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Everyone’s An Art Critic IC

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To his color blind eyes, the new arrivals' uniforms seemed odd to Jack more because they seemed out of place then because of the odd color pairings. The most odd thing was that all of the new arrivals were wearing sunglasses...indoors...in the evening. His instincts were beginning to kick in, and he could feel the bear inside rousing itself for a territory dispute.


He looked to Lynn briefly, both to see her take on this development, and also to remind himself why it was not a good idea to let loose. He gave her a simple nod that if things were to go sideways, he was ready. He refocused on the stylish newcomer with the tophat. This didn't smell right, but there was little to do until something happened. Jack set down his empty plate, freeing both hands as casually as possible. 

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Lynn had been about to respond to Alden’s comment about the rain where he was from when the teen pointed out the oddly dressed men that had moved into the room. The blonde teen seemed to tense slightly as she considered the men. "It could be for some sort of performance." She replied to Alden, looking about for other similarly dressed men and making eye contact with Jack a short distance away.


"They could also be involved in something more sinister." She then added a bit more quietly. The teen seemed a bit uncertain about how to proceed, possibly not wanting to jump to conclusions, but prepared for the possibility if criminal activity.


The three teens were apparently not the only ones who had noted the unusually dressed men, as several other individuals in the gallery were giving the men some strange looks. But then there was a bit of a disruption towards the entrance of the gallery, accompanied by several loud gasps as a large figure moved into view, flanked by two more of the colorfully dressed men in the black berets and sunglasses.


The large figure was a man who stood about six and a half feet tall, with a powerful muscular build. He was wearing a pair of tights and boots that went up to just under his knees, but was shirtless. His darkly tanned skin has several bumps and spots scattered across his torso, arms and bald head. He had a brown goatee and mustache, but it was perhaps his eyes that stood out the most. They were completely yellow, with no visible iris or pupils.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." The large man stated loudly, his voice carrying over any side conversations and drawing the attention of everyone within the gallery. "Such a wonderful evening of art and culture. Although, some of the offerings are somewhat questionable in being termed art."


"However, there are some quality pieces, and my Avant Guard and I shall be selecting the better examples of such and helping ourselves to them." He gestured around at the colorfully dressed men, who had taken out batons that had one end arcing with electricity. "If everyone is cooperative and remains out of our way and hands over their valuables when we come by to collect, then we shall quickly be on our way."

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Alden's eyes narrowed as Lynn confirmed his suspicions- the group were costumed villains, a rather charming concept that must make identifying criminals very convenient. The crowd reacting at the entrance drew his attention, another man of Jack's stature stood out as much as his rather interesting costume. Tights and boots with nothing else was a bold statement, but Alden had seen much more provocative garb from ones with much less to flaunt.


His narrowed eyes turned to a glare as he offhandedly dismissed the value of the art around him. An uncultured art thief was akin to a warrior without weapon or scribe without quill. He would have to be shown the error of his ways. He was suddenly glad that Lynn was here, as the presence of one of his future classmates would make justifying this little escapade easier. Alden's lips twisted slightly at that thought, but he pushed his discomfort aside. Quietly he muttered "<Somebody ought to do something about this.>" just loud enough for Lynn to hear, before beginning to approach the group.


The somebody who was needed was obviously not the human Alden Underwood. The Goblin prince's features shifted to a mischievous grin as he walked. This might just be fun.

"<Pardon the interruption oh friend of mine, but I could not help but wonder about a comment of thine! Of your announcement it may only be a small part, but I could not help but wonder what pieces here are not art?>"

Harlequin cocked his head slightly as he asked his question, tapping his finger against his chin elegantly as he met the tall man's eyes. He let the rhymes flow, as they seemed to throw humans astray when unexpected. He wanted the man off balance and on the defensive conversationally.

"<Thus am I compelled to call upon thee to explain to me what small difference there must be, that seperates the true treasures, from those woeful endeavors, that you can clearly see. I should hope that one of your profession, might be able to impart such a lesson, lest some poor soul gain the impression that you are some common stealer playing at being an art dealer.>"


Gauntlet cast, Harlequin's grin turned slightly smug. If the man refused to justify his stance he would thus appear uncultured, and his ability to judge the value of the art would be thrown into question. But if he engaged, his time would be taken up debating artistic merits rather than thieving. A losing choice either way. 

