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Bayview Heights

Freedom City, New Jersey

Thursday May 22, 2024. 5:35 PM


Bernadette O'Connell stood at the entrance to the large living room/family room in Young Guardians' mansion headquarters. The far wall of the room was dominated by a massive flat screen TV, with several built-in cabinets around it for various game systems and other electronics. A pair of the redhead’s duplicates had just finished placing another large sofa into the room to add more seating beyond the already large sectional that was there.

The Irish teen had organized a movie night for the members of the Young Guardians, and also invited her roommate Neko (who was also Leon's girlfriend). The last several months had been rather busy for all the members of the Young Guardians, but especially for Bernadette.


She was nearing the end of her last year at Claremont Academy, with tests and final papers and the like. But if that, and time crime fighting and training with her fellow Guardians, was not enough, there was also her band’s increasing popularity. Since coming back from a show in Tokyo, they had started performing at clubs up and down the East Coast, in addition to ones around Freedom City. They had also put out their first album, and Bernadette had appeared on the cover of Seventeen for a story about the band, in addition to making other media appearances.


So, the redhead took every opportunity like this to spend time with her friends and teammates, to allow them to get to know each other a bit better outside the stress of battling supervillains or training. Those that lived at the mansion, or spent a good bit of time there, had come to learn Bernadette could be rather domestic, with her or her duplicates regularly taking the time to clean up around the mansion when she was there, and she was a decent cook. From a relatively young age the Irish teen had begun to help her mother around the house, cleaning up after her father and two older brothers.


Glancing one more time around the room, Bernadette gave a small smile. "That should be plenty o' places ta sit." She said aloud, something that was unnecessary, given the mental link she shared with her duplicates. A couple of other duplicates were in the kitchen, getting drinks and snacks ready. She had left it to Charlie to order pizzas for later.

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Neko stepped off the bus and stretched big, her mouth opening wide in a yawn that showed off her dainty teeth, arms going high over her head. It had been a busy day for the young student, who had been celebrating her last summer break with business classes through the local community college. Personally she didn't see why that was necessary given the amount of money Catgirl Reacts! was still bringing in, but even Raina had suggested having some kind of degree was prudent for the future. Math wasn't hard - just very tedious, especially when part of her kept thinking how easy it would be to just make any accountants forget about any problems with her records. It was just a couple of blocks from the bus stop to the mansion so she padded along, sneakered feet almost silent against the sidewalk, sniffing the air occasionally as she went. She was projecting the air of a sensibly-dressed young woman in an oversized T-shirt and jeans - which was true enough, she just was wearing the latter low enough so her tail could stick out. 


At the mansion's front gate, she pressed the sensor and waited for the automatic gate to slide open, taking the opportunity to lick the back of her hand and run it through her hair.

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Vik walked back from the gas station, carefully holding a few large soda boxes containing a dozen cans. It wasn't so much that they were heavy for her, just awkward to carry. She was slightly embarrassed by how she acted the last time she had seen Bernie and the rest of the team, and she hoped this offering would make up for it. Getting emotional about not being able to kick as much ass as the rest of them...what is she, 15? Anyway, live and learn. Having recently accepted Charlie and Bernie as hero mentors, she was determined to be better; for now, that was enough. 


She stopped near the door and saw a young woman wearing a large T-shirt and jeans. She noticed her lick the back of her hand like a cat, but chose not to comment. After all,  "Hi, you're here for the party too? I'm Vik," she said, awkwardly shuffling the boxes around. "Could you give me a hand, actually? I probably grabbed too many." Vik herself was dressed in an ironic T-shirt, ripped black jeans, and new Converse sneakers that Charlie had discreetly helped her purchase since her old clothes were very ratty. 

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“My vote is for Story of Ricky first.”

Leon grinned as grabbed a chip from one of the bowls one of Bernadette’s dupes had just set down.

“Neko will back me on this.”

He wags the chip at Berni in mock anger.

“And I know Charlie keeps suggesting Jumper only because he knows how much I hate it.”

Leon overly exaggeratedly eats the chip.


He’d dodged the last couple training sessions Charlie had set up. Making excuses to hide what he’d really been doing, but he made sure he had made time for this night.


A chime sounded letting them know someone was at the gate. A quick glance at one of the security monitors Charlie smartly distributed around the mansion showed two young ladies waiting patiently as the gate slid open.

Leon grinned like the canary that got caught by the cat.


