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Boys’ Move-In (Second Floor) [OPEN]


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Alden smiled slightly as Parker enquired after his magical talents. The exact truth would of course not suit, given it would reveal his true identity, but most of it would of course suffice. "<My family has a long history of magics, so I was taught from a young age.>" He turned to regard Jack as he offered his complements about his skill as a mage, unable to shake a feeling like his roommate was in some way unhappy as he said it. His self deprecating only served to add to that impression. 


"<You are too modest, Jack. The Avant Guard had to focus a great deal of their efforts upon you and still you did not surrender. I may be nimble but had you not been there I imagine we would have been overwhelmed.>" Alden was quite certain he would have been an able to escape, but survival and victory were so rarely the same.


He regarded Michael with interest. This 'boost' could prove very useful, but it's unknown abilities and potential danger dampened that impression. Still, this could be used to his advantage. "<If it is uncertain how it would interact perhaps at some point we should test it? I'm always willing to lend a favour. You can never know when such things might be important.>" He couldn't resist his broadening smile as he offered a favour, nor while Jack talked about fighting the Avant Guard. "<We also engaged their leader in a brief debate about the value of art. It was quite stimulating.>"

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(Golden Star)


"Tough and Fast, huh? A good combination." he smiled at Lawrence as well. "...Lynn your sister, I assume? She must be getting her legs back pretty well if she's out there stopping crimes and villains already." he said cheerfully. "I'm glad she's doing better." Then he returned to talking to the Sophmores. "But that's pretty good to hear all the Sophmores are active. I wasn't saving people until I'd already been at Claremont, so, you know, a little pre-enrollment experience goes a long way; they're gonna send you for training soon." He wasn't sure if he was supposed to say that or not. He had ended up joining the class late last year, so he didn't get a trip to the Doom Room with the rest of the class. He made use of it fairly often now, but it meant he wasn't sure what the standards were for talking about the Room before the new students went to it for the first time.


"I'm certainly more than willing to try using my powers on you, but somewhere safe and with proper protections in play; I wouldn't want someone to get hurt because I mess something up or our powers don't work together well or anything like that." he explained to Alden.

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Parker nods at Alden's explanation. It sounds about right, with what little he has learned about magic during his time at Claremont. 


So, Jack and Alden had met before this, fighting someone together with Lawrence's sister from another reality? He understands, kind of. The metaphysics of it all, at least. Still, people from other timelines being around is still an amazing thing. 


"Sounds like it was a good thing you were all there to help out, then." He speaks to both Jack and Alden. You should praise good effort, right? Turning back to Michael and Alden, he shrugs his shoulders lightly at the idea. "It feels weird when Michael powers you up. It's like... there's a sun inside you? You're full of unlimited energy, like you can do anything. For me, I was powered up. Stronger and faster, I could do so much more than normal." He pauses briefly. Maybe he's being too cautious, but he can't help it. "Maybe it would be best to let some teachers keep watch if you try it out?"

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