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Animist PL (8/10) Draft

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Diego D'Angelo aka Animist





Power Level: 8/10 (150/150PP)

Unspent Power Points: 0

Trade-Offs: Toughness -2 / Defense +2


In Brief: A rebellious teen mutant with the ability to animate the inanimate.. 

Catchphrase: "Easy Peasy"



Alternate Identity:  Diego D'Angelo aka Anmist

Birthplace:  A lab hidden somewhere in the Mojave desert.

Residence: Freedom City

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy

Occupation: Student.

Affiliations: None for now

Family: Doctors Davide and Michela d'Angelo, Domenico and Damiano D'Angelo, twin brothers (clones).



Age: 16 (06.08.2008)

Gender:  Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 155 lbs 

Eyes:  Green

Hair:  Black




Raised in a laboratory to use his mutant power for espionage 

His father has a similar power, although he is more apt at turning his abilities on living creatures rather than objects and his mother is a brilliant geneticist, with the meta power of altering life-forms who has definitely experimented to 'refine' her son genes and enhance his powers, they are a couple of "reformed" (very much in quotation marks) supervillains who now work for the government.

Eventually escaped by "befriending" every security measure at the lab with his power and somehow found Claremont and the staff helped him find a family to take care of him. 


Personality & Motivation:


Raised in a sterile environment and with a family much more interested in what he could do rather than forming any healthy emotional bond with him Diego is not exactly the most trusting around people, he is sarcastic and a bit abrasive at time, but in truth he craves for actual companionship. Due to his fragmented consciousness (and a vivid imagination) he frequently appears distracted and is prone to follow different trains of thought (at the same time occasionally). He has a strong, but at time misguided, sense of justice that he built mostly by "do the opposite of what my parents would do", although more often than not this doesn't prevent him to choose the 'easy path' when he can.


Powers & Tactics:


Due to a sheltered existence and focus on honing his powers, Diego hasn't exactly learned how to defend himself in a scrap without relying on his powers. In a fight he relies on his natural agility and on animating whatever he can find in the surroundings, eventually turning the land itself or even an enemies own equipment against them.


Power Descriptions:


Diego is a mutant with the ability to split his mind and invest a portion of his consciousness into inanimate objects. This allows him to awaken, control them and gain a deep understanding of what makes them tick, even absorbing a small portion of an object essence into himself, mimicking some of that object traits and acquiring skills related to the object in question.

His Jack of all trades talent is also a reflection of this, he can acquire a basic proficiency in most tools simply by touching them for example or gain a superficial notion-based knowledge of most subjects by using the same trick on a book (or through the internet by infusing his mind in a connected device).


His quirk also allows him to talk with inanimate objects although he is not sure if the personalities they manifest are actually intrinsic of the item or if he is just projecting a portion of his mind in them subconsciously. He can split his consciousness within multiple objects at the same time and even dedicate them to different tasks, which he does not only in combat, but also to ease his day to day life, making most chores "complete by themselves" while he is doing something else. His Quickness this ability and not actual physical speed.

He can merge his consciousness with a location with his "Genus Loci" power, such as a building or a small complex (like a zoo, a college campus or a military base), becoming aware of anything that happens within it, like if he was everywhere within the building at the same time although this is a bit "trippy" and definitely distracting. 


His Animate Object power is intended to be mostly residual to cover corner cases, otherwise he will just use his move object and damage powers to mimic him animating nearby objects and or attacking with them.






The path of least resistance: 


Spontaneous Animation: It's not unsual for objects that are around him to animate on their own, fueled by Diego subconscious, this things are not under his control and might be quite annoying, his ability to understand what inanimate things "say" is also constantly active and at time they can be distracting.  


Corrupting Resonance\Mental Feedback: since his powers works by merging a portion of his consciousness with his surroundings to "awaken" nearby objects, cursed items or areas infused with a particularly strong or corrupting emotional resonance (places where something terrible happened for example) might have lingering effects on him. His powers that don't already have the feedback flaws also has this vulnerability, mental and spiritual attacks can be aimed at the stuff he is animating to affect him even if for some reason he might be out of sight.


Family of supervillains:  both his parents and his twin brothers are suprevillains and would definitely love to have him back as part of the team.