He put on a bad Dracula voice and smiled at Berni.

“The guests have arrived, blah.”

Leon chuckled and wandered off to greet Neko and Vik at the front door.

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"I have never in my life suggested Jumper to anyone," Charlie says with an incredulous tone, as he appears around one of the corners while Leon leaves to let Neko and Vik in. "I mean, really. Jumper." He is just speaking to Bernie and her dupes by now, shaking his head as he walks into the room, whistling lightly at the extra couch she's carried in. He is wearing a pair of black shorts that go to just below his knees and a dark grey dress shirt with small white abstract bird motifs scattered across it. He hasn't buttoned it all the way up.


"The pizzas are gonna be here in an hour. How are you all doing? Picked out a movie yet?" he asks, as he looks between Bernie and her dupes. It is not exactly easy to make out which of them is the real Bernie (but then again, aren't they all the real Bernie, in some way?), even with the time they've been together. 

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Bernadette regarded Leon as he suggested a movie and commented about what Charlie might want to watch. "Either o' those are horror movies, which is the genre we were leanin' toward tonight." The redhead responded before the security system let them know Neko had arrived and Vik was returning from her shopping trip.

"I do have duplicates that could have gotten tha door. An' isn' as if Vik doesn' live here." Bernadette called out as Leon started off to greet the pair. The redhead just grinned slightly as he left, aware there were likely other reasons he was eager to greet Neko at the door.


As Charlie appeared, denying he would ever suggest Jumper, the Irish teen gave him a warm grin. "Well, part o' the fun is ta have a bad movie ta make fun of." She replied. "But, probably more fun when the movie doesn' really take itself seriously either."


With a snap of her fingers, Bernadette dismissed her two duplicates that had finished placing the additional sofa. "Well, I think things are ready here. Snacks are all ready, along with water, an' Vik is back with other drinks. So, I believe we are all set." She said as she came up to hug Charlie. "Just need everyone ta arrive."

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Neko sniffed at the taller girl, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "You brought the drinks?" She had heard about Ghule from Leon, so her presence here wasn't unexpected. She actually had very little experience with jiangshi, her village's practices of burning its dead having protected them from such threats. "Okay. I am Neko." She took one of the crates awkwardly, and was profoundly relieved when the gate opened. 


When she saw Leon, she stood up higher to kiss his cheek. "Erik and Min say I have curfew until midnight tonight," she told him with a teasing smile. That was actually a lie, they were far more liberal than that for reasons that escaped her, but she wasn't really comfortable spending the night at Leon's place yet. 


Once they were actually inside the building, she seemed to unfold in front of Ghule, thick fuzzy cat ears appearing above her head, a white tail twitching as she slipped her arm in between Leon's (having smoothly passed her share of the drinks onto him), her eyes a glittering gold. Bernadette and Charlie both got a wave and a blown kiss "Hiii!" as she stuck close to Leon. 

"You got the one with Riki-O, right?" she whispered to him. 

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Hearing voices in the foyer, Pol came around the corner, carrying a large stainless steel bowl full of broken glass and scrap metal under one arm. She appeared to be wearing a comfortable sweatshirt and pajama pants.


"Welcome back, Vik! And hi Neko. Are you looking forward to movie night?" She beamed as she held up her bowl. "I brought my own snacks!"

Edited by Heritage
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Leon beamed as Neko kissed his cheek. He noticed his girlfriend slipping him the soda case to carry, and didn’t resist.

“Midnight? Cool, try to get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

He chuckled and gave Vik a smile and a nod before Neko to his arm and they headed towards the others.


On 6/28/2024 at 7:00 PM, Avenger Assembled said:

"You got the one with Riki-O, right?" she whispered to him. 


“Yeah, but I don’t think they’re buying it as a horror.”

He chuckled and whispered back.

“Might have to wait till bad-action-movie-night. There’s always Wild Zero. I just got it on blu-ray.”

Leon grinned knowingly.


He looked up as Pol rounded the corner to greet the girls.

“And you don’t even have to worry about sharing.”

He teased her.

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Posted (edited)



On 6/28/2024 at 6:00 PM, Avenger Assembled said:



Neko sniffed at the taller girl, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "You brought the drinks?" She had heard about Ghule from Leon, so her presence here wasn't unexpected. She actually had very little experience with jiangshi, her village's practices of burning its dead having protected them from such threats. "Okay. I am Neko." She took one of the crates awkwardly, and was profoundly relieved when the gate opened. 


