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Hurricane Jones (PL7) - Ecalsneerg


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Hurricane Jones
Power Level: 
7 (105/105PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Descendent of Spitfire Jones, modern day pulp hero.

Theme: Elmer Bernstein - The Chase


Alternate Identity: Annabelle Simran "Annie" Jones (Public)
Birthplace:  London, England

Residence: Family residence in Fitzrovia; Claremont Academy in term-time.
Occupation:  Full-time education
Horatio David "Spitfire" Jones (great-grandfather, deceased)


Age: 16 (DoB: 15th August 2008)
Gender:  Female
Ethnicity: Mixed race, mostly British Punjabi descent
Height:  5'6''/ 1.7m
Weight:  121lbs/55kg

Eyes:  Brown
Hair:  Brown

Annabelle Jones is a fairly slender teenage girl, with a dark complexion, strong nose, and large brown eyes. She tends to dress a little anachronistically, favouring vintage and retro fashion in her day-to-day life. She keeps her dark brown hair cut in a severe chin-length bob. When in the field as Hurricane Jones, she wears an old brown RAF flight jacket with a fleece collar, aviation goggles strapped to her forehead or over her eyes depending on the need, brown rugged combat trousers and calf-length brown leather boots. 



During World War II, Horatio David "Spitfire" Jones fought alongside the Allies of Freedom, using strange powers he'd acquired during a test flight to rip Nazi aircraft out of the air as he flew among them. Sadly, he died in March 1945 fighting Nacht-Kriger, who murdered the English hero in a single blow. David had been a lothario, a girl in every port, and unknown to him when he flew off on that final mission, he'd left a girl pregnant several months beforehand. Anaya Kapoor, an Indian woman who had recently immigrated to London, was left in a difficult situation for women of the time. To avoid the scandal (and because it was the right thing to do), Jones' family took the woman and her eventual son in, raising him as one of the Jones family. 



The family's fortunes grew over the post-War decades, and Jones' grandchildren grew up in comfortable wealth in London that he himself had never grown up with. However, his son didn't exhibit any of Jones' powers, and neither did his children, or most of their children until Annabelle Jones, the only child of Hugo and Anjli Jones, exhibited the ability to fly at a family picnic at the age of 14. Annabelle had grown up a fairly comparative upper class English girl, attending expensive private schools which cultivated her interest in art. A confident, charismatic girl, Annie was well-liked by her peers and fairly easily took her burgeoning superpowers in her stride.


While the Jones family's connection to superpowers is public knowledge, for a couple of years, Annie was able to avoid much scrutiny. She kept the sneaking out to fly to a bare minimum, spent a lot of time at her family's country home and most of the family aware of her powers kept a lid on it. But it was never going to be a secret forever, and rumours of a successor to Spitfire Jones began to trickle through some of the usual circles. 


As soon as Whitehall caught wind of this potential legacy hero, there were murmurs of strongly encouraging her to operate with the Ministry of Powers as a state-sponsored hero. Annie was, for the time being, fortunately spared by her fairly young age and continued full-time education. She wanted to use her powers to do good, and she admired her great-grandfather, but she didn't want to be moulded into what other people thought doing good should look like or citing what they think he would have wanted. Adopting the moniker of Hurricane Jones, she began the occasional foray out in an outfit inspired by her great-grandfather's classic look, fighting minor crimes in London, trying to proverbially and literally fly under the radar. But she wasn't going to be able to evade the attention of the public and Ministry forever. Some sympathetic elements in British superheroics suggested that Annie complete her education at the Claremont Academy under the pretence of going to an exclusive overseas boarding school, a perfectly suitable cover for a young lady.


As such, to be allowed to finish her school somewhat in peace, Annie has arrived in Freedom City to attend the Claremont Academy. 


Personality & Motivation:
Annie is the very image of the English stiff upper-lip, a confident and charming young woman with an RP accent and a practical, hands-on approach to life. Witty, cultured and born to wealth; Annie is fairly unconcerned with minor issues and trifles, she's an unflappable figure. She's been fortunate to escape the snobbishness of such a privileged background, being a genuinely amiable and sweet young woman, if sometimes a little clueless and arrogant. 


Despite her unflappable exterior, Annie is uncomfortable with the burden of being Spitfire Jones' successor, and doesn't like the pressure to be a patriotic icon. She does genuinely want to be a superhero, seeing her powers as an unbelievable gift and a route to an exciting and fulfilling life with opportunities for adventure and to better the lives of others. But she doesn't especially want to be a symbol or someone people look up to, just wanting to get on with the job. She also feels unbelievable pressure to live up to the image of her great-grandfather, the fearless wartime hero, not feeling she's remotely up to snuff. Those few alive who'd met him would recognise much of the man in her; including the similar preference to just get on with the job and enjoy life rather than holding oneself up as a hero. 


Powers & Tactics:

Spitfire Jones got his powers when flying through a mysterious fog over the Irish sea. The source of these powers is still unknown, and they seemed to skip a couple of generations until Annie was born and eventually manifested innate metahuman abilities similar to her great-grandfather's. 


She possesses the power of unassisted flight, able to soar through the air at speeds which at maximum slightly exceed Mach 1, a golden contrail behind her whenever she does. It isn't known what generates this side-effect, it isn't identical to the one her grandfather had but seems to be a similar by-product of whatever process enables the Jones family's abilities. To better facilitate her flight, her body is very resistance to cold and heavily resistant to altitude sickness. Her eyesight is incredibly keen, able to see great distances on a clear day. Furthermore, she has some strange and innate sense of direction akin to a homing pigeon.