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Jack's immediate reaction was to start pounding faces into the ground, but he was glad that Alden had stepped forward first. He got the feeling his new friend was much more charismatic then he was and his tongue definitely had some fight in it. He silently nodded along to the beat that Alden's cadence naturally formed.


Jack smiled as Alden addressed the villains, and some part of himself felt as though they had suddenly been transported to a fantasy world were chivalry was still the standard and knights and round tables were the norm. That was a world Jack wouldn't mind to live in. 


The temperature around Jack began to cool slightly as Jack readied himself for the moments to come. He had a suspicion Alden's words wouldn't have as much of an affect on these villains as Jack would like, and Jack would be ready if the weirdly dressed villains responded with force. The bear inside was ready to fight something, especially after the events during his walk through southside...


He looked towards Lynn to see how she was reacting to this, his mind considering how she and the other people might react to a show of force by him.

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Lynn seemed to tense again when Alden mentioned someone having to do something about the appearance of possible criminals. But then the suspicion the blonde teen had was fully confirmed as the large man in tights appeared, making it clear he and his goons intended to rob those present.


But before Lynn could say anything else, Alden moved forward to approach the large man, calling out a challenge. This direct approach drew the attention of everyone in the room to the teen, and Lynn did not waste the opportunity. In the blink of an eye, she became a blur and was then moving faster than the eye could see. When Jack turned to look to where Lynn had been, he did not see her.


As she zipped through the outer perimeter of the crowd, moving too fast to see, Lynn passed near to Jack. As she did, she quietly stated "If you are going to intervene, do not do so as yourself." She then continued out of the crowded areas of the gallery, passing through a closed door as she looked for a place to quickly change so she could go back to the confrontation in costume.


Meanwhile, as Alden spoke out, the large man turned to regard the teen, studying him closely. A couple of the men in the colorful costumes started to move forward, raising the electrified batons in their hands, but the large man raised his hand to signal them to stop.


As Alden spoke, an amused smile came to the large man’s face. "So eloquently spoken young man. I would be happy to discuss some of the works on display in this establishment. Taken this piece for instance…" He replied, as he moved over toward a nearby painting, several people moving out of the way as he approached.

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Jack looked behind him as he heard Lynn speaking to him...but all he found was the wall. "Vho else vould I be?" He quietly asked the wall. When it gave no answer he smiled to himself. "I yam just me..." He remembered Lynn's concern when he had made the ice flower openly. She had not not wanted him to use his abilities openly, but to protect his identity and keep it secret. Jack at first didn't see a reason too...but his family could be in danger if he wasn't careful, and that was something he did not take lightly. 


He pulled up the hood of his sleeveless hoodie. He was still waiting to see how Alden's plan would work out...but he was brewing up a chili plan B if it was needed. The bear spirit inside was already moving to plan C.

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Harlequin grinned as the villain rose to meet his challenge, leading him to a piece that seemed focused on one of the city's heroes, an indistinct figure flying into the sky, cape billowing, a handful of clouds. He could see the flaws that might draw scorn, the brushwork on the clouds causing them to be more blobby than fluffy, the trail behind the unnamed hero was clearly meant to be a gently spreading triangle, but one was at a slightly greater angle, and the hero's pose was just slightly off.


Still, he could admire the attempt, and while the mistakes did throw off the composition it did still convey the emotions it so clearly strived to.


"<I must concede that thy have a fine critical eye, but I can see the artist had a feeling they could not deny, for while their skill might not perfectly capture the wonder of seeing one fly, they so clearly could not help but try. The effort may be marred by skill's cruel yoke, but I canst help but feel it's display is in the spirit it tries to evoke, for at the end of a man's rope, what else is there to reach for but hope?>" Harlequin looked up at the large man, his head cocked slightly. "<I can see why one of your calling, might look upon such flaws and see value falling, but to convey emotion, is a labour akin to trying to empty the ocean. But the greatest men thrive with a great task for which they strive. So I ask thee not to dismiss skill not yet to ripen, lest some poor folks you frighten from pursuing dreams that seem beyond their means.>"

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The large man gave a slight grin at Alden’ defense of the work they had been discussing. "Very well stated observations my young friend." He began. "Those are indeed redeeming qualities of this work. With time, this artist may perfect his techniques and be able to truly execute his vision, and at such time this work, along with other early works, are likely to have value as examples of early development of any eventual mastery. But even then, that value will pale to later works that fully combined both emotion and skill."


