Thevshi Posted May 22, 2024 Posted May 22, 2024 My new Claremont character for the fall. Slipstream Power Level: PL 8 (180/180PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Refugee from a destroyed timeline with a complicated legacy. Alternate Identity: Lynn Conners Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey (Earth-A-45 (extinct)) Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey (Prime) Base of Operations: Claremont Academy during the school year Occupation: Student Affiliation: Claremont Academy Family: Megan Conners (mother, Velocity Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Kyle Conners (father, Siphon Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Lawrence Conners (half-brother, Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased?); Louise “Lulu” Beaumont (foster sister, Crystal-Gazer - Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Megan Howell-Harrow (adopted mother, Velocity – Prime); Robert Harrow (adopted father, Prime); Lawrence Harrow (adopted brother, Timeout – Prime); Louise “Lulu” Beaumont (foster sister, Crystal-Gazer – Prime) Description: Age: 16 (June 2014 – Earth-A-45(extinct); was 15 years old when she arrived in Prime in April 2024) Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 105 lbs Eyes: Blonde Hair: Blue Lynn inherited her mother's looks, but generally keeps her appearance rather understated, not wearing much make up or otherwise emphasizing or enhancing her natural beauty. She has a lean, tone body with plenty of curves. She tends to dress rather conservatively, opting for stylish clothes that are not flashy or very reveling. Like her mother, Lynn has bright blue eyes that seem almost to burst with energy. As Slipstream, Lynn wears a black and red morphic molecule bodysuit with a red belt with several pouches. She also wears a pair of high-tech goggles similar to the ones worn by Velocity, but black in color (and with red lenses). History: Earth-A-45(extinct) was an alternate timeline that was very similar to Prime. While there were some differences in the timeline, for the most part the major trajectory of events was the same as Prime. As in Prime, Megan Howell of Earth-A-45(extinct) was exposed to an unexpected mixture of chemicals during a field trip to Astro Labs during her Sophomore year in high school and gained superpowers and began operating as Velocity. Much of her career as Velocity matched that of the Velocity on Prime, until the formation of the Interceptors. While Prime Velocity left the team after a short while, Earth-A-45(extinct) Velocity remained active on the team up until the events of Archevil. During those events, two of the Interceptors, Grimalkin and Colt, sacrificed themselves to save the other members of the team. It was after those events that Velocity left the Interceptors, and, as on Prime, went overseas to spend a year studying at Cambridge. As was the case on Prime, Earth-A-45(extinct) Megan again met Robert Harrow at Cambridge, and the two began dating. However, this version of Robert came into possession of the Stopwatch at this time. As a result of circumstances unknown to Lynn, Robert Harrow died within a few months of obtaining the Stopwatch. Megan left Cambridge early, returning to the States pregnant with Robert's child. Lawrence Harrow was born in 2012, as Megan was continuing to finish her economics degree at Yale. As on Prime, Earth-A-45(extinct) Megan moved back to Freedom City in December 2012 to begin an internship at Summit Financial at the start of 2013. She also met, and began to date Kyle Conners, a freelance reporter for the Freedom Ledger. A few months after they began dating that Kyle learned Megan was Velocity, and she learned he was the hero Siphon, and they married not long after, with Kyle adopting Lawrence. Lynn was born in June 2014, named after her mother's close friend Lynn Epstein (Grimalkin), who had sacrificed herself to save Megan and the other Interceptors. Lynn was born less than a month before Beth Walton-Wright (Lady Liberty) gave birth to twin daughters, Madison and Mary (just as she did in Prime). Given this closeness in age, Lynn grew up being best friends with the twins. With her mother continuing to work in the financial industry (unlike Prime Megan Howell), Lynn lived primarily in the Wading Way or other nearby parts of downtown Freedom City in a few different apartments and penthouses owned by her parents. At a rather young age, it became apparent that Lynn had inherited not only her mother's super speed powers, but her father's power mimic and energy draining abilities. Lawrence meanwhile, demonstrated the ability to control time. While Lynn inherited her mother's looks, she tended to be more reserved and overall kept her appearance more understated. While she also had clear athletic ability from both her parents (her father having been a high school and college football star), Lynn never really took to athletics, although she did continue with gymnastic lessons for a while. Instead, from a fairly young age, she focused on music and started playing violin before she was ten. A few months before Lynn’s sixteenth birthday, Lawrence (who was eighteen) was experiencing extreme, and sometimes painful, power spikes. Concerned, Lynn's mother took Lawrence to the Goodman Building so the Atoms could run some scans and other tests. Lynn accompanied them on the trip, and was thus present when her half-brother began to merge with Collapse, becoming a human shaped tear in the time-space continuum. The Atoms and Velocity proved unable to contain the emergent Collapse, as time and space around him began to unravel. In the chaos, and at the urging of her mother, Lynn used her powers to reach out and copy her brother’s dimensional/time travel abilities to escape. But being unfamiliar with those abilities, the fifteen-year-old was unable to fully travel to Prime, instead getting trapped in a part of Z-Space, halfway between her dying timeline and Prime. This caused anomalies in Atomic Tower in Prime, which were investigated by members of the Atoms Academy, leading them to Z-Space in search of the source. Meanwhile, aspects of Collapse had pursued Lynn into Z-Space, seeking to draw her back to Earth-A-45(extinct) to be destroyed along with the rest of her timeline. The members of the Atoms Academy intervened, managing to help Lynn escape the aspects of Collapse and brought her back to Prime. Upon learning Lynn's story, the Atoms Academy reached out to Velocity, who came to meet Lynn. Horrified at hearing the teen’s story, Megan Howell-Harrow quickly got herself named Lynn’s