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Boys’ Move-In (First Floor) [OPEN]


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Edward Jon Carter Dormitories, First Floor

Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey

Saturday, September 7, 2024


The weather in Bayview Heights was rather warm and pleasant, despite the mostly crowded sky. With school set to start in just two days, the students (both old and new) had returned for move in day at Claremont Academy. As was typically the case, the campus was something of a controlled chaos, with parents and students making their way from the parking lot to the school's dormitories, or over to the administrative building for some last-minute correction to a schedule or other enrollment issue.


The first floor of the Edward Jon Carter dorm was no different, with students and parents alike filling the halls. Ryan Jacobs and Daniel Miller found themselves as two of the upper classmen assigned to the first floor, having to help direct new students to rooms and answer questions from students and parents….

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Prime Mover


Owen took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he walked towards his dormitory building. The past few weeks had been an absolute whirlwind of emotions, and though he felt a pang of guilt leaving his family and life in Badger Bluff behind, he knew it was for the best. This was where he was meant to be, with other potential superheroes trying to build a brighter future. His head was on a swivel as he took in the Claremont Academy grounds for the first time, marveling at just how many superhumans the school had. "Wow..." Owen couldn't help but wonder aloud. 


Owen thought it wise to leave his "farm clothes" behind, so he was dressed in a light green polo shirt with new blue jeans. The shirt had a slight outline that he was self-conscious of, the "power vest" he needed to keep his powers in check, but Owen took deep breaths and reminded himself that he was probably not the only one on campus that had trouble controlling his abilities. He remembered his parent's advice that it was always important to make a good first impression, so he approached one of the two upperclassmen that seemed to be guiding people around campus and extended a hand. 


"Hey dere, I'm Owen, Owen Akerlund. I'm just trying to find my dorm, can ya help me out? Sorry," he said with a slight chuckle. "It's just all a bit overwhelming an' all." 

Edited by Lone_Star
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Serendipity and Stormchild


It had been a very hectic couple (or was it a few?) weeks for Riel and Kadene Estime, Captain and First Mate of the Luckstorm Pirates. Arriving in what turned out to be an entirely different world than the one of their birth. Business as usual. Stealing stuff, beating up marines, and generally causing chaos. Followed by an encounter with a couple of this world's heroes. Then a blizzard of activity once both sides realized what was going on. There were many things the twins didn't understand about this world (like why they weren't allowed any rum), but for now they were stuck in it.


At any rate, to all other eyes, two pirates straight out of the movies walked into the foyer of the boys' dormitory. Each with a sword on their hip, a small bag over their shoulder, a bounce in their step, and battered tricorner hats on their heads. They examined the area, but said nothing to anyone else. Then Riel led the way down one hallway before stopping at the end. He spoke in slightly archaic French. "<Hmm. I do like the first floor. Egress is effortless. But perhaps the second is more easily defensible. Kadene?">


His sister shrugged. <You know I prefer higher floors.>


Riel rolled his eyes at her. <Because you can fly and throw lightning, sister mine. The rest of us must walk and use swords.>


Kadene grinned at him. <You earthbound. So needy. But yes, it will do. I don't want to climb stairs to find you.>


Riel nodded and led the way back to the foyer. He spoke in very British English now. "I suppose calling you innkeeper would be incorrect. Regardless, I would like a room on the first floor, please. My sister would like one on the top floor." He grinned cheekily. "Or are we in the wrong building again?"

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(Golden Star)


Michael Adon, golden boy and Freedom local that he was, had been excited for move in day. He loved Claremont. He had adapted well, he thought, but more than that he was relishing his continued growth of his powers, and how he could do stuff. He could finally live up to Deadhead, who saved him as a kid. To Ghost, who saved his mother. He'd be like them someday. And this was just training. 


He still knew he had to work hard, because he wasn't nesr as capable as Parker or Lawerence yet, or many of his other classmates. But he had spent the summer working hard on his powers and he was ready to try and close that insurmointable gap.


But before all that was move in, and Michael had chosen an appropriate attire of work slacks, a breathable shirt, and definitely no white after Labor Day. He had been, along with Parker, helping new students get prepared and moved in; a guy who knew his way around and had super-strength could be helpful, and Michael had a pretty winning personality all things considered. Sam had not been interested in that and quickly left for her dorm, which admittedly Michael had sort of wanted to go to eet up with Carmen, because he was sure she wasn't having fun in this bustle, but he'd get there soon. For now, he focused on this.


