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Muirne chuckled at the banter exchanged amongst the team, hiding her apprehension at apparently being the only one who hadn't seen the movie with the practiced ease of one who had been pretending to be from this time period for several years. It would be fine. She'd been in scary circumstances before. She had her team with her.


"Alien sounds good to me!" She said with a confidence she did not feel. Aoife was laughing at her as she settled onto one of the couches.

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As the movie went on, Neko gradually moved off Leon's lap to sit crouched in front of the television. She sat with her tail visible behind her, thwapping noticeably in exciting or gory scenes, huge golden eyes wide and pointed teeth bared in a smile. She was joined by several other of her cats, brown spots on white fur, each staring at the exciting scenes with looks of feline fascination. "Look at the cat! Look at it!" She laughed sometimes, a low, almost inaudible "kekekeke" that could easily have been a purr, and licked the back of her hand to run it back through her fuzzy white hair. "Get it! Get it!" 

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  • 3 weeks later...



Bernadette glanced over to Vik with a smile as she settled back next to Charlie on one of the sofas. "Multiplicity. We have a couple more local shows in the next couple months, but come the summer, we will be touring parts of the country and have some shows in Europe. Of course, your more than welcome to come along for one of those if you want."


As the movie selection was made and the film began, the redhead settled in up close to Charlie. The Irish teen spent almost as much time watching her teammates and friends' reactions to the film as the film itself, a faint smile on her face at seeing everyone seem to enjoy having a few moments of normalcy.

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On 7/17/2024 at 3:11 AM, Kaede Kimura said:

 "God æfen, Fýrdraca¹. I'm glad you could make it." She gave him a hug, before turning back to the others.


Luke eyes lit up warmly as he gave Muirne one of his trademarked bear hugs. "No way I would have missed this." He grinned.  


"Ready to be scared?" He teased playfully when Alien won the vote. There were perks in watching an horror movie with your girlfriend anyway, speaking of which, he quickly found a spot close to her of course.


On 8/3/2024 at 12:11 AM, Lone_Star said:

"I think Alien was one of the first 'real' horror movies I saw at the tender age of nine. My dad liked to watch American movies on TV, and though my mom didn't want me seeing it, my dad convinced her it was okay. I mean, it's older, but still really cool, you know? I like the practical effects too - something about CGI just isn't the same." 


"I watched it once when I was babysitting my little 'bro, it was a stormy night we were alone at home... Let's say that my parents... were not impressed when they came back." The young man chuckled.


On 7/30/2024 at 3:07 PM, RocketLord said:

"Leon, you wouldn't have survived a week with the Raven." He pauses, grinning playfully. "And thank god for that. Could you imagine you running around in my old Nevermore outfit?"



Luke grinned when Chaz teased his friend. "That could be fun to watch though..." Although to be honest he was kinda curious about what training with the Raven would entail. 


"Cool..." He remarked as Bernadette mentioned going on tour. Admittedly it was tempting to follow her sightseeing in Europe, but there was so much stuff to do at home (plus... there was the tiny issue that traveling did require money...). 


When it was time for the movie, Luke 'chivalrously' offered Muirne to lean against him if she wanted to during tense moments. Himself, he was admittedly, more focused in absorbing the good vibes than what was happening on the screen.

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"Sure, I'm always ready, Vik. Just say when," Charlie quickly responds before the movie begins. At least someone wants to take it all seriously.


As the movie begin, he moves in closer with Bernie, holding her close. This is good, just some time to hang out, and Bernie seems happy, at least.


With Neko moving in closer to the screen, he can't keep a grin from his lips, leaning in close to whisper to Bernie. "Now I'm really happy that I decided to go for the big screen when I put all this together."


He has seen Alien before. It's a classic, but it's interesting to hear all the little tidbits about it from the others.

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Muirne smiled as Luke settled next to her, very glad for the physical comfort his presence offered.


Initially she thought her misgivings misplaced as Alien's slow start tricked her into relaxing, her curiosity peaking as the crew began exploring the alien ship. Her slow lean forward became a rapid retreat back as the facehugger leapt, her back hitting the couch at speed and then continuing as she phased through to the safety of behind the couch.


She returned to the couch before long, and managed to avoid any more incidents where she passed through the furniture, at least in part assisted by the shielding effect of Neko interposed between her and the screen and her courageous efforts to fuse into Luke's side.


Next time something occurs indoors we should use the air vents. Imagine it, the villains might surrender out of fear alone!


Absolutely not. Regardless of if it would be effective, we should stick with our allies!


I'm going to ask Charlie next time we train. I think he'll appreciate it. 


Her internal peanut gallery may also have helped to distract her from the horrors actively occurring before her eyes. 

