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"Galloping Ghost? STUPID!"


"Stupid Stupid Stupid..... STUPID!"


"I'm gonna call you Mr. Stupid. Because you are so STUPID!"


Somewhere in the multiverse, the abstract Gods of Eloquence cried a river. 


The two of them matched pace - Mr Metal showed no signs of fatigue. Or, for that matter, even breathing. Whatever he was made of, his (?) physiology was entirely exotic. Givem the speed the two of them moved at, it was under a minute before they the power station was in sight. A small, blocky building, on stilts maybe twenty feet above ground, with a set of stairs made entirely of rubber. 


Mr Metal turned a corner (now that would be something of a trick for the Galloping Ghost, given the slippery rail), leapt of the monorail, and landed on the roof, with a huge metal grin on his metal face. 


"This is going to be fun!"

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The Galloping Ghost did not like being insulted, but the creature was off before he could say anything, and he had to follow. While the creature may not get tired, the Ghost was not a real ghost, which meant he had to keep his exertions careful. He could try to transform into something else, but he wasn't confident in his assessment of this creature's abilities yet; he needed more information on what this creature was before he tried shifting into a better form to try and deal with it. Was it just this one being? Did it have a core somewhere? If he didn't know what that was, or how that worked, he couldn't hope to stop the creature.


As he approached the corner, he had to slide, drifting like a gokart and kicking up sparks on his feet as he tried to slip and slide his way into a jump towards the building, kicking his legs forcefully; he didn't mind if he damaged the monorail right now, it would need to be repaired anyway, and it was more important to stop further damage.


"That's...rude." Dwayne mumbled. "Calling 'Galloping Ghost' stupid is quite ridiculous from someone named 'Mr. Metal'. That's something a little boy would come up with, not a grown man. Are you a little boy?" Dwayne asked. "Do we need to call your parents?"

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"My parents?" said Mr. Metal. 


This was the first time Dwayne had heard the scamp have anything like fear in his voice. Eyebrows raised, voice strangled, indignatingly opening his mouth. "You rat! You wouldn't tell my parents. Would you? And I am NOT a little boy. I am nearly three years old!" he added, proudly. 


"And that's quite old enough to go and explore a new universe and have some fun with metal. And electricity! Hurrah!"


He leapt up in joy, slammed down onto the roof of the power plant (which crumpled slightly), and jammed his two arms through the metal of the roof. His face turned and twisted, as if he was feeling for something below, inside the power plant....

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Oh, he'd hit a nerve now for sure. The Galloping Ghost grinned, now he understood how to get to this kid.

"Now now, it's okay to be a little boy, you're still growing after all. Why don't we take you to get some ice cream? We don't have to call your parents yet, but we should definitely let you rest and maybe find your sibling. I promise I'll pay for the ice cream." the ghost alien said genuinely, offering his hands. He really didn't want this kid to damage the monorail more than he already had, and damaging the electronics could result in further energy issues- there'd already been an issue recently with that dumb kid from Claremont flipping all the breakers at the school and causing a blackout, so another one would be bad-.


"After all, there's a lot of people who need power, and if you start breaking things randomly, you could hurt people. Like old people; grandmas and grandpas who need the electricity. You have grandparents don't you? You wouldn't want them to get hurt."

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Mr. Metal looked up from his palpating metal arms. 


"What?" he screamed. It was a sound like ripping tin. Quite painful. 


"You piece of rusted iron! Your sliver of oxidised magnesium!"


Clearly, deep insults. 


"You Magnetic Magnet! Magnet you!"


He took his hands out from the roof (sparing the city from a power outage - or worse) and started hopping from foot to foot, making obscene gestures. 


"I'm not a kid! You are!"

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"Now now, there's no need to get upset or make gestures like that." Dwayne continued, raising his ghostly equine hands up. "We're friends here, right? No need to get all hot and bothered." Was he continuing to mock the metal child? Well, sort of. He was kind of hoping the kid would tire himself out, before anything bad happened, but it didn't seem like it was gonna be happening. So if the kid came at him, he'd be ready, but he wasn't going to throw the first punch here.


"Come on, kid, let's calm down and talk through this like adults." the Galloping Ghost neighed, but he kept a watch to see what the kid was going to do.

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"Adults? Screw Adults! They suck!" yelled Mr Metal. 