When she saw Leon, she stood up higher to kiss his cheek. "Erik and Min say I have curfew until midnight tonight," she told him with a teasing smile. That was actually a lie, they were far more liberal than that for reasons that escaped her, but she wasn't really comfortable spending the night at Leon's place yet. 


Once they were actually inside the building, she seemed to unfold in front of Ghule, thick fuzzy cat ears appearing above her head, a white tail twitching as she slipped her arm in between Leon's (having smoothly passed her share of the drinks onto him), her eyes a glittering gold. Bernadette and Charlie both got a wave and a blown kiss "Hiii!" as she stuck close to Leon. 

"You got the one with Riki-O, right?" she whispered to him. 


Vik returned the strange look. Guess that's the cat girl that Leon is dating...great.


"Hey everyone!" she said to her team. She put down the sodas on the table and busied herself, taking them out of their crates. She would have offered hugs or even high-fives to her teammates, but she noticed with slight embarrassment that she was one of the few not already in a relationship, and she didn't want to make it weird for anyone's significant other. Especially with Neko's frosty reception...Vik eyed the catgirl as she transformed to give Leon a kiss. Vik turned away and rolled her eyes. No wonder I'm a dog person... 


On 6/30/2024 at 2:03 AM, Heritage said:



Hearing voices in the foyer, Pol came around the corner, carrying a large stainless steel bowl full of broken glass and scrap metal under one arm. She appeared to be wearing a comfortable sweatshirt and pajama pants.


"Welcome back, Vik! And hi Neko. Are you looking forward to movie night?" She beamed as she held up her bowl. "I brought my own snacks!"


Vik smiled and did walk over to embrace Pol. "Ooh, looks...uh, full of iron! I love those pajamas...where did you get them?" Though she was "bros" with Bernie, she felt a connection with Pol as a non-human. She didn't tell anyone, but she had eaten before she came over. A quick snack of two raw, dripping sirloin steaks had given her the "nutrition" she needed as a zombie. 



Edited by Lone_Star
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As everyone started to arrive, Bernadette turned to face them, giving Neko a wide smile and a wave in return. "Glad you were able to make it Neko." The redhead said to her roommate and friend.


"Hey Pol," the Irish teen said as she arrived with her own unique snacks for the movie.

"Thanks for getting the drinks Vik." She added as the other girl brough in the drinks she had just bought and began to set them out.

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A bit of tension in the air between Neko and Vik already, though Charlie can't really claim to be entirely surprised. You're either a dog person or a cat person, and Vik clearly seems to be the former. He waves quickly at the three as they enter.


Looking at Pol's snacks, he frowns lightly. "We're gonna have to make a trip to the scrapyard to stock up soon, right?" 


Has to remind himself that he's not in charge of things here, it's just something nice and fun for them all to do together, but he likes to be prepared.


Moving up to Vik, he leans in close and whispers. He knows that she wants to keep her dietary needs a secret. "How about you, Vik? Got everything you need? I made sure to do a snack run for you everyone got here. I dunno how you do with dried meat, but tried to get some kinds of that you could snack on."

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"But it's so funny!" Neko complained. Leon had seen her watch the movie and she usually laughed uproariously and loudly, golden eyes shining and pointed teeth gleaming. "American horror movies aren't even scary," she added good-naturedly. She smiled hello to Shift - the robot was unsettling, as immune to her abilities as any other piece of machinery, but that was why she had friends. As she sat there, her robot-bug Akai flew out of her sleeve and flew over to Shift, landing on the synth's left hand and flapping its wings in a friendly greeting. Akai looked a bit like a robot-ladybug - by design from what Shift had heard. 

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22 hours ago, Thevshi said:



As everyone started to arrive, Bernadette turned to face them, giving Neko a wide smile and a wave in return. "Glad you were able to make it Neko." The redhead said to her roommate and friend.


"Hey Pol," the Irish teen said as she arrived with her own unique snacks for the movie.

"Thanks for getting the drinks Vik." She added as the other girl brough in the drinks she had just bought and began to set them out.




"No problem Bernie," Vik said with a warm smile. "How have you been? I hope I got enough, there were so many flavors at the store that it was hard to pick." 