He'd brought two massive coolers to this dorm with Sampson's Sodas inside them to help the kids in the move in and as a little bit of good press. He was working the crowd in his own way, introducing himself, shaking hands, helping students; he was everywhere at once, partially thanks to his developing speed


When he was heading down from helping another student wrangle a particularly heavy trunk, he watched the two...pirates? enter the building talking in their language that he didn't understand. But then they eventually did start speaking English, at least, so he made his way over. Pirates were a definitely interesting situation, even at Claremont, at least to him, so he greeted them directly


"Ah, Hello. I'm Michael Adon." he flashed a smile. "You should have a room assigned...but there's seperate girls and boys dorms, so you're half right about being in the right building at least." he offered. "Though the costumes are new. The Ren Faire isn't today, you know? Those costumes would be more appropriate for that." then he pointed in the corner. "If you're thirsty, you can get some soda from there, I brought them from work. But you're new students, right? What's your names?" then he held out his hand.

Edited by Poncho
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Serendipity and Stormchild


Riel examined himself theatrically. "Costume?" He looked away to Kadene. "Do I look like I'm wearing a costume?"


Kadene regarded her brother seriously for a moment. "You do tend to dress like a dandy, dear brother."


Riel rolled his eyes at her again. "And you tend to dress like a harlot, but do I remark on it?" He looked back at Michael. Over his sister's protestations, he introduced himself with an exaggerated bow, and briefly shook Michael's hand. "Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. Pleasure to meet you. We are indeed new students, but not by choice."


Kadene sighed theatrically, and curtsied. "Kadene Estime, his First Mate. He's the luck." She raised a hand and electricity crackled between her fingers. "I'm the storm."


Riel nodded. "The tale of our arrival to this city of freedom is long, full of action, thrills, and glorious adventure. But at any rate, our rooms are already assigned, you say?" He dug around in his open shirt and pulled out a crinkled and stained sheet of paper. "Is that what this is?" The cheeky grin came back, and he glanced at his sister. "They expect pirates to take instruction from paper."


Kadene, bless her soul, actually laughed. "It seems they do. What a strange place this is, with even stranger people."


Riel let out a chuckle. "We're in agreement as usual, dear sister. Now, friend Michael, can you tell us where our rooms are?" He offered the sheet of paper. 

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(Golden Star)


"Uh..." Michael looked between them with some level of concern. "Well! That's...good? I mean I just came from down by Lantern Hill but you know, your thing sounds way more cool." he corrected himself cheerfully. "A lot of kids with powers end up here one way or the other, you know, for safety and training and the like. But wow, if you're real pirates, that's a heck of a cool story! I didn't realize real pirates still existed in this day and age! ...Well I mean I guess I knew but meeting them is kinda different, especially when they still dress like pirates!" he then carefully took the paper and looked it over.


"Let me see... Yeah. This sheet tells you where you're supposed to be staying. Sorry, you were speaking another language when you walked in, do you not read English? Or is it like that Pirates don't engage in letter writing?" he didn't mean it rudely, after all, people learn different things, and while he thought the costumes were weird, he had his own giant glowy costume, so who was he to judge people for being a little eccentric? Sure it was strange to wear it on the first day, but maybe it was a coping mechanism. He pressed on with confidence regardless; he wasn't going to get rattled just by some oddities, Claremont had plenty of them. They were unique though, that much was for sure!


"So here it says Riel Estmine is Room 110, while Kadene is room 409. But she's in the girl's dormitory, not the boy's, obviously. We're not a Co-Ed school or anything." he said, flipping through the paper to see if there was anything else. "I don't know your roommates, I think they're both new too. I bet Owen is around here somewhere though."

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Daniel left his new dorm after making sure everything was packed. The psychic had mostly been staying around campus during the holiday with his sister, Iris, though  the twins did go out and explore Freedom City too, mostly trying to find some part time jobs to no success. But this was the new school year so hopefully things will be better! 

He would enter the main lobby, dressed in simple jeans, a white t-shirt and running shoes, to look out for the new students. Daniel would spot them as they entered! Those...were pirates? That's odd. This was Freedom City and all but those two seemed out of place...still they seemed to be twins! It seems like Iris and himself were not alone anymore. He hoped they could all get along! Though the young man would not be speaking to them yet, as Owen got his attention. This was a large boy...though that did not say much for Daniel, he was only five foot four. 

