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"You need to stop this, right now. Even if you are the older brother, this is a revolting display. You're supposed to be the older brother? You're acting like a child. If I didn't know better I'd say this is the older brother; sure he made a mess, but he didn't meant any harm. You, however, are being a sore and a bother for no reason other than you can, and all the while treating your brother like garbage while doing it." Dwayne snapped, keeping his eyes moving to try and focus on where the older brother was so he didn't get ambushed by another spike.

"You come out here right now, or I'm coming after you, and you don't want me to have to do that. Don't make me have to settle you down."

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"Oh! Do I now? I need to stop it, do I? What are you, my mother?"


"I want my mommy!" said Mr. Metal. 


"Thats because you are a BABY!"


Mr. Metal carried on sobbing. 


"You are just a FLESHLING!" laughed big brother. "A FLESHY FLESHLING from FLESHVERSE! Who are you to tell me what to do! HAHAHAHAHA! I'LL SHOW YOU THE POWER... OF METAL!!!!"


And with that, he emerged from the steel banisters above. Six feet tall, three feet wide, broadly humanoid in shape, his metal features in some manic grin of confidence and cruelty. 


And his hands - like morning stars - spiked to the max!

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"..." Dwayne frowned imensely at the toweringly thick metal creature. If he was scared- he kind of was- he didn't show it, keeping his face flat as he faced down the older of the two Metal Men.


"Alright, I can see this is getting nowhere. Your brother's done a lot to show he's able to mature and be better, but you need some actual counseling, I think." he said, looking at his watch. The symbols he hit weren't known, just memorized. This one, that one, that one. The watch beeped affirmative, almost as if agreeing with his selection, before he entered the number.


Sparks shone inside his skin, then blossomed into bolts of lightning between his fingers. His skin turned blue, and dreadlocks of lightning grew out of his skull. He grew a bit taller, ihs clothes becoming more a reference to his Atom Academy uniform then his EMT uniform, with the addition of a half cape over his right shoulder and arm. The lightning that leapt off his Tempestian form was half blue, half yellow, as he raised one of his hands, holding a ball of lightning in it threateningly.


"Let's get you settled down and see about sending you both home."

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"Settled DOWN is it? HAR HAR HAR! I hear you FLESHLINGS cant stand up!"


The vibrating metal of the fire station started vibrating at a tremendous speed. Ultrasonic waves ripped through Dwaynes body - and that of the firemen. The concrete floor cracked, and every single piece of metal in the firestation, including the flooring, started vibrating so fast it looked like it was blurring. 


Around him, the Firemen of the station started clutching their head and hurling their guts, their inner ear unable to cope with the movement and sound. 


The smell of vomitus had a cascade effect, causing more and more men and women to empty their own stomaches. And the smell didn't help Dwayne maintain control of his own innards either...

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Shock and Awe- the Tempestian form of Dwayne Devon Davidson- corrected himself as the station stumbled and rocked under him, sending him this way and that. He tripped and stumbled but didn't fall, keeping his eyes on the Big Brother as he did so. His voice rang out with a slight static-y effect, like he was talking through a microphone too close to speakers.


"Come on, guys. You've dealt with a little vomit before, we're rescue workers. Just think of it as one of the ladder trucks." He called to them, but his focus was intensely on the Big Brother. He clenched his fist, forming an orb of static around it, then hurled it, sending a ball of lightning directly at Big Brother.

"And you, you're just making it worse for yourself, but I'm through trying to talk you down."

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One of the groaning firemen, bent over double, hands over her mouth, flashed Dwayne a glare. "Easy for you to say..." she said, before violently vomiting once again. 


"Har har har! PUNY FLESHLINGS!" said the big brother. 


The blast of energy smashed him straight in the middle of a laugh, right between the eys. He spun, and the impact pushed him right back into a steel girder, where flailing arms and legs swirled. 


Fortunately, the buzzing vibration stopped. 

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Dwayne shrugged at the firewoman as he sent the alien flying with a lightning bolt. His eyes only moved away from the alien (alternate dimensional?) creature for a moment to acknowledge her with a compassionate glance.