22 hours ago, RocketLord said:


Moving up to Vik, he leans in close and whispers. He knows that she wants to keep her dietary needs a secret. "How about you, Vik? Got everything you need? I made sure to do a snack run for you everyone got here. I dunno how you do with dried meat, but tried to get some kinds of that you could snack on."


Vik nods quickly, taking a quick look around to make sure no one is directly listening to them. "Yeah, thank you Charlie. I ate before I came over, but I love beefy jerky," she said with a big smile. "I appreciate your discretion." She still hadn't told her teammates about her 'dietary restrictions', but she was getting close to feeling like she could. Her sparring session with Charlie and Bernie did a lot to help with that. Only true friends would be able to kick your ass and help you improve as a hero. In all honesty, she was feeling closer to the team, but tonight didn't seem like quite the right time to discuss that...


22 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:



"But it's so funny!" Neko complained. Leon had seen her watch the movie and she usually laughed uproariously and loudly, golden eyes shining and pointed teeth gleaming. "American horror movies aren't even scary," she added good-naturedly. She smiled hello to Shift - the robot was unsettling, as immune to her abilities as any other piece of machinery, but that was why she had friends. As she sat there, her robot-bug Akai flew out of her sleeve and flew over to Shift, landing on the synth's left hand and flapping its wings in a friendly greeting. Akai looked a bit like a robot-ladybug - by design from what Shift had heard. 


As Charlie went to help the other guests get comfortable, Vik looks over at Neko and Leon. They're a cute couple...I think. Leon certainly seems happy. She moved over to the two of them as she opened a can of soda. Her eyes followed the robot-bug as it flew out of her sleeve. Such interesting people at the Guardians' lair - I should try to be nicer to her. Not everyone will warm up to a zombie right away.


"So, Neko, what kinds of movies do you like?" Her comment about American horror movies not being scary made her unconsciously adjust her Romero T-shirt. It was her favorite horror movie growing up, but that was okay. Everyone has different opinions about movies, she reminded herself. 

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"I never liked movies before I came to America," admitted Neko, trying to be diplomatic. "I like Kwaidan, but it's an old movie, so they couldn't show very much. My favorite movie is Audition," she added with a fangirl's carefully suppressed excitement. "It's so funny! The man is so stupid, and then," she laughed, "but I don't want to spoil it. The best American movie," she said judiciously, "is Fantasia. Americans are good at making cartoons." Her ears twitching, she flopped over on Leon's lap, hands curled in front of her, followed shortly by a brown and white bobtail cat that seemed to appear from nowhere, settling down on her chest and kneading biscuits. "What do you like?" she asked Vik. 

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Muirne had been psyching herself up in her room, not wanting to miss the movie night, but still not as accustomed to horror and violence as her friends who'd grown up watching such things, the screen not being as much of a filter to unreality to her. She really hoped the movie didn't have magic.


She gave one last look over her outfit, a pair of denim blue skinny jeans, and a forest green shirt with holes over the shoulders, despite having full sleeves. She added a half length dark brown cloak over the top, quietly affixing her mother's pendant around her neck, and father's knife at the back of her belt. She knew she wouldn't need it, and that even if something did happen she had her spear and armour in the Schattenwelt, but the two mementos still made her feel safer.


She stepped through the walls into the living room, a smile on her face. "Hey everyone, how are you all?"

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There were certainly perks for having your own place, but Luke would also have to admit that not accepting Chaz's offer to live at the mansion also lead to a few hurdles, like having to traverse the town each time the team planned any activity whatsoever (plus well paying the bills, instead of having your seemingly billionaire friend doing it for you...). All of that to say, that of course Luke was late to the party. He had dashed back home after work, showered, without bothering to dry his hair that were in fact still wet and kinda messy (although fashionably so), put on the first combo of t-shirt, sleeve-less of course, and shorts that he found laying on his bed and then darted toward the mansion on dragon wings.


A quick change and a dash inside and there he was, giving his friends a bright smile. "Hey..." He grinned as he ruffled the hair on the back of his neck with his left hand. 


"Hope you all haven't picked the movie already... Myself... I'm up for something scary." He grinned, although to be honest, he would not mind some cheesy comedy or action movie either, admittedly though, the latter genre had lost a bit of its appeal since Luke had actually started living those kind of adventures. 


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On 7/3/2024 at 11:56 AM, Avenger Assembled said:

"American horror movies aren't even scary," 


Leon smiled and gave Neko a little shrug.

“That’s because most traded scary for gory, and now they confuse the two.”


