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Sub-Basement of Claremont Academy

Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey

Monday September 9, 2024. 10:00 AM


The start of the school year had been Monday, which had brought with it all the chaos of the first day of school, figuring out where all the classes where, making last minute changes to schedules, and more. Given one of Claremont's unique (and secret) purposes was helping teenagers with meta-human powers learn to control and better use their powers, this included time being schedule for new students to have some time in the Doom Room so the staff could get some baseline readings on their abilities.


Six of the new class of Sophomores had their sessions scheduled for mid-morning on the second day of classes: Kate Devon-Leeds, Lynn Conners, Gookgak, Owen Akerlund, Reil Estime, and Kadene Estime.


As they had been told to be ready for combat simulation and other strenuous activity, the teens had been told to wear the Claremont school uniform, or their costumes (if they had them). So Lynn and gone back to her and Mattie’s dorm room and changed into her costume before making her way down to the Doom Room. Once in costume, the blonde teen had felt a bit more comfortable at moving at full speed, so had been one of the first to arrive.


She was dressed in a skin-tight black body suit with red stripes, gloves and boots, along with black goggles with red lenses. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail to help keep it out of her way.


Lynn looked about the large room that was located with one of the sub-basements beneath the school's grounds as she waited for some of her classmates to arrive. The room was rather Spartan, with smooth white and grey walls, a floor that had a hexagon pattern and a high, almost cavernous ceiling. Along one of the walls, a couple dozen feet above the floor, there was a dark set of plexiglass windows.


While she had never been in the Doom Room before (either here or in her original timeline), Lynn had trained some in the Freedom League’s Wreck Room, so she had at least had some understanding of what to potentially expect from this session.

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Captain Riel Estime was a bit out of sorts. It wasn't that this wasn't a relatively nice world full of relatively nice people. On the contrary, that was actually kind of the problem. This world was soft. Coddling. The ordinary townsfolk's ideal. Again, this wasn't a bad thing. Riel wasn't exactly opposed to folks living good lives and not getting descended on by pirates or worse, the Marines. 


But in order to get here, they'd made a thousand little compromises. And the expectation had been quite clearly set that he would have to make them. He'd literally set out to sea and become a pirate to avoid doing that. He had no intention of becoming-gasp-civilized. He would never give up on his ideals and dreams for mere peace and safety. 


And what was worse was that in his world, a ship captain (especially of pirates) was afforded a great deal of respect. Someone who could command the loyalty of a crew and see them through danger was a person worthy of respect and no small degree of honor. He understood why that wasn't so here (see above), but it still rankled to be treated like just another teenager in need of rules and supervision. He was fully capable of taking care of himself, and looking after dozens of others. 


So, y'know, he'd been a bit hard to find on the first day, after a certain point. And even here (dressed as swashbucklingly piratical as usual), he merely leaned up against the back wall (arms folded and one foot up on the wall) and waited quietly. By sheer coincidence (except not really), Lynn neither heard nor saw him as she blurred past him. She would have bowled him over, except fortune favored him as usual and he was conveniently out of the way at that precise instant.






Kadene Estime was having a similarly difficult time. She'd been looking after herself since she was old enough to walk. She was the respected First Mate of a capable pirate crew. She held to her ideals and chased her dreams on her own terms. She wasn't some lost lamb to be coddled into uselessness.


So, she'd been a bit hard to find yesterday too, after a certain point. For different reasons (like being a few hundred feet in the sky), but still hard to find. And even here (dressed as femininely piratical as usual), she merely sat crosslegged in the corner of this strange room, behind a mirage of said corner. She'd been a full dozen steps behind Riel when Lynn blurred by. Since she had appeared to be part of the wall (and was in fact right next to it), Lynn didn't knock her over either. She did not know her brother was here, but it wouldn't surprise her in the least.

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Kate wasn't a vain person but she spent a few moments examining her uniform in the mirror. It was weird that the uniform resembled that of her family legacy, though she'd learned the reason quite young (and wondered if something similar had happened in her home dimension). One day she might even wear the costume herself, though her mom didn't seem inclined to retire anytime soon! 


