Dracostern Posted May 28, 2024 Posted May 28, 2024 GM It was just that time of the week in Claremont Academy. A routine check in with some of the students. The faculty has decided to test a few of the younger heroes. As such Baz, Vueriz and Michael would be called and led to the basements under the Academy, to the Doom Room. A large facility with a hexagonal floor, white and grey walls and a high ceiling. Above them was the observation room. A figure could be seen from within, the supervisor for today’s session. “Greetings students.” The man spoke up through the intercom. “We are here to evaluate your abilities. Some of your fellow students have volunteered to help you with this. Please use your abilities as you see fit.” Should any of them look to the far end of the room, they could notice a platform that had risen up fifty feet above them. On that platform they could see the familiar figures of Daniel and Iris, tied up together there, they seemed to be tied with chains that had three locks on it. “HEY GUYS!” Daniel called out while Iris just rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. The students could also see that there were three platforms rising up at different levels, they were all quite large, stretching from one end of the Doom Room to the other. Each platform had platform would have different environments simulated on them. The first and closest to the ground, had a forest theme to it. Trees, rocks and boulders could be seen on it. The next platform up seemed to have a city simulated on it. Or at least an urban area, small houses could be seen on it. Finally, the top seemed to look like the interior of a space ship. The supervisor would speak. “The object of this exercise is to rescue your fellow students. Each platform you see with spawn an enemy of a specific type. There are also three keys, one on each. You must find the keys to free them. Please take some time to prepare. You start in five minutes.” ( @Kaede Kimura @Supercape @Poncho )
Poncho Posted May 29, 2024 Posted May 29, 2024 "My my..." Michael mumbled, looking around the Doom Room with a curious expression. "You know I don't often get to practice in here...it'll be fun, I think. Lawrence's been using this place a lot lately." It felt nice to be in his costume though, the red and white and gold and his swishy cape. "This is cool though...three different groups of enemies. I mean we could split up, or we could go from one to the other...either could be fun." He paused and waves at Daniel. "Hi Daniel! Hi Iris! Thanks for giving us a hand with this!" he yelled back, turning to Veuriz and Baz with a grin. "Ah, we're gonna have some fun today, aren't we? This is a new group team up right? Never been just the three of us." He offered a little lopsided grin. "Let's impress and get some nice marks, huh? I'll be relying on you two to cover all my weaknesses."
Supercape Posted May 29, 2024 Posted May 29, 2024 Gamma Buzz "Yeah but Lawrence cheats. He cheats by putting in a lot of hard work and effort and training all the time. What a cheat, huh?" said Baz, wriggiling his fingers in anticipation. "Don't look at me, I don't know anything about tactics. I still ain't worked out what a Slowball Slam is, and I made it up a year ago," he added, with a noncholant slug. "Lawrence does all the thinking, I do all the looking like a cool insect!" His antennae glistened with radioactive luminscence. "Whatever your weakness are, I'll cover him. You can count on the cockroach kid!"
Kaede Kimura Posted May 30, 2024 Posted May 30, 2024 Blue Bolt Vueriz looked around, flexing her fingers to make sure her gloves weren't stiff. She was looking forward to the test, showing off what she had been picking up but also very nervous, since this was a group assessment and she didn't want to let the others down. (at least this one wasn't a written assessment again, she was pretty sure if she used the excuse about having bad handwriting in English Michael would insist on tutoring her.) Putting that thought aside she waved to the twins as Michael called out his greeting, before refocusing on the task ahead. "I think we should stick together, the teachers probably designed the tasks for all three of us, so going alone will probably mean we run into way more than we can handle." She looked between Baz and Michael, before inspecting the environments. "What's the plan?"
Poncho Posted May 31, 2024 Posted May 31, 2024 "You know I try pretty hard too." Michael said with a grin to Baz. "Don't call me a cheat, though! I've never cheated on a single test, promise." he said confidently. "But we'll cover each other, that makes the most sense." He agreed to the other two, nodding along. "So how about we start at the Forest and just make our way up then? It seems like there might be an intentional design for us to climb up. Unless we want to try and play this game in reverse item order, which I'm not against either, to be honest. I've always wanted to do a reverse item order Metroid run or something." he looked around and at the platform. "It's hard to say what we can expect, but maybe I'll land first, see what jumps out at me, then you two follow up and take down whatever shows up? They might be planning for that too, though, they keep pretty good records, so we'll have to stay on our feet and be adaptable, I think."