The grin then faded slightly. "Now, if you will excuse me, my Avant Guard and I have transactions to complete." He stated, looking over at the nearest of the colorfully costumed henchmen, who had halted what they were doing to watch Alden’s interaction with their leader. "Leave this one alone." The large man stated, gesturing to Alden.


Just then there was a sudden *WOOSH* of air, as a red and black blur zipped into the gallery, coming to a halt in an open space that had formed in the center of the room after the other patrons had moved towards the walls when the criminals had declared their intentions. Standing in the open space was a teenage girl wearing a skin-tight black body suit with red stripes and red gloves and boots and black goggles with red lenses.

The teen’s long blonde hair fell back into place after the sudden stop as she focused on the large man and his henchmen near him. "Hi, is there a problem here?"

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Jack hung back, keeping his distance from the henchmen. His eyes narrowed as he watched the boss man address Alden. The tension in the air was palpable, like the calm before a Siberian blizzard.


A flash of movement caught his eye, and suddenly Lynn appeared in costume. Jack's breath caught in his throat. She looked... incredible. The suit hugged her form, accentuating her strength and agility. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he admired her transformation.


The sight of Lynn in her hero gear sparked something in Jack. He'd never given much thought to costumes before. His usual approach of pulling up his hoodie seemed woefully inadequate now. The bear spirit within him stirred, eager for release, but Jack hesitated. Unleashing the full might of his ursine form felt like overkill. Plus, he wasn't entirely sure he could control it once freed.


A thought hit him like an avalanche. Jack focused, drawing upon the primal ice magic that coursed through his veins. The air around him chilled rapidly, frost crystallizing on his exposed skin. He shaped it with his mind, willing the ice to form a protective layer over his body.


The sensation was exhilarating. The ice armor grew, covering his arms, chest, and legs. It was surprisingly light, allowing for easy movement while providing a formidable defense. Jack concentrated harder, guiding the frost up over his face. The ice molded itself into a smooth, featureless mask beneath his hood, concealing his identity.


Jack flexed his fingers, marveling at how the ice moved with him like a second skin. He felt powerful, protected, and for the first time since entering the gallery, truly comfortable. The chill emanating from his body was a familiar comfort, reminding him of home.


His arms settled across his chest, his demeanor appearing relaxed, but underneath the icy calm his muscles coiled with anticipation. Jack's eyes darted between Lynn, Alden, and the criminals, waiting to see how the situation would unfold. His heart raced, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through him. Whatever happened next, he was prepared to face it head-on

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Harlequin's grin continued unabated as the villain conceded to his point and escaped the conversation, the thrill of victory coursing through him. His triumph redoubled as a hero, Lynn he assumed, arrived, clearly he had bought time for her to acquire a disguise. Speaking of which, he should put on his.


With (almost) all eyes on the duo of hero and criminal, he slunk away to find a hidden spot, shifting his Glamour to change his appearance as well as that of his clothes. His ears lengthened, eyes turned Fae and skin paled to mimic his makeup. Harlequin was no stranger to intervening disguised as a human, but it was more comfortable to do so when suitably attired.


He stepped back into the main chamber with a laugh that rang like a bell. "<Rejoice! I say to those without sin, Rejoice for this day evil shall not win! With thee stands the savior of thine kith and kin, behold I am the inimitable Harlequin!>" He finished his introduction with a bow to the assembly of humans before him, his hat jingling joyfully.

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While mostly portraying a casual demeanor, Lynn felt a tension as she was quickly taking in all the information provided by her goggles (which gave her a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view around her). There was a feeling of uncertainty, that she might be getting into something over her head. But she kept going over advice her mother had given her over the years with regard to crimefighting. Keep moving.


The colorfully costumed henchmen spaced about the room tensed at the appearance of a costumed hero, their grips on their batons tightening. However, the large man Alden had engaged seemed rather unfazed. "Always just a matter of time before some costumed do-gooder sticks their nose into things." He stated with a slight smirk. "You are likely out of your league young lady."


But even as he spoke, the large, ice-covered form of Jack stepped into view at the edge of the crowd, followed moments later by Alden, now appearing in the dramatic costume of Harlequin. The large man chuckled slightly. "Well, not alone it would seem. But all of you will lean not to interfere with OD and the Avant Guard." He stated. "Get them!"


