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"Sure, no problem Mattie." Lynn said with something of a half-smile and a small shrug at what had been (at least for her) a rather minor amount of effort given her powers. The blonde girl had then just gone back to listening and observing the others, when Renee came over and quietly asked how Lynn knew her way around.

The sixteen-year-old turned slightly to Renee before responding in a somewhat lower volume. "Oh, I had a tour of campus back toward the start of Summer. Then accompanied Mattie when she got a tour a couple weeks ago. I do believe there are maps in the welcome packets in the rooms, I only took a quick glance at then when I was dropping off the bags."

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"We only had this old Nintendo 64 back home. There was always too much to do at the farm to get a lot of time to play, but we sure did play a lot of Mario Kart whenever us kids got together," Mattie adds to the conversation about video games. She's never really been big into them, but hey, she's happy that it's something that everybody here seems to enjoy.


It's not really her thing though, so she decides to move over to Lynn and Renee instead.


"Lynn really helped me find out where everythin' is when we went to visit. I wouldn't have been able to figure the library from the cafeteria if she hadn't been around!" She continues to be all smiles as she speaks. "You lookin' for anywhere in particular, Renee?"

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Harper scratched the back of her neck. This place was going to get some getting used to, after the freedom and fields of the Hale Vineyard in San Fransisco. A pang of homesickness hit her. 


But there was no growth without change, and she needed to get to grips with being a fungus-human. So-make the most of it. 


"This place is overwhelming..." she said, voice quiet but slicing through the air all the same. "I don't know about you all, but its bashing my brain in..."


She looked around the faces of the other girls. 


"Exciting, too," she added with a smile. "But I feel like I have been launched out of a freaking catapault. I never met such a bunch of crazy, strange and awesome people in my life!"


She took a deep breath in. "I'm just going to start by promising to have your backs this year, right? We can do this, together. We can make this a year of awesome!"


It was her first speech. It wasn't going to be good. But she was damn sure she had to start somewhere!

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A willowy young woman with bright blue eyes came up the stairs into the third floor hallway; she wore dark brown boots with a low heel, grey tweed slacks, a white puff sleeve blouse with a high lace collar, and brown leather gloves. She had fine features and a somewhat regal bearing.


Of course, the most striking thing about her was her hair; it shone like gold, and was tied into a thick French braid that was so long, it literally touched the top of her boots!


"Pardon me, but who's in room 310? Apparently, we're to be roommates."


Her accent was unusual and hard to place; it had elements of Received Pronunciation, New England upper crust and just a hint of French. The one thing it definitely sounded like was 'money.'

Edited by Heritage
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(King Cole III)


More focus on her. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything. Renee folded in a bit, her feet pigeon-toeing and her shoulders hunching a bit, but she took a few deep breaths before speaking to Lynn and Mattie.


"I...I was curious about the auditorium, the theater. You know, for plays and stuff? I like plays. I write some. I was hoping to join a theater club or something like that. If the school has one. I mean I wouldn't be a good actor. But I could maybehelpwithsetsorsomething." she rushed out the last few words over herself and they came out like they had all been stuck in a door at the same time.


"I've played Nintendo 64 games on my Laptop. I uh...I run emulators on them. A lot of them are fun. I like Star Fox and Mario Kart. I have a playstation too, though..." 


Then she turned to the other girl- Harper-.


"It is a lot. Um. Yeah. It's really overbearing. But you're right. I think. Yeah. That. Yeah. It'll be good." she strained out, offering a thin smile that was her trying her best.


And then the new one showed up. 


That's my roommate!? She looks like a princess! And sounds like one!  Why is everything going wrong!?


"...I...I'm also in Room 310. I'm..Renee. Renee King." she offered a little wave.

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La Puma Negra


With the hyperactive new student finding something new to grab her attention, Carmen could breathe a sigh of relief as she relaxed herself until another student began to speak to her, this time with an answer in Spanish. It would not be in fact a relief, seeing someone she could natively talk to but a negative for her, now knowing there was someone actively that could know potentially what she was saying and the cursing that typically followed it. It would have to be done more discretely being now an elder student with far more responsibilities. 