On 7/4/2024 at 2:37 PM, Avenger Assembled said:

"I like Kwaidan, but it's an old movie, so they couldn't show very much. My favorite movie is Audition," she added with a fangirl's carefully suppressed excitement. "It's so funny! The man is so stupid, and then," she laughed, "but I don't want to spoil it. The best American movie," she said judiciously, "is Fantasia. Americans are good at making cartoons." 


He gave a little chuckle as he sat down on the couch. He’d happily watched it more than once with her. If asked he’d honestly agree that it was a good movie and he could see why she enjoyed it.

“Fantasia is a good movie, yes.”

He agreed as Neko made herself comfortable in his lap. His hand instinctively starts to stroke her hair.


Leon looked up as Muirne and Luke showed up.

“Hey you two.”

He gave the couple a little salute wave.

“You’re just on time. No one’s pick the first movie yet. I say we make the rookie picks first.”

He grins and looks over at Vik.

“No pressure.”

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On 7/4/2024 at 1:37 PM, Avenger Assembled said:

"I never liked movies before I came to America," admitted Neko, trying to be diplomatic. "I like Kwaidan, but it's an old movie, so they couldn't show very much. My favorite movie is Audition," she added with a fangirl's carefully suppressed excitement. "It's so funny! The man is so stupid, and then," she laughed, "but I don't want to spoil it. The best American movie," she said judiciously, "is Fantasia. Americans are good at making cartoons." Her ears twitching, she flopped over on Leon's lap, hands curled in front of her, followed shortly by a brown and white bobtail cat that seemed to appear from nowhere, settling down on her chest and kneading biscuits. "What do you like?" she asked Vik. 

Vik stared a little in confusion as Neko cited Audition as a comedy. That was certainly one way to put it, but at least there was some common ground between them. 

“Oh, Fantasia is great. I remember watching my dad’s old VHS copy of it when I was a kid, but the part with the demon really scared me when I was really young. I think my favorite animated movie was definitely Totoro, and still is today. There’s just something so magical about Miyazaki’s movies,” she said nostalgically. 

As the two were talking, Muirne and Luke dropped by as well, and she enthusiastically waved at them, her slight self-consciousness forgotten with the movie discussion. “Hey, cool pendant,” Vik said to Muirne. “Looks vintage. May I ask where you got it?”


7 hours ago, Spacefurry said:




Leon smiled and gave Neko a little shrug.

“That’s because most traded scary for gory, and now they confuse the two.”



He gave a little chuckle as he sat down on the couch. He’d happily watched it more than once with her. If asked he’d honestly agree that it was a good movie and he could see why she enjoyed it.

“Fantasia is a good movie, yes.”

He agreed as Neko made herself comfortable in his lap. His hand instinctively starts to stroke her hair.


Leon looked up as Muirne and Luke showed up.

“Hey you two.”

He gave the couple a little salute wave.

“You’re just on time. No one’s pick the first movie yet. I say we make the rookie picks first.”

He grins and looks over at Vik.

“No pressure.”

“Ah, Leon my man, you’re really putting me on the spot here. You can’t make me choose just one horror movie. That is, unless, I brought one of the best ones of all time.”


She quickly stood up, and started rummaging through her stuff. After a few moments, she pulled out a black DVD case that she held aloft like Excalibur. 

“That’s right my friends, I brought the original Alien. It’s a classic, it’s scary, and Sigourney Weaver is sexy as hell in it. So there you go.”

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Muirne smiled slightly easier as Luke arrived, happy he'd been able to get away from his work on time. "God æfen, Fýrdraca¹. I'm glad you could make it." She gave him a hug, before turning back to the others.


She gave Leon a light wave as he greeted them, nodding in acquiescence at his vote to let Vik pick their first movie, not wanting to expose her near total unfamiliarity with the topic of movies. At the latter's question her smile turned slightly melancholy, but it didn't fade. "It was my mother's. It's been in my family for a very long time, so I don't think you'll find another like it."


She felt a small shiver of apprehension as her undead teammate declared what her movie was. She'd never seen it, but had heard it referenced in passing. The cover was simple, a small tagline written across the bottom. My my, it looks frightening already. Maybe we should take notes.

Muirne blinked at Aoife's comment, the frightening nature of their powers something she tried to fight against more often than not, but of course her other self might have other ideas.


Then her brain caught up with the comment about 'Sigourney Weaver' being sexy, and she started wondering what she'd gotten herself into. 