"Nice to meet you Owen. My name is Daniel, Daniel Evans, sure. I can help you out. I'm always here to answer questions! As umm...best as I can at least haha...So, what do you need?"

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Serendipity and Stormchild


Riel beamed. "A friend you are indeed, Michael Avon. Wherever your parents are, I bet they're proud of you. Wish we could say the same, but who'd be proud of pirates?" He slung an arm over Michael's shoulders and whispered conspiratorially. "Telling the truth, we speak English, Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish in addition to our native French. But there weren't exactly schools like this when we were growing up in Paralogue. And even if there were, they'd have never let in the likes of us. A sad state of affairs, that. So my sister and I, we learned our extra languages on the high seas talking to people. I've got the knack for letters, but Kadene not so much. She's a bit embarrassed, so let's be quiet about it, savvy? She's got me beat with numbers anyway."


He pulled away, leaving Michael alone. "Well then, enough guy talk. Dear sister, it seems we must part here for now. This gentleman will be kind enough to show me to my room. Not to worry, I'll pop round as soon as I can. Just to say hello."


Kadene, who just started showing signs of impatience, rolled her eyes at him. "To the other girls on the floor, no doubt."


Riel turned to Michael, all innocence. "She wounds me. Her brother, who will be kind enough to climb up to the fourth floor of a building full of available and no doubt distractingly charming girls just to talk to the one I shared a womb with. Like she's any better with boys."


Kadene only smiled. "Pi~rate." She singsonged. "Shame is for other people."


Riel sighed theatrically. "You see what I have to deal with." And then it struck him. He said a very bad word. In Dutch, admittedly, but still. "Here I am, bantering the day away forgetting the important part. Y'see, friend Michael, Kadene and I, we're not from around here. Bet you figured that out already, you look like a bright fellow. But y'see, this world of yours? With your air fouled by machines and metal everywhere?We weren't born on it. We're from a different one. Sailed though some weird fog a few weeks back, and here we are."


Kadene nodded. "Yes, it's been a crazy time. I don't want to talk about it right now, so I'll go find my room. Salut." With that casual French farewell, she walked away looking vaguely troubled. 


Riel watched her go, and seemed to deflate a little. "Ah, what can be done? I'm sure you have questions, Michael."

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Ryan had scarcely moved out. The truth was, other than the orphanage where he grew up, he had nowhere else to go. So he largely kept his things there over the summer. He had considered bringing one of his guitars down with him, to play music for the students, but he had decided against it. Mostly because he didn't think he'd have time.

And he didn't. He spent most of the time answering questions. However, when the young woman dressed like a pirate walked out of the building, he gave a quick, appreciative nod of his head. He knew she would have to go to her own building, and probably didn't have time to talk.

he had spent a lot of the summer training. A lot of training. The sword fighting manuals he'd found were really starting to help him. He also suspected he might actually start learning German by sheer accident, since that's what many of them were written in.

He managed to buy himself some new shirts. Mostly band shirts. He wore an old 80s metal shirt over raggedy old blue jeans. he had a light purple streak in his hair, over his right eye. 

He realized that, as an official greeter, he could be wearing better clothes, but he truthfully, simply didn't own much in the way of better clothes.

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On 9/5/2024 at 2:05 PM, Dracostern said:



Daniel left his new dorm after making sure everything was packed. The psychic had mostly been staying around campus during the holiday with his sister, Iris, though  the twins did go out and explore Freedom City too, mostly trying to find some part time jobs to no success. But this was the new school year so hopefully things will be better! 

He would enter the main lobby, dressed in simple jeans, a white t-shirt and running shoes, to look out for the new students. Daniel would spot them as they entered! Those...were pirates? That's odd. This was Freedom City and all but those two seemed out of place...still they seemed to be twins! It seems like Iris and himself were not alone anymore. He hoped they could all get along! Though the young man would not be speaking to them yet, as Owen got his attention. This was a large boy...though that did not say much for Daniel, he was only five foot four. 

"Nice to meet you Owen. My name is Daniel, Daniel Evans, sure. I can help you out. I'm always here to answer questions! As umm...best as I can at least haha...So, what do you need?"


