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Star Knight (Pl 10 [12])

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Star Knight

Power Level: 10 (180/183PP)
Unspent Power Points: 3pp
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: An old Star Knight whose just one job off of Retiring.

Catchphrase: A Star Knight is always Vigilant.

Theme: My Way- Frank Sinatra


Alternate Identity: Millisand Vermillion, The Ruby Knight, 'That Gorilla', 'The Old Man', and a hundred other epithets
Birthplace:  The State of Helian, on the Planque continent of Bereingi

Residence: Roving throughout the Galaxy, or a home in Bereingi
Base of Operations: Mobile, or Citadel
Occupation:  Intergalactic Peacekeeper
Affiliations: The Star Knights
Family: A large family on Bereingi, his Squire Zendaar


Age: 85 (DoB: Equivalent Earth Year 1939])
Apparent Age: Even people who don't really understand Bereingi aging can tell that Millisand is quite old
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Alien Gorilla
Height:  8ft 4 inches
Weight:  630 pounds
Eyes:  Black
Fully covered in a rich ruby fur


Millisand is an 8 foot tall Gorilla by all respects, if not for the fact he speaks Galstandard and usually is wearing his Star Knight Armor, which is just as red as his fur. He's not patchy furred but he's clearly old; he has a pair of tiny glasses he has to wear when he's not in his armor, and he walks with a cane. While his size would seem to represent increased strength and resilience compared to normal sized individuals or humans, his advanced age has sapped almost all of his youth's impressive strength and resilience, leaving him only about as strong as an adult human. Because of his age, he's a bit clumsy now as well, but his mind is still sharp.

He cuts a dashing figure still in his Star Knight Armor, which is covered in the scars of a lifetime of battle. He favors making his energy weapon into heavy hammers and axes, a left over from when he was younger.




Millisand Vermillion is a truly ancient being, especially for his race.


His race resembles Earth Gorillas, particularly the larger Eastern Gorillas.  Bereingi are, indeed, almost physically the same as Earth Gorillas; they have similar physical strength and senses to those creatures. However, they are much more intelligent, and the fur that covers their body is a deep orange, with their 'silverback' fur being a deep crimson. As they age, more of their fur becomes deep crimson; when one's fur becomes fully red, they retire to live an easy life for their last few years.


Millisand is entirely crimson underneath his Star Knight armor, but he continues to go out to protect the stars.


He has a wife, he has a family; he has at least 10 grandchildren, last he knew. He had retired once, but the Communion forced him out of retirement. He was old then, but with the numbers of Star Knights reduced due to the Communion, he felt the need to once more don his armor and rejoin in protecting the universe. He walks with a cane when he isn't in his armor, and without the armor he has some issues with mobility. However, his mind is just as sharp as ever, and he attempts to carry out his duties with dignity and honor.


He was recently given his very last 'mission'; to take the new Star Squire; Zendaar, and turn him into a model Star Knight. So Millisand has taken the hot-headed, aggressive Star Squire under his wing, so to speak. His goal is simple; if Zendaar is important enough to be worth the trouble of training- and Millisand has no reason to believe he isn't-, then Millisand is going to teach him everything about being a Star Knight, and then retire.


Throughout his years as a Star Knight, Millisand- or sometimes called the Ruby Knight for his for his dark red Star Knight armor- is well known throughout the Universe, both positively and negatively. People know him, and they know about him; they know he's old, they know they have grudges against him, they're aware of him teaching a new Squire. He doesn't try to hide these things, but they weigh on him just as much as Zendaar's brashness and unflinching foolishness.

He is just...tired.


Personality & Motivation:
Millisand is stoic, serious, and well-mannered. He carries out his job and does the right thing because he's always had the job and he believes in it. He doesn't wear the weight of the worlds on his shoulder, but he carries out what he believes he needs to without complaint. In the end, he just really wants to finish his final job as a success, and retire for the rest of his life- however long he has- on Bereingi to live out his days. But he isn't going to leave it half done either.


