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"Huh-?" The woman started to speak after hearing what Gamma Buzz had said. It was a split second of confused weakness...but that was enough for the hero to exploit. His fist collided with her face. "OOF-!" 

She was pushed back a little bit before wiping her mouth and glaring at the cockroach man. This solider would move up to aim her gun at him...

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Michael wasted no time in following up after Buzz, while he was distracting the boss. "You know you're always supposed to ignore the adds and go after the boss, or something, right?" He said as he flew directly at the lady with the gun, attempting to swing a kick at her. But he missed wildly, just as he had before- his excitement was making him zip around far too fast, making him massively overshoot all his targets over and over again-.


"Or uh, was it to take out the adds then the boss?"

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"GAH!" The boss cried out as Buzz's fist hit her right in the face! She looked bruised now and staggered a tiny bit when Buzz pulled his fist away from her. 

Things were not going the way the Solider planned. She needed to get the key and get out of there! First she had to get away from this bug boy at the very least! As such the blonde raised her blaster rifle and swung the butt of it down on  Gamma Buzz's head...comedically it bounced off his hard, incestiod, exterior. 

At this moment she knew that she was cooked. 

The robots were doing no better, blasting randomly and completely missing the heroes...aside from one lucky mook who managed to shoot a blast directly at Vueriz....

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Blue Bolt 


Vueriz's eyes widened as one of their guns managed to point exactly to her as they blindly fired, the beam striking her exactly. She cried out in alarm as the heat lanced across her torso, scalding hot and painful, but only for a moment before her movement carried her from it's path. The impact stung, but no real damage had been done.


"I'm okay!" She cried, not wanting to worry the boys. She glared at the robot that had tagged her, aiming one of the barrels to strike it with baleful intent. Once more the particle beams lashed out upon the machines, reducing one to smoldering ruins with a flare of light. "Keep the pressure on the boss guys, I'll handle the bots!"

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Gamma Buzz


"Yippee!" yelled Baltazar. 


He flipped into the air, landing on a nearby wall, stuck to it like a cockroach that had been bitten by a radioactive kid. 


"Boss Lady! You remind me of..."


His humour centre choked. 


"...a Lady... who is bossy. Like a really bossy.... Lady..."


He scowled at his inability to come up with anything witty. 


"And that calls for.... GAMMA VISION!" he add, blustering out the taunt with speed to make up for the paucity of his previous statements. With a grin, two green laser beams popped out of his insectiod eyes...

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The Solider would see this attack coming, seeing as Baltazar just annouced it...loudly...so as the attack shot towards her, she would bend over a little bit, and allow the beam to shoot past her, Matrix Style. She would then righten herself up and glare at the young hero with a raised eyebrow. "Did you...really just announcement what you were going to do? Pro tip kid. Never do that." 

Meanwhile the two remaining robots stumbled around the room, much to her annoyance. Though the heroes could hear the sound of loud footsteps heading in their direction from the entrance, causing the Blonde to smirk a little. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hey, if it works, it works." Michael said to the space marine lady before lashing out with a strong right hand, which also soared right past her. "...Not that I can hit the broad side of a barn today, apparently." he mumbled as he couldn't keep the scary lady pinned down. "How about you stand still so I can land a hit on you, lady!" he yelled, shaking his fist in frustration.


"I might need to go after the adds, it seems like this lady's calibrated against me." He called to Veruiz and Baz, growling in frustration. "I'm not exactly the best at aiming."

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Marine just smirks as she dodges out of the way of Mcihael's fists. They were powerful hits for sure, but she was slippery and was able to slide back a good distance from the heroes. She pulls out her rifle and aims it at the boy who failed to hit her and fired a shot directly at him! 

As she did this, the robots around her would begin to shoot as well. Though they were pretty useless at this point, only staggering around and firing wildly. They would all miss their shots.

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