Prime Mover


"Hey there, nice to meet you too Daniel! Everyone's been nice so far. I guess I just want to find my room and start unpacking my stuff." he said, trailing off a little as he saw the two pirates speak excitedly in what sounded a bit like French. "Sorry, there's just a lot goin on here today. I think I'm looking for Room 110 with a...let's see here..."


"Rye-ell Esteem?" he said. "Oh geez, I hope I didn't say his name wrong." He found his gaze being drawn to all manner of people, but he tried not to stare as much as possible. After all, he was likely feeling like many of these other new students did - like a fish out of water. His gaze fell on Ryan's heavy metal shirt, and Owen nodded and gave the young man a nod and the "metal horns" with the hand not holding his suitcase. That kind of music was a little too raucous for his taste, but he respected the craft. 


On 9/5/2024 at 1:00 PM, Poncho said:

"So here it says Riel Estmine is Room 110, while Kadene is room 409. But she's in the girl's dormitory, not the boy's, obviously. We're not a Co-Ed school or anything." he said, flipping through the paper to see if there was anything else. "I don't know your roommates, I think they're both new too. I bet Owen is around here somewhere though."


"Oh, dat's me!" Owen said excitedly, turning his attention to Michael and Riel. "Which one-a you is Rye-ell?" 

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(Golden Star)


"Ah...I see." Michael said, nodding. "I understand. So you're...kind of a refugee, so to speak. I will keep that in mind, though. Please let me know if you need anything to help you acclimate. I'm maybe a bit overbearing, but I promise that I'm only trying to do my best to help." he said politely, before becoming serious.


"...If you need any help catching up, or learning your letters, or anything like that. Please let me know. I do a bunch to help others study and work with them, I have a full notebook full of tutoring times and the like. If you're interested, or if you need it, please don't be afraid to ask. I live to help other people, honestly." he offered him a friendly clap on the back and a wave to his sister as she left. "I think Carmen is helping out over there; she's a cat girl, so if you see her tell her I sent you over! Unless you do something bad! Then don't tell her I did because I don't want to get in trouble." he corrected quickly as she left.


"As for questions, well...yes, I do. But I don't want to take up all your time. I will certainly be interrogating you later, but for now; let me be clear that if you ever need anything, you let me know and I'll get it handled." he said, grinning and waving over at Ryan. "Ryan! Hey man, come on over and meet the new blood! This guy's a real life pirate! And come get something to drink too!" he called before the Owen in question called out.

"Oh, that's Daniel and that must be Owen! Hello! This is your roommate, Owen." He gestured to Riel "Wow, getting really busy in here!" he said with a genuine laugh. "Come on, come on, tell us your story Owen! Where do you come from? Are you also from another world?"

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Daniel would nod towards Owen, then noticed that Riel was his roommate, and so would head over with the Owen to speak to Michael and Riel. He smiled in greeting to the pirate. "Yes, I'm Daniel! A junior here, it's very nice to meet you Riel. I noticed that you came here with a young lady, is she your twin sister? I have a twin too! I hope we can get along.

Daniel was always happy to meet new people, he also overheard something about being from another world, and he tilted his head in confusion and spoke. "Hey Michael, what's this about another world?"

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Riel almost instantly launched back into it with the same exaggerated bow and a wide, friendly grin. No questions. Lovely. "Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. Pleasure to meet you. I think we'll all get along splendidly. Monsieur Owen, Riel. Ree. El. Like Gabriel without the Gab. Estime. Ess. Tea. May. Easier than some names on the Seven Seas. " He regarded Daniel. "Yes, that was my dear sister Kadene. My First Mate. The ones from another world are her and I, plus absent ship and crew. No questions at this time, please. Friend Michael will be first. Later. And I may take him up on a gracious offer or two of his at that time. In the meantime, let's drink! To new friends!" He walked to the cooler, flipped it open and paused. He turned around, clearly confused. "These seem perfectly acceptable drinks, but...where has the rum gone?"






Outside, Kadene returned Ryan's nod as she strode past him. She regarded the girl's dorm, spotting an open window on the fourth floor. Where her room was, conveniently. Good, that meant she could skip climbing the stairs. While she couldn't possibly have startled Ryan (that young man had been through a bit too much to startle so easily), the sudden rush of wind as she launched upward should have easily caught his attention. She gained the window, and slide inside. 