Powers & Tactics:
Millisand has the standard Star Knight Armor, though he relies on it more than most due to his advanced age. He was quite the brute in his younger days, using his large size and great physical power to handle rogue threats, but he's lost much of that strength in his old age; he's had to become more strategic, more careful, and plan out what he intends to do more tightly. He isn't a coward, but he's not rash anymore; the scars and marks on his armor speak to a life spent aggressively but he's grown out of that these days.


Power Descriptions:
Millisand's powers are regular Star Knight Powers; his armor is crimson and his beams in color vary from deep red to a light pink depending on the preciseness of the beam. His physical style resembles how he would fight in his younger days; relying on pure physical strength, but now it's heavily augmented by his Star Knight Armor and he has to be more precise, but thankfully he has many years of that.




Old as Dirt: Millisand is quite old, and has many of the trials and tribulations that come with being old. He has difficulty seeing without the corrective lenses in his Star Knight armor or his stand alone glasses, he has difficulty walking without his cane, and he has back pain and bad knees. Any sort of effect that is standard to an aging body can be given to Millisand as a Complication


A Household Name: Millisand is rather well known for his actions when he was younger. This is not neccesarily always positive, as troublemakers or those with underworld or criminal connections can spot him out quite easily; he's effectively worthless undercover or in sneaking missions because of this, and it's always possible for someone to have heard of him or spot him in a crowd to a negative effect.


Rambunctious Student: Millisand puts a lot of his focus on making sure his job of teaching Zendaar is carried out correctly, and he will put his student's safety before his own


Star Knight; Millisand also puts a lot of effort into being a proper, well meaning Star Knight.

Abilities: -8 + -2 + -4 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 10PP
Strength: 2/10/30 (-4/+0/+10)
Dexterity: 8 (-1)
Constitution: 6/10 (-2/+0)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 18 (+4)
Charisma: 18 (+4)

Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP
Initiative: +4 (Speed of Thought)
Attack: +4 Base (5 - 1 for Size), +10 for Star Knight Array
Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +6 Dodge Focus, -1 Size), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +8/+18 (Strength in Array) (4 + 4 (Size) + 10 (Strength from Array))
Knockback: -9

Saving Throws: 7 + 8 + 5 = 20PP
Toughness: +10 (Impervious 8 [-2/+0/+10 (-2/+0 Con, +10 Protection (Impervious 8)]
Fortitude: +7 [-2/+0/+7 (-2/+0 Con, +7)]
Reflex: +7 [(-1 Dex, +8)]
Will: +9 (+4 Wis, +5)

Skills: 28R = 7PP

  • Diplomacy 4 (+8)
  • Gather Information 3 (+7)
  • Investigate 4 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4 (+8)
  • Language 1 (Bereingi, Galstandard)
  • Notice 4 (+8)
  • Search 4 (+8)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+8)
  • All other Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Skills +4, Intimidate +6

Feats: 40PP

Beginner's Luck

Benefit (Fame)

Dodge Focus 6

Jack of All Trades


Luck 3

Master Plan

Native: Galactic Lore

Sidekick 24 (120pp)

Speed of Thought


Powers: 13 + 2 + 68 = 83PP

The Growth and Super Senses are from his Bereingi Biology. The Star Knight armor is Technological.


Growth 4 (Extra: Duration (Permanent) [+0]; Power Feat: Innate) [13 PP]

  • Strength +8, Constitution +4, Attack -1, Defence -1, Grapple +4, Intimidate +2, Stealth -4, +5' speed, +5' reach, +5 Strength for carrying capacity only

Super Senses 2 (Low Light Vision, Scent) (Sharp Eyes and Nose) [2PP]


Device 17 (Battlesuit, 85PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [68PP] (technology)

Immunity 10 (Life Support, Starvation and Thirst) [10DP]

Comprehend 3 (Understand and Read all Languages, Speak one at a time) [6DP]

Weapons Array 10 (20PP, Feats: Alternate Power 2, Accurate 3) [25DP]

  • BE: Enhanced Strength 20 (to Strength 30 [+10], Total Effect carrying Capacity Strength 35) {20/20}
  • AP: Blast 10 (laser blasts) {20/20} 
  • AP: Snare 10 {20/20}