ABILITIES (+0,+8,+4,+12,-2,+4) 26 PP

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 18(+4)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 22 (+5)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Charisma: 14 (+2)


COMBAT (+8,+8) 16 PP

Initiative: +8 (Dexterity +4, Improve Initiative +4)

Attack: +4 (+4 base), Power +8 (+4 Base, +4 Accurate) 

Grapple: +4 (+4 Melee Attack)

Defense: +10  (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed

Knockback Resistance: -2



SAVING THROWS (+6+6+7) 19 PP

Toughness: +6/+2 (+4 Defensive Roll, +2 Constitution)

Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, + 6 PP)

Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex +6PP)

Will: +6 (-1 Wis, +7 PP)


SKILLS 17PP (68)

Bluff: 8 (+10)Skill Mastery

Concentration 11 (+10)Skill Mastery

Craft - Art 2 (+8)

Craft - Mechanics 2 (+8)

Computers 2 (+8)

Disable Devices 4 (10)

Gather Information 7 (+9)

Knowledge: Streetwise 2 (+8)

Languages (Italian, English [Native])  1

Notice 11 (+10)Skill Mastery

Search 11 (+10)Skill Mastery

Stealth 7 (+10)



Defensive Roll 2 

Dodge Focus 6

Improved Initiative 1

Improvised Tools 1


Luck 2

Uncanny Dodge 1

Skill Mastery 1 (Concentration, Notice, Search, Bluff)


POWERS (34, + 14,  +8, +5, +4) 57 PP 


Animation 14 (28 PP Array; Alternate Power 6) [34 PP] (Descriptors: All Mutation)

  • BP: [28 PP] (Animate)

Animate Object 8 (Extra: Range[Perception], Sensory Link, Flaws: Distracting, Feedback; Feats: Mental Link 1, Horde 3)

  • AP: [28 PP] (Swift animation)

Move Object 12 (Extra: Range [Perceptions], Flaws: Feedback, Feats: Precise 1, Subtle 1, Indirect 2)

AP: [28PP] (Fantasia)

Move Object 12 (Extra: Area [Targeted Burst 80 ft], Selective, Feats: Accurate 2, Progression 1 Precise 1, Flaw: Range [Touch], Duration [Concentration])

  • AP: [28PP] (Bedlam)

Damage 8 (Damage 8 (Extra: Targeted Area [Burst 40 ft], Selective, Feats: Indirect 2, Precise, Progression 1)

  • AP: [27PP] (Rearrange Objects)

Shape Matter 6 (Extra: Duragion [Continuous], Flaw: Range [Touch], Feats: Precise, Accurate 2) 

  • AP: [28PP] (Genus Loci)

Super Senses 30 (Add: Extended 5 and Penetrate Concealment to sight, hearing and touch, Add Radius to sight and touch, add ranged to touch, Flaws: Distracting) {15}
Move Object 3 (Extra: Range [Perception]. Precise, Subtle) {11}
Quickness 2 (for a total of 7)

  • AP: [27PP] (Infuse Essence)

Boost 7 (All traits [5PP], Extras: Affect Objects [Only objects] +0, Flaws: Affect Others [others only], Drawback:Only mundane objects) 


Object Mimicry 2 (Variable Power [10PP], any trait all at once, Touch Range; Action [Standard action]) [14]


This ability does not cause physical mutation to Diego, instead he absorbs knowledge pertaining how to use\repair the object and supercharges the item with his own power.

He can for example become a fencer by touching a sword, an acrobatic driver by getting into a car, learn the rules of any game just by touching the box, learn the basics of any sport by coming into contact with the appropriate gear (although his physical abilities won't change) or a cook by accessing a well furnished kitchen.


This ability also grants him the skill necessary to repair the item in question or create an accurate enough copy given the right tools for it.




Traits 3 PP:

Weapon Specialization (that weapon) (2PP) +4 to hit,

Skill Mastery (Craft and Knowledge history)

Skills 4 PP:

Craft (repair and craft that type of weapon) +8 ranks,

Knowledge History (limited to that weapon) + 8 ranks


Add Damage up to +3 to that weapon (without breaking caps)



Damage 8 (Area [Cone 80 ft]. Flaws: Action [Full]) [8]

(+ some ranks in a skill tied to crafting Lighters) 




Skill Mastery (Craft, Drive and Knowledge history) 1

Skills 6 PP:

Craft (repair and craft that type of vehicle) +8 ranks,

Drive +8 Ranks

Knowledge History (limited to that vehicle) + 8 ranks


Speed 3 (grant it to the vehicle in question)



Quickness 5 (50 speed) 


Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 ranks) [4]


Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (17) + Feats (13) + Powers (57) = 150 /150 Power Points

Edited by Nerdzul
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  • Nerdzul changed the title to Animist PL (8/10) Draft

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