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5 hours ago, Poncho said:

"As for questions, well...yes, I do. But I don't want to take up all your time. I will certainly be interrogating you later, but for now; let me be clear that if you ever need anything, you let me know and I'll get it handled." he said, grinning and waving over at Ryan. "Ryan! Hey man, come on over and meet the new blood! This guy's a real life pirate! And come get something to drink too!" he called before the Owen in question called out.

"Oh, that's Daniel and that must be Owen! Hello! This is your roommate, Owen." He gestured to Riel "Wow, getting really busy in here!" he said with a genuine laugh. "Come on, come on, tell us your story Owen! Where do you come from? Are you also from another world?"


Prime Mover


"Oh!" Owen said as he realized his roommate was one of the pirates. "Well, awright den. Guess I'd better get used to meeting all sorts-a folks here. I don't have much story to tell, and in fact my 'origin story' is pretty dull, especially compared to some-a you guys," he said, sweeping his arm to everyone else. "Nice shirt, by the way," he said to Ryan. "Umm, I'm from Badger Bluff, Wisconsin. You probably never heard of it, it's a small town. My family raises dairy cows, and, uh...we hold a record for blue ribbon heifers at the Badger County Fair." 


5 hours ago, Dracostern said:



Daniel would nod towards Owen, then noticed that Riel was his roommate, and so would head over with the Owen to speak to Michael and Riel. He smiled in greeting to the pirate. "Yes, I'm Daniel! A junior here, it's very nice to meet you Riel. I noticed that you came here with a young lady, is she your twin sister? I have a twin too! I hope we can get along.

Daniel was always happy to meet new people, he also overheard something about being from another world, and he tilted his head in confusion and spoke. "Hey Michael, what's this about another world?"


"Yeah, don't mean t'be rude or nothin like that, but I was wondering the same thing. You two just sorta have a common bond that brothers 'n sisters do. Sorry if she's like, your clone from another dimension or something," he said, giving Riel an apologetic look. 


4 hours ago, EternalPhoenix said:



Riel almost instantly launched back into it with the same exaggerated bow and a wide, friendly grin. No questions. Lovely. "Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. Pleasure to meet you. I think we'll all get along splendidly. Monsieur Owen, Riel. Ree. El. Like Gabriel without the Gab. Estime. Ess. Tea. May. Easier than some names on the Seven Seas. " He regarded Daniel. "Yes, that was my dear sister Kadene. My First Mate. The ones from another world are her and I, plus absent ship and crew. No questions at this time, please. Friend Michael will be first. Later. And I may take him up on a gracious offer or two of his at that time. In the meantime, let's drink! To new friends!" He walked to the cooler, flipped it open and paused. He turned around, clearly confused. These seem perfectly acceptable drinks, but...where has the rum gone?"


"Ahhh, okay. I got it now," Owen said, smiling at the energetic young pirate. "Re. Ell. Ess. Tea. May. Riel Estime, got it. Sorry, just...I've never really met anyone who wasn't from my hometown, so this whole...well, it's gonna take some gettin' used-ta.


Owen racked his brain for an appropriately polite question to ask that didn't involve Pirates of the Caribbean or Treasure Island. 




"So, a real-life pirate, huh?" At the comment about drinking rum, Owen cringed a little bit. So...this will be my roomie. What an interesting fella. He nodded to Michael in appreciation as he grabbed a soda as well, making a mental note to get Michael something nice in return: He always felt like kind acts should be reciprocated. Owen took a long swig of the soda to stall a moment for time, and then asked: "You know we're too young ta drink alcohol, right?" 



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Two frosty beverages lifted up from the opened cooler, one for Riel and one for Owen. "Sampson's Soda?" asked the small, green, pointy-eared fellow holding up the two drinks. "Sweet and delicious!" added the surprisingly located little guy, this time with more conviction. 

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Riel stepped quickly over to Owen, placed his hands firmly on the young man's shoulders, and looked him straight in the eyes. No smile. A very serious expression, in fact. "Friend, how long will you let other people decide what you do? It's your life, not theirs." He grinned, released Owen, and stepped back again. Back to normal. Or what passed for normal with Riel. "Now then, do you have tiny green demons on this world?" He gestured at Gookgak. "Because it seems one has stowed away with the drinks." He did not take one out of perfectly understandable distrust. 

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The little green guy in the cooler, blushed at being called a demon, as though he were receiving a compliment everyone knew he didn't deserve. He set the two sodas back in the cooler and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.