Protection 10 (Extra: Impervious [8]) [18DP] 

Flight 8 (2,500 MPH) [16DP]

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6DP]

Enhanced Feat: Quick Change [1DP]

Super Senses 3 (Communication Link [Mentor], Radio, Direction Sense) [3DP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP



DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Blast             Ranged      DC 25 Toughness                Damage

Snare             Touch      DC 20 Reflex                Snare




Abilities (10) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (7) + Feats (40) + Powers (83) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/183 Power Points


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Star Squire

Power Level: 7 (120/120PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: -2/+2 on Defense/Toughness


In Brief: A new Star Knight, whose brash and boastful, but has a lot of potential

Catchphrase: A Star Knight is always Vigilant.

Theme: Rumble: Zayde Wolf


Alternate Identity: Zendaar of the Zultasians
Birthplace: Somewhere in Khanate Space

Residence: Roving throughout the Galaxy
Base of Operations: Mobile, or Citadel
Occupation:  Intergalactic Peacekeeper
Affiliations: The Star Knights
Family: His family on his homeworld


Age: 26 (DoB: Equivalent Earth Year 1998])
Apparent Age: Roughly the same
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: Blue Space Elf
Height:  6'2
Weight:  185 Pounds
Eyes:  Black
Hair:  Silver


Zendaar is a lanky looking space alien with blue skin, silver hair, and elf-like ears. He's quite attractive in the way that such creatures often are; exotic and seemingly fragile looking at times. His Star Knight armor is a pearl white color with a ruby gem in the center. His voice is silken but he has quite the foul mouth on him when he gets upset.




Zendaar of the Zultasians is a braggart, a lout, and a rastabout. He's been thrown out of a bars in thirty systems, he's always evasive about heading back home, and he's prone to putting words out there he may not actually be able to match up with. He would be the last person you would think of as being a Star Knight. But he was picked as one regardless, and now finds himself attempting to fit into a job that he doesn't think he's really suited for- he finds the rules and regulations a bit stifling-, and is trying to do his best.


He isn't sure why he was chosen to be a Star Knight, and many of the people around aren't sure either, but Mentor has rarely- if ever- chosen wrong, so people are convinced about Mentor's choices, if not Zendaar himself.


Millisand is his Star Knight trainer, and though he respects the ancient gorilla immensely, their personalities can often clash; He is much more hot-headed than the calm, thoughtful Beringi, and has to be reigned in- or rescued- at times.


Personality & Motivation:
Zendaar is confident, prone to bending the rules, and always looking out for the fastest way to get something done, even if it's not strictly regulatory. He's got a mouth on him that he can usually use to get out of trouble, but when it can't, it's great at helping him get away.


Despite all of this, it's wrong to say that Zendaar is a bad person, or even a rebel in some ways. He wants to do good, and he tries very hard to do good, but he's just not someone to whom that comes naturally.


Powers & Tactics:
Zendaar's great at distracting people with his motor mouth; he's taunting and quick-witted, knocking people off their game with peppered insults and taunts. For his summoned weapons, he favors a dueling saber of light in one hand, and similarly summoned pistol in the other. Though he has no need to summon a pistol of energy to shoot beams, he does it to complete the style that he fights with; a much higher class dueling style then someone would expect from someone who navigates via the location of bars.


Power Descriptions:
Zendaar's powers are regular Star Knight Powers; with his beams being a bright white with a red tinge. He tries to be mobile in his Star Knight armor, but he still relies on it significantly to protect him since he's still undergoing training.




Always a Troublemaker: Zendaar might have people who know of him be very suspicious of the eternal troublemaker.


Hot-Tempered: Zendaar cane be prone to flying off the handle, putting his foot in his mouth, or making a rash decision.


Star Knight; Zendaar puts far less effort into being a proper, well meaning Star Knight then Millisand, but he still tries.