Kaede Kimura Posted June 1, 2024 Posted June 1, 2024 Blue Bolt Vueriz laughed nervously at the comment about never cheating, before settling down for the sensible conversation about what they wanted to do. She wasn't sure what a 'Metroid' was, but she understood the rest of the concept. She wasn't sure about the 'let Michael be bait idea though. It did make a certain amount of sense, being that he was the toughest one, although it did give her an idea... "Uh, maybe a crazy idea, but maybe instead of sending you, I could attach the Aurora Roarer to Baz and set it to go off if something attacks him. He's immune to it, so he'll be fine but the attacker won't and then we can swoop in while it's blinded. If uh, you and Baz are okay with that."
Supercape Posted June 2, 2024 Posted June 2, 2024 Gamma Buzz Baz gave two thumbs up. "Crazy Idea, but it just might work, eh?" It sounded cool. And it sounded like it would work. Of course, the former was far more important than the latter, but if you could do both at the same time? even better! "Wait, that's a movie Cliche, isn't it? I need to come up with something better. Crazy Work! But it just might be an idea!" That didnt make any sense, but it sounded less like a cliche, which was the important thing. "You need to make up a cool name for the manuever, though, Veriz! Like Starbolt Sting, or Boombang Blitz!" He flexed his knuckles. "Hit me with it then, Blue Bolt! Then we are sure to win!"
Poncho Posted June 4, 2024 Posted June 4, 2024 "Let's do it then." Michael said with a grin. "Load him up, hop on the platform, and then we'll knock around whatever jumps at you, Baz." he said as he looked up at the first platform. "We'll get this all solved lickedy-split, guaranteed." "I do like Boombang Blitz, but you aren't returning to us afterwards, are you? So maybe Starbolt Sting is better....Hrm...." he put his hand to his chin to think about it. "Yeah, Starbolt Sting." he finally agreed. He rolled his shoulder and lit himself up, glowing gold and red as he got ready for combat. "Alright, I'm going in guns blazing when something pops out, so don't worry about that; no waiting around to see what's up since we're in a training exercise. Let's get a great grade here and the pizza'll be on me once we do."
Kaede Kimura Posted June 9, 2024 Posted June 9, 2024 Blue Bolt Vueriz glowed with pride as the boys took to her idea, even giving it a name for what the maneuver should be called. That was cool as hell, and so decided she pulled the Aurora Roarer from her belt, quickly twisting it and pressing some buttons to set it, before attaching it to Baz's back and jumping onto her skyboard, the particle accelerators tubes emitting a slight blue glow as she did some last minute checks on the systems. "Okay, the cloud persists for about twelve seconds so if you have to get within its radius while it's going close your eyes if you can. Let's kick some butt!"
Supercape Posted June 11, 2024 Posted June 11, 2024 Gamma Buzz "Hey its like a school backpack!" said Bax, trying to look over his shoulder onto the Roarer. Baz had the proportional neck flexibility of a cockroach, which meant he had even less neck flexibility than a human. He couldn't see it. "A school backpack made of radioactive boom-juice! Lethal! In a non-lethal way, of course, just like all radiation, huh?" He hopped from foot to foot in anticipation, and straightened out his antennae with pincered fingers, like a greaser combing his hair with exquisite pride and precision. "Right, hombres! Let's see what this Doom Room can throw at us! Read when you are!"
Poncho Posted June 12, 2024 Posted June 12, 2024 "Ready to go, Baz!" Michael said with a grin. "You need me to give you a toss onto that platform? Let's get this started and pass with flying colors!" he said solidly. "Just be ready to go with whatever ends up attacking you, and we'll be jumping in after you." he was brimming with absolute confidence in this, ready to pass this with flying colors. He was, if anything, starting to get a little antsy; if Baz didn't jump up soon, he felt like he was going to get ahead of himself and jump onto the platform himself.
Dracostern Posted June 12, 2024 Author Posted June 12, 2024 GM After a few moments of waiting as the students began to plan, the supervisor was listening in and taking notes. So far he was impressed by what they had in mind, however whether or not it could be executed properly was another fact entirely. He would speak over the coms within the Doom Room after the five minutes were up. "Very good students. Your planning time is up. Now Step upon whichever Platform you wish to start with to begin this exam." There were three options now. Forest, City or Spaceship.
