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Boys’ Move-In (First Floor) [OPEN]


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On 9/12/2024 at 3:38 PM, FlyingFresh said:



"Yes, yes! Let's make music now!" Gookgak begins to bang on the soda cooler like it was a pair of bongos. He throws his head back and makes a full-throated howl.


"Awoooo! Gik, gik a-meereeree! Pazam, pazam, aroooooooogah!" Opening his eyes, he trails off.


"Hmm. Maybe you not know that Gobbelyn song? Ooh! I know! Owen, you like sweet soda pop? Gookgak just learned song about other sweet things. Maybe you like it?"


The little gobbelyn clears his throat and begins to sing to the super-powered midwesterner:


"I'll take you to the candy shop.

I'll let you lick the lollipop.

Go 'head Owen, don't you stop."


Prime Mover


Owen had never been so close to dropping his typical Midwest Nice attitude as he had been at that exact moment. All he could do was stand there as his face turned bright red. He didn't speak for about thirty seconds, the longest of his young life, as he formulated a way to state his request while still being neighborly to his new goblin friend. It was difficult, but as his father told him many times, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", words which he took to heart. 






"I really don't think you get what that's song's about, and frankly I'm not gonna explain it to ya. You'll just have ta figure that one out on yer own. An' I'm sorry ta ask but could you never sing it with my name, please? Ever again?" 

Edited by Lone_Star
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Ryan heard the last of the conversation as he stepped back into the hallway. In one hand, he carried his hollow body guitar, in the other, he carried a stool. He chuckled. "Well you guys wanted me to play, so..."

He sat the stool down, sat down, put his guitar against the wall, cracked his knuckles, and began to play.

His fingers danced along the strings and frets. He avoided the usual driving metal and rock tunes he personally preferred in favor of something lighter, more dynamic, and in some ways, more complex. It was not hte most complex piece he had learned, but it was well played.


He hadn't been practicing his guitar as much as he would like, but he could still play well. 

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"Oh I can draw him a picture... But this ain't the place or time..." Diego chuckled as he strolled inside the dorm room, in jeans, sneakers, leather jacket and black t-shirt, oversize headphones around his neck, hands in his pockets, as the duffel bag with his things was gently floating in the air just a few feet behind him.


"That and... wait... are you a freakin' goblin?" The young man grinned, now gaming was not encouraged at the compound, but it was not like there were many blocks that he could not bypass through his power (and using a multi-million dollar government super-computer to play Baldur's Gate was just too satisfying), so he was kinda familiar with the concept of goblins, at least video-game ones, but he certainly was not expecting to see one in real life. 


"Cool..." Nodded at Ryan playing guitar. "You are gonna have to let me try it..." Admittedly he had no intention to actually learn, but as far as his limited experience suggested him, girls dig guys who play guitar.


"Diego here... or... ehem... Animist if we're using the fake hero names..." He introduced himself as he scanned the room.


"Soo... what are you guys in for?" He teased.


Edited by Nerdzul
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Riel had concluded his laughter as Ryan walked back in with his guitar. He listened thoughtfully to the piece performed, and grinned enthusiastically when it was finished. "You, Guitariste Ryan, are very good. I'd invite you to join my crew, but I think you have other plans, yes?" The question was rhetorical, as he turned away. "Diego, is it?" One more exaggerated bow. "Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. Pleasure to meet you. This isn't a prison. Perhaps you have come to the wrong place?" He was teasing, of course. 

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On 9/15/2024 at 1:46 PM, Thunder King said:

Ryan heard the last of the conversation as he stepped back into the hallway. In one hand, he carried his hollow body guitar, in the other, he carried a stool. He chuckled. "Well you guys wanted me to play, so..."

He sat the stool down, sat down, put his guitar against the wall, cracked his knuckles, and began to play.

His fingers danced along the strings and frets. He avoided the usual driving metal and rock tunes he personally preferred in favor of something lighter, more dynamic, and in some ways, more complex. It was not hte most complex piece he had learned, but it was well played.


He hadn't been practicing his guitar as much as he would like, but he could still play well. 


Prime Mover


Owen closed his eyes and listened to Ryan's playing. It was melodic and beautiful, and Owen latched onto the music as a moment of normalcy in what was quickly becoming an overwhelming and stressful day. It reminded him of his dad breaking out an old, out-of-tune guitar at the end of a long working day and strumming along to the music he grew up with. 


As Ryan finished, Owen opened his eyes and smiled. "Wow, that was great. How long have you been playing?"


On 9/15/2024 at 2:22 PM, Nerdzul said:

"Cool..." Nodded at Ryan playing guitar. "You are gonna have to let me try it..." Admittedly he had no intention to actually learn, but as far as his limited experience suggested him, girls dig guys who play guitar.