Abilities: 0 + 4 + 6 + 0 + -2 + 6 = 14PP
Strength: 10/24 (+0/+7)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 6 + 10 = 16PP
Initiative: +6 (+2, Improved Initiative)
Attack: +3 Base, +14 Star Knight Array
Defense: +5 Base, +2 Flat-footed

Grapple: +3 Base, +7 in Array
Knockback: -1, -8 in Armor

Saving Throws: 2 + 5 + 6 = 13PP
Toughness: +9 (Impervious 7) [+3 Con, +6 Protection (Impervious 7)]
Fortitude: +5 [+3 Con, +2)]
Reflex: +7 [(+2 Dex, +5)]
Will: +5 (-1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 36R = 9PP

  • Acrobatics 2 (+4)
  • Bluff 8 (+11/15 with Attractive)
  • Computers 2 (+2)
  • Diplomacy 2 (+5/+9 with Attractive)
  • Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4 (+4)
  • Language 1 (Native; Zultasian Language, Galstandard)
  • Notice 8 (+7)
  • Pilot 4 (+6)
  • Sense Motive 5 (+4)

Feats: 8PP


Challenge (Fast Feint)


Improved Initiative

Move-By Action

Native: Galactic Lore

Set Up




Powers: 60 = 60PP

The Star Knight armor is Technological.


Device 15 (Battlesuit, 75PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [60PP] (technology)

Immunity 10 (Life Support, Starvation and Thirst) [10DP]

Comprehend 3 (Understand and Read all Languages, Speak one at a time) [6DP]

Weapons Array 7 (14PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3, Accurate 2) [19DP]

  • BE: Enhanced Strength 14 (to Strength 24 [+7]) [14DP]
  • AP: Blast 7 (laser blasts) {14/14} 
  • AP: Snare 7 {14/14}
  • AP: Stun 7 {14/14]

Protection 6 (Extra: Impervious [7]) [13DP] 

Flight 8 (2,500 MPH) [16DP]

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6DP]

Enhanced Feat: Quick Change [1DP]

Super Senses 4 (Communication Link [Mentor], Radio, Low-Light Vision, Direction Sense) [4DP]

Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 22 Toughness                Damage

Blast             Ranged      DC 22 Toughness                Damage

Snare             Touch      DC 17 Reflex                Snare

Stun             Touch      DC 17 Fort                Stun


Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (9) + Feats (8) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 120/120 Power Points

Edited by Poncho
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I absolutely love that the PC is the grizzled mentor and not the hotshot sidekick. Amazing. No notes.


(I lied. The usual math edge cases lead to some minor notes:)


Star Knight

Fun fact: most everything in M&M 2e rounds down, since the game doesn't like or allow fractions. In the case of defense, though, it's your dodge bonus that rounds down, so your flat-footed defense (base defense - dodge bonus) effectively rounds up! Unfortunately for your Star Knight, though, flat-footed defense is not immune to size penalties: at an effective +4 Base Defense, Star Knight has a mere +2 Flat-Footed Defense.


With +4 Base Attack, +0 base Strength, and +4 from Size, Star Knight would have a +8 base Grapple bonus.


It looks like the forum software has helpfully turned part of your Toughness line into an emoticon. That's very funny, but probably worth fixing.


You've purchased Immunity 10, rather than Immunity 9, but the cost is correct.


Star Knight appears to have bought a Communication Link to...himself? I'm assuming that should link him to the Squire.


You've bought 7pp of Skills, but the tally at the bottom of the sheet says 6pp; if that's corrected to 7pp the tally does add up to 180pp, though, so I think it's just a typo.


Star Squire

I put Squire's Grapple at +3/+7 (+3 Attack +0 // +7 Attack +7 Strength).


Knockback can be harsh, and alas very much rounds down; at +3 (+0 Imp.) / +9 (+7 Impervious) Toughness, I put Squire's knockback at -1/-8.



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One of these days I'm going to make a sheet with no math errors and I'm gonna gloat at you. ❤️


Though to clarify, the Communication Link [Mentor] is to Mentor, the Star Knight intelligence at the Citadel, not to the Squire. Vermillion and Zendaar use regular radio to communicate :)


Errors are fixed though, I believe.


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