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Blackstaff fist bumped the air as Shade took a direct hit. The wizard quickly collected himself into a proper stoic manner and readied to strike again.

The bigger man had shattered his ice and rushed to set himself between the heroes and his criminal companions.


He raised his staff when he was blindsided by Prestige’s attack. Some kind of wire and glue entangled him.

“What the-!”

Blackstaff struggled against them fruitlessly as he saw her hurry off towards the armored villain with the moth-themed villain in tow. 


The barrel of a man near him seemed to easily pull himself free and Blackstaff couldn’t help but be a little impressed with the 

show of strength.

“Show off.”

He chuckled and turned his attention back to Anarchillies. He may be stuck in place, but he didn’t need to move to do this…


Blackstaff raised the black staff over head with both hands. He twirled it several times as he chanted quickly, the wind picking up as he does. Then, suddenly, he swept it down before him like sword and cried out.

“Zephrys cresenthious!”

Around him, the wind whipped up and followed the staff’s arch, then lashed out like an invisible blade through the air. The only sign of its path, the dust and debris picked up and dragged along in its wake as it raced towards the tank of a villain.

Edited by Spacefurry
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The pair of villainesses stared briefly at Bloody Mess as he gave his speech. Anarchilles, who had been charging to intercept the shorter man nearly tripped over his own feet, an opportunity the wizard in the mix seized upon with aplomb.


The blade of air lanced through the alleyway, the rush of it's passing only audible behind the crest of the wave. As it reached the armoured giant, the space around him seemed to shatter, a kaleidoscope of colours swirling around the meeting point, through which Blackstaff could see dozens of different versions of the villain, some going down to the blade's strike while others stood strong in different guard positions. Almost as soon as it began the chaos ended, Anarchilles standing, arms crossed ahead of himself to block the invisible blade.


The titanic man shook his hands with a pained noise, a gouge having been engraved across his gauntlets by the attack. His armour seemed duller for a moment, before a subtle rainbow shimmer made it's way across the plates. He looked between the three heroes, trying to ascertain who would be the hardest for the rest of the team to get away from before making up his mind. He inhaled a big breath of air before launching himself into a big right hook.


Shooting Star barely moved as the loud clang echoed through the alleyway from the impact, leaving a large red mark on the side of her head. Anarchilles hesitated for a moment to long as he stared at the heroine.


Shooting Star's own retort was quick and to the point: She slugged him back, a fist driving right into his abdomen. Despite the repeat of the kaleidoscope of possibilities, there was only so much that could be done to lessen the impact, a strike that would have sent him sprawling instead only winding Anarchilles, leaving him gasping for air.


The Prestige looks between the rather worrisome display from the other two heroes, before turning back to Bloody Mess, as a burst of projectiles that might have been meant for the broad man hammered into the alley wall. "Oh yeah the police... We'll just take Steel Shade to the doctor for that head injury then... Pop down to the station." She lied, taking tentative steps back from the man. "You, uh got us again? And we would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling heroes and your wizard?" She sounds like she's trying to convince herself that this is working, before on some unspoken agreement her and Mothlight turned and fled towards where Steel Shade still lay, her grip on the other villainess' hand keeping her steady as an enormous cloud of insects descended to block the heroes' view of the three with a mass of buzzing chitin.

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Bloody Mess


Bloody Mess batted the insects away, but for every dozen that got smashed by his spade like hands, there were another two dozen that flew into his face and up his nose. 


"Gfff!" he sneezed. "Screw this! I ain't gonna punch no dame, but I can punch him!" he said to the world, pointing at Anarchilles. 


With a mighty leap from mighty pumped up legs, he launched himself into the air, insects smacking into his face. 


He landed with a crunch on the tarmac right by Anarchilles, spitting out a mouthfull of splatted insects, pulling back a hammer fist, winding it up, and letting loose a mighty punch from a mighty pumped up arm!


With a bit of luck, Anarchilles would block righty with his face. 

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Blackstaff watched with undisguised fascination as, well, something around Anarchilles seemed to ripple through the multitude of possible realities. The air around the man seemed to shatter for the merest of moments before asserting itself with the man standing there, mostly unharmed.


The wizard made to move, only to remember his predicament when he met resistance. The scowled down at the wire and glue.


He raised the staff up one handed, its tip flaring with hellish red light. Blackstaff mutters a strange word under his breath and slams the tip of the staff down into the sticky mass. A thin layer of controlled hellfire cascading out over it.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The cloud of insects persisted as Bloody Mess's fist ploughed into Anarchilles's helmeted face, the sound covering the meaty smack of fist meeting metal. The strike had little apparent effect, but the poisoned blood seeped in through gaps in the mask to sicken the dazed villain.


Simultaneously Blackstaff turned his magic upon the glue, hellish heat causing the glue to bubble and contract, while the lengths of wire weakened and snapped. The wizard stepped free, dirtied but no longer trapped as the cloud of insects faded to reveal the three villains getting into a new looking station wagon.


At the same time Anarchilles's armour had recovered its rainbow hue as the villain caught his breath from Shooting Star's punch. He stayed slouched long enough to mutter "I think I'm gonna hurl..." Before rearing back up, his fists curled clumsily before his head in what seemed to be a layman's best imitation of a boxing stance. "I'm not out of this yet, and if you wanna get to the others you're gonna have to go through me!"


Shooting Star obliged him, figuring that after defeating him she could catch up with Aaron's car. She drove her fist out to strike the villain only to watch in dismay as the kaleidoscope lit up once more, before reality collapsed back to a version who had caught her fist with a large gauntleted hand, the crash of superdense flesh against metal briefly drowning out the screech of tires as The Prestige pressed the accelerator of her car flat to the metal.

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Bloody Mess


The Mess turned his head left, then right. Then, his head rapidly oscillated betwixt both positions, with a swishing sound that belonged in a cartoon, or, hypothetically, in the text of some constructed story about his exploits written on the internet. 




For a moment he couldn't decide whether to take chase or not. He couldn't be in two places at once, could he?


Overthinking was not a torment Bloody Mess was subjected to. 


Anarchilles was the guy who annoyed him most, and would put up the best fight. So, toxic blood blisters bursting over his skin, he made his mind up and jumped. 


"Say hello to righty!" he proclaimed, before unleashing a massive sucker punch from lefty! KER-POW!



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