Supercape Posted June 12, 2024 Posted June 12, 2024 Gamma Buzz Gamma Buzz was vibrating with anticipation now; his Antennae taught, quivering. Gone was the time of planning, he could not hold himself back anymore. "Spaceship! Because thats the coolest!" Not the most likely. Far from it. Gamma Buzz was far more likely to be superheroing in the City. And even the forest was plausible. Spaceships? Even in Freedom City, that would be a rare occurence. Unless Lawrence really could take them on cosmic adventures. But Spacehsip it was. He jumped on the pad, hands on hips, cockroach lungs puffing out his cockroach chest.
Kaede Kimura Posted June 15, 2024 Posted June 15, 2024 Blue Bolt Vueriz was pretty sure her translator was malfunctioning again, with Baz talking about radiation being non-lethal and lethal at the same time but she didn't want to comment on it. Her struggles to learn English was starting to be a bit of a sore spot, especially written English but she was still trying to avoid mentioning it. Still, she didn't hate the idea of the first test being the spaceship, the ideas that the Claremont staff had might be good inspiration for the spaceship she'd promised to build for Baz. She stayed silent as she floated above Baz's right shoulder upon her skyboard, readying her Meson Driver to fire it upon anything that might come their way.
Poncho Posted June 16, 2024 Posted June 16, 2024 Michael floated after Bazz as the bug boy jumped towards the space ship platform, his cape swishing in the air as he momentarily looked over to Vueriz and offered an inclination of his head as a statement of his feelings on things before turning his attention back to Bazz and whatever was going to ambush him. He was still wrestling within with his own difficult and questionable feelings, so he was hoping that this could help him shake out some of the cobwebs. He was thinking about it pretty deeply; about being the person who needed to protect others. About what it meant to be a Hero. He had a long time to think about it, but he was never the kind of person to put things off. He watched the Spaceship location very closely as Bazz jumped on it, trying to avoid getting distracted in his own head. He needed to be in the moment.
Dracostern Posted June 16, 2024 Author Posted June 16, 2024 GM As soon as the three young heroes touched down on the platform, their vision shifted slightly. The Doom Room seemed to have disappeared and they were on the interior of a starship, specifcally the cockpit. All aound them was the cold blackness of space, with small lights, stars, allowing them to see. Of course they would know that they were still in the Doom Room, it seems this was more so for atmosphere. It did not take long for things to kick off however, for as soon as the heroes got adjusted to anything the Alarm within the ship started to go off! "INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT!" About twenty feet from them, they could see the back wall, away from the glass behind them, and the door attached to it was slowly being forced open, some silver robots with a single red eye in the middle of their foreheads and blasters in their hands broke through! There seemed to be about six of them, yet the heroes would all have a feeling that more was coming. When suddenly...the Aurora Roarer goes off! BOOM!
Kaede Kimura Posted June 22, 2024 Posted June 22, 2024 Blue Bolt Vueriz grinned broadly as the Starbolt Sting went off without a hitch, the Aurora Roarer lighting up around Baz with a great array of ethereal lights, mixing and contrasting in equal measure with Baz's natural bioluminescence. It was beautiful, enough to bring a tear to her eye. Or maybe that was because she was staring into the cloud of lights that she had designed to temporarily blind people. Tearing her eyes away from the sight she blinked rapidly to clear the dazzle (She was gonna have Baz's silhouette stuck in her vision for ages), it was time for the later part of the plan- shooting things. She activated the holographic controls for her board, switching it to firing mode. The central plating slid to the side to reveal the cannon, which slid forwards to menace their mechanical opponents. Her hands worked quickly as she entered in firing solutions and filtered out junk data, the Cannon tracking onto the only robot that didn't seem to have been blinded. With a cackle of victory, Vueriz twisted both her wrists to activate the Cannon, a bright blue flash passing through the air as the particles shot towards the erstwhile robot at relativistic velocities.
Dracostern Posted June 23, 2024 Author Posted June 23, 2024 GM The Cannon sparks to life and the Robot, while not blinded like the others, did not see this coming and was instantly destoryed! The others seemed to register that something happened but could not located their comrad. All they could do was shout out different phrases. "DESTORY!" "LOCATE!" "CALL!" Though there was nothing else to be gleamed from them outside of this. Michael, however, could pick up something with his super hearing. A female voice seemd to be speaking in one of the Robot's 'ears'. "Report? Did you find them? Report?!" But that was all he could pick up.