"Not saying it's easy. Just gotta do it." he said with calm certainty as he approached the dazed big brother. "But I'm handling it." He was accomplishing his goal with clarity and assurance; there was no fear, no hesitation, and no concern. He had a job he had to do, and he was going to do it. He held his hand out in front of him again and sent out a bright blue bolt of lightning directly at the Big Brother. "We can stop this whenever you want."

Edited by Poncho
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The Firewoman appeared to take some resolve from Dwayne's calm certainty. She nodded. 


"That right. Just gotta d--phleugh...."


She vomitted once more and fell back to her knees, clutching her head. 


"See?" said Big Brother. "You are just PUNY FLESHLINGS That are made of FLESH. And are PUNY!"


"At least they can swim! You should see the ocean here!" said Mr Metal between sobs. Just mention of the word ocean sent a shudder through his body. And it silenced Big Brother, who snarled and waved his hands. 


"Pffft, I am not afraid of.... oceans...." he said with a shudder. 


From the ground beneath Dwayne, metal prongs spiked upwards, bent and twisted, ripped into a new shape, a shape that threatened to chain Dwayne to a customised skin-tight cell!

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The metal prongs bent upwards and tried to trap him in a cage of rebars and steal, but Dwayne turned his entire body into a wisp of Electricity, moving between the cage before it could even form before resolidifying floating in the air above Big Brother.


"You know, they say lightning is the weapon of the Gods. So I guess this is divine punishment for you being such a brat." Dwayne said, before dropping a thunderbolt on the Big Brother's head.

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Posted (edited)



"Lightning? Hahahahaha!"


The electricity flowed straight through Mr Metal, and dispersed throughout the metal beams and metal objects of the fire station. By the time it had dispersed, it did not cause any damage to the firemen, other than causing a few yelps of pain and a few muscle spasms. 




"Pathetic FLESHLING!" laughed Big Brother. "Flowing Electrons are quite pointless to superior METALOIDS! Why, you FLESHLINGS are really quite PATHETIC. Hahahaha! Dont you know anything about physics? HAHAHAHA! SAD!"


"You failed maths!" yelped Mr Metal. 


"SILENCE!" screamed Big brother from the metal beams overhead. Fury overcame him, and from his body came a burst of metal spikes that streamed in a cone towards Dwayne!



Edited by Supercape
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The spikes collapsed into Dwayne, completely swallowing and engulfing the electrical alien hero. It was silent for a moment before the bundle of metal started sparking. A few stray bolts of lightning escaped this way and that, bouncing across the ground and into the air before reforming into Shock and Awe. He seemed a little annoyed.


"Hrmm. I can't say I was expecting that, but fair enough." he said in his staticy voice as he floated in the air. "Fine, then, if you really want to be such a problem, let's just go straight for your weakness."


Dwayne turned back into a ball of lightning, bouncing back and forth a bit and avoiding any attempts by Big Brother to pin him down before he reformed himself next to the water truck. With practiced ease coming from his years of training in and around the firehouse, he unwrapped the hose quickly, then sent a jolt of electricity into the panel, opening the valve and turning it up- sending a massive wave of water out of the hose and directly at Big Brother!

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The Water cascaded over Big Brother, sloshing over him with perfect flow. In but a second, he was flooded with water. His metal form started to rust right in front of Dwayne. 




Indeed he was. His body cumbled from the outside in, like a fleshling would dissolve in acid. In seconds, all that was left of big brother was oxidised metal on the floor, swirling around the few inches of water that covered the fire station floor. 


"HELP!" screamed Mr Metal, jumping from foot to foot, his feet rapidly rusting away...

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Dwayne wasn't exactly happy about the fact he might have just killed an alien, but he also wasn't going to let Mr. Metal rust out, so he quickly floated back over and picked Mr. Metal up out of the water.


"It's ok, it's ok, I've got you." he said calmingly to the alien as he put him up on a higher place, out of the way of the water.


"...I didn't just kill your brother did I? That wasn't my intention." he noted, looking around in concern and checking on the firemen as well.


"Is everyone okay?"