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Leon made a face that gave an impression that he thought he could handle the training if he actually wanted to. But he gave an exaggerated little shudder and gagging motion at the mention of him having to wear Charlie’s old costume.


“Don’t give him any ideas.”

He teased Vik and Charlie as she asked about training. He chuckled and settled in for the movie, his right hand stroking Neko’s hair.


The movie had that wonderful slow build and he was enjoying it. Soon though, Neko slipped from his lap and moved closer to the big screen. Leon smiled softly as he watched her. A brief glimpse behind the mask he wore nearly constantly.

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Neko bounced and chittered excitedly through the end of the movie, looking for a moment like she was going to leap right through the screen. When it was done, she flopped bonelessly on her back and looked up at the ones still on the couch, her hands resting against her cheeks and fingers in the air. "The blood is fake," she opined, "but that is a good movie. What do we have to eat?" she asked, looking thoroughly pitiful at the mere thought of the dinner she'd never had.  

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Luke spent most of the projection with a satisfied grin on his lips, his attention switching between the movie and Muirne, admittedly lingering way more on the latter.A chuckle escaped his lips from time to time as he absorbed his girlfriend reaction to what was transpiring. Although he did furrow his brow for a moment when he noticed her phasing out of reality and into the back of the couch.


"Hey..." He gently wrapping one arm behind her shoulders. 


"We should watch more movies together..." He leaned in and whispered softly to Muirne during a moment of calm.


"You liked it?" The young man asked once the projection was over, it was not everyday that you watch a movie together with time-travellers from another age. he mused.


"Awesome isn't it? It was all practical by the way, no CGI..."  


He raised his head when Neko mentioned food, definitely interested.



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Vik was completely enthralled throughout the whole movie, and didn't say much to anyone. This was one of her favorite movies after all, and she reacted to everything as if it was her first time watching it. After the movie finished, she sighed in relief, glad that Ripley made it safely through the movie (not that there was any doubt). It was only as the credits started rolling that she looked over at Muirne and Luke and saw she seemed a bit uncomfortable. 


"Are you okay, Muirne? It's a pretty intense movie, especially if you haven't watched a lot of horror. Maybe we can watch something a bit less serious for our next movie, like Army of Darkness?" 


17 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:

Neko bounced and chittered excitedly through the end of the movie, looking for a moment like she was going to leap right through the screen. When it was done, she flopped bonelessly on her back and looked up at the ones still on the couch, her hands resting against her cheeks and fingers in the air. "The blood is fake," she opined, "but that is a good movie. What do we have to eat?" she asked, looking thoroughly pitiful at the mere thought of the dinner she'd never had.  


"Hah, well...of course it's fake, Neko. But glad you liked it. I could also use a bite to eat." Although technically the only sustenance she needed was raw meat, it still felt good to eat. Her resurrection hadn't really dulled her sense of taste much, and it made Vik feel human to eat, especially with friends. "Y'know, I'm glad we were all able to hang out, especially since our last team-up kinda got interrupted by supervillains. Weird how that keeps happening..." 

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"Rule number 1 of being a super hero, Vik," Charlie responds to her question about it's weird that they keep being interrupted by super villains. "Whatever you do, super villains are gonna crash the party. It's like they have some kind of sixth sense for when you try to, y'know, do anything other than go out patrolling." 


He probably shouldn't go into details about all the weird things that had happened to the Ravens in the past... better to answer Neko's question.


"Well, we used to have a ton of snacks, but we all demolished that during the movie, so... there's the pizzas I got while the movie was running, and whatever you can find in the fridge. The pizzas could probably use some heating, if you want them hot."

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Muirne was perhaps a bit pale by the end of the movie, but still smiled at Luke as he suggested watching more movies together. She nodded at Luke's question about liking the movie, although his comment about it being practical rather than CGI didn't really make much sense to her. She had heard people talk about CGI being good or bad, but never what it was or what that meant. 


She resolved to ask him at some point when they were alone.


When Vik asked if she was alright she realized she had been off in her own thoughts for a bit, turning to face her teammate. "Yes, sorry I haven't watched many horror movies. I will be fine with whatever." She lied, both to herself and Vik. "I haven't seen Army of Darkness, what is it about?"


She herself was a bit peckish as food started being discussed. "Pizza sounds good to me."

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Bernadette had leaned against Charlie for most of the movie, her head resting on his shoulder, so she had been right there when he had whispered about being glad he opted for the larger screen TV. The redhead smiled and whispered back. "Aye, good thing indeed."


The Irish teen remained quiet this rest of the movie, alternating between what was on the large screen and her friends. Soon enough the film was over.


"I can take care o' heatin' up some pizza." Bernadette replied as two of her duplicates appeared behind the sofa she and Charlie were on. The two duplicates made their way over to where the pizzas were waiting and grabbed several of the boxes and took them over to the kitchen.


