roared she felt it would be a good time to interject. She set the Nervebuzzer to trigger at a specific phrase and then dropped it down as she started yelling out better one liners. "Oh no officer, we're here to party, don't worry it'll be a blast! Don't worry sir, this whole thing'll be over in a flash! Don't worry mister, we're street performers, allow us to blow your socks off!" She lit her board's particle blades and swooped down, a blue light to Michael's gold.


"I am the amazing Blue Bolt, genius from another world, and you lot are in the unenviable position of fighting me! Your little party seems dead in the water but don't worry, I promise you'll find my tech... Electrifying!"


After her own (much better, thank you) one liner, finishing in the code word for the Nervebuzzer, which popped open and began spraying electrons everywhere, arcs of lightning quickly beginning to jump between different parts of the ship as the electrons ionized the air and unequal charges built up in different places. Vueriz would deny cackling madly at the lightshow, and anyone who asked would be told that it was due to resonating cracks from the arcs of electricity. She would of course, be lying.


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Torpedo Lass II


Mizuki wasted no time. She heard the splashes, so she instinctively pulled a cord on her vest dumping it's air in a moment, soon she was able to quickly pursue her first target.


Pulling up behind the one that is known as Hammerhead she held out her hand and a greenish-blue bolt of energy slammed into the shark-man.


FIRE ONE... she thought... everything was coming together. As long as he didn't go deep where the city lights wouldn't light his sillouette she's fine.

Edited by The Sailor
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(Golden Star)


Michael had not expected being shot with a rocket launcher. The rocket hit his chest and enveloped him in a massive explosion, and he was afraid he'd just been exploded. But then he realized he was fine; He had just managed to survive it, not that he was tougher than an explosion. Several shotgun shots followed after, piercing the smoke that surrounded him, but they missed; the person shooting him seemed just as blinded by the smoke as he was. He heard Vueriz yelling, he sort of heard something going on under the water, but as the smoke cleared he was a bright light shining as he flew down towards the shark creature attempting to reload the rocket launcher that he'd just been shot with. His fist connected across the creature's face, stalling it's movements momentarily, but doing little more than leaving a bruise; the creature didn't even move.


"Woah, these guys are tough...I guess I shouldn't be surprised." he admitted. "They are 8 foot tall shark people." and now he was standing in the midst of them.

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(GM Post)


Now things were really kicking off. The Shark men were fairly well organized; surprising for what seemed like such brutes was how quickly they prepared; were these regular sharks, or some sort of trained merc force that just happened to be made up of Shark People? For now, survival was more important, as one of the shark men- clearly a Bull Shark- on the boat attempted to take a big bite at Michael, but the shiny teen dodged out of the way.


"Tiger! Get the ship moving! Time limit just showed up!" the Bull Shark yelled as he grappled with Michael. The Tiger Shark seemed to agree, suddenly leaping up into the pilot's cabin on the ship. He gripped the throttle and shoved it forward, and the entire ship lurched forward, then slowly started to pick up speed, heading out into the water. Then the Tiger Shark slammed the panel, breaking it violently. The sharks on the boat- and Michael- slipped a little as the Yacht slowly began moving, and started picking up speed beyond that.


Meanwhile, after Torpedo Lass II revealed herself with a direct shot to the back of the Hammerhead shark, it made both him and the Whale Shark turn around.


"...You keep going, Hammerhead! I'll handle her!" The Whale Shark said, swimming at Torpedo Lass and shoulder checking her. He might have been a giant shark man, but he moved in the water like he was born to it, just like Torpedo Lass herself.

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Blue Bolt 


Vueriz swooped down slightly. She didn't want these guys getting away, which meant she needed access to either repair the controls, or fiddle with the engine itself. Her preferred option there was the controls, since they were a bit safer to interact with.


Which meant she needed to clear out the current occupant of the control room. She quickly activated her board's firing mode, holographic display flaring to life. Michael said these guys were tough, so she adjusted the power up, the barrel widening to support a greater volume of particles. She hastily input a firing solution, quickly activating the firing mechanism. With a flash of blue and green the bolt launched, but went wide.

