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Claremont Rollcall (2024-2025 school year)

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2024 - 2025 Claremont Academy School Year begins September 9th!


     Dear Parent, Guardian or Mentor Figure,


     Congratulations to your child or ward on being admitted to the upcoming school year at Claremont Academy! We couldn't be more excited to welcome them into our proud legacy of academic excellence, practical experience and community service.


     The semester will begin on Monday, September 9th. Dormitory move-in dates begin the prior week prior on Saturday, September 7. Below you will find a list of supplies each student will be expected to bring with them, along with a list of those provided by the Academy including toiletries, dormitory furniture and active wear to be used during our award winning physical fitness programs. Financial aid is of course available to students attending on scholarship and we offer meal plans to suit all needs. Our administrative offices will have been in touch by now regarding any dietary restrictions, allergies, atmospheric requirements, etc. See the enclosed contact information for any further inquiries.


     Claremont Academy has long been home to students of both exceptional ability and exceptional circumstances. While students should be prepared to work hard developing their talents and learning invaluable real world skills they can also look forward to a welcoming community of peers with their own unique perspectives and experiences. Orientation will cover movie nights, extracurricular clubs, our expanded intramural league and other activities. These are the friendships which will last a lifetime.


     Welcome to Claremont Academy!

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So, a little early, but given the expressed interest/plans for the incoming Sophomore class, we could see the number of Claremont PCs more than double, so would be helpful to get started a bit early so the refs/guides can have time to plan/prepare :D


For those with Claremont characters for the coming school year (or those planning one), please post the appropriate Student info:





Year: Junior or Senior



Current Intramural Team:


Current Roommate: If both roommates from last year are still active characters they'll most likely be paired together again! If you have an in-character or out-of-character reason to want to switch things up you can send a Ref a private message on the Discord server.


Reflection: What goals does the character have after last year? What did they think they did well and what were they disappointed with?


Independent Thinker: What has your character begun to question in the past year? Are they rethinking an assumption about themselves or someone else? Have they become mistrustful of an authority figure? Have their post-graduation plans changed?







Year: Sophomore, Junior or Senior



Prospective Roommate: If two players want their characters to be rooming together in the dormitories let us know here! You can also say if you'd prefer an NPC roommate or if your character won't be staying in the dormitories during the school year. Otherwise we'll match up unassigned PCs!


Goal: Where does your character see themselves upon graduating from Claremont? Do they have a role model they want to live up to or a situation they'd like to change for the better?


Favorite Music: What is your character's favorite band or musical artist who released new music in the last year? For students displaced in time or dimensions this can be their last subjective year! What makes it their favorite?

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Name: Lawrence Harrow

Codename: Timeout

Year: Junior

Pronouns: He/His


Current Intramural Team: Green


Current Roommate: Baltazar “Baz” Botez (Gamma Buzz)


Reflection: Lawrence's goals have not significantly changed from last year, he still has one eye on the challenges he will eventually have to face. While Lawrence made a number of friends last year, he hopes to be able to do more to protect them from getting caught up in some of the cosmic events he seems to end up in the middle of (though he knows there are several that would be willing to stick by him no matter what).


Independent Thinker: The arrival of Lynn Conners to Prime has done much to convince Lawrence that he will have to confront Collapse, sooner rather than later.

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Name: Lynn Conners

Codename: Slipstream

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: She/her/hers


Prospective Roommate: Matilda "Mattie" Hopper (aka Bounce)


Goal: Having barely escaped the destruction of her native timeline, Lynn is currently more focused on getting herself to a stable place emotionally and mentally. As was the case in her own timeline, she knows she will likely have to navigate the (accurately) perceived connection to Velocity, given her similar powers.


Favorite Music:  Lynn is a fan of classical music (as she is a classical violinist). Currently, her favorite orchestras the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Symphony Orchestra; and the Royal Concertgebouw.

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Name: Vanya "Jack" Davydov

Codename: Arctus

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: He/Him


Prospective Roommate: Jack is pretty easy to get along with and can room with just about anyone.


Goal: Jack is a bit aimless at this point, with no set goal aside from learn to control his abilities and stop bad guys.