"Heh. Pirate really nice. But Gookgak not a demon. Him just a plain old gobbelyn." The little green fellow, apparently "Gookgak" drew this last word out into three distinct syllables.

Gookgak jumped nimbly out of the cooler and everyone could get a good look at him. Standing two feet tall, he was dressed in red converse, jeans, a blue plaid shirt (not tucked in), and a red ball cap, turned backwards. His nimble little green fingers fiddled unconsciously with a miniature bow worn across his chest, and he had a quiver full of tiny arrows to match.

"You are just a pirate right? Everyone I meet has been some kind of wizard. Would be nice if someone was a normal pirate . . . ." Suddenly, Gookgaks eyes bulge out wide, and his ears begin to wiggle. "BRRRAAAAAAAAAAP!" He let's out a long thundering belch.

"Hee hee! Best part about Sampson Sodas!" He leans towards Riel and puts one hand one the side of his mouth conspiratorially. "But I do like rum-alcohol too. Makes everyone stupid and fun!"

The little green gobbelyn looks around as though proper social protocol has been satisfied, and his eyes catch on Owen. "I guess you are probably a wizard too?"

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(Golden Star)


"...Well how in the world did you get in there dude?" Michael asked in befuddlement, checking his cooler. "That's some fancy magic you got there!" he said, clapping. "I approve!" He grinned and opened the other container for Riel to take one from there instead.


"Quite the interesting cast of characters we go in here, I think you'll get along with plenty of the other students. And if you like Sampson's, I'll hook you up whenever you like, I work at the place." he said, handing out a few cards to each of them. Then there was a little chirp from his pocket and he reached into it, pulling out a battered old pocket watch. "...And that's my alarm telling me I am out of time for this conversation." he said somewhat dejectedly. "I gotta get to my actual room and floor before people think I'm being derelict in my duties." he said with a grin to the others. "But Daniel and Ryan'll keep you three in good company I'm sure. If any of you need any muscle or any study help, or anything really, Room 204's where you want to go. Me and Parker Powers are the school Bash Brothers, and we have a study group going on, so if you need help in a school subject or you got a bully problem, you come up to 204 and we'll help you sort it out; if we can't do it ourselves, we know someone who can." He paused and looked at Riel for a moment.

"And uh, please don't drink alcohol on campus, at the very least. It's not like a school being a stuck up thing, it's sort of bad in general, it can get the school in trouble, and there's a lot of kids relying on this place to feel like home...you know, like you, kids who don't really have anywhere else to go. So at least while you're on campus try to follow the rules as best you can." For Daniel and Ryan, they knew this was on some level a bupkis speech; Michael had little room to talk about leaving a bad impression of the school when he hung around with Sam, who was always riding the edge of acceptable, and he was dating Carmen. But he smiled all the same.

"So yeah, I'll catch up with all of you later. Let me know if you need anything." he waved as he took the cooler that had not had a goblin in it with him up to the next floor.

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The little gobbelyn gives Michael a confused look. "Me get in through lid." He reaches back to the cooler lid and demonstrates the hinge action of the cooler lid with a soft "creak-creak". "See? Drain port is too small, even for Gookgak." And he pointed to the little water drain the cooler is equipped with, which is indeed much smaller than any gobbelyn. But Michael's time is up, and he's dashing off to the upper floor.


"Thank you for lift, Michael."


With a little grunt, he hauls a smallish red duffle out from under the sodas and ice in the remaining cooler. "See? Gookgak is student here too. Student at Claremont. Me get room one hundred twelve."


He looks longingly at the remaining soda. "If no one else wants Sampson Soda right now, Gookgak can keep it safe in his room!"

Edited by FlyingFresh
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Ryan had to chuckle at the little green guy. He grinned.

"Oh, hey, cool." He dropped to a crouch and sat in front of Gookgak. He chuckled. "I'm Ryan, nice to meet you. Yeah, stay away from alcohol around here, it'll get people in trouble, including you." he extended his hand, hoping to shake it.

He, of course, had no idea what the little guy was, where he came from or what he was doing at a school for teenage superheroes, but none of that mattered. The faculty knew who he was and why he was here. That was all that he needed.

"Okay, so we got a little green dude." he shrugged at the others. 

"Daniel, guess you're my roommate. You cool with that?" He briefly considered retrieving his guitar, but decided against it. 

