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Girls’ Move-In (Fourth Floor) [OPEN]


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Sarah completely missed Mizuki’s indication of her to Annie. It wasn’t until the little blue alien looked at her and addressed her directly that Sarah realized she had been staring. The teen gave a small ‘eep’ of embarrassment as her cheeks darkened.

“I-I am so sorry.”

She managed to stammer as she looked away quickly. She tried to focus on the other girls, her attention falling on Kadene. Sarah puffed out her cheeks as she gave the girl a frown.

“I said I was sorry. I’ve never seen a, well, anyone blue, or alien before.”

She said defensively.

“Maybe its more normal where you come from. But its a first for me.”


Sarah hesitantly looked back at Vueriz again.

“I apologize for staring. That was very rude of me.”

She straightened herself, all 5’ 4” at least, and gave a friendly smile.

“My name is Sarah, Sarah Thatcher. It is nice to meet you.”

Her mother insisted that a proper introduction was always needed when encountering a new group of potential classmates.

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