legal guardian, along with her husband in Prime, Robert Harrow, while they began the process to adopt her. In the meantime, they have been trying to help Lynn acclimate to being in a familiar, but at times very different timeline, which has included getting her extensive counseling to help her deal with the trauma of what she had experienced and the knowledge that everyone she knew and loved in Earth-A-45(extinct) was gone. Personality & Motivation: Lynn had always been rather reserved, although she could be quite warm and caring with those she was particularly close with. While well-mannered and able to carry on conversations in social settings, she was never the social butterfly/life of the party like her mother. Since the terrible events that led to her coming to Prime and the destruction of her timeline, Lynn has become even more withdrawn and quiet as she both tries to process the trauma and adjust to living in a place that is both so familiar and so different at the same time. Even while she was still back in her original timeline, Lynn was becoming more cognizant of the complicated legacies before her. Not only was she the daughter of a member of the Freedom League, with powers clearly identical to her mother’s, but she also had her father’s powers and the knowledge she was named after a heroine who had sacrificed herself to save not only Lynn's mother and other members of the Interceptors, but countless civilians as well. None of this has been made any easier by her arrival in Prime, where she is still likely to be equated to Prime’s version of her mother (given their identical powers and general appearance), but also an increasing sense of responsibility to do something to honor the memory of her mother, father and everyone else she lost in the destruction of her timeline. Powers & Tactics: Like her mother (and Prime Velocity), Lynn's primary power is speed, begin able to break the sound barrier running, deliver supersonic punches and even generate localized sonic booms that can be rather destructive. However, Lynn also has her father's powers, allowing her to copy others' powers and even temporarily suppress those powers, as well as being able to drain others' physical and mental characteristics (and able to temporarily boost her own should she choose to). Complications: That isn't how it happened: Lynn comes from a timeline that was very similar to Prime, but there are differences (large and small). The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule she auto fails a Knowledge/Gather Information check representing her recalling someone/something from her timeline, but what she recalls is not the same as on Prime. Days of future past: When Lynn left her timeline, it was about five and a half years ahead of Prime. The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule that she gets confused remembering something that either has not happened yet, or may never happen in Prime. It gets better with time: Lynn is still processing what happened with her brother and the destruction of her timeline (and deaths of her family and friends). The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule that some threat she encounters triggers memories of the destruction of her timeline, making Lynn Shaken for the encounter until she makes a DC 20 Will save. Complicated Legacy: Lynn inherited her mother's powers, and while Prime Velocity is not technically Lynn's biological mother, the similarity still holds true such that many (both ally and enemy) could equate Lynn with the Freedom League speedster, influencing their reactions/expectations. The GM can give Lynn a HP when these reactions make things more complicated for her. Abilities 0 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 8 = 32PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 24 (+7) (Enhanced Stat) Constitution: 16 (+3) / 26 (+8) (Enhanced Stat) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +23/+27 Attack: +4, +8 w/Strike, Rapid Fire, Drains, Mimic Grapple: +4 Defense: +8 (+5 base, +3 Dodge Focus)(+2 flat-footed) Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 4 = 7PP Toughness: +8 (+8 Con) Fortitude: +8 (+8 Con) Reflex: +10 (+7 Dex, +3), Evasion 2 Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 8 (+11/+15) Craft: Artistic 8 (+12) Concentration 4 (+6) Diplomacy 4 (+8) Drive 2 (+5/+9) Gather Information 4 (+8) Kn: Art 6 (+10) Kn: History 6 (+10) Kn: Physical Sciences 2 (+6) Lang: [English (native); Italian; German] Notice 8 (+10) Perform: Stringed (violin) 11 (+15) Perform: Dance 2 (+6) Pilot 1 (+4/+8) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 4 PP Benefit 1 (Wealth 1) Luck Uncanny Dodge (sight) Well Informed Powers: 4 + 44 + 33 + 19 = 100 Device 1 (Visor; 5PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [4PP] Super-Sense 5 (Extended for normal vision, Infravision, Ultravision, Radius for all vision) {5/5} Container 8.8 [Speedster] [44 PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 {8PP} Enhanced Dexterity 8 {8PP} Quickness 7 (X250) {7PP} Speed 7 (1,000 MPH) {7PP} Super Movement 3 (Wall Running (2 Flaw: only while moving); Water Running (Flaw: only while moving)) {3PP} Enhanced Feats 11 (Dodge Focus 3; Improved Initiative 5; Evasion 2; Move By Action) {11PP} Super Speed/Power Thief Array 13.5 (27PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [33PP] BP: Strike 8 (Feats: Accurate 2 (+4 hit), Takedown Attack) {11/27} AP: Sonic Boom (Damage) 8 (Extra: 40-ft. General Area Burst) {16/27} AP: Insubstantial 4 (Affected by Vibration effects) and Concealment 4 (all Visual Senses; Flaw: only while moving) {24/27} AP: Rapid Fire: Blast 8 (Extra: Autofire; Feats: Accurate 2 (+4 hit)) {26/27} AP: Vitality Thief: Drain 8 (All ability scores at once (3PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute), Accurate 2 (+4 hit)) {27/27} AP: Vampire: Drain 8 (Any one ability score, one at a time (2PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute), Accurate 2 (+4 hit)); Boost 8 (Any one trait (2PP per rank); Extra: Linked to Drain (0); Flaw: only boost trait drained and by amount drained; Personal; Feat: Slow Fade (lose 1 PP per minute)) {24/27} AP: Power Thief: Drain 8 (All powers, all at once (3PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Linked to Mimic (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute)) {25/27} Mimic 8 (all powers at once (4pt per rank) 40 PP to allocate; Extra: Linked to Power Thief AP (0); Flaws: Will Save; Tainted; Feat: Accurate 2 (+4 hit); Selective) [19PP] 32 + 18 + 7 + 19 + 4 + 100 = 180 / 180 PP
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