But before any of the henchmen could act on the villain's orders, Lynn was moving in a blur of black and red.

Speeding up to one of the Avant Guard, she launched a punch that was almost faster than most could track, a slight *CRACK* from the sound of it breaking the sound barrier. The punch connected and knocked the man off his feet to land on the ground unconscious. But before he even landed, the speedster had moved next to another of the henchmen a few feet away, delivering another superspeed punch and knocking him out as well.

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The large man (who had identified himself as OD) tried to track Slipstream's movement as she quickly took down two of his henchmen. As the teen speedster started to move away from the bystanders the villain stepped forward, moving relatively quickly for such a large man (even if still slow compared to the speedster).


However, he timed his movements just right, stepping into Slipstream's path as his large hand reached out and grabbed her, pinning her arms to her side as he lifted her off the ground with ease. "You are fast. But that speed is of little use if you are tapped."

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Harlequin's smile grew and then faded minutely as Probably-Lynn quickly defeated two of the Avant Guard before being caught by OD. That was hardly ideal! It was clear that she was not a physical powerhouse unlike OD. But it did present an opportunity for mischief. His eyes glinted with goblin glee as he clapped eyes upon a familiar hood filled with ice towering over the crowd.


He capered in place, clapping rhythmically as he chanted, "<Trapped she might be, but yon maiden shall soon be free, for at this scene justice cries...>" He pushed his magic, swapping places with the heroine, grinning into OD's face as he continued, "To see you fight someone your own size!" The Trickster pushed his magic again, swapping places with the icy giant across the room. 

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OD seemed shocked when suddenly he found himself holding the dramatically attired Harlequin instead of the speedster. When the towering, ice armored Jack replaced the trickster, the large villain had released his grip and taken a step back.


The Avant Guard similarly seemed surprised by the three teen heroes suddenly changing placed, but they quickly recovered. Two that had been moving toward Harlequin closed with Slipstream, swinging the batons that sparked with electricity. While the speedster easily dodged the first, the second caught her on the side, sending an electrical shock through her body. But Lynn was able to withstand the shock.


Another two came up behind Jack to make similar attacks. Again, one missed, but the second hit, a jolt of electricity releasing into the large teen.


Harlequin was able to easily dance away from the two Avant Guard that came at him, clumsily swinging their batons at him…

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Jack watched the chaos unfold in what had once been a peaceful art gallery. The thought flitted through his mind that they might not be welcome here again after this mess. His eyes darted across the room, taking in the rapidly changing scene.


A new costumed figure entered his field of vision, joining Lynn in the fray. Jack's gaze swept the area, searching for Alden, but the teen was nowhere to be seen. Had he fled? Jack couldn't blame him; the boy's attempt to stall the villains had been brave enough.


Pride for his friend swelled in Jack's chest as he watched Lynn take down two henchmen in the blink of an eye. Her speed was incredible, almost too fast for him to follow. Even the bear spirit within him seemed impressed, rumbling with approval deep in his consciousness. Jack marveled at Lynn's fluid movements, her form blurring as she darted between opponents. He couldn't help but feel a touch of envy at her agility, so different from his own brute strength approach. But together they would make a formidable team.


The moment of elation was abruptly cut short and Jack's blood ran cold as he saw OD, the main villain, grab Lynn and hoist her off the ground. A surge of rage and anger shot through Jack, its intensity catching him completely off guard. The powerful bear spirit within him roared in his mind, its fury resonating with his own, amplifying the primal emotions that threatened to consume him. He could feel the air temperature drop rapidly as artic cold radiated from his body, his fury urging him to unleash the storm brewing inside. The connection to his animal spirit deepened, filling him with an overwhelming call to violent action.


The urge to change, to unleash the full might of his werebear form, was nearly overwhelming, and Jack felt his control slipping away like ice melting in the summer sun. The bear within demanded action, howling for blood. Its possessive anger resonated through Jack's entire being: How dare this creature touch what was his?


That last thought gave Jack pause, just enough to maintain a tenuous grip on his humanity. But as he stared at Lynn struggling in OD's grasp, Jack's usual compassionate nature evaporated like mist. The villain had crossed a line, and the bear would not be denied its vengeance.