"Thank you fer brin' the movie Vik. It was a good one." The original Bernadette said with a smile.

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On 9/11/2024 at 3:14 AM, RocketLord said:



"Rule number 1 of being a super hero, Vik," Charlie responds to her question about it's weird that they keep being interrupted by super villains. "Whatever you do, super villains are gonna crash the party. It's like they have some kind of sixth sense for when you try to, y'know, do anything other than go out patrolling." 


He probably shouldn't go into details about all the weird things that had happened to the Ravens in the past... better to answer Neko's question.


"Well, we used to have a ton of snacks, but we all demolished that during the movie, so... there's the pizzas I got while the movie was running, and whatever you can find in the fridge. The pizzas could probably use some heating, if you want them hot."




Vik scratched the back of her head, trying to figure it out. Eventually she gave up. It was just a part of superhero life that villains would inevitably be there to crash the party. She looked around furtively for a moment, as if one was due any moment. 


"Yeah, I guess it's bound to happen...we do live in Freedom City after all. I'd have a slice or two if you're offering, meat lovers if you have it." Her stomach growled, as if on cue. She wasn't exactly sure how many of her bodily functions were from her reanimation, or just psychosomatic, but that was definitely her stomach. Geez, guess I burn more calories fighting villains than I thought. I'll have to talk to Charlie about that. Maybe another time I can let everyone else in on my 'dietary needs', but not tonight. Then tonight would be like a real life horror movie! 


On 9/12/2024 at 12:52 PM, Kaede Kimura said:



Muirne was perhaps a bit pale by the end of the movie, but still smiled at Luke as he suggested watching more movies together. She nodded at Luke's question about liking the movie, although his comment about it being practical rather than CGI didn't really make much sense to her. She had heard people talk about CGI being good or bad, but never what it was or what that meant. 


She resolved to ask him at some point when they were alone.


When Vik asked if she was alright she realized she had been off in her own thoughts for a bit, turning to face her teammate. "Yes, sorry I haven't watched many horror movies. I will be fine with whatever." She lied, both to herself and Vik. "I haven't seen Army of Darkness, what is it about?"


She herself was a bit peckish as food started being discussed. "Pizza sounds good to me."


"Oh, Muirne!" She reached over to give her friend a quick hug. "I'm sorry. Hey, maybe we should watch something a little more chill, you know, as like a palate cleaner or whatever?" she said, addressing the room. "Army of Darkness is like a zombie movie with time travel and...a lot of slapstick. It's also a comedy, so maybe that would help, but I'd love to hear what everyone else brought." She glanced back at Muirne. "But maybe we could keep it a bit less scary?" 


On 9/14/2024 at 7:31 PM, Thevshi said:



Bernadette had leaned against Charlie for most of the movie, her head resting on his shoulder, so she had been right there when he had whispered about being glad he opted for the larger screen TV. The redhead smiled and whispered back. "Aye, good thing indeed."


The Irish teen remained quiet this rest of the movie, alternating between what was on the large screen and her friends. Soon enough the film was over.


"I can take care o' heatin' up some pizza." Bernadette replied as two of her duplicates appeared behind the sofa she and Charlie were on. The two duplicates made their way over to where the pizzas were waiting and grabbed several of the boxes and took them over to the kitchen.


"Thank you fer brin' the movie Vik. It was a good one." The original Bernadette said with a smile.


"Sure, yeah. No problem Bernie. Need some help with the pizza?" Although she was still concerned about the movie scaring Muirne, she was glad it met with Bernie's approval. 

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Leon chuckled at Neko.

“Food sounds like an awesome idea.”

He agreed.


He rolled his head to glance towards Vik and Muirne.

Army is funny, but really she should see Evil Dead 2 first. It kinda sets everything up, and it more or less hit most of the beats of number 1. Not to say 1 isn’t really good on its own.”

He admitted with a hand raised defensively.


He looked at Charlie and cocked an eyebrow.

“Don’t be a party pooper, man. It’s not that bad. We don’t get into super fights everyday.”

He snickered.


He grinned at Bernadette.

“Pizza sounds like a winner, especially if it’s meaty. Which reminds me…”

He glances over at Luke.

“Found this little family owned pizza joint, they have some of the best pizza I’ve had. I need to take Neko there, you two should check it out sometime.”

He waggled a finger at Muirne and his roommate.

“I’d share it will Charlie, but he’d probably saw he’s already heard about it and took Berni there for lunch last week.”

He gave Charlie a teasing smirk.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Charlie has, by now, given up on helping Bernie out when she starts going on with her dupes and sending them to do household tasks, like getting the pizza ready. She's got it covered, and that's well enough. He squeezes her hand lightly to show he appreciates her effort, at least.