"I mean, obviously I am totally an adult. And not at all a kid. That's what I meant. I mean, you adults in this universe are STUPID!"


He shook himself out of his verbal self-hanging with a wobble of his metal form. 


"S. T. U. I. P. D!" he spelled out. "Thats STUPID! I bet you cant even spell! HAR HAR HAR!"


"Anyway, I'm going to magnetise your backside, just because you are so STUPID!"


He jumped at Dwayne. A powerful, quick jump. At a guess, Mr Metal was actually doing something magnetic - propelling himself off the metal surface of the power station. He was like a lance - quite literally. His head molded itself into the shape of a sharp cone. 


He was going to head butt Dwayne. He was a SPEARHEAD!

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"Woah now, kid, let's not do anything you'll regret." Dwyane said sternly as he hopped to the side his horse hooves making a  clicking sound as he deftly dodged the leaping attack. "You could really hurt someone doing stuff like that, and that's not appropriate, especially when you're just visiting our planet. I've been nice up till now but Ithink you should stop." he said, before suddenly turning around and kicking out with his back legs at the metal man. It hit, but didn't seem to phase him, instead Dwyane stumbled forward a bit and shook out his back legs as he cantered.


"Oof, you're a tough little kid though, aren'tcha..." 

Edited by Poncho
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Mr Metal took the blow fairly solidly - almost too solidly. His liquid fluxing state was just a bit too solid at that moment. 


On the flip side, whilst he was unharmed, he still took the force of the blow. He was small, but heavy - but a blow from Dwayne was enough to unbalance the already unbalanced. 


Mr Metal flipped on his head and tumbled down to the street, twenty feet below, with a resounding thud. 


For some reason, he had landed on an ice cream vendor, and smahed the the thing into a crumpled mess. The fridge hummed furiously, trying to keep up with the carnage. Mr Metal hismelf had ice cream splattered over his body, and wore a cornetto cone on the top of his head - making him look like the dunce he clearly was. 

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"Oh dear, are you okay?"


Dwayne used his super speed to run down the side of the wall without hurting himself fall, over towards the poor child. He slowed to a stop when he got there, looking around and finding a towel.

"Come on buddy, let's get you cleaned up. No need for anymore violence, right? You've cooled down?" he said soothingly, trying to pull the cone off the kid's head and wipe him down with the towel. "We can have a talk like adults now, right? Here, have some ice cream, you might like it." He offered him a Captain Thunder Bar as he wiped his face.

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"Ice Cream? Whats that?"


Mr Metal licked his ice creamed lips. 


"Is this Ice Cream? Its poo!" he muttered (althugh he tried some more, of course). "Its... like made of water. Rust!"


He spat it out. 


"I'm just having fun. Sneaking out of my dimension into yours, so I have can have some fun. Its boring in my home. Everything metal. This place has so much more stuff. Like hydrogen. And nitrogen. So exciting!"


He shook his head. 


"So I'm going to have some fun. And you aren't going to tell my parents, right? That would be so uncool..."

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"It is primarily made of water and milk, yes. Usually some sugar and some other flavor aides. You're not supposed to eat too much of it or you'll get fat...I wish it didn't taste good to us either." Dwyane said. With the crisis seemingly paused for the moment, Dwyane flicked his watch to try and return to human form and talk to the kid normally. He was clearly dangerous, but he wasn't dangerous because he meant to be dangerous; he was dangerous because he was a kid.


"I won't tell your parents, but only if you're polite and don't cause a ruckus. I'll take you around and we can find some fun things to do, but you need to be a little calmer, okay? No more property damage or big bouts of destruction. There's plenty of fun places to go and see, so let's start with a few of those."

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"You won't?" asked Mister Metal. "I'll be in super big trouble if you do..." he muttered, eyeing Dwayne suspiciously. "So you better swear on Magneto-Reluctance that you won't. Otherwise I won't believe you. And we all know what happens if you break an oath to Magneto-Reluctance."


It wasn't cold. Even with ice cream. But he still shuddered. 


"What fun is there in this dimension if you can't break things and cause mayhem and mischief? It looks super boring if you ask me. SUPER boring. Like you..."


He wiggled his supsicious metal eyebrows, daring Dawyne to offer him something that wasnt BORING. 