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Mr Metal's feet were in bad shape, without question. He wailed tears of mercury. "I want my mummy!"


A deep rumbling sprouted from the earth. A quake. No. More than I quake. 




"Mummy!" yelled Mr. Metal. 


The roof of the Firestation was ripped open like it was made of paper. Above, a metal woman over a hundred feet high, face contorted in anger, fear, and determination. 




Mr Metal could not answer, wracked in sobs. 


"WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER?" asked mother, scanning the surface of the water, with suspicious rust sediments....

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"...Crap." Dwayne said simply, looking up at the giant metal woman while holding her injured son. He put him down carefully, high above the water, and, still floating in the air, waved his hands at her.


"...Yes, Ma'am. Right here. Your children were causing a disruption in our city....Your younger son is okay, just a little roughed up. Your older son...." he looked down at the water at blanched.

"...He ended up getting washed away, unfortunately. It was his fault and mine, unfortunately; he was being quite disruptive and threatening the people here, and in our scuffle the water was released. I was hoping it would only render him unconscious, but it seems to have slain him."

Better for him to take the heat than anyone else.

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"YOU KILLED MY BABY!" screamed the enormous metal mother. 


"Errr.... Honesty isnt always the best policy...." muttere Mr Metal, cowering. 


An enormous metal hand reached through the hole in the roof and sploshed around the water. The hand started rusting, decaying, and the metal mother winced. But she sooon fished out the rusted remains of her son, before turning venomous eyes to Dwayne. 




One hand held the rust of her son. The other... was clenched into an enormous fist!

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"No, honesty is the best policy, kid. Even if it means bad things are going to happen, you should strive to be honest." Dwayne said, looking up at the giant metal woman sternly. Sure he was scared, but he was going to do the right thing anyway.


"Yes Ma'am. He was endangering the lives of my colleagues and his own little brother. When I repeatedly asked him to stop, he refused, instead actively attempting to kill not just me but everyone in the area. While I did not try to slay him, it occurred during the process of our fight in my attempt to subdue him non-lethally. I am willing to defend my actions, but I also won't deny that if he was slain, it was my fault, and I fully accept that I deserve an appropriate punishment."

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"Punishment!" gasped the mother. "There is no punishment! There is only vengeance! Do you know what it is to have a child? To LOSE a child? Even with our best doctors, RUST is terrible! And so is my RAGE!"


Her massive fist, bigger than the fire engine, smashed downwards, breaking the remains of the roof, and colliding straight with Dwayne. 


"Wait! Mother!" yelled Mr Metal, eyes wide and wet with mercury tears...


But the Metal Mother did not wait. She SMASHED!

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"Oh crap." Then the fist came down on the normal man but who had been turned into an alien creature. He was nowhere near fast enough to avoid the giant, full sized fist, so he took it square on the chin- or rather, square on the full body!


He went down, but as the fist moved, he got back up, a little bruised and banged up, but still standing. He didn't look great, his electrical body sparking and fitzing, but he wasn't dead or dying yet.


"I'm okay kid. Don't worry." he said.


"M'am! I accept that rage but it's in appropriate to destroy this fire station. It is here to help the people of this city and this planet; the same people your son was threatening to kill. They freely offer their own lives to help others, and you Son decided to assault them. Stopping them was the correct thing to do." he grunted.


"But. If your son is still alive. I will try to help him, too. I'm a doctor, by trade. If he can still be saved, I'll work my best to save him if you'll let me."

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"RAAAAGH!" roared the metal mother, examining the rust on the knuckles of her enormous fist. 


"A doctor? You... a FLESHLING... can save my son?"


The thought stayed her fist. 


"Was he a NAUGHTY BOY?" she asked Mr Metal. 


"Yes mummy, he was naughty. It was all his fault, actually, and not at all mine."




"Nnnnoooooo....." said Mr. Metal, slowly, looking shifty. 


"I SHALL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" boomed the metal mother. "SO, DOCTOR FLESHLING!" she said, pointing an enomrous metal finger at Dwayne. It was a thick as his body. "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SAVE MY SON? DO YOU POSSESS THE FLUID METAL OF K'ZULLA? OR THE MERCURIAL FOUNTAIN OF INFINITE INFINITIES?"