Jack's world suddenly blurred, a tingling sensation washing over him like static electricity. The familiar surroundings of the art gallery vanished, replaced by a disorienting shift in perspective. One moment he was across the room, the next he found himself face-to-face with OD. The abrupt change left him momentarily stunned, his mind struggling to process what had just occurred. He knew it was magic, he could feel its distinctive presence, but he didn't know what kind.


As his senses realigned, Jack's eyes locked onto OD's surprised face. The realization that Lynn was no longer in the villain's grasp hit him like a punch to the gut, flooding him with relief. But that fleeting moment of respite quickly gave way to the smoldering rage that had been building within him.


The air around Jack plummeted in temperature, his fury manifesting as waves of arctic cold radiating from his body. Frost crackled along the edges of his vision, and his breath came out in visible puffs of steam. For a splot second, Jack's thought something had hit him...but the subzero cold numbed him with icy armor, and his thoughts were consumed by the storm within.


Without conscious thought, Jack's fist shot forward, aiming squarely for OD's jaw. Not content with a single blow, Jack's other hand darted out, fingers grasping for OD's throat. The bear spirit within him roared its approval, urging him to squeeze, to crush, to make this threat pay for daring to harm what was theirs.


"Ty ne prichinil yey vreda," Jack growled, his native Russian flowing from his lips without conscious thought. "You. Not. Hurt. Her," he repeated in English, his accent thicker than usual as his emotions overrode his careful control of the language. His eyes, usually warm and gentle, now blazed with an icy fury that matched the frigid aura surrounding him.


"vy ponimayete? You understand?"

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Jack's punch struck OD right in the jaw, which felt like punching a solid brick wall. The large villain seemed completely unfazed by the punch. As Jack tried to grapple the villain, he managed to push back against the attempts to grab him, resisting with considerable strength as he pushed Jack’s hands away.


"Struck a nerve there, did I?" The villain asked with a slight grin.


Meanwhile, a short distance away, the member of the Avant Guard in the formal attire and top hat moved toward Harlequin, stabbing at the hero with his cane, the end of which sparked with electricity similar to the batons wielded by the others. However, the fae hero managed to easily sidestep the clumsy attack. "Start getting any loot out to the van." The man stated to some of the Avant Guard.


Like Jack, Lynn had been slightly disoriented by the sudden change in position, but thankfully had been able to recover quickly enough. One of the Avant Guard had still managed to shock her with a baton, but the teen managed to resist the attack as she continued to focus on the fight.


Noting how OD seemed to easily shake off Jack's attack, she realized he was likely the most significant threat now. In a blur of movement, she was over next to the large villain, reaching out with one hand toward him at blinding speed. However, this time she did not try to deliver a punch, but just reached out with an open hand, which seemed to glow with a faint light.


Lynn managed to grab the villain by his left forearm, as the faint glow first spread across OD before a similar glow formed around Lynn. OD managed to pull his hand free, but with a somewhat lethargic motion as he almost stumbled back a step away from the teenage girl. "What…what did you do?" He asked, seemingly growing angrier as he faced Lynn.


The large villain reached out to grab her once again, catching her wrists as she quickly brought her arms up. Only, this time, he did not immediately overpower her, but was stopped as Lynn kept her arms up in front of her, for a moment keeping OD's arms from pushing hers aside or otherwise overpowering her. Then suddenly Lynn pushed back, forcing OD back and causing him to release his grasp.


A look of shock came over the villain's face as he looked down at the slim girl that had just pushed him away. "H…how?"


"Your strength is now my strength." Lynn replied simply as she stayed focused on the villain.

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Harlequin didn't have to make his false bells jingle, but he found strong delight in jovially pirroueting away from the clumsy strike with a loud series of jingles. "<If that was your best leave the combat to the rest! I speak no jest, it simply would not be sporting! After all, I've seen more dangerous courting!>"


The Half-Goblin Trickster had been keeping a close eye on the combat between the Ringleader and the duo of Jack and Probab-Lynn, noting the exchange between her and the villain with extreme interest. Still, it would not do for him to leave the duo unsupported, the formally dressed man not worrying him overmuch. His grin turned wicked, how about he made this more difficult for the Avant Guard?