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"Something cool, huh?" Dwayne asked, rubbing his chin. "...Alright, I'll show you something cool." he finally decided, looking down at his watch.


"Hey, wake up." The watch clicked. "Scan this guy." he said, pointing his wrist at the Metal Man Mister Metal. It beeped and the face rotated around, like it was processing the command. A soft blue light emanated from the face, moving up and down Mister Metal a few times before letting out several more beeps. A series of symbols flashed across the face of the watch, then it went dark again. Dwayne entered the characters in order, then pressed enter, and after a few moments, the watch spun up and activated again.


Before too long, in a flash of bright blue light, Dwayne had turned into a Metal Man of his own; not an exact copy of Mister Metal, but definitely of the same species.


"How about this."

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"Wow!" said the Metal Man. "You look just like me! Or...wait..."


He leaned forward, studying Dwayne with one suspicious eye. 


"Are you my brother? Playing tricks on me? Go on, its you, isn't it..."


He poked Dwayne with a metal finger. 


"You are real. Who are? No, who are you really? Nobody is allowed to leave metaloworld. Too much disruption, they say. Pffft. They just want to stop us having fun. That's the real reason. So who are you? Is that you, brother?"

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"I'm just Dwayne, there's nothing special about me. But I do have a very fancy watch, one of a kind and very very unique. That lets me scan and transform into different aliens and creatures that it can scan the DNA of. In fact, it gets very insistent if I don't scan new creatures I find, because it's a bit temperamental. I'm a regular old human being, who just happens to have access to quite some fun toys. So what do you think? Is this cool enough for you, Mr. Metal? Cool enough to calm down for a bit? How about I show you a fire truck? We have a dalmatian down at the station too, his name is Dodger. You can play with him too, if you promise to be nice to him." Dwyane said, smiling all the way. He didn't really fancy trying to use a new form he'd not tested at all for something risky, but he could hang out in it for a little bit until he had a good reason to change to something else; he wasn't sure what this type of alien (was it even an alien? He had said something about an alternate dimension didn't he? What did that even mean?) could do, and he didn't want to cause any unnecessary damage. That was one of the reasons he usually avoided using Acid Muck, too much chance of collateral damage.

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  • 2 weeks later...



"ooooh! Shiny!" said Mr Metal, "A watch? Can I see it?" 


His metal jaw was slightly agape. His metal eyes were very agape. 


"A dog, you say? A fire truck? That sounds fun. Does it spit out fire? From its mouth? That would be awesome. You could totally burn down all this horrible organic matter, right? Thats the fun thing about this dimension, all this carbon and stuff. Not like back home. Everything is metal. BO-RING!"


"Well what are we waiting for? Take me to this fire truck! I want to see it spit fire!"


He hopped from one metal foot to another in anticipation, simultaneously clapping his hands. 

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"Now stay calm." Devon said as he lead the kid back to the emergency services. He had to drop his pretend face as a Metal Man; he wasn't comfortable in the form and he needed people to know it was him, after all, so he returned to normal and led Mr. Metal back to the ambulance. It was a short conversation with his partner and the fire chief, and before long, Devon and Mr. Metal were riding in the back of a fire truck. Devon might have been pretty clear- if a little vague to prevent Mr. Metal from being aware of it- that Mr. Metal was the reason for the monorail crash, and keeping him occupied was very important at the time. So they got to ride back through the city, and Mr. Metal got to turn on the sirens as they drove through intersections. He was not allowed to drive the truck, but he could play with the lights and sirens.


When they got back to the station, Devon got him some water, a soda, and some popcorn to eat as they let Mr. Metal play with the bucket and ladder system, and control the hose as they sprayed water around- not too strongly, just a little stream-. He even got to play with Spot, the station's dalmatian, an old fella who spent most of his time sleeping these days. It was all the stuff a fire station would do to keep a lost child occupied while they figured out what to do with him, because, to Devon's reckoning, that's basically what Mr. Metal was. That even included some board games they scrounged up to play on the picnic table outside while cooking up some hotdogs and hamburgers.

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"Wheee! This is fun! We dont have anything like this in our world. Its so BORING!"