"I play guitar sometimes, if that bothers you, I can always leave. And don't worry, I'll have headphones in if I ever play something heavier."

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On 9/8/2024 at 5:46 AM, EternalPhoenix said:



Riel stepped quickly over to Owen, placed his hands firmly on the young man's shoulders, and looked him straight in the eyes. No smile. A very serious expression, in fact. "Friend, how long will you let other people decide what you do? It's your life, not theirs." He grinned, released Owen, and stepped back again. Back to normal. Or what passed for normal with Riel. "Now then, do you have tiny green demons on this world?" He gestured at Gookgak. "Because it seems one has stowed away with the drinks." He did not take one out of perfectly understandable distrust. 


Prime Mover


"Look, it's not about whether I want to, it's...what?" Owen could only express surprise as the small goblin emerged from the cooler. He raised his hand in a meek protest as Michael left for his dorm room, the business card hanging limply between his fingers. He did like Sampson's Soda: he always got one when he got groceries for his family at Piggly-Wiggly or Fiesta. 


On 9/8/2024 at 7:58 PM, FlyingFresh said:

"Hee hee! Best part about Sampson Sodas!" He leans towards Riel and puts one hand one the side of his mouth conspiratorially. "But I do like rum-alcohol too. Makes everyone stupid and fun!"

The little green gobbelyn looks around as though proper social protocol has been satisfied, and his eyes catch on Owen. "I guess you are probably a wizard too?"


Owen beheld the tiny creature, and after a few seconds of staring, his Midwestern instincts kicked in. "Uhh, more of a soda guy myself, but hey, they're all yours, Gookgak. I'm not much of a drinker, even if I could. But I'm no wizard, I'm just a normal guy. Well, normal for Freedom City anyway. Michael does have a point, though, we could really get the school in trouble if we start drinking here." He crossed his arms, his natural sense of order helping him adjust to the constant chaos of his first day. "But it is very nice to meet you, Gookgak. There's all sorts here, it looks like," he said, looking around the room. Though this was definitely the strangest day he'd ever had, there was no reason to be rude. He smiled at all his new friends - surely this was going to be an interesting year! 

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"Farewell, Friend Michael! High winds and calm seas!" After that enthusiastic farewell, Riel looked thoughtful. "A fair point well made. I could hardly get my gracious hosts in trouble." He very quietly did not say anything about his own relationship with trouble. Or that his weekends were his own. "A goblin, eh? Pleasure to meet you, Gookgak. I am Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. I am no wizard, though my sister may seem like one. I am merely favored by Fortune. " Then Ryan's words perked his ears up. He grinned widely once again. "If we're not going to have rum, then the next best thing is music. Guitariste, s'il te plait. Une chanson."

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Daniel thought himself to be a soical person. Compared to his sister, he would happily talk to people. But this...this was all becoming way too much even for him. First pirates...now goblins? This school was truely something else. Regardless of his thoughts,  the young man would keep his friendly smile as he greeted Gookgag. "It's nice to have you here then friend. I hope you have a great time here.

He then turned to Ryan and nodded his head. "Great to have you as a roomie! I don't mind if you play the guitar, just don't stay up too late playing it."

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"Yes, yes! Let's make music now!" Gookgak begins to bang on the soda cooler like it was a pair of bongos. He throws his head back and makes a full-throated howl.


"Awoooo! Gik, gik a-meereeree! Pazam, pazam, aroooooooogah!" Opening his eyes, he trails off.


"Hmm. Maybe you not know that Gobbelyn song? Ooh! I know! Owen, you like sweet soda pop? Gookgak just learned song about other sweet things. Maybe you like it?"


The little gobbelyn clears his throat and begins to sing to the super-powered midwesterner:


"I'll take you to the candy shop.

I'll let you lick the lollipop.

Go 'head Owen, don't you stop."

Edited by FlyingFresh
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Riel couldn't help himself. He started laughing. He didn't know that specific song, but he did know a bawdy tavern song or three. So he knew that particular song was not about actual candy. "Gookgak, I think we're going to be the best of friends." He chuckled a little more. "But sing that one to my sister and I may have to kill you." His friendly cheerfulness did not dip one iota, but he somehow managed to convey that he was serious. "That is, if she doesn't beat me to it!" And he roared with laughter again. Specifically, at the cartoonish mental image of the tiny gobbelyn being struck by lightning. Being flung away, flailing his arms and whatnot. 

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