"<You are out of your depths and then some, against a pair so winsome. Permit me to steal your momentum, as the couple gains shields of Argentum!>" Harlequin capered in place as he chanted, pure light dancing around his feet and hands, until he finished, at which point around each of the heroic duo formed a perfect ring of liquid silver from the earth laying flat for now, but ready for their moment. 

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The members of the Avant Guard near OD seemed as surprised as their leader that the teenage girl now seemed to be about as strong as he was. After Harlequin cast his spell, the members of Avant Guard started to move into action once again.


Several moved towards the female speedster and Jack, wielding their stun batons. As one attacked Lynn, Harlequin tried to use the ring of silver liquid to block the attack. But the trickster was a bit too slow in response and the attack hit the teenage girl and his spell was disrupted. Lynn felt the electricity course through her, but again managed to avoid it.


The two henchmen that moved on Jack both delivered shocks from their batons to the tall Russian.

Another two continued after Harlequin, who danced away with ease.


Then another of the Avant Guard tossed a small cylinder into the middle of the room, which exploded in a bright flash. The flash caused all the bystanders to cry out in surprise as they turned away, their eyes filled only with light and stars from the sudden flash.


Lynn managed to close her eyes, avoiding the effect completely. The other Avant Guard and OD all seemed unaffected by the flash, the sunglasses worn by the henchmen seemingly helping against the effect.

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Jack felt the electricity surge through him and thr pain was intense, possibly amplified by his frosty exterior. The flash bang hit him at almost the same time and his vision swam with bright colors, effectively making him blind.


The bear's reaction to both events was immediate and violent. It roared inside his head, angered by the pain and confused by the blindness, which only amplified the anger. It struggled against him, it wanted to kill whatever had hurt them. Jack's icy fingers sharpened to Claws and ice protrusions jutted from his elbows giving him a slightly more ferocious appearance.


Jack tried unsuccessfully to hit someone, he wanted to vent the anger boiling inside him before it was too late, but he couldn't see anything. He let out a low rumble of a growl as he barely maintained his control. 

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As the effects of the flashbang began to subside, with the other gallery patrons all appearing disoriented, the man in the top hat continued to press his attack against Harlequin. However, the fae prince easily danced out of the way of a somewhat clumsy swing of the electrified tip of the man’s cane.


At the center of the room, Lynn took in what all was going on and noted that Jack appeared to have been disoriented by the flashbang. Tired of dealing with the electro-shocks from the Avant Guard, the blonde teenager went into motion, once again becoming a red blur as she moved from one Avant Guard to the next.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*


In quick succession, Lynn delivered four supersonic punches to each Avant Guard, moving on to the next before the first even hit the ground unconscious. In short order she had dealt with all the Avant Guard that had been attacking her and Jack.


With those threats dealt with, she closed on OD, trying to strike the leader as well.


This time the speedster’s timing was off, and OD had started to move just in time to avoid the attack, as the speedster went past the large villain and came to a halt a short distance away.


OD turned towards the disoriented Jack, a slight grin on his face. "You appear to be having trouble young one." He stated as he stepped forward and delivered a powerful punch (though slightly less powerful than before) on the teenager.

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The Goblin Prince's face formed a moue of disappointment as the magic failed to protect his allies, before he covered his eyes to protect himself from the flashback. Still he quickly recovered and cartwheels easily away from a followup strike from his attacker. Continuing to observe the fight he saw Jack's blindness, and the blow OD dealt him even as Lynn took out several of the Avant Guard. He had been thinking of switching to offense, but couldn't in good conscience leave the big man blind and undefended. 


So once more Harlequin weaved his magic, chanting "<Where once there was naught but a bloodied field, now heroes stand and refuse to yield, though beaten and blinded by what the enemy wield, now I stand beside them with a silvered shield!>"


The ring of silver formed in the nick of time, the hero focusing in as the Avant Guard attacked, and the liquid silver responded, a sheet of the metal springing up to deflect their attacks harmlessly.

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While Jack was still disoriented from the flashbang, two more of the Avant Guard rushed towards the large teen, trying to attack him while he was vulnerable. However, this time Harlequin’s spell served to protect Jack from his attackers.

Meanwhile, the Goblin Prince had to continue avoiding the two Avant Guard that had focused on him, once again nibbly dancing out of the way of the two attacks. The two guards glanced at each other as the once again missed their target, a look of doubt seeming to come across their features.

