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Bounce (PL8/10)

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Power Level: 10

Effective Power Level: 8

Power Points: 150/153PP
Unspent Power Points: 3pp
Trade-Offs: No Offensive, Defensive switch between TOU+4/Def-4, TOU+0/Def+0 and TOU-4/Def+4


In Brief: Happy-go-lucky shapeshifter hero!

Catchphrase: "Let's Bounce!"

Main Theme: Welcome to the Show - Britt Nicole

Other Themes: Playlist


Alternate Identity: Matilda 'Mattie' Hopper aka Bouncin' Mattie
Birthplace: Rumblefall, Kansas

Residence: Claremont Academy, Freedom City

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City
Occupation: Student

Affiliations: Claremont Academy

Family: Jonathan 'Johnny' Hopper (Father, born 1982), Veronica 'Ronnie' Hopper (Mother, born 1983), Samantha 'Sammie' Hopper (Sister, born 2011), Duke Hopper (Paternal grandfather, born 1945)




Age: Born May 23rd, 2008
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5’6’’, but variable
Weight: 120 lbs., but variable
Eyes: Brown, shapeshifted purple when in heroic identity
Hair: Black, shapeshifted purple when in heroic identity


Mattie is a slim and athletic young woman with short black hair big brown eyes. She usually wears loose clothing in bright colors, preferring shorts and t-shirts. She is almost always smiling and enthusiastic.


As Bounce, Mattie generally wears a formfitting purple costume with white details and lines on her sides and chest. Using her shapeshifting abilities, including shifting her eye and hair color to purple, changing her hairstyle and shifting her features enough that no one should be able to recognize her as Mattie. While her costume is usually consistent, it changes along with Mattie and can quickly change in both design and color. 




Rumblefall's a nice little town in Kansas. Everyone knows everyone, and while the town has its share of troublemakers, everyone generally gets along. It is also the only place that one Matilda 'Mattie' Hopper has ever known, growing up as everyone's favorite kid sister and friend, always out to make everyone smile and be happy. It could've continued on like that forever, and Mattie would've been more than happy, but Rumblefall has a secret, y'see. One that they keep secret from outsiders. One fateful night when Mattie was 14, glowing colorful meteors fell from the sky, raining down all over the town and the surrounding area. Anyone that found one of these meteors and touched them got some kinda power. 


Some folks decided to use their new powers to settle old disputes, causing all kinds of trouble in Rumblefall. Almost like those meteors made them want to cause trouble, to use their new powers. Mostly minor stuff, nothing that'd get any big time super heroes involved, but it was enough to be enough to be a nuisance, and some people got hurt. Mattie couldn't just stand by and let that happen. She decided she had to do something about, so out she went, looking for a meteor of her own. Something that could give her the power to help people. She found a pretty purple one, embedded deep within an old oak tree.


Now, some folks got real strong, some got real fast. Some could shoot lasers outta their eyes, sneeze lightning or fart storms. Maybe they could grow to giant size, or just got real good at talkin' to their livestock. But Mattie? Mattie could bounce.


Bouncin' Mattie made her way around Rumblefall, quickly becoming a local hero that'd show up to stop the troublemakers. It was good times for the young hero, and she would just as readily stop a bad guy by making friends with them than she would by beating them up. Family feuds, big trouble, cattle herds going crazy or that one guy that kept trying to rob the local store? Mattie'd be there to stop 'em, and it would all be one big adventur.


Mattie's first big challenge came when the Devil's Advocates rolled into town and claimed it as their own. She couldn't just stand by and let some no good biker gang do something like that, but they just proved too strong for her to handle on her own. Still, she kept going, rising to the challenge, but she wouldn't be alone. Everyone in town that she had helped or fought, they all joined up, and together they drove the bikers out of town. With everything at peace again, Mattie went back to her usual life, but driving the Devil's Advocates out of town created ripples that Mattie's previous antics didn't. Claremont Academy in Freedom City sent someone out to look. They found Mattie and offered her to join the school.


It took some time, convincing, and maybe a firm push from the her family and the people of Rumblefall, but Mattie finally took the offer. Now she finds herself in a strange new place called Freedom City, where super people fly across the sky, super crime and villains are much more dastardly than back home, and you even got to keep your real name secret from everyone. It's a change for sure, but Mattie's always been flexible and adaptible, and sometimes, all you can do is bounce along.




Mattie is an enthusiastic and outgoing young woman, who just wants to use her powers and abilities to help others. She is friendly and talkative, and while she genuinely only means well, her constant talking and jokes can be annoying to some. Mattie honestly just wants to be friends with everyone around here.