So until then, Kate guessed she'd had to make do and make this thing her own, throwing on a Short Gold Jacket over the blue uniform symbolic of the breastplate her family worse, or at least that was her thinking. She wasn't as quick as some, but fast enough to not worry about being late as she arrived at to join the other for this test.


"This is our first time, so they're bound to go easy on us right?"

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Prime Mover


The week had been an absolute whirlwind for Owen. New faces, new living situations, and getting used to his new roommate. Riel was incredibly friendly and gregarious, and Owen was happy to listen to his tales of adventure, but the truth was that he was homesick, more than he thought was possible. So he kept himself busy with his new classes, making new friends, and learning where everything was on campus. He would never admit it, but he was a little envious of Riel and his sister's free spirits. It took learning he had superpowers to get him away from home. But maybe Claremont was the place where he could reinvent himself. 


He stepped into the Doom Room, wearing the Claremont uniform. The design of the costume wasn't lost on him - many of his classmates were fans of the Freedom League. The uniform was surprisingly comfortable, like something out of a science fiction show. Owen gripped his hands together, causing them to pulse with kinetic energy, until he let them go. This would be the worst day to have any issues with his power vest...


There were two people he hadn't met before in the Doom Room already, and he waved to them. Both were wearing costumes that seemed to be designed for them, and he made a mental note to ask who made them around here. The uniform was nice, but he needed something that would help with his powers. 


13 hours ago, Tiffany Korta said:

"This is our first time, so they're bound to go easy on us right?"


Owen turned to the young woman wearing a golden jacket over her uniform - he didn't keep up with superhero news to recognize her immediately. He smiled and said "Well, I certainly hope so. It's not like any of us have done this before. Hi, I'm Owen Akerlund. Or are we supposed to use our codenames in here?" 


Edited by Lone_Star
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Nearly tuneless whistling began to echo out of the entrance corridor. A few moments later a diminutive, pointy-eared green form rounded the corner and came into view, merrily bouncing along. He was fairly swimming in his Claremont uniform, even sleeves rolled up and waste belted, the smallest size immediately available fit him more like a robe than a body suit.


Upon entering the Doom Room, Gookgak looked at the other students, mostly in matching outfits. Then he looked at the impenetrable subterranean chamber he had been lead to. Then he fell to his knees and began to beg.


"We are sorry! We didn't mean to! We didn't know - how could we know? We will be good from now on, we promise! Whip us, beat us, make us low! But don't lock us in this dungeon forever and throw away the key! We will learn! We will make it up to you. Oh please, please, give us another chance. We are not bad. We are good. . . . Owen doesn't even drink alcohol!"


Gookgak looks pitifully up towards the ominous dark set of plexiglass windows, hoping beyond hope that his plea will result in mercy. 

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Lynn had noted Kate and then Own arriving in the Doom Room, giving the two a small nod. As Kate's question, the blonde teen shrugged slightly. "Possibly, but they may also want to push us, to test our limits. But, probably not this first time round."


"Lynn Conners." She then said in greeting to Owen when he introduced himself. "Don't think we need to use codenames here, but…never hurts to practice. I go by Slipstream when in costume."


The blonde then turned to the newest student that had arrived. She had heard some rumors going around about the small goblin, but she had not really encountered him yet. She was a bit surprised when the goblin dropped down and began pleading with whomever might be up in the control room for the Doom Room. "Umm, this isn't a punishment. We are here from some testing." Lynn replied. "I think there are supposed to be two more of us before we can start."

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Serendipity and Stormchild


Hmm. So there possibly weren't any special detectors, eh? Interesting. Currently useless, but interesting. Riel pushed off the wall and strode confidently to the front of the group, bold grin spreading across his face. Coincidentally (but not really), everyone's eyes finally managed to land on him. "Feeling guilty about something, my gobbelyn friend? I'm told confession is good for the soul. I wouldn't know. I've never tried it." He faced the blank windows some of the others had looked at. "Captain Riel Estime, nom de guerre Serendipity. I don't know why I, a mere swordsman favored by Fortune, am here. There are many much more interesting sets of abilities. My dear sister," He said, as Kadene heat-shimmered into view beside him, "is certainly one of them."