Mr Metal avoided the water, devoured the popcorn, and supped the soda. Water was, it transpired, a rare and dangerous thing from his dimension. Something that caused all sorts of problems, like rust. Accordingly, Mr Metal was absolutely fascinated and terrified by it, his eyes wide as he played with the Fire Station's water systems. 


"NOBODY will BELIEVE this!" he said. 


According to the emergency services, the crisis was not over, but was resolving. The crash was cleared, the Monorail closed down, and the injured had been carted off to hospital. GIve the city five more minutes, and they probably would have mustered and official response to Mr Metal. 




The Fire Station reverberated with the sound of another Metallic voice, coming from all around them. 




"Uh oh...." said Mr Metal. "It's my older brother. He's not as nice as me..."

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"Hrmm." Dewayne mumbled, looking around. "That's alright, Mr. Metal, let me handle your brother." he said calmly, standing up and dusting himself off again, once he finished his hamburger.


"You can come out now. I don't really know what to call you, so you'll have to decide what your name is. But there's no reason to yell. We were just waiting for you to show up, since you left your brother alone and didn't come pick him up. Part of the job of our emergency services in this dimension, or on this planet, I'm not sure which, is taking care of kids that lose their guardians and need to be protected until they come back." he explained casually, looking around and trying to find the voice. "So if you are all finished for the day, you can have a hotdog and a hamburger on us and then we can get you and your brother home."

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"Uhhh.... My  brother isn't so much fun. He's a bit of a..."


"SILENCE!" rumbled the metal. Each metal structure of the fire station vibrated in union, creating a rather pleasant yet ominious voice. 




"A complete a..." started Mr Metal. 




"But you aren't even a grown up!" complained Mr. Metal. 


"SILENCE! These fleshy fleshlings are only for grown ups! Not little boys! FLESHY FLESHLINGS... with their... FLESHY FLESH! MMMMMM!"


Every steel and metal surface of the Fire Station errupted in spikes, and none so spiky as the particularly long spike that spiked the fleshy flesh of the fleshling known as Dwayne!

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Dwayne was not expecting a sudden metal spike exploding out of the station! He also wasn't fast enough to get out of the way in time. The spike struck him hard in the shoulder, drawing a thick line of blood as Dwayne was sent flying, rolling on the ground and gripping his shoulder as he shouted in pain. He saw stars and could barely move his arm as he looked around, trying to focus and figure out where the man was.


"It's okay, I'll handle this, kid." Dwayne said to Mr. Metal, trying to catch his breath.

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"Muahahaha!" roared the metal around him. 


"You fleshy fleshlings are so fleshy! I can see why my little brother likes playing here. But he is too IMMATURE to be playing here on his own. Not like me. I am the MATURE one. And that means I can do WHAT I WANT!"


"Wait till mother hears about this!" cried Mr. Metal. "YOU SPOIL ALL THE FUN!"


"GROW UP!" roared the metal, rumbling ominously. "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND, Because you are an IMMATURE CRY BABY! Going to CRY TO MOTHER!"


Mr. Metal started weeping tears. 

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"Hey..." Dwayne said angrily, slowly getting to his feet and patting at the hole in his shoulder. He needed some medical attention for that, most definitely, but he had to deal with this first; this wasn't something he could just sit idly by, after all.


"You can't just be mean to your little brother like that. You're the older sibling, you're supposed to be looking out for him. Where have you even been? You're supposed to watch him and he was out here alone and causing trouble. You're lucky I found him instead of someone else; there's plenty of heroes who'd have just knocked him out and been on their way already." he was sort of just asking the general area, looking from piece of metal to piece of metal to try and figure out where the older sibling even was. "You need to come out now and apologize to your brother for leaving him alone, and then tell me how to tell your parents where you are so they can come pick you up."

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"Oh ho ho ho ho!" laughed the big brother. Now that he was getting used to the vibrating voice, Dwayne could tell that the origin was roving. The big brother was swimming around the metal beams and structures of the fire station, and the voice was coming from one place, then another. But isolating its precise location was another matter. 


And like his little brother, big brother could flow into anything metal. 


"I am not going to apologise to HIM. He is going to apologise to me for being so IMMATURE. Like a BABY!"


"I'm not a baby!" yelled Mr Metal, stomping his feet. 




Mr Metal dropped to the floor, tears of mercury falling from his eyes, and curled up like a, well, yes, like a baby. 



He paused. 



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