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(GM Post)


"Someone get that guppy off me!" yelled the Tiger Shark as he continued to try and figure out how to prevent the ship from being stopped. "I don't want that laser hititng me!" 

"You got it Tiger!" yelled the Great White as he smashed open one of the boxes and pulled out a gleaming shotgun, aiming it at the dimminuitive Alien. But Michael intercepted it, taking a pile of buckshot to the chest but blinking it off. "Intercepted by the glowy one, get the big guns again!"


Meanwhile, under the water, the slightly bruised Hammerhead- trailing blood in the water- continued to swim off as fast as possible. "Moving to the target location!" the voice came in over the radios the shark men were wearing as he sped towards the bridge.

Edited by Poncho
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Torpedo Lass II


The Whale Shark lived to his name and bull-rushed her. She went limp moments before being hit, which may have saved her from a far more brutal hit. Her air was knocked out of her lungs, so now she had to compensate as her buoyancy's thrown off... didn't help her chest was burning from the blow. Seems he knew the water far, far more than her few months. But one thing she DID know was she was more than able to fight underwater. Her eyes glowed a phosphorescent blue as she grinned. She knows he had to see her exhale and not be anywhere near drowning. And to see her just grinning like it wasn't a problem should give him a signal... she's fully seaworthy.


She closed the distance with startling ferocity and speed. Her right hand glowing blue as water and even reality warped around her fist for a moment as she threw a punch that seemed to turn into several... As her flurry of blows connect, the first few didn't seem to get through, but then the last three crisply connected staggering the shark back, the last connecting on his nose...


Torpedo Lass, pleased with her success stays grinning, pointing at Whale Shark, then points down... intending to signal she's about to sink his plans, and Davey Jones as ref is going to do the 10 count.

Edited by The Sailor
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(Golden Star)

"Dang, there's a lot of these guys!" Michael complained as he flew infront of Vueriz, taking a blast from a shotgun directly to his chest for the little alien, but shrugging it off. "I hope TL's having it easier down there than we are..." He mumbled. Aiming at the Orca he'd been brawling with, he fell towards it like a hammer, crashing into the orca man's head with both hands. It let out a loud crunch and knocked the creature to the ground, splintering the boards underneath them.


"Okay! Let's keep going, we can get these guys knocked down and figure out what's going on!" He called to Vueriz. "Don't worry, I'll keep them off you!"

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(GM Post)


The Sharks may have been getting hurt, but they were standing strong for now, refusing to back down as long as they were together.


The Bullshark grabbed an assault rifle that had been tossed to and fro in the rocking of the ship, opening up with wild abandon across the ship at Michael and Vueriz, leaving bullet holes across the entire ship; they didn't seem to much care about how much they were destroying the ship, which made sense considering it was starting to speed up, heading further into the water, speeding towards the bridge. Hopefully it could be stopped if they could manage to prevent whatever the plan was here


Meanwhile, the Tigershark, having successfully cracked the ship's console open, turned his attention to Vueriz.


"You think you're the smart one huh?! Going to try and stop the ship? Guess I'm gonna have to eat you!" He roared, leaping directly into the air towards the little alien, his mouth open wide. But he was intercepted by Michael's body, his teeth sinking deep into the Golden Boy's chest and neck, but somehow it seemed to leave only a glancing blow, despite the fact it clearly sunk deep.


This was getting bloody and brutal!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Blue Bolt 


Vueriz twirled through the air acrobatically, avoiding the area with the highest density of bullets, but still felt the sting as several impacted her chest, the bullets thankfully coming in at an angle and skimming off her tough tissues rather than puncturing. The hot lead left searing paths along her ribs, and the young alien could not stop from crying out in pain.


She was about to make a snarky comment to Tigershark about being smarter than him or something when the Jaws of Doom opened up and tried to swallow her.vThen suddenly Michael was in the way, same as he had been with almost every shot but this was different. This time there was blood.


The tiny alien snarled out something that even her Universal Translator couldn't understand as her hands flew across her holographic console. Immediately the skyboard responded, the Particle Cannon irising wider as with a flash of blue and violet light a lance of subatomic particles crashed into the shark man, sending him flying into the railing with a crash and a sizzle of scalded flesh.