"Kadene Estime, nom de guerre Stormchild." She, having moved as soon as Riel came into view, sported a saucy smile of her own. "I don't mind a quick demonstration, but I must insist on keeping some secrets. There's no telling who might be an enemy in the future."

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The problem with such famous parents meant Kate figured she'd get special attention and wanted to get to know her before the truth got out (and rumours had already been bouncing around). Though most here seemed to be from other places, but still she wanted to avoid that for just a smidge longer.


"Kate, just Kate for now!" she smiled "Let's see what legally allowed trouble we're going to get ourselves into!"


As pep talks go it wasn't the best, but that's what they were here for after all!

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On 9/12/2024 at 4:25 PM, Thevshi said:

"Lynn Conners." She then said in greeting to Owen when he introduced himself. "Don't think we need to use codenames here, but…never hurts to practice. I go by Slipstream when in costume."


The blonde then turned to the newest student that had arrived. She had heard some rumors going around about the small goblin, but she had not really encountered him yet. She was a bit surprised when the goblin dropped down and began pleading with whomever might be up in the control room for the Doom Room. "Umm, this isn't a punishment. We are here from some testing." Lynn replied. "I think there are supposed to be two more of us before we can start."


Prime Mover


"Nice to meet you then, Slipstream. I go by Prime Mover, what with the kinetic powers an' all. Yeah, Gookgak, we aren't in any trouble. This is just supposed to be about seeing what we can do. You're not in a dungeon a' some sort...do they have dungeons where you come from? Like, chain you to the wall dungeons?" he asked. Gookgak was still very much a mystery to him, his roommate on the other hand...


On 9/12/2024 at 5:56 PM, EternalPhoenix said:

Serendipity and Stormchild


Hmm. So there possibly weren't any special detectors, eh? Interesting. Currently useless, but interesting. Riel pushed off the wall and strode confidently to the front of the group, bold grin spreading across his face. Coincidentally (but not really), everyone's eyes finally managed to land on him. "Feeling guilty about something, my gobbelyn friend? I'm told confession is good for the soul. I wouldn't know. I've never tried it." He faced the blank windows some of the others had looked at. "Captain Riel Estime, nom de guerre Serendipity. I don't know why I, a mere swordsman favored by Fortune, am here. There are many much more interesting sets of abilities. My dear sister," He said, as Kadene heat-shimmered into view beside him, "is certainly one of them."


"Kadene Estime, nom de guerre Stormchild." She, having moved as soon as Riel came into view, sported a saucy smile of her own. "I don't mind a quick demonstration, but I must insist on keeping some secrets. There's no telling who might be an enemy in the future."


Owen was surprised when the two of them appeared suddenly. I should really pay more attention. He could'a pulled a fast one on me... 


"Nah, Seren," he said, trying a nickname on the flamboyant pirate. "I think he's just getting used to Earth, an' all, same as you. Stormchild, nice to see you again," he said, nodding to his roomie's twin. "And Kate, that sounds like a good idea," he said with a grin. "I've kind of been lookin' forward for a time to test out my powers. Not too many places to really let loose on the farm. But we've definitely got a good team together, so I'm sure we'll do just fine. When do we start?" 

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Lynn had looked at Kadene when she talked about wanting to keep some secrets and seeming to believe some of them might end up as enemies. But before the blonde teen could comment (if she had intended to) a voice came over the sound system in the Doom Room. "Well, now that you are all here, we can get started." Stated one of the school’s teachers.


Around the five teens, the spartan room changed to a city street, several low buildings around them. The five young heroes were standing in the middle of an intersection. Other than the teens, the streets were empty.


"The Freedom League and a couple of our students had an encounter with some aliens earlier this year. We will try for some opponents based on that incident to start." Stated the teacher up in the control booth.


Suddenly, about twenty figures appeared, spaced out around the teens down each of the streets off the intersection. They appeared to be alien humanoids of varied appearance, wearing light body armor and carrying what appeared to be high-tech energy weapons.

