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In this world, there are unexplained mysteries.


There are powers beyond human comprehension, knowledge beyond what people can learn.


But there is also curiosity, that attempts to forever shine a light on those mysteries and curiosities.


But what happens when curiosity turns beyond acceptable? What happens when Curiosity becomes Obsession, when Obsession becomes Hunger?


The sparks of knowledge- the fire of Prometheus-, fall where they may. That others might be burned by them is of no consequence to the man whose only desire is to Know.


Early September, 2024. The Fens


The Fens could never catch a break.


Sure, there wasn’t a Doomforge hanging above it like Kingston, but no one had ever really tried to make The Fens into a more respectable place; the same seedy porn stores, the same waterfront houses, barely hanging above the marsh that continues to threaten the city. Once, the Alien Gator had wrestled with Freedom Eagle in this area. Now, The Gators- a gang from the most mosquito filled, marshiest area- and the Eagles- a hispanic gang seeking to take over the waterfront bars- exchanged fists and gunshots between the streets. When the Theater District ended, so did the funds, so did the care. The Beaudrie Opera House was refurbished, recreated, and remade. But Tucker’s Theater, an arguably just as historic movie theater that had shown movies for 70 years, was left to dilapitate, the side of the building graffiti’d back and forth as a spot of territory the Gators and the Eagles fought over. Whenever one group was pushed back, the other would quickly paint over the previous tags, declaring it their own. When that group was pushed back, the tags would be replaced, repeated every few weeks.


But now Tucker’s Theater was burning in the early evening. 


Wooden beams twisted under fire, splintering into ash. The brick facades were licked by flame, turning a sheer, burning black as they were charcoaled. Plastic melted and bubbled on the front, still showing the times for the last few movies the theater showed before it closed down a few years ago. It was brighter than the setting sun, illuminating the nearby blocks in the darkness. 


And outside it, the Eagles sat in or on cars, watching the blaze, laughing and jeering at the members of the Gators that were trapped in the burning building. Had they set the fire, or were they lucky bystanders? It was unclear at this moment, but one thing was sure; they were not helping the situation, and the fire threatened to roast those alive and even spread. To them, if they couldn't have it, it seemed they were fine with no one having it.

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Aww, no. Not Tucker's Theater. That's just wrong


Falling down from above, the white and grey figure should be easily recognizable in the Fens. The friendly neighborhood Ghost. Sure, some might say that he had sold out by joining the Freedom League, but even with his slightly better finances, Casper had stuck to the Fens. Then again, maybe its time to let the Gators and Eagles know that he's still around?


Not right now, though. He can see the Eagles hanging out and laughing in their car through his X-Ray Goggles, but he can also see Gators inside the burning theatre... and that has to come first. He looks through the building. How many Gators are in there? How many groups? He has to focus, has to be fast.


Flying in from above, Casper goes straight through the walls, heading directly for the largest group of Gators he can see in there, emerging through the wall, his goggles glowing light blue as he raises his hands to show that he doesn't mean to attack.


"Alright guys, all of you get in close, and we'll see what I can do about you not becoming alligator leather pouches, alright?"

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(GM Post)


"The dang Ghost!" one of the Gators snapped. Fists and guns went up very fast; a reaction to Ghost appearing, not a reaction to his words. So they stalled out when they realized he wasn't adding injury to possible death. There wasn't really a discussion about it, there was a group of 3 people looking at their boss.


"...Alright, Ghost. We'll take you up on that. It's this group of my guys and there were two others in Theater 13." The boss said, as the four gangsters crowded around Ghost to try and get out of this situation

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"One condition," Ghost says, holding up a hand. "You stay put once you're out. I want to find out who did this, and I'm sure you wanna do that too, so I'm gonna need your help. And you know I'm gonna find you if you run off. Now, grab on to each other."


He waits for them all to hold on, then takes hold of the leader's shoulder. To the group, everything is a blur, as almost white lightning courses through the building, before appearing outside in an instant, on the other side of the building from where Capser had seen the Eagles. It would be disorienting, so who knows, maybe these punks will stay put? Casper didn't exactly count on that happening, but weirder things could happen.