She dipped her board lower, the lingering trails of ionized air still hot as the glow of the particle cannon lit her from below, yelling "I'm gonna pull your teeth out and use them to clean dust out of hard to reach corners you expletive!" Before her fury suddenly broke as she turned to her teammate. "Are you okay M- Golden Star?"

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(GM Post)


The big Tigershark was sizzling as he leaned against the rail he banged into, clearly quite dazed from the force of the blow. He grumbled something unintelligable, his legs shaking like jelly as he tried to get back in the fight, but he was out of it for a moment, threatening to fall into the water.


Meanwhile, the Great White sharkman slammed open one of the wooden containers, reaching into it and pulling out a full on, barrel fed machinegun that he aimed at the little blue alien.


"I'm gonna light you up for that one!" he yelled, as the machinegun spun and started firing, filling the air with smoke trails and flashes of color at the tiny blue alien. "Gonna turn you into Blue Cheese!" 


Meanwhile, as the Hammerhead glanced back at the struck Whale shark, he swore.


"Dang, you're more trouble then you're worth, Aqua Lady!" He yelled at Mizuki as he pulled a retractable harpoon out of one of his pockets, dashing at Mizuki to try and stab her.

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Torpedo Lass


He didn't stab her, but his attack grazed her arm enough to draw a little blood, and damage the material on the arm of her suit... not that she wasn't designing something new anyways back on campus.


Immediately it dawned on her Hammerhead's plan. He's trying to draw me off... no, I can play this to my advantage. They're acting like mercenaries. Time to get this other shark on tilt. She thought.


She swung but at the bigger brute of a shark her grin still showing as her fist once again became several, knocking the well-statured behemoth out.


She turned to Hammerhead in a smooth motion, gesturing him to step up with the same grin on her face... she wasn't fully comfortable with the water as the opposition was, but that just made this more fun. Her eyes glowing a phosphorescent sea blue only emphasizing she was not intimidated in the least. The new Sailor Suited Sentinel of Freedom City was earning all her stripes tonight.

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(Golden Star)


"I'm okay, I'm okay! It didn't get me right." He called to Blue Bolt. He was as surprised as her that he wasn't as damaged by the bite as he felt like he was going to be. He had a few lacerations in his costume, but he ran his fingers over it and seemed surprised. But the explosion of gunfire brought him back alive as he grappled with the creature biting him, unable to help Vueriz as the Alien was shot by machinegun fire.


"Hey! Stop that!" he yelled, tossing the shark creature off him and flying down directly at the Great White, trying to kick the gun away from him, but the strong shark man swung the gun around, keeping the gun in place between the Great White Sharkman and the glowing golden Super.

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(GM Post)


The sharks were a bit on the backfoot, but they weren't going to give up so easily; they were a trained group of military specialists, it seemed, and they didn't back down. As Michael attempted to try and fight the Great White, the numbers were getting to him, and the Bullshark quickly dropped his Assault Rifle, grabbing a baton and rushing at him. As the Golden Boy turned around, he jabbed the baton into Michael's chest, causing an explosion of light and sparks as it struck the Metahuman Claremonter, sending bolts of lightning flying off him as it sizzled against his chest. When the shark pulled the baton away, the Paragon was clearly dazed, leaving Vueriz alone and open.

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Blue Bolt


Vueriz had never been in many fights, and it showed, having completely lost track of Great White in her (righteous) fury at Tigershark, and bullets once again raked hot lines of pain across her chest as punishment for her focus. Fear rattled through her as the trails throbbed, but then Michael dived at the sharkman and her fear was... not gone, but no longer dominating her thoughts. 


She growled as her friend was electrocuted for his troubles, and spared a moment to hope Mizuki was doing better even as she was moving. Her board left a trail of glowing blue as she swooped up next to Michael. All at once she moved, her tail wrapping over the bigger teen's eyes while her right hand freed the Aurora Roarer from her belt and activated it. Her left formed a rude gesture she had seen some of her classmates perform as the supertech grenade began spinning, the spray of particles beginning and an aurora springing to life.

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