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Barking Raven Arcade (Open)

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On 7/2/2024 at 8:00 PM, Thevshi said:

There are certainly a number of things we could do if you made your way over to England


To be honest a more temperate place to see is in mind... I've seen enough tropical and continental climates to satisfy me. Freedom City's a change of pace but London sounds nice in Summer... or anywhere in the UK for that matter. Heard the Scottish Highlands are amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cerebral and Cerebellum

Iris nodded and waved Michael off, after listening to the entire exchange in silence, before turning to Peter. "Alright. Let's play House of the Dead." There was a pause before she questioned... "What is that?" It seems as though she was once again going to be introduced to something new. Needless to say, she was excited to see what his was all about and would follow Spaceman.

Meanwhile, Daniel got his butt kicked again by Sam. After agreeing to just keep playing, he was beaten once more. Because of this he could not help but think that Sam had subtlely insulted his skills after volenteering Michael to face him before leaving. "Did she....just call me a noob?" He muttered before turning to his friend and shrugging. "We can fight if you want, or maybe we can try something else, I've gotten a bit tired of Street Fighter."
He turned to Lynn. "Did you want to try any games?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



Parker shrugs at Michael's explanation. Alright, that's fine, but he knows his friend well enough to know what he might consider doing, but still, gives him some time with Iris and... well, he did not see that coming.


"Sorry, I know we didn't exactly have the same experiences growing up, I shouldn't you just know anything, anyway..." 


Before Michael returns with the snacks, Parker has led Iris towards a House of the Dead II machine, with a pair of red guns attached. The screen is showing zombies in old graphics moving around, attacking, people running around shooting them, a classic demo reel.


"So, basically, we grab these guns and shoot the zombies before they get us. Some of them just shamble around, some of them do different things. I think it's called light guns, since the screen registers where we point and shoot. We have to work together, but it also counts individual points for us, I think. Want to give it a try?" 

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"Ah don't worry about it, she calls everyone noobs. She goes to local tournaments and scams people out of their money in money matches, so I guess to her we're all pretty much noobs." He laughs. "Something else seems fine to me as well! How about Dance Dance Revolution? Or maybe one of those racing games?" He asked Daniel and, by extension but not directly, Lynn. "It'll be good practice if you're planning to get a license soon, though admittedly mostly in what not to do." he said with a good-natured laugh. He really wasn't all that concerned about anything, at least not today; today was a day for relaxing, and he was experiencing that to it's fullest.


Meanwhile, Sam was idly eating her popcorn as Parker explained the idea of the game.


"Yeah, brain girl! You know, hold the gun out and pow pow pow, knock them down, get the high score!" she said cheerfully as she ate. She made a fake gun with her hand and held it at the screen, miming shooting zombies. "You know, hand-eye coordination stuff!"

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Cerebral and Cerebellum

"I see....fascinating." Iris commented after looking over the Arcade machine. She had never actually been in an Arcade, Daniel hadn't either, so this was all new to her. She would look at Sam then Parker before nodding her head. "Very well. Let us do this." Iris would then move to grip one of the red guns and look back at Parker expectantly. 


Daniel looked over at Michael, then at Lynn and back to Michael before nodding his head. In truth, after getting destoryed in Street Fighter so easily by Sam, he did not feel like playing anymore fighting games for the moment and just went with the other young man. "Dance Dance Revolution." He would lead the other to the machine he had spotted for the game.

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Lawrence gave Mizuki a small smile. "Well, I was going to say the South of France is at peak season right now. But the Scottish Highlands is certainly an option if you prefer." He glanced over towards where some of the others were before looking back at his girlfriend. "So, playing another round here, or is there something else you want to try?"


Meanwhile, Lynn considered the two choices Michael suggested, but before she could voice any preference, Daniel spoke up agreeing with the dance game. "That is more my mom's thing. So, I am just fine watching." She replied with a half-smile before her expression became more neutral once again.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Joining Iris by the machine, Parker grabs the other gun and smiles, before putting some tokens in. 


"See, you gotta shoot outside the screen when you run out of ammo, or if you want to reload earlier. Otherwise you won't end up doing anything." The initial intro movie and explanation of game mechanics roll and Parker sighs. "Aaand of course they're explaining all that, so don't mind me."


He just wanted to help her have a good time, but that made him feel dumb for a moment.


Still, the game gets going with the first zombies on the screen, and Parker starts shooting. His aim is by no means perfect, but he is doing fine, at least. 

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