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Monorail Mayhem (OOC)

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To kick off, Master Metal is going to poke you. 


With a big old metal spike!


Or lots of spikes, to be precise. 


This is effectively a damage 10 area affect, so DC 20 Reflex and then DC 20/25 Toughness. 


Depending on your response you may wish to roll initiative. 

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15 for Big Brother


Round 1

15 - Big Brother - Unharmed

7 - Dwayne - Bruised - 4 HP



Big Brother will start off with a VIBRATION attack!


This is a Nauseate 8 effect from the motion, which will effectively wipe out (but not KO) the fire men. 


Reflex 18 and Fort 18 (or 14) saves!

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Posted (edited)

13 which is mind blowingly bad - staggered, dazed. 


Meaning you are up again!


EDIT - Wait! Lightning? Mr Metal is immune! Muahahaha!


Meaning he will do a burst of metal spikes!


Damage 10 Area Affect


Reflex DC 20 And TOughness DC 25/20!

Edited by Supercape
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dun dun!


Reflex Results 1d20+8: 15 [1d20=7]


Full Toughness!


Toughness Results 1d20+10: 12 [1d20=2]


Uh oh! That would be full Staggered, so I'm gonna have to HP again!


1d20+9: 19 [1d20=10] Best result! So 29 makes the save.


What do you want me to roll to use the water in the firetruck against him? like maybe electrifying the panel to make it shoot out a bunch of water? Or triggering sprinklers in the area or something?


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I think we can say you know your way round fire engines given your work as ambulance serviceman (Professoni skill) and high INT


So its probably going to be an area attack on metal man releasing water. 


I think the only roll to make is regarding making the area directed at big brother and not hit little brother. Can we say a DC 20 INT roll, but +10 if you have the precise feat on the blast power (and any other bonuses you can think of)



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