Favorite Music: Jack is a fan of Rock, both classic and new. Favorite bands include: Journey, Boston, Bon Jovi, Apocalyptica, Three Days Grace and Shinedown.

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Name: Carmen Alvarez Arrache 

Codename: "La Puma Negra"

Year: Senior

Pronouns: She/ Her


Current Intramural Team: Claremont Gymnastic team; Green Squad (2023-2024 school year)


Current Roommate: Currently does not share a room but from recommendation from campus counselor, she is to be given one regardless if available. 


Reflection: Puma is slowly stressing out over what her future is going to be not being as academically gifted as her peers, seeing what and where she could go. Carmen also wants to continue her relationship with Micheal (Golden Star), having found some sort of loving bond with him.


Independent Thinker: Puma is having a lot of second thoughts of where she comes from after meeting in a time traveling mishap a woman that looks much like her, the allegedly dead El Gato. Unsure if she is related to the woman, it has left her uneasy and unsure of herself.

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Name: Parker Powers

Codename: Spaceman

Year: Junior

Pronouns: He/Him


Current Intramural Team: Orange


Current Roommate: None, but would work with Golden Star


Reflection: Parker wants to become better. While he has usually just hit things before, the growing challenges during the year has led him to realize that he need to become more creative and learn more about his powers, if he is going to keep everyone safe. He feels like he has to do better, to be able to be the one that everyone else can rely on, if they need him.


Independent Thinker: Parker has mainly begun to question himself, and whether he is able to accomplish the things that he wants to, if he is strong enough to be the kind of hero that he wants to be. He doesn't want to change his plans, so he has instead resolved to find out how to become better, by learning more about himself and his powers.

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Name: Matilda 'Mattie' Hopper 

Codename: Bounce

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: She/Her


Prospective Roommate: Lynn Conners (Slipstream)


Goal: Mattie just wants to do help out everyone that they can, and make as many friends as she can while at Claremont.


Favorite Music: Mattie's usually prefers country, though she admits that it's probably in part because of it being what was played the most back home in Rumblefall.

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Name: Michael Adon

Codename: Golden Star

Year: Junior

Pronouns: He/Him


Current Intramural Team: Blue

Current Roommate: It was never discussed. Retroactively being Parker/becoming Parker is fine.


Reflection: Michael is, as always, goal focused. He is aiming to try and graduate top of the class but recognizes he can't compete with intellects like Veuriz or other geniuses in his grade level, so he's tried to branch out into more expansive extracurricular. In particular, he continues to be a major member of the Ventriloquy club, as he's decided he thinks it's fun. He knew Claremont would be a big change, but what he wasn't neccesarily expecting was going from being the biggest fish in a small pond to a regular fish in a giant ocean. His realization that he's not got that much that others can't match or exceed has led to him trying to become an even harder worker. He likes that he's brought together a fairly unique group of friends to 'study' Superheroing, and he's pretty sure that most of his classmates like him, but he thinks he needs to try even harder to be a worthwhile Superhero; especially now that he's met Paradigm and realizes there's a level that he can't even get close to right now. And his expanding group of friends is causing tension with Sam, the one person he figured he'd never lose connection to.


Independent Thinker: Michael has developed a pretty significant inferiority complex through his interactions with the other students; Parker's massive strength makes him realize he needs to make himself even stronger, Lawrence's confidence and unshakeable nature that seems to come so naturally make him try to become more like that himself. Baz's seeming optimism is unquenchable, Carmen's skills in combat make him feel like the weak link, and Mizuki's ability to put together plans and keep her eyes on the prize seem just as good, if not better, then his. That's just the students he's spent the most time with, as the others all have their great points that he will gleefully tell them about. He questions where he is in his own life, and if he's actually able to be support them in someway.  This is maybe the first time he's ever felt like he's been on the back-foot, or at least not at the forefront, of whatever he's invested himself in.

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Name: Renee Cole King

Codename: King Cole III

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: She/Her


Prospective Roommate: Good with whatever!


