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Doom Room Troop (OOC)

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Okay, the Aurora Roarer is as follows:


Alternate Power: [19PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Magnetism, Radiation, Atomic Particles, Light, Aurora)

Dazzle 8 (Aurora Roarer; Visual Dazzle; Extras: Area [Cloud]; Feats: Ricochet, Thrown 1, Triggered 2; Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses]; Drawbacks: Full Power)


The trigger condition is that if something other than Michael and Vueriz gets within it's radius it will go off. It has a 20ft. Radius effect that lingers for one round after the duration ends, so things that enter the radius after it goes off will still be effected. Things in the radius must make a DC18 Reflex save or be blinded until they pass a Fortitude save in later rounds.


Since Baz is immune to the Radiation Descriptor it will have no effect on him, and would only be DC14 for Vueriz due to her limited radiation Immunity.

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Ok that’s cool as hell, it’s basically some kind of flash grenade right? That’s kind of what I’m getting from this so correct me if I’m wrong.


alright, all I need is someone to step on the platform and then I can begin my responses too!

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Okay, assuming minion rules (M&M Handbook Pg 163) Vueriz is gonna set her Skyboard to

Alternate Power: [20 + 1 + 3 = 24PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Subatomic Particles)

Damage 8 (Particle Cannon; Extras: Ranged; Feats: Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Precise, Split Attack) [20PP]

Flight 1 (Flaws: Platform; Drawbacks: Doesn't Work Underwater) [1PP]

Immovable 3 (Stability Assist [3PP] (Computer)

All Out Attack -2 Def/+2 Attack and then Power Attack the gained Attack Bonus away.


She will take a 10 to hit with the Particle Cannon for an 18, which if it hits will be a DC25 Toughness

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I'll go ahead and take a 10 on the attack for 17 with a DC 24 toughness if it hits.


If possible can we maybe have a list of how many robots/other things there are left versus destroyed? That way we can know how well we're progressing.

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