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As the hard light of the Doom Room activated and the scene shifted to an intersection within a city, Lynn had shifted to full speed. The blonde teen quickly took in everything around her, not having to turn her had as her high-tech googles provide her a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view around her. Noting the position of all her classmates and all the holographic enemies, she decided to start with a group of three opponents standing near each other down one of the streets.


Lynn became a blur of black and red as she speed down one of the streets toward the first holographic alien.


A supersonic punch connected solidly with the holographic alien's jaw, sending it flying backward. But Lynn had already moved up to the next of her targets.



A second superspeed punch landed, sending that alien sprawling as well.



Lynn punched the third one with similar results. But she did not stop moving, running a short distance past the third holographic opponent before taking a sharp ninety-degree turn and running up the side of a building where she skid to a halt on the rooftop.

Meanwhile, down on the street level, the three holographic aliens all slammed to the pavement unconscious, where they lay for a moment before disappearing.

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The scenery shifts from the bland walls of the Doom Room to a city street, as though the heroes had been teleported. Gookgak instinctively adopts a defensive crouch and utters a curse.

"Damned wizards!"

Slipstream's blinding movement so near triggers a response in the gobbelyn, and he had his bow out and shoots it at one of the aliens near her attack, more by reflex than by a conscious decision to fire.

Gookgak blinks as his mind starts to catch up with the situation. "Guns! Lookout, they have guns!"  The little gobbelyn scampers across the street and slides under a blue hatchback to take cover.

"Hide, you fools!"

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Prime Mover


Owen was startled by the change of scenery, but quickly got his bearings. Guess this is one-a them holo-decks, never thought I’d be in one! 

He immediately flew into the air, surveying the situation. Owen clinched his fists, which started to shimmer with kinetic energy, becoming blurry with the sheer force. He splayed his fingers out in front of him, shaping the energy into a kinetic charge. Since there were no civilians in this test scenario, he was able to focus on taking down as many of them as possible. 

“Watch out, everyone!” he said as he launched the sphere of kinetic force towards the troopers. It detonated with a sonic boom that popped his eardrums, and Owen hoped it was enough.

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Riel flinched for a moment when the room abruptly changed, but he wasn't a Captain for nothing. Aquivan had many mysterious powers. Some known, others only rumored. Had to be quick on the uptake to survive being a pirate, and quicker to be a Captain. He offered a casual salute to where the windows had been, and watched everything happen. 


The fast one dropped three. Not bad. The gobbelyn was an archer. But Riel's roommate... "Monsieur Owen, I apologize. I've underestimated you." But of course, there's a time for observation and a time for action. "Kadene, no reason to hold back. They want a show, give them a show." He started singing out of nowhere, as he walked with exaggerated casualness (sword drawn and resting on his shoulder) down one of the untouched streets.


"Off we roll, off we roll. Through any weather. Navigate storms 'till we find the treasure. Off we roll, off we roll, never say never..." He arrived at the armed man. "We will soon find our course!" Riel swung his sword with a sudden reckless ferocity. "To the Grand Line!"


With his song echoing down the streets, he was suddenly no longer in sight. By sheer coincidence (except not really) no one's eyes, ears, or other senses could detect him. The armed warrior being cut down and hitting the ground was a little too much of a distraction, and afterwards he was simply not where anyone happened to be looking, listening, or anything else. Give them a show indeed.

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"Normally I'd avoid any property damage, especially with other people's stuff! But as this is a special occasion!"


Looking around Kate picked up a small green car, one most definitely without a goblin underneath, and lifted it above her head. She took a moment to get the balance right, and after quickly checking she'd not catch any of her classmates, she threw the improvised missile toward some of the assembled foes!

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Most of the superpowered teens went right into action. Gookgak's shot took down the alien that he had targeted, even as the Gobbelyn slid under one of the cars along the street. Prime Mover's telekinetic blast exploded windows on both sides of the street the teen targeted and damaged another parked car. It also took out the five aliens gathered on that street. Serendipity also dispatched an opponent, before disappearing from view. Finally Centuria hefted a third car to toss at the two nearest enemy, knocking the both out of the fight.


"It would seem we have started a bit low. We will have to dial up the difficulty a bit." Came the faculty member's voice from the speaker.


