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Cole in Wonderland (OOC)

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Ok he got a 4 on Sense Motive so that's a flat-footed attack, 14 does indeed hit.


That's a 17 toughness save so you knock him out with a WHACK!

The other batted goon will also take a swing...

But gets a 5 so he misses.

The mysterious figure doesn't do anything yet. Though the boss calls out for them to take a shot on his turn before rushing Renee in an attempt to punch her. Which he hits with a 21 I need a toughness save (DC 16)


Goon 1

You're up @Poncho

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Toughness Results 1d20+5: 11 [1d20=6]


I would rather not lose a turn to a Daze, so Hero Point!


Toughness Results 1d20+6: 16 [1d20=10] Make it!


I will say though; with Takedown Attack 2, if that guy was a Minion I should have gotten another attack to make at the other guy. That's fine this time, but if the other Goon is a minion, I will get another attack if I beat him!

Anyway! If that's the case, I will Fast Feint again, then take 10 on the attack if possible. I'll use the roll otherwise though.


Feint into Attack Results 1d20+10: 27 [1d20=17] 1d20+9: 24 [1d20=15]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got it, alright! Getting back into it xD


So Boss man is brused! 

Sniper - On rooftop  (Unharmed)
Boss - 1 Bruse

Renee - Unharmed 

Here is the updated order. Mystery Person shot at Renee but missed with 11

The boss goes in for a punch and hits with a 20

So you have to make a DC 18 toughness save

Edited by Dracostern
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Toughness Results 1d20+5: 10 [1d20=5]


Well okay, that's another HP being used, taking me down to 1.


Toughness Results 1d20+5: 14 [1d20=9]


Well a 9 increases to a 19 which gets me over the hump!


Next action!


Fast Bluff into attack!


Bluff Check Results 1d20+10: 22 [1d20=12]  so oppose that 22 with his Sense Motive or Bluff. If it hits he's flat footed! Since he's not a goon, each time I bluff/feint him, he gets a stacking +1 to his resist rolls (this would also happen for goons but the goons donked)


Then a swing!

Attack Roll Results 1d20+9: 29 [1d20=20]


Another crit! This is some real rocket tag! DC25 Toughness!


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