"Sounds like you're not keeping up with your patrols then, Leon," Charlie responds with another grin, making it clear that he is joking.


He smirks back at Leon again when he teases him with the pizza place. "Nothing beats that pizza place back near Claremont, anyway."

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Muirne chuckled as her friends started bantering, her own experiences putting truth to Charlie's comment about villains, so she couldn't resist getting her own jibe in a Leon. "Didn't you, Luke and Neko run into a heist while going to a Christmas party? If anything I'd have thought that would be the one thing you wouldn't fight Charlie on." 


She wasn't sure about time traveling, being a somewhat sore spot even after nearly five years, but it's not like it was magic or anything, all the Zombie movies she had seen has weird diseases instead. Still, she didn't need to be coddled just because she had a bit of a shock. "Lician¹, I am grateful you are concerned, but I am fine. You don't need to change the night's plans just because of me..." She paused, considering. Should she tell them about her fear of magic? She doubted she could make it through a full movie with it...


Tell them. If not for your sake then for theirs. If they are not aware what might happen when you encounter magic?


Charlie and Luke know-


Náhwæðer of him áwæ ealling alimpan þara oþ beorgan þú².




"I- uh. I guess if we can, could we avoid movies with magic? I uh, had a bad experience with our when I was young..." She said reluctantly. 


¹ Please

² Neither of them will always be there to save you.

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Neko's tail thumped back and forth, twitch twitch, her yellow eyes on Miurne like a cat watching a bird outside the window, radiating invisible magic from her eyes, her skin, the soft white cat on her lap where she sat on Leon's. "I know that movie. Movies about King Arthur are bad," she said suddenly and with conviction. "That was real." Maybe Owain had stayed home today but she knew how he felt about people using the stories of the land he'd left behind and might never see again. "I smell pizza," she said, scampering out of the room to join one of the Bernadettes in the mansion's kitchen. Only her cats stayed behind, watching the others impassively.

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On 9/20/2024 at 5:32 AM, Spacefurry said:



He rolled his head to glance towards Vik and Muirne.

Army is funny, but really she should see Evil Dead 2 first. It kinda sets everything up, and it more or less hit most of the beats of number 1. Not to say 1 isn’t really good on its own.”

He admitted with a hand raised defensively.




"That's true, and it really does set the stage for Army. But maybe the first one would be a little intense," she said, unconsciously turning towards Muirne. "Maybe some other than we can have an Evil Dead-athon." Vik was not-so-secretly delighted to find another Ash Williams fan! 


On 10/10/2024 at 11:53 PM, Kaede Kimura said:

She wasn't sure about time traveling, being a somewhat sore spot even after nearly five years, but it's not like it was magic or anything, all the Zombie movies she had seen has weird diseases instead. Still, she didn't need to be coddled just because she had a bit of a shock. "Lician¹, I am grateful you are concerned, but I am fine. You don't need to change the night's plans just because of me..." She paused, considering. Should she tell them about her fear of magic? She doubted she could make it through a full movie with it...


Tell them. If not for your sake then for theirs. If they are not aware what might happen when you encounter magic?


Charlie and Luke know-


Náhwæðer of him áwæ ealling alimpan þara oþ beorgan þú².




"I- uh. I guess if we can, could we avoid movies with magic? I uh, had a bad experience with our when I was young..." She said reluctantly. 


¹ Please

² Neither of them will always be there to save you.


Vik tried not to read too hard into what Muirne was saying. She was clearly uncomfortable, in Vik's opinion, but too polite to say anything. "Oh, not at all!" she said a bit too enthusiastically. "I really could use a pallate cleanser after Alien, anyway. Hey, how about..." she trailed off as she pulled out the bag she brought from the video store. "Let's see...too gory, too creepy, too Cronenberg-y...here we go!" 


She pulled out a DVD copy of the original Ghostbusters, and set it on the table. "I mean, it does have some magic, sort of? But not really? I know you said you haven't seen many horror movies, but this one is just sorta fun. But if anyone else has some ideas, I'm definitely open to them."


22 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:

Neko's tail thumped back and forth, twitch twitch, her yellow eyes on Miurne like a cat watching a bird outside the window, radiating invisible magic from her eyes, her skin, the soft white cat on her lap where she sat on Leon's. "I know that movie. Movies about King Arthur are bad," she said suddenly and with conviction. "That was real." Maybe Owain had stayed home today but she knew how he felt about people using the stories of the land he'd left behind and might never see again. "I smell pizza," she said, scampering out of the room to join one of the Bernadettes in the mansion's kitchen. Only her cats stayed behind, watching the others impassively.


"Well, it's not really about King - oh, wait. There she goes."




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