Goal:  Renee wants to be a 'professional' Superhero, so to speak. She knows she'd need another job, and she's hoping to maybe find the confidence to take up where her grandfather left off; running a theater, putting on plays, entertaining kids. Even though she was never allowed to meet him, she wants to be what she thinks he was.


Favorite Music: Renee is a complete Swiftie. She has other bands she likes across different genres, but Swift is her favorite.

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Name: Vueriz

Codename: Blue Bolt

Year: Junior

Pronouns: She/Her


Current Intramural Team:

Green Squad


Current Roommate: Consuelo/Rot- Given Huckleberry seems inactive I am open to a new roommate.


Reflection: Vueriz wants to develop both personally and technologically do that she can protect people from the many dangers she has seen in her first year.


Independent Thinker: Vueriz has found that many things she thought were quite ordinary in her home galaxy are different on Earth, and is having to rebuild some of her assumptions to better fit in her new circumstances.

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Name: Alden Underwood/Eòghann Soillearsgian

Codename: Harlequin 

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: He/Him


Prospective Roommate: I'm open to any roommates.


Goal: Eòghann will be returning to his parent’s kingdom after Claremont, where he hopes to lead his people to a better future in the light. 


Favorite Music: Alden has been voraciously exploring human music, and while it is too early to call himself a fan of any particular genre he can safely say that he enjoys most of what he has heard. 

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Returning Student;


Name: Ryan Jacobs

Codename: Sever

Year; Junior

Pronouns: he/him


Reflection: He got reckless a few times last year. He needs to be better. 


Independent thinker: Ryan has begun to realize his limitations, and learn to set growth goals for himself.

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Name: Iris Miller

Codename: Cerebral

Year: Senior

Pronouns: She/Her


Current Intramural Team: Claremont Red Team


Current Roommate: Not been confirmed yet


Reflection: Iris is quite disappointed with her performance in the past year. She has been on a few adventures but didn't view herself as very useful. Her goal for the new year is to become stronger. So that she could be the one helping people instead of constantly being helped. 


Independent Thinker: Iris doesn't know what to do with her life yet. She has been on the run from Emerald City but now that she is in a safe place, she has no idea where to go with her life. Hopefully she can figure that out in the coming years. 
At the same time, she is slowly learning what she wants personally. Some more intrespection in the new year(s) would be good.

Edited by Dracostern
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Name: Daniel Miller

Codename: Cerebellum

Year: Senior

Pronouns: He/Him


Current Intramural Team: Claremont Red Team


Current Roommate: Not been confirmed yet


Reflection: Daniel had a great time the last year! He has met a bunch of new friends, gone on exciting adventures! Managed to see the world just a little more! However he needs more lessons on self control, of when to hold back and think.


Independent Thinker: Daniel can easily get confused, can easily slip up and not make choices when he needs to. Daniel has to learn to make more decisions on fly, specifically when things are chaotic. 

Edited by Dracostern
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New Student


Name: Sarah Francine Thatcher

Codename: Seraphim

Year: Sophomore 

Pronouns: she/her


Prospective Roommate: Open


Goal: To learn to control her powers, to attend medical school, and to become a doctor.


Favorite Music: alt-rock (bands like Grizfolk, AJR, the Banners, etc.)

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Name: Harper Hale

Codename: Spore

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: Doesn't care (Speakers choice)


Prospective Roommate: Ms Grue?


Goal: Better control of her powers. Making friends. Becoming an effective hero. Discussing philosophy over home-made cheese and wine. 


Favorite Music: World / Indigenous Music (of any type). 

Edited by Supercape
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  • 2 months later...

Name: Mizuki "Mizzy" Iwasaki

Codename: Torpedo Lass (II)

Year: Junior

Pronouns: She/Her


Current Intramural Team: Orange, although very inactive.


Current Roommate: Unknown


Reflection: To explore newfound talents that are awakening within her, while learning how to be a proper leader instead of being a second in command.


Independent Thinker: At first Mizuki didn't wish to be Torpedo Lass, but several events over the past year have started to show her she might actually be worthy of the name. Recently the UN has been leaving calling cards, as well as several oceanographic institutes for... post-graduate considerations.