"Diego here... or... ehem... Animist if we're using the fake hero names..." He introduced himself as he scanned the room.


"Soo... what are you guys in for?" He teased.



"Nice to meetcha, Diego, or Animist if ya prefer. I'm Owen, also known as Power Mover." He chuckled a little at Diego's joke, and shook his head. "If this is a prison, I certainly hope there's better food. I could use a bite to eat after I get my stuff unpacked." As if on cue, Owen's stomach started to rumble loudly. "But hopefully we can all learn to use our powers a bit better an' all. I could use the practice, considering they started workin' about tree-four months ago." 


Owen dismissed the unfortunate memories that his powers brought, and once again reminded himself that he was here at Claremont to make sure nothing like that ever happened again. 

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It seems that this place had decended into musical insanity. Not that Daniel was against it! Unlike his sister, whom would have immediately retreated from something like this, the male Evans twin was all for it! He was laughing along and clapping his hands along with everyone for the moment before calming down and smiling at the rest of the guys there. This was going to be a very entertaining year that's for sure. Still the young man would calm down and clap his hands to get everyone's attention.


"Alright, I just wanted to confirm that everyone knows which rooms they are staying in!"

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On 9/16/2024 at 4:50 PM, EternalPhoenix said:

"Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. Pleasure to meet you.Pleasure to meet you. This isn't a prison. Perhaps you have come to the wrong place?"


"Aye! Aye! Captain..." Diego smirked as he bowed his head and pretended to tip a non existent hat. "Nice to meet you as well good sir." He chuckled. "Did I? I mean... pirates and goblins... feelin' like a proper dungeon for me." 


He saluted Owen as well with a smile. "Hey man... Owen... alright... nice to meet ya as well...." 


On 9/17/2024 at 5:45 PM, Lone_Star said:

"If this is a prison, I certainly hope there's better food. I could use a bite to eat after I get my stuff unpacked."


"Won't mind gettin' somethin' to eat... Not cafeteria food though. I mean, don't you people wanna go explore? Maybe find some rum?" He smirked at the Captain.


"I'll be done unpacking in like... a second or so... how about you guys?"


"Rooms... right... I got... like 208 or somethin'..." He turned to Daniel. "And you are?" 

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Daniel turns to Deigo with a welcoming smile. "Ah, I'm in Room 105 haha, It seems like your room mate has yet to arrive?" Daniel looks down at the list of rooms and who double checked. "But this means that you can get dips on the best bed if you are quick enough!" He winks at the other young man before holding out his hand. "My name is Daniel Evans by the way, nice to meet you."

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105... Wrong floor? Maybe, it was not like Diego was exactly listening when he was given instructions about his room, too many cute girls (and high tech gizmos) hanging around campus to keep his attention focused on boring campus procedures and such. 


"I..." A small piece of paper flew out of one of his pockets and slammed into Diego's face in front of his eyes. "Wh-" He angrily snatched the (literal) flyer. "I... I mean... 112. Yep... That's my room." 


"Diego." He introduced himself back with a somewhat confident handshake, while his free hand struggled with the now animated flyer that was still trying to escape his grasp.

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"Oh really, 112, really?" Gookgak asks with childlike joy. "That my room number too! Ha! We will have the best room! It will be the most popular too, because you are so cool and I . . . " The little gobbelyn's eyes dart around the hallway, desperately in search of inspiration, and finally settle upon the cooler, which he immediately jealously grabs. "And Gookgak, you see, yes, Gookgak has the most soda!"

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Prime Mover


Owen grinned with amusement. An' I thought my roomie was interesting... 


After meeting everyone, he felt a little better about this year. Though it was certainly a strange new world for him, at least everyone else was in the same boat. 


"Ya know, I was a little nervous when I got here, but you guys seem alright. Maybe we can organize a game night or somethin' like that? I brought Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. I think we could all benefit from some downtime with all the stress of movin' in an' all. Or better yet, maybe we all bring somethin' to throw on the grill? My dad used to make the best brats in the county fer shure, and he taught me everything he knows." 


"But until then, maybe the captain and I should unpack," he said, gently tapping Reil's shoulder playfully. 

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Riel's grin for Diego was fierce. "Believe me, if this was a dungeon I'd be escaping, not talking. But alas, their rum is gone. Laws." He spat the word with so far uncharacteristic disgust. His fierce grin resumed as if it was never interrupted and he leaned in close to not be heard. "But perhaps later, away from here, we can discuss the matter."


He leaned back as Owen tapped him on the shoulder. "In the meantime, it seems I need to educate Monsieur Owen on few important matters. A bientot."

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/23/2024 at 6:31 PM, FlyingFresh said:

"That my room number too! Ha! We will have the best room! It will be the most popular too, because you are so cool and I . . . " 


Diego chuckled at Gookgak enthusiasm. "You're pretty neat too mate." He grinned, now he wasn't exactly expecting to share a room with a goblin, but it couldn't be much worse than doing what he had with his 'twins' at home, couldn't it?