"Alright, you guys stay right here until I'm back with your buddies, got it?" 


Ghost doesn't bother waiting for a reply. Maybe he'll be lucky and they'll wait, but nah, he won't be that lucky. At least he'll be saving lives.

He disappears once more, reappearing inside Theater 13, holding up his hands again, while shouting for the last two Gators.


"The supreme leather guy told me I could find some baby gators in here. You guys want a ride out of here, or would you rather take your chances with the smoke and fire?"

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(GM Post)


The disoriented thugs weren't going anywhere super fast after the confusing teleportation, and the burning building was hiding any jeers being made by the Eagles. When he got to Theater 13 however, he could see that one of the baby Gators was currently trapped! Trapped under a burning wooden pillar, while the other tried to lift it off them! She was just as likely to burn herself as actually get the piece of burning lumber off her friend, who was unconscious and pinned.


"Look I don't care if you're death himself!" Yelled the gangster trying to lift the log. "Get my friend out from under this thing and you can take me to hell for all I care!" She said, ignoring the smoke and flames to continue to try and leverage the wooden support beam up. "He's gonna die!"

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"Get back, I got this." 


Not the time for a joke right now.


A burning wooden pillar. It couldn't just be a wooden pillar, no, it had to be fire. But that's fine, he can deal with fire.


Moving towards the man under the burning pillar, Ghost reaches through it, crouching down near him as he makes contact and grasps hold of the young man, standing up, Ghost pulls him along as he steps away from the fire. The heat's intense, they have to get away from that, but other than that, they should both be safe as long as he keeps ghosting them both.


"Alright, done. Gather up and we'll get out of here. C'mon, don't be shy." He turns solid again. Give them something to hold on to. Then, out of there, a chaotic flash of bright blue energy crashing through the building until they reach the group of 'Gators outside.

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(GM Post)


Both of the Little Gators hung on tight as Ghost took them outside, where the rest of the gang was waiting for them. The reaction was immediate; Hero or not, Ghost had saved their friends and family, and all the Gators- a little woozy from the teleportation and the smoke inhalation, but full of joy- immediately congregated a few feet away from him to check on each other, expressing joy at being safe. The leader eventually turned back to Ghost, though the night was still lit from the flames of the slowly burning Tucker's Theater, casting a dark, shadowy pallor over the man's tattoo'd face


"Was it the Eagles that lit that blaze? I know you're a Hero and you aren't going to tell me, or you're going to tell us to let the authorities handle it. But they tried to kill us. They burned down Tucker's. There are some things a Man can't forgive, you know?" He was looking for confirmation, but he had his decision made.  "I know they like to watch their handiwork, so they're around here, aren't they."


But he didn't know who set the fire? 

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  • 3 weeks later...



Naturally, the accusations start flying. Ghost sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose with one hand. He knew this was going to happen. Too much bad blood.


"Honestly? I got no clue who did this. I saw the fire, and decided I'd rather pull your bacon out of the fire instead of looking for them, but think about it for a moment. You Gators and Eagles have been fighting over Tucker's for a long time. Sometimes you're in control, sometimes they're squatting in the theater. If they wanted the place, then why would they burn it down?" 


Will it work? Maybe.


"At any rate, wait here for five minutes, and I'll see what I can find out. Deal?"

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(GM Post)


"We weren't goign to lose it this time, we were absolutely ready this time." The leader said, glaring back at Ghost. They weren't exactly the kind who'd take the truth as real, even if it was absolutely true; they had been fighting over the theater for awhile, but both the Eagles and the Gators would always claim they had the actual right over it, and that each time they took it, this time would be 'different'.


"...Fine, you saved us, Ghost. So we'll wait 5 minutes. We need to get our breath back anyway. So if you figure out what's going on while we're doing that, we'll let the Eagles off the hook if they aren't the cause of it." He said.

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