The remaining eight holographic enemies then acted, spreading out to avoid being grouped together as they took aim at the four visible teens.


Two had moved back to get a partial angle on Slipstream up on the rooftop, lifting their blasters and opening fire. One of the energy beams struck the side of the building, the other passed just over the speedster’s head.


Another two aimed up into the air, firing at Prime Mover, both hitting their target.


A third pair turned and fired on Cenuria, both missing the teen. Although one just missed her by inches.


The final pair turned their attention on Stormchild as they opened fire. The teen dodged the first energy last, but the second struck her on the side.

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Kadene took her cues from her brother and Captain. They both adjusted quickly, with her bringing her Wind Screen force field online. She wasn't quite as impressed with everyone's work, but then again she had a dazzling variety of effects to work with. "Aye, Captain. A show it is." A shot from one of the armed men was swept aside by her Wind Screen. She paid it no mind, rising into the air as the wind kicked up throughout the area. She, too started singing. Her loudly to be heard over the wind.


"Hold up the flagons and raise up the sails. Masthead a battened, so we take 'em off our tails. We don't fly off the wagon, we don't leave any ale. And so we go a tracking with a luck that never fails."


She seemed to be dancing in midair, grinning and having a fantastic time. And a cloud swirled into existence above the sole untouched street.


"These seas seem to kick and buck, they won't hoard the prize. Our tales end as written ones, in case we lose our lives."


Kadene's hands crackled with energy. The wind turned cold and savage, yet she could still be heard. "Our fate seems to run amok, we forge storm and skies!"


Hail the size of baseballs and larger suddenly plummeted from the cloud, hammering into that untouched street and the five men on it. Three of them ate turf from the battering.


"So we hope this devil's luck won't cloud our very eyes!" As Kadene laughed at her work, the cloud did not dissipate. Oh, yes, it was quite a show indeed.

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As Stormchild's hailstorm removed another three of the alien troopers, there were flickers around the holographic battlefield as nearly two dozen more opponents appeared. About twenty of them were more of the alien troopers that had appeared before. About half of them were scattered on the roofs of nearby buildings overlooking the streets, the others down on street level.

There were three additional new threats, three large reptilian aliens with red scales and tusks. Each had a large energy weapon and either a massive sword or battle axe. Two of these over seven-foot-tall opponents were down on the street level, the third appeared on the roof near Slipstream.


Lynn was instantly aware of the new threat, her goggles providing her a full view of the area around her. In a blur of motion, she was over next to the new threat, delivering another supersonic punch.



The blow staggered the large opponent backward before it started falling to the rooftop unconscious.


But the teenage speedster was already moving, running back down the side of the building and onto the street once more. As she went, she began vibrating, making her even more of a blur than she already was. The blonde teen began zipping back and forth around the intersection and sides streets, moving around the various opponents scattered about them.


"Going to have to shoot straighter than that if you want to hit me." She called out, hoping she might draw some of the fire from the opponents away from her classmates.

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Yes, he was under a car, but even so, he didn't feel very safe. There were terrific crashing and exploding noises all around. Gookgak clenched his teeth and tried to talk himself down.


Probably all friends are dead. Another terrific crash. Yes, probably all dead. Should just stay under car until monsters go away. Shouldn't even poke head out to check . . .


But somehow the little gobbelyn can't quite help himself, and he peeks out. Wait-a-minute. It's my friends that are making all the crashing and exploding noises. What the?!!??


Suddenly feeling much more courageous with such powerful allies, Gookgak takes aim at one of the newly arrived larger aliens. "Die, red dragonborn berserker!"


But his aim is a little off, the arrow zinging right by one of the large, aggressive-looking creature's tusks.


"Um, gulp!" Gookgak blanches as he realizes he might have drawn hostile attention, and, quicker than the eye can follow, he zips up into a wheel well to hide, hoping he goes unnoticed in all of the action.


Way down the street, Gookgak's errant arrow is starting to behave oddly, angling, quite surprisingly, upward, as it alters is course away from what physics would normally prescribe. 