On 9/24/2024 at 11:00 PM, Lone_Star said:

"Ya know, I was a little nervous when I got here, but you guys seem alright. Maybe we can organize a game night or somethin' like that? I brought Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride.


"That wasn't exactly my plan, but why not? I mean If you people want to get your asses kicked." He smirked.


He nodded knowingly at Riel's words. "Fair..." Although it was a shame that they couldn't go now, there will be plenty of time for mischief later. 


When he got to room 112, Diego decided to show off a bit, he closed his eyes and split up his mind animating everything he had in his bag at the same time, a small whirlwind of clothes and everyday objects erupted from it, and quickly set themselves up around the room, a poster hanged itself on a wall and the bag then found a place under the bed that the young man had decided would be his. The scene didn't take more than a few moments, once it was over, Diego smirked examining his handiwork. "Well, unpacking is done... what if we explore a little?" He suggested to his roomate.



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The little gobbelyn stood dumbstruck as all of Diego's possessions found their places in the room of their own accord.


"What the? You are a wizard? I had you pegged as a rogue - you seemed so, you know, streetwise."


He shakes his head and recovers. "Yeah! Exploring sounds great! We can find all the best hiding places, and scout for vulnerable chokepoints in the local commerce routes to conduct raids! Maybe this place even has a sewer!"

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On 9/26/2024 at 7:21 AM, EternalPhoenix said:



Riel's grin for Diego was fierce. "Believe me, if this was a dungeon I'd be escaping, not talking. But alas, their rum is gone. Laws." He spat the word with so far uncharacteristic disgust. His fierce grin resumed as if it was never interrupted and he leaned in close to not be heard. "But perhaps later, away from here, we can discuss the matter."


He leaned back as Owen tapped him on the shoulder. "In the meantime, it seems I need to educate Monsieur Owen on few important matters. A bientot."


Prime Mover


Owen waved to his new floormates (he wasn't sure how else to think of them) and walked with Riel to their room. Despite his initial impression of the strange lad, he warmed up to the pirate pretty quickly. He had a feeling he'd have to keep his eye on Riel and his twin, though. "So what is it you wanna teach me? I sure as heck won't be drinkin' on campus, no way. They'll kick you out fer that, and as nice as it'd be to see my folks, I'm sure they'd rather me not get sent back." 


"But maybe there's some stuff I can teach ya too. Ever milked a cow before? Maybe you can come up to Badger Bluff during the homecoming game. Everyone in town shows up, and our local butcher shop always gives away brats fer free." Owen says, already lost in reminiscing about his hometown. Hopefully there was a decent enough grocery store that had good brats...Johnsonville at least.

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Riel fought off the urge to draw his sword. On Aquivan, it wouldn't be taken nearly so amiss as it would be here. He did, however, grip the hilt firmly with his off hand. "Monsieur Owen." His serious, grinless expression should grab attention. " I think your home has taught you to treat people with a high degree of...informality. Where I am from...let's just say I would have been within my rights as a Pirate Captain to stab you."


He let that hang in the air for a moment before continuing. "I'm not going to do that. I wouldn't, even at home. However. My status as a Captain does require a certain level of respect. Don't touch me without permission. Don't decide anything for me. And don't obstruct my course once I set it. For everyone out there, this mostly doesn't matter. You and I, however, are sharing a room. Ground rules must be set."


Riel smiled again. "Now, let me teach you something more fun. The First Rule of Aquivan Piracy. Simply? Do as thou wilt." He laughed and tossed his bag onto a bed.

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Prime Mover


Owen blinked once at Riel as he listened to the young pirate explain that he was well within his rights to stab him. Then he crossed his arms and gave Riel a hard look.


"Mmkay, so you're new around here, and we'll just chalk that up to cultural differences. Here on Earth, and especially at this school, we're equals. I don't care if you're some kinda prince of space, or king of the pirates...just fair warning that people our age will treat you informally. That's how you know you're makin' friends with someone," he said with a slight smile. "The better you know someone, the more informal you can be with 'em. Okay?"


Owen tossed his bag onto the bed as well, and started hanging up clothes in his closet. "As far as not touching you or deciding anything for you, we're in agreement there. Earthlings generally don't like it when people do that either, and nor do I. But if you're going to remain at this school, there are rules you will need to follow. I'm sure they'll go over them in the next few days, but you do need to know that our society works with rules. Not to say we can't go off an' have fun, but there's a time to work and a time to have fun. Like my dad says, you work hard then you play hard." 


"But I think you an' I are gonna be awright. So, Cap'n. Friends?" Owen extended his hand and looked up at Riel.

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