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Dwyane looked at Mr. Metal in frustration, but touched the blue shiny watch on his wrist; in a flash of blue and gold he turned back into a normal human man. He clearly looked displeased at Mr. Metal


"Be honest with your mother. Even if it gets you punished, it's better to be truthful. If I didn't believe that, I would have lied and not gotten punched. Be honest with her, it's better in the long run." he said once more before turning back to the giant woman.


"I don't know what the Fluid Metal of K'Zulla is, or the Mercurial Fountain of Infinite Infinities. But I scanned your other son a little while ago using my computer; if I use that and my medical knowledge, I might be able to fix him. Maybe. I'm going to try, at the very least, if you'll let me."

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The tremulous Mr Metal was clearly not comfortable speaking, but speak he did. 


"It's... It's my fault Mom. I came here for some fun and my brother came and started bullying me. And attacking everyone...."


"SOUNDS like him..." said the giant metal woman, sniffing. She turned her mercurial eyes to Dwayne. "So, you can save him? Maybe you FLESHLINGS are not completely USELESS and HEARTLESS after all.... go on then. TRY! and SUCCEED!"


She pointed a giant and judgemental finger at Dwayne and lowered the other hand to him, holding the rusted remains of her son...



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Dwayne frowned at the rusted remains. He was no miracle worker, even at the best of times, and this was either an alien or a being from a different dimension. What did he possibly have to work on this?


But he had the watch, and he had a general inventiveness. He knew so far what these creatures did, how they were made, and what empowered them.


"Okay, let's get some metal to help him regenerate...let's get some electricity." He looked at the other firefighters and EMTs. "Come on people we have a person to save, move move move!" he clapped his hands fiercely and the entire Fire Station went to work. Sacrifice was in the nature of those who work for others. Metal and supplies were quickly procured, the area was dried. Pieces of one of the fire trucks and some other electronics were quickly brought to the boy, and then, pulling electricity from the walls itself, they sent a powerful shock into the metal boy; enough that the station went dark with a loud brrt as it got focused into the kid.


"Okay, come on kid, get back up. It won't be fun recovering, but we'll get you started on that road."

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With a shower of sparks and the overwhelming smell of ozone, Mr Metal sat up. THe rust fell from his skin, revealing a painfully withered skeleton of fragile metal, full of holes. 


"Wha.... NO! WATER! I'm MELTING!" he screamed, each syllabul causing a few flecks of metal to fall from his already depleted body. 


"HURT, BUT ALIVE!" declared the Metal mother, gentle giant hand coming down to scoop her son from the floor of the fire station. 


"He... He hurt me mother!" whimpered The big brother, pointing at Dwayne. 




"I'm sorry...." said Mr Metal, looking at his feet. 




The three metal creatures started to fade from existence, presumably to return to their own strange universe. At the last seecond, Mr. Metal gave Dwayne a smile and a wave. "I had a lot of FUN! See you soon!" he said, with a wink. 


As for the big brother? He shot Dwayne a glare of pure fury, and hissed from broken lips:


"I didn't! See you soon too!"


And then they were gone...

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Dwayne watched the giant metal woman scoop up her barely living son, then them slowly fade away. He kept a stoney faced look the whole time, nodding politely at both of the two children as they disappeared. He was very quiet even after they left, as a couple of minutes passed by in the fire station without anyone saying anything.


Then he let out a loud sigh and rubbed his face.


"What the hell was that!?" he screamed, annoyed more than mad. "Aliens from another dimension!? Do they have any idea how much damage they caused!? I have to write like 10 reports about this." He finished with another deep sigh.


He had just started heading towards the flooded, destroyed, battered fire station to sit down and start writing an incident report when the alarm went off again and his partner on the ambulance slapped his shoulder.


"Later! We got another call."


So Dwayne pulled his jacket back on and rushed back out to the ambulance; metal aliens from another dimension or not, the work of a Freedom City EMT was never done, and didn't stop for anything.

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