¹ Good evening, Fire-spewing dragon

Edited by Kaede Kimura
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A purring Neko closed her eyes and let herself be petted - producing an actual resonant vibration in her chest. She licked the back of one hand for a moment, then said "Alien is good. It has a cat." That was all a good movie needed anyway. As she sprawled on the couch, another fluffy white and brown-spotted cat appeared from nowhere and settled on her legs, where it promptly flopped down and made itself at home. Another walked right up to Vik and stared at her with gold eyes, licking its paw as it did so. She listened to all still, her ears twitching. She only knew the shadow-majo slightly but was struck by the thought that the girl must be very content with her new life - or very desperate. It wasn't really her business anyway. 

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Bernadette returned Vik's smile with one of her own. "Busy." She replied to the other’s question. "As if finishin' up the term an’ getting’ ready ta graduate wasn’'enough, you know how busy Charlie has been keepin' us," the redhead glanced over towards her boyfriend a moment before looking back at Vik with a small grin, "an' if all that wasn' enough, things have really started movin' fer the band."


The Irish teen turned as Luke arrived and Murine made her way down from her room given the two a smile. "Well everyone is here, might as well start making ourselves comfortable an’ pick out a movie ta start with." She said as she took a seat on one of the couches, saving a spot for Charlie.


She listened as Vik suggested Alien and Neko expressed approval. "Well, that is two votes fer Alien, anyone else?"

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Leon settled in as Neko made herself comfortable.

“Everything is better with a cat.”

He chuckled and glanced in Berni’s direction.

“See, that’s why you just ignore his number when he calls. Then you don’t get dragged into extra training.”

He teased jokingly, knowing full well he had been skipping out on several training sessions Charlie had arranged. His chuckle tapering off at the end as the red-head mentioned her band keeping her busy.


He coughed and cleared his throat.

“Well, it’s got my vote.”

Leon added when Bernadette prompted.

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Charlie takes a moment to appreciate everyone being here, despite the tensions he had caused with his own disappearance, and, well... it's nice to see everyone here. Even if there's fewer people actually living in the mansion that he'd like, but he's not about to start forcing anyone to do something they won't.


Moving towards the couch, he grinned at Leon's little barb while he picked up a few snacks before settling down near Bernie, quickly moving an arm around her shoulder. 


"Leon, you wouldn't have survived a week with the Raven." He pauses, grinning playfully. "And thank god for that. Could you imagine you running around in my old Nevermore outfit?"


Leaning back in the couch, closer to Bernie, he gives his vote. "Sure, Alien's good. Let's go for it."

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On 7/22/2024 at 11:23 PM, Thevshi said:



Bernadette returned Vik's smile with one of her own. "Busy." She replied to the other’s question. "As if finishin' up the term an’ getting’ ready ta graduate wasn’'enough, you know how busy Charlie has been keepin' us," the redhead glanced over towards her boyfriend a moment before looking back at Vik with a small grin, "an' if all that wasn' enough, things have really started movin' fer the band."


The Irish teen turned as Luke arrived and Murine made her way down from her room given the two a smile. "Well everyone is here, might as well start making ourselves comfortable an’ pick out a movie ta start with." She said as she took a seat on one of the couches, saving a spot for Charlie.


She listened as Vik suggested Alien and Neko expressed approval. "Well, that is two votes fer Alien, anyone else?"




Vik cocked her head to one side slightly as Bernie mentioned her band. It sounded vaguely familiar, but she hadn't talked about it much. "What's your band called again? I'd love to see them sometime if they're playing locally - I used to be really into the music scene here before, well. You know."


She sensed something amiss when Charlie mentioned extra training. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to ask... "Well, I'd appreciate some extra training, if you're offering. You know, work on my kung-fu grip," she said, with a mock karate pose. "But for real, I could seriously use some help with fighting, especially with our team."


She smiled a bit as everyone expressed their approval of her movie choice. It didn't seem like much, but it did mean a lot to her that her selection wasn't totally shut down. Not that there was a big chance of that, but...she hoped everyone liked it. 


"I think Alien was one of the first 'real' horror movies I saw at the tender age of nine. My dad liked to watch American movies on TV, and though my mom didn't want me seeing it, my dad convinced her it was okay. I mean, it's older, but still really cool, you know? I like the practical effects too - something about CGI just isn't the same." 

Edited by Lone_Star
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