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Jack's world was a blur of pain and darkness. The stun batons had sent shockwaves through his body, leaving his muscles twitching and unresponsive. The flash grenades had robbed him of his sight, plunging him into a disorienting void. He stumbled, his mind reeling from the assault on his senses.


Through the haze of agony, a battle raged within him. The primal urge to unleash his full power clashed with his desire to protect Lynn from witnessing the raw, animalistic side of his nature. He didn't want her to see him as a monster, to fear what lurked beneath his human exterior.


But as another wave of pain washed over him, Jack knew he couldn't hold back any longer. The bear spirit within him roared, demanding release. With a mixture of relief and trepidation, Jack surrendered control.


The transformation began, a symphony of cracking ice and shifting bone. Jack felt his body stretch and grow, muscle and sinew expanding under his flesh. Bones cracked and reformed, elongating and thickening to support his expanding frame. The familiar sensation of his ice armor spreading across his form was amplified, merging with his changing flesh in a fusion of magic and primal might. Frost crackled along his skin, forming intricate patterns that pulsed with an otherworldly blue glow. He could feel the bear spirit surging through him, its raw power intertwining with his own as his transformation progressed. The air around him grew frigid, wisps of vapor rising from his body as the temperature plummeted. Jack's senses sharpened, the world around him coming into hyper-focus as his werebear form took shape.


The darkness receded, his vision returning with crystal clarity. He blinked, his now white eyes focusing on the room around him. The gallery seemed smaller, more cramped as his massive form filled the space. He towered over the humans below, a 12-foot behemoth of fur, flesh, and frost.


Jack's gaze locked onto OD, the source of his rage. The smaller thugs who had attacked him earlier barely registered as threats now. They were insignificant gnats compared to the true danger before him.


With a low, rumbling growl that shook the air, Jack reached out. His massive paw, now tipped with razor-sharp claws of ice, stretched towards OD. The primal satisfaction of finally being able to grasp his enemy flooded through him, the bear's instincts singing with the promise of retribution.

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Jack's sudden shift to his massive ice bear form served to dramatically change the already chaotic mood of the room. The bystanders that had managed to regain their vision became terrified of the sudden appearance of the massive creature. Even the two Avant Guard that had been after Jack backed away, suddenly uncertain about staying engaged with him.


Even OD seemed shocked by the teen's sudden change, but before he could react, the ice bear mauled him and wrapped his icy arms around OD and slammed him to the ground.


Off to one side, the man in the top hat had a lock of shock on his face, but quickly focused back on Harlequin. Stepping in, he thrust his cane forward, this time the electrified tip struck the Goblin Prince, a powerful jolt of electricity arcing through him.


Lynn took a couple steps back in surprise at Jack's transformation as well, but the shock only lasted a fraction of a second before she focused back on the chaotic scene around her. She became a blur of red and black once more as she quickly moved across the room toward Harlequin.



Two lightning fast punches knocked out the two Avant Guard that had been attacking Harlequin. The blonde speedster then turned her attention on the man in the top hat.



Lynn's punch connected solidly across the chin of the man in the top hat, but while his head twisted to the side under the force of the impact, he turned his head back around to focus on the speedster and Harlequin, seemingly none the worse for wear.


Meanwhile, OD seemed to shack his head clear as he strained against the powerful arms of the ice bear, but to little avail as he was unable to free himself….

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Jack's world narrowed to a single point of focus as he watched Harlequin crumple to the ground, electricity arcing across the boy's body. The teen's heart stuttered, its rhythm faltering. Rage exploded within Jack, a primal fury that coursed through his veins like liquid fire.


A deafening roar tore from his throat, shaking the very foundations of the gallery. His massive paw and icy claws were already wrapped around OD's thick neck. Jack squeezed as he lifted him effortlessly into the air.


For a moment, Jack held him there, suspended above the chaos below. He could feel OD's pulse racing beneath his grip, the man's life literally in his hands. The bear spirit within him howled for vengeance, urging him to crush, to destroy.


With a snarl of unbridled fury, Jack slammed OD into the floor. The impact sent tremors through the building as Jack loomed over his fallen enemy, chest heaving with each ragged breath. OD was still conscious, which only added to the fury inside Jack. The temperature in the room dropped again, his anger manifesting in waves of bitter cold that radiated outward. Frost spread from his feet, creeping across the floor in intricate patterns. 

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