Edited by The Sailor
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Name: Baltazar "Baz" Botez


Codename: Gamma Buzz


Year: Junior


Pronouns: Him


Current Intramural Team: TBD


Current Roommate: Timeout


Goal: To start using his powers properly. 


Thoughts... Adulthood is fast approaching, and Baltazar better start planning for the future!

Edited by Supercape
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Name: Riel Estime 

Codename: Serendipity 

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: He/Him


Prospective Roommate: As long as they're not someone particularly uptight. He'd prefer to bunk on the Happenstance, but that's a long commute by foot. Also certain persons have "recommended" that he not do that, yes, but that's beside the point. 


Goal: Riel's entire life is back on his world. It's still there. The legendary treasure of the last great Pirate Lord. If there's a way to get home again that doesn't screw over those that have been kind to him here or require him abandoning his sister, ship, and/or crew? He's taking it.


Favorite Music: Unfortunately, Riel has not been on Prime long enough to develop a musical taste. Aquivan has sea shanties sung by pirates, and he does have a few musically gifted crewmembers, but it's nothing anyone not from Aquivan would recognize. 




Name: Kadene Estime

Codename: Stormchild 

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: She/Her


Prospective Roommate: She does not care. She's a fast enough flier to commute from the Happenstance every morning, but then Riel might be lonely. Plus it's fun to meet new people. Also certain persons have "recommended" she bunk in the dorms, yes.


Goal: Same as Riel above. Neither of them have given up on their dream of being the next great Pirate Lord. Plus this world is a little on the confusing and illogical side, anyway. 


Favorite Music: See Riel above. Though she also appreciates those a good tavern/folk musician. Y'know, those guys with stringed instruments in bars? Them.

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Name: Annabelle Simran "Annie" Jones

Codename: Hurricane Jones (awaiting approval)

Year: incoming Sophomore

Pronouns: she/her


Prospective Roommate: Put her with whatever, she's a product of British boarding schools so can put up with whoever she gets ;)


Goal: Annie is attending Claremont to avoid the scrutiny of the British press and finish her education in peace; in practice she wants to essentially be Spitfire Jones II but doesn't want the publicity in her native England that being Spitfire Jones II brings. 


Favorite Music: Annie is a huge Dua Lipa fan; being someone who already dresses fairly retro she likes throwback-inspired pop.

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Name: Owen Akerlund

Codename: Prime Mover

Year: Sophomore

Pronouns: He/Him


Prospective Roommate: Per out-of-game discussion, Serendipity. Owen was intrigued by the fellow dressed up as a pirate and is secretly hoping he will take him on some kind of weird adventure. 


Goal: Owen sees himself learning to become a real superhero, though he still wants to take over his family's farm when his parents become too old to run it. 


Favorite Music: Owen doesn't really listen to new music, he mostly listens to "dad rock" his family put on the radio while they were working. Owen prefers soft rock/folk rock such as Gordon Lightfoot, America, The Doobie Brothers, Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, Bryan Adams, and of course, The Boss. 

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Okay, getting ready for the start of the school year. This room/roommate list is based on everyone that has expressed intent to make a Claremont PC for this year (will adjust if needed):


Carter Dormitory

Room 105: Ryan Jacobs / Daniel Miller

Room 110:  Riel Estime / Owen Akerlund

Room 112: Gookgak / (Animist)

Room 201: Lawrence Harrow / Baltazar Botez

Room 204: Parker Powers / Michael Adon

Room 208: Vanya "Jack" Davydov / Alden Underwood (Eòghann Soillearsgian)

Room 301: Jonah Janse


Kord Dormitory

Room: 301: Carmen Alvarez Arrache / Iris Miller

Room 306: Lynn Conners / Matilda 'Mattie' Hopper 

Room 310: Renee Cole King / (Teen Gossamer)

Room 312: Harper Hale / Daphen Celeste

Room 402: Mizuki "Mizzy" Iwasaki / Vueriz

Room 406: Sarah Francine Thatcher / Annabelle Simran "Annie" Jones

Room 409: Kadene Estime / Katherine "Kate" Melita Devon-Leeds 

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