While her physical might isn't as great as Spitfire Jones, Hurricane has the advantage of possessing her strength even when not actively flying. Strong enough to bench press a hatchback and rip doors off their hinges with ease, Annie has strength comparable to a bodybuilder at the absolute peak of human potential despite otherwise appearing a normal teenager. 


Hurricane Jones uses her powers much as Spitfire Jones did, flying from target to target with great speed, and using her powerful strength to somewhat artlessly pummel her foes. Still coming into her superpowers, Hurricane is fairly inexperienced for all her natural talent in fisticuffs. To avoid prolonged engagements, she uses her great speed to ping-pong rapidly between opponents. Buoyed by the confidence of being able to effortlessly fly just out of reach, she enjoys repartee with opponents, exchanging quips and barbs. 


Power Descriptions:

Hurricane Jones' powers mostly aren't showy. Despite her incredible strength, she looks in no better shape than any lacrosse-playing English teenager. Her eyes, though bright and attentive, bear no external sign of their incredible acuity. However, she does bear one visible hallmark similar to her great-grandfather: when she takes to the air, a faint golden contrail follows behind her briefly before fading into nothingness shortly thereafter. This golden contrails intensifies and lingers longer as Annie moves at faster speeds, until she is trailed by a distinctive and obvious golden streak.



Can't Keep A Low Profile: Annie isn't especially adept at keeping a low profile. Physically, her flight manifests a visible golden trail in the air, making stealth more difficult unless weather conditions or terrain allow her to make a sneaky approach. Socially, even without having a public identity and a superheroic lineage, she's from a wealthy family in British high society, and is known to the press, albeit less so in Freedom City than back home in her native UK.


Keeping A Stiff Upper Lip: Annie's life is beset by pressure, pressure to live up to her family, pressure to follow in Spitfire Jones' footsteps, pressure to be a superhero for the Ministry of Powers. However, she is incredibly British, and despite being a teenager in a foreign country facing significant external pressure, will pretend everything is fine no matter how stressed and in need of help she is. 


Spitfire's Legacy: Annie is the successor to the hero Spitfire Jones, an Ally of Freedom and a war hero, a man who died in noble battle. This is a significant legacy to live up to, and the British Government are very invested in having a legacy hero like this for image reasons. Annie feels significant pressure to live up to Spitfire's legacy and to be a British symbol; and is likely to face a lot of internal and external pressure to be the new Spitfire Jones and RAF poster girl. 


Upper Crust Family: Wise investments, cultural cache and London property have led to the Jones family being a very wealthy and very well-connected family, many of whom married into similarly wealthy and well-connected families in India and Pakistan. While the children of this family have access to prodigious resources (reflected by Annie's Wealth 2; the family overall is probably closer to Wealth 3), they also are burdened with expectations in British high society and to uphold the family's wealth and reputation. There's also an endless supply of wealthy twit cousins likely to call in a favour or get into problems.


Youthful Inexperience: Annie is blessed with superhuman abilities, natural athleticism, and a sharp wit. However, she's still an inexperienced teenager and lacks any real defensive superpowers. She's likely to get in well over her head as her recklessness and inexperience lead to her to make stupid mistakes that more experienced adults might not. She's also liable to be taken less seriously by adult superheroes and authority figures due to her young age. 



Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 20PP
Strength: 24/12 (+7/+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +6
Attack: +7 Unarmed, +5 Melee, +4 Base
Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +14/+6
Knockback: -3, -1 flat-footed

Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 2 = 10PP
Toughness: +7/+6, +3/+2 flat-footed (+2 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +1 Protection)
Fortitude: +5 (+2 Con, +3)
Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5), Evasion
Will: +3 (+1 Wis, +2)

Skills: 40R =10PP

Acrobatics 8 (+10)

Bluff 7 (+10)

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Art) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (History) 4 (+5)

Language 2 (French, Punjabi, native: English)

Notice 8 (+9)


Feats: 19PP

Attack Focus (melee) 1

Attack Specialisation (unarmed) 1

Beginner’s Luck

Benefit (Wealth: Rich) 2

Defensive Roll 2

Dodge Focus 3

Equipment 1


Improved Initiative 1

Luck 1

Move-by Action

Power Attack

Takedown Attack 2



Equipment: 1PP = 2EP

  • Leather Flight Jacket (Protection 1, Feats: Subtle) [2EP]
  • Mini-tracer, multi-tool and rebreather [3EP]

Powers: 12 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 30PP

All powers have the descriptors: Genetic, Mutation


Enhanced Strength 12 (peak human strength) [12PP]


Flight 5 (human Spitfire; 250 MPH) [10PP]


Immunity 1 (cloud-chaser; immune to environmental cold, Feats: Environmental Adaptation [thin atmosphere]) [2PP]


Super-Senses 2 (superhumanly sharp vision; direction sense, extended vision) [2PP]



Super-Strength 2 (peak human strength; Heavy load: 1.4 tons) [4PP]

Drawbacks: 0PP

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE     SAVE                                         EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 22 / 16 Toughness             Damage


Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (10) + Feats (19) + Powers (30) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points

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