Unused to the city life, both in terms of regular life and super heroics, Mattie can sometimes come off as naive, even if she is a quick learner. She is generally not happy about the greater violence than what she is used to, and meeting more genuinely evil rather than misguided opponents, actual villains, instead of what was mostly just petty squabbles back home in Rumblefall, and she can at times feel overwhelmed by the situations she now faces. Still, she is flexible, and it seems clear that she will adapt, given enough time.


A genuine hero at heart, Mattie nonetheless still has a lot to learn.




Mattie's powers appear somewhat cartoony at first, like she has a rubber body that she can shift to anything. She can stretch her body, completely shift it into other forms and configurations, grow wings, become a plane or car, grow claws, turn her hands into drills, grow armor plates, shift her appearance to that of anyone real or imagined, grow additional limbs, put herself back together when hurt, and just about anything else she can think of. Owing to her unique physiology, she is incredible resistant to any kinds of physical damage, and she can easily shift her form to either make herself sturdier or quicker moving, becoming harder to hit. Even Mattie doesn't quite realize the depths and limits of her powers. So far, there is nothing she has tried to do that she haven't been able to do.


In combat, Bounce tends to rapidly shift her form, stretching to hit enemies from afar and try to keep everyone that she can safe. She will become whichever form or shape that finds most useful, or just the most fun, for a given situation.




Advocating Against the Advocates: One time, a group of bikers rolled into Rumblefall and caused trouble. Their leader had some kind of demonic powers, but Mattie took care of them, saving the day as usual. Too bad that they were part of the Devil's Advocates, and now that Mattie is in Freedom City, the rest of the gang might come looking for her. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if they make the Devil's Advocates appear to cause trouble for Mattie, or have their hatred of her escalate a situation.


Country Mouse: Mattie's from the small town Rumblefall in Kansas, where she mostly dealt with local super hero stuff, which was rarely anything beyond petty squabbles among the sometimes suddenly empowered townspeople. As such, she can sometimes be overwhelmed by the brutality or sheer evil she might face in Freedom City, giving her pause while she adjusts.  If this happens, the GM can, for instance, affect Mattie with the Dazed condition in combat or give her a setback in a social situation and, in turn, give her a Hero Point.


Naive: Calling Mattie naive is maybe a bit harsh, but she at least always wants to believe the best about everyone, or at least until she figures out if they are bad guys. The GM can make Mattie automatically fail a Sense Motive check or other social check and be tricked by a bad guy, giving her a Hero Point in return.


Rubber Body: Mattie's body is decidedly inhuman, seemingly composed of a sort of rubbery substance. While she appears to have all the organs and bones that one would expect, this seems to be subject to the shape that she chooses for herself. Any medical examinations, even as simple as checking for vitals, can be very difficult, even more so if Mattie is in a non-human shape. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if  her powers makes it difficult for others to help her with medical issues or other issues related to her body.


Secret Identity?: Back in Rumblefall, everyone knows everyone, and there were no need for Mattie to keep a secret identity. Now that she's in Freedom City, that obviously has to change, but despite being told to do so and having her powers that easily lets her hide her identity, Mattie isn't always the best at keeping her secrets. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if her actions in fumbling her secret identity worsens a situation. 




4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 6 = 20PP


Strength: 14 (+2) 
Dexterity: 14 (+2) 
Constitution: 14 (+2) 
Intelligence: 12 (+1) 
Wisdom: 10 (+0) 
Charisma: 16 (+3) 




6 + 8 = 14PP

Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +3 Base, +8 Melee (+3 Base, +5 Attack Focus [Melee]
Defense: +4 (+4 Base), +2 Flat-Footed, Bouncy Shape +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), Fluid Shape +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus)
Grapple: +16  (+3 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus [Melee], +2 Strength, +6 Elongation)
Knockback: Fluid Shape -2 (4/2), Bouncy Shape -4 (8/2), Sturdy Shape -6 (12/2)




4 + 4 + 6 = 14PP


Toughness: Fluid Shape +4 (+2 Con, +2 Protection), Bouncy Shape +8 (+2 Con, +6 Protection), Sturdy Shape +12 (+2 Con, +10 Protection)

Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4)

Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4)

Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6)




44R = 11PP


Acrobatics 8 (+10)

Diplomacy 7 (+10)

Escape Artist 3 (+5)

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Medicine 5 (+5)

Notice 10 (+10)

Search 4 (+5)






Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus [Melee] 5

Improved Initiative 1

Luck 2

Takedown Attack 2




6 + 10 + 10 + 12 + 2 + 27 + 13 = 80


All powers have the descriptors Mutation, Physical and Shapeshifting unless otherwise noted


Elongation 6 (250 ft.) [6PP] (Descriptors: Elongated Girl)


Immunity 20 (All Non-Lethal Physical Damage; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [10PP] (DescriptorsPhysical Resistance)


Malleable Body Array 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [10PP] 

BP: {4 + 4 = 8/8PP} (DescriptorsBouncy Shape)

Enhanced Feat 4 (Dodge Focus 4; Total Defense +8) [4PP]

Protection 4 (Total Toughness +8) [4PP]

APProtection 8 (Total Toughness +12) {8/8} (DescriptorsSturdy Shape)

APEnhanced Feat 8 (Dodge Focus 8; Total Defense +12) {8/8} (Descriptors: Fluid Shape)


Morph 4 (Any form with same mass; Diguise +20) [12PP] (DescriptorsShapeshifter)


Protection 2 [2PP]


Shapeshift 3 (15PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Action 2 [Free][27PP] (Descriptors: Megamorph)

Sample powers


Bounce!: Leaping 4 (Leap x25) [4PP] 

Bulk Up: Super-Strength 4 (Heavy load: 1.4 tons) [8PP]

Expand Out: Adds (Extras: Area [General Burst] 8 (40 ft. radius) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

Go With the Flow: Insubstantial 1 (Fluid) [5PP]

Grow Armor: Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP]

Grow Wings: Flight 3 (50mph, 500 ft./rnd; Drawbacks: Power Loss [Wings]) [5PP]

Multi-Armed: Additional Limbs 3 [3PP]

Multi-Armed Hits: Adds (Extras: Autofire 8 ) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

Pull It Together: Healing 4 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) [14PP]

Sharp!: Adds (Extras: Penetrating 8 ) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

Sticky Body: Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling) [3PP]

Swing Arms: Speed 3 (50mph, 500 ft./rnd; Extras: Linked [Super-Movement]) [3PP] + Super-Movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked [Speed]) [1PP] [4PP Total]

Big Form: Growth 12 (Gargantuan: +24 STR, +12 CON,  -4 Attack/Defense, +12 Grapple, -12 Stealth, +6 Intimidation, 32 ft. tall, 141,000 lbs., 20 ft. space, 15 ft. reach, +15 Carrying Str) [36PP] + Reduced Strength 16 [-16PP] + Reduced Constitution 12 [-12PP] + Enhanced Feat 4 (Dodge Focus 4) 36-16-12+4 = [12PP]

- Notes: Reduces attack by -4, increases DC of Unarmed and Shapeshifted Strike by +4. Total grapple: +28. Heavy load: 2.08 tons

Small Form: Shrinking 12 (Diminutive; +4 Attack/Defense, -12 Grapple, -6 Intimidation, +12 Stealth, 6-12 inches tall, 0.25-1 lbs., 1 ft. space, 0 ft. reach, carrying capacity 1/4 normal; ExtrasNormal Strength; FeatsNormal Movement, Normal Toughness) [24PP] + Reduced Attack 4 [-8PP] + Reduced Defense 4 [-8PP] 24 - 8 - 8 = [8PP]

- Notes: No changes to Attack, DC or Defenses. Total grapple +10. Heavy load: 44 lbs.


Shifting Strikes Array 5.5 (11PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [13PP]

BP: Damage 6 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any shapeshifting]) {11/11} (Descriptors: Shapeshifted Strike

APSnare 8 (Extras: Engulf (+0); Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Obscure Senses 2 [Sight, Hearing], Reversible) {11/11} (Descriptors: Wrap-Around)

AP: Stun (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 2) {10/11} (Descriptors: Massive Strike)











Attack bonus


Touch, 250 ft.

DC17 Tou (staged)



Shapeshifted Strike

Touch, 250 ft.

DC23 Tou (staged)


+8, Crit 18-20


Touch, 250 ft.

DC23 Ref (staged)

Fail: Entangled
>5: Bound and Helpless


Massive Strike

Touch, 250 ft.

DC23 Fort (staged)

Fail: Dazed
>5: Stunned

>10: Unconscious

+8, Crit 18-20




Abilities (20) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (11) + Feats (11) + Powers (80) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/153 Power Points


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Just a tiny notation thing - while the actual final cost is correct at 4+4=8PP, the individual Bouncy Shape powers are listed at 3PP instead of 4PP. Best to catch that now before it fouls up future edits and updates!

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