Carmen was about to look at the clipboard for room assignments for this new student when another student chimed in to help out, relieving her of duties that she had only accepted due to being told to do it and not out of volunteering spirit to do so. The young heroine had thought of Michael and if her was facing a similar dilemma as the two of them had wanted to meet after this in the afternoon to hang out together as they did. It was common enough at that they were seeing each other, and her thoughts went mostly to him as she checked her phone for teacher emails for classes coming up the next day.

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"I believe the school does have something of a theater program, as an elective and extra-curricular activity." Lynn replied. "Though, it can often depend on interest and participation on how active it is. But if needed, I think the school can help you get involved with similar programs off-campus."


The blonde teen then turned toward Harper as she spoke up about supporting each other through the year. Sometimes it was easy for Lynn to forget that not everyone grew up around the superpowered community. Of course, thinking about that had the sixteen-year-old think about the other kids she had gone to Nicholson with, particularly Madison and Mary, who in this timeline were only ten years old and still at Nicholson. Feeling a growing sense of sadness start to well up, Lynn bit her lower lip briefly as she tried to calm herself and keep an otherwise neutral expression.


"I grew up around this sort of thing, so not quite the culture shock. But I am always happy to help anyone as best I can." She replied to Harper's little speech, managing a half smile.


It was then that another new student approached the group, asking about her roommate, which turned out to be Renee. Lynn stood back slightly to allow the two roommates to discuss, not wanting to crowd into the conversation, as Renee seemed a little unsure about having too many people around at once.

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"Heck yeah, it's gonna be awesome!" Mattie exclaims, pumping her fist in the air at Harper's declaration. "Of course we'll all support each other and we'll be awesome friends! Right? Right?" 


She might be putting it on a bit thick, but Mattie is honestly just so excited about all this. 


At least she catches herself before responding to Renee about the theater club, when Renee's roommate arrives and... wow, she looks like a princess.


Having enough social graces to at least see it would be better to let those two talk, she steps over to Harper and Lynn instead, continuing the conversation about them being used to this kind of place or not. "We had a bunch of people gettin' powers from weird space rocks back in Rumblefall all the time, but it wasn't really anythin' like this, y'know? More like Mr. Harrison would find a rock and get some kinda power, then he'd go and get drunk and get into trouble and I'd have to go and get him to calm down, before we'd find out how he could put his new flame breath to good use. Or some bully like Tanner Mitchell's would find a rock and try to rob a store, and then I'd have to find him and get everythin' back he stole."

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Ah, the chaos of this academy. It could be wonderful if it wasn't so hard to deal with. Still Iris was adjusting to all of this, so she was off to the side with Carmen. Her eyes did briefly move over to Renee as she talked about Theatre and smiled a little bit, maybe her brother could make a new friend with her seeing as he had similar interestes.

When the new girl came in, Iris would look over and wave towards her. A princess looking girl huh? Hopefully she didn't have that stereotypical Princess personality to go with those looks. Yet the female Evans twin decided to act now, she would move over to greet her. "Greetings, welcome to Clairemont.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mz Grue


Things had moved on and people were drifting from place to place settling in their new rooms, getting to know their roomies. Really the whole hubbub was enough on its own, she was bathed in the excited emotions of just about everyone in the building. Some trepidations, and a few less keen thoughts but generally all good vibes.


Gently steering her floating luggage so as not to hit anyone or anything she made her way to find her room to settle in all her stuff before the important business of getting to know her roomie! 

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  • 2 weeks later...



The blonde 'princess' put down one of the two odd-looking pieces of luggage she was carrying and extended a gloved hand; her grip was quite gentle, with hardly any pressure. Her smile was warm, but definitely felt 'practiced', suggesting several years of instruction. "It's nice to meet you, Renee. You can call me Estelle. Shall we adjourn to our room? Most of my cases should have been delivered already."


"I look forward to meeting the rest of you, perhaps at dinner."