Supercape Posted June 24, 2024 Posted June 24, 2024 Gamma Buzz "That went fantastic!" said Baz, giving Veuriz two cockroach thumbs upwards. "Now, lets see if these Robots are a match for my amazingly amazing cockroach strength and cockroach agility! I'm betting not! Wheeeee!" He leapt into the air, did a double somersault, and yelled "look at how cool this is, huh?" landing with remarkable elegance. "Wait..." he said. "I'm meant to do something else. Oh yes, punch!" He gave a lazy, rushed and totally wild swing so telegraphed that it predated the invention of the telegraph.
Dracostern Posted June 25, 2024 Author Posted June 25, 2024 GM Gamma Baz's fits punched through the machine's head, wiring and metal could be seen inside it as it collapsed onto the floor. This may seem easy now, but Baz would recall that they were being graded on this. The remaining robots stumbled about blindly. Their voices seemed to glitch out a little, some of them trying to report to someone but failing. Others just spouted random nonsense.
Poncho Posted June 26, 2024 Posted June 26, 2024 With their change to a spaceship, Michael looked around and was impressed at his teammate's own actions; quickly dispatching many of the robots with great ease. "Alright! My turn now!" he declared, dashing forward at one of the robots and charging forward, smashing into it and sending them both forward until they crashed into the bulkhead of the ship. He assumed- incorrectly- he had defeated the creature and floated backwards, grinning with triumph. "Now how do you like that." he said before realizing the robot was still moving. "Oh. I guess that didn't work." He said in surprise.
Dracostern Posted June 26, 2024 Author Posted June 26, 2024 (edited) GM The Robot that Michael hit flies into the bulkhead and it's 'head' flicks back for a moment before righting itself. It's metal body seemed to have taken the brunt of the damage, the attack didn't seem to do much, and when he flew away from it, it would push itself to it's feet and spoke. "FIRE!" Though it had no idea what it was firing at. "EXTERMINATE!" The robots all moved at once, there was four of them left. One would aim it's weapon at Veuriz, or at least where it thought she was, the one that Michael hit would naturally aim towards where it assumes him to be. Two would go for Baz. Their lazer rifles would light up and bolts shot out towards them! The Aurora Roarer seemed to be a good call as most of these Robots now had Stormtrooper aim. Edited June 26, 2024 by Dracostern
Kaede Kimura Posted July 8, 2024 Posted July 8, 2024 Blue Bolt The shot was wide from the moment it was fired, but Vueriz couldn't resist doing a fancy twirl around the laser. No need to waste an opportunity to look cool after all. She grinned as she plugged in new firing solutions, the barrel splitting to lance a pair of particle beams at a pair of robots, although only one fell. Still, that left two of them to the two boys. This was too easy. She had to ask though... "What's with their creepy black eyes?"
Dracostern Posted July 19, 2024 Author Posted July 19, 2024 (edited) GM One robot gets completely destroyed, leaving three more behind. As Venzria blew it up, Michael would hear something else from the 'ears' of the remaining machines. "That's it. I'm coming in." With that an explosion rang out from the doorway into the cockpit, and a human female stomped in. Side was wearing power armour and had a blaster at her side. Her long blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail. "Destroy them and find that key!" Edited July 28, 2024 by Dracostern
Supercape Posted July 20, 2024 Posted July 20, 2024 Gamma Buzz "Aha!" said Gamma Buzz, huge red eyes widening even more. "You fool! You are the boss, aren't you? And with you long and winding, endless, meandering, torturous and elongated monologue, ripe with adverbs, you have inadvertandly told us of your secret plan that involves a key, and that you wish to find it whilst destroying us!" He gave a healthy laugh. "Such stupidity! You will never catch us using long winded explanations of our tactics, which in this case involves me jumping towards you and punching you in the face! hahahaha! STUPID!" With that, Gamma Buzz executed his mastermind plan. He jumped towards the woman, and started glowing with healthy non-lethal gamma radiation, his cockroach mouth wide with a cockroach grin. As he had explained, he pulled back one glowing cockroach fist and aimed it right at the womans face...
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