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(King Cole III)


What Renee really wanted was for someone to save her. To tell her there'd been a mistake and this perfect princess was not in fact her roommate. But that wasn't happening; the truth was this world was harsh, cruel, and violent, and always wanted to harm poor Renee.


"Er...yes...Okay Estelle." she said, finally following the other Claremont student into the room.


She very quickly set up on her side, taking no extra space or even giving Estelle a bit more. Posters went up of musicals and Operas; framed tickets to Broadway. The joys of a life of someone who lived for the theater. She had more 'regular' hobbies as well, video games and books, but it was clearly the Stage that called to her more than anything, from the stickers on her laptop to the posters on the wall.

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By comparison, Estelle's side of the room seemed downright spartan. There was a vase of fresh flowers on the nightstand, some sort of zippered case laid out on the bed, and a truly massive steamer trunk stood just inside the door. But otherwise, nothing but the towels and bedsheets the school laid out for them. Renee's new roommate followed her into the room, and gently laid the two small cases she carried on the bed.


"I'll be honest, I've never shared a room before, Renee, so I'm not sure how to be a roommate. I'm afraid I'll have to learn as we go." Noticing the theater kid unpacking, Estelle nodded. "You're using that half of the closet? That makes sense. Then I shall use the other."


Up until now, other than being a little stiff and formal, Estelle appeared to be more or less normal. But that was about to change.


The thick golden braid of hair that hung down the girl's back suddenly unfurled into a shimmering cloud that filled the air on her side of the room, like it was floating nderwater. However the strands soon began to form into thin tendrils that darted about with purpose, flicking open the clasps on her trunk to reveal the neatly organized wardrobe within. Soon there were several garments being put away into her half of the closet, as well as the dresser on her side of the room. While all this was going on, Estelle herself sat on the edge of her bed, and slipped off her gloves and boots with a sigh.


"There, that's better!"

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(King Cole III)


"...R..right, I guess I haven't really ever shared a room either...I mean besides you know, at Summer Camp and stuff." She was kind of amazed at the sheer amount of stuff this lady had. Maybe Renee had been the one who'd underpacked? Was she the weird one? She could just get more stuff on the weekend but would her roommate think she was weird? She didn't know. She felt like she was under scrutiny now, she'd been put into the same room as a fairytale princess, and she'd grown up loving fairytales, so now it was like if Rapunzel or Snow White was judging her fit. It wasn't cool. This lady's aura was off the charts, and it was not doing good things to Renee's psyche. When the woman revealed her superpowers, Renee struggled against it even harder


"Trichokinesis?" She said in amazement. "That's incredible...I mean, obviously a lot of students here have powers, but I mean. Trichokinesis isn't very common, I don't think. I mean. Yeah. That's an impressive thing, it's...yeah, it's...that. Yeah..." she mumbled, trying to find anything useful to say and coming up with absolutely nothing beneficial at all.


The next thing that came out of her case was a variety of ridiculously colored liquids, strange ingredients labeled in beakers, powdered metals and crushed newt's eyes and all sorts of things any self-respecting wizard would have. Alongside an old battered journal that she rubbed against her face like she was expecting it to tell her secrets. The final thing was a small dropper of bright purple liquid that went on her nightstand next to her bed, with as much reverence as she was still giving the book.


"...Yeah...well...that's...yeah. Here's to a new school year." she said, putting the book down after a moment more.

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Lynn chuckled slightly as Mattie mentioned her experiences in her hometown after she gained powers and some of the other people in town gained powers as well. Although she had heard some of Mattie's stories over the summer, it was still rather charming to hear her friend's much more….innocent experiences with powers. Lynn certainly hoped Mattie would not be too shocked when she encountered more of the typical super criminals that were active in Freedom City and beyond.


"Nice to meet you Estelle, I'm Lynn." The blonde teen had stated when Estelle arrived to introduce herself as Renee’s roommate. Soon the pair were off to get situated in their room as Daphne made her way to her room as well.


Lynn looked over to her roommate. "So, you want to go get things unpacked as well?" Of course, the blonde speedster could do that in moments, so it was not as if she felt a particular rush. "Or did you want to try to meet more of our new classmates?"

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