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On 9/18/2024 at 6:45 AM, EternalPhoenix said:

The fast one dropped three. Not bad. The gobbelyn was an archer. But Riel's roommate... "Monsieur Owen, I apologize. I've underestimated you." But of course, there's a time for observation and a time for action. "Kadene, no reason to hold back. They want a show, give them a show." He started singing out of nowhere, as he walked with exaggerated casualness (sword drawn and resting on his shoulder) down one of the untouched streets.


Prime Mover


As Owen continued to fly after raining down kinetic destruction on some of the troopers, he winced a little as he saw his powers caused some property damage. I'll have to practice in here a lot... 


But his spirits were bolstered by his roommate's comments, and Owen flashed him a thumbs-up as he flew by. He took a moment to watch his teammates show off their powers, and he nodded, impressed. In his moment of distraction, one of the troopers hit him in the hip was a laser rifle, and Owen gritted his teeth against the pain. "You'll have to do better 'n that!" he called out, forgetting for a moment his opponents weren't real. 


New enemies spawned in to the holographic city en masse, and Owen turned back around, clutching his side. Oh, I suppose they are going to do better 'n that...


Owen saw his new friend Gookgak crawl out from under a car and shoot at one of the larger aliens with what appeared to be a medieval-looking bow and arrow. Having missed, the small gobbelyn ducked back under the same car. 


"Hang on, little guy..." Owen said to himself as he zoomed down to help. He hovered a few inches off the ground behind the larger alien, and whistled loudly. "Hey, you got a problem with fightin' someone yer own size?" 


He suddenly shifted forward, closing the distance in a matter of seconds, and pulled back his fist. His entire body rippled with kinetic energy, and with concentration Owen focused it onto his fist, which started to shimmer with the sheer force. At the moment of impact, the energy dispersed onto the alien in an ear-popping cacophony of sound, like a jet engine exploding in reverse. Owen's mouth opened in a silent battle cry, inaudible from the massive energy discharge. 


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While Riel's temporary crewmates were quite effective in dispatching their foes, they weren't exactly declining in numbers. Quite the opposite, actually. This was a problem. The frenetic action was coincidentally (but not really) hiding him from eyes, ears, and other senses. He could just sit back, relax, and let things play out. On the other hand, what fun would that be? This wasn't a real battle, only a test of their abilities. So, have at them!


The first armed man never saw him, obviously. Riel swung right through him, letting momentum carry him into the second to down him as well. Suddenly coincidence did not conspire to keep him undetected. "Gentlemen. I'm offended. Have you forgotten I'm here too? Or are you frightened of a mere swordsman?" Oh, yes. This was fun.

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Here mom had taught her that sometimes it was best to stick with the basics. So taking a quick measure of distance she jumped up flying through the air to land in front of one there foes in a single bound. Despite a lingering worry of leaping too far, and wondering if she'd find that this sky had a ceiling or if she'd crash through several classrooms, she managed a near-perfect leap and landing.


Not wanting to waste her, literal, momentum she gave the villain a healthy sock to the jaw with as much force as she could manage. Which seemed to be enough as the foe went down.


"Did you not hear the bigger you are the harder you fall!"

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In short order, the various teen heroes had managed to deal with all three of the larger aliens that had appeared, and Riel dropped a pair of the troopers.


At one corner, a trio of the alien troopers managed to spot Gookgak as he tried to scuttle behind cover after making his attack. The three holographic opponents opened fire, two hitting the car up above the wheel the Gobylen was behind, the third hitting the pavement right next to Gookgak under the car.


Scattered around the intersection, several of the troopers tired to work together in groups of three to target Prime Mover and Stormchild. A barrage of energy weapon fire streaked into the sky. Four different attacks impacted Prime Mover's forcefield, but failed to get past it. Three of the troopers working together managed to miss Stormchild altogether. Two hit from the second group, but again failed to pierce her forcefield.


Two of the troopers took aim at Serendipity, but the agile pirate captain easily dodged the two attacks.

The remaining aliens tried to shoot at the speeding figure of Slipstream. Most failing to adequately track the speedster. However, two managed to lead their shots enough, but those passed harmlessly through the speedster.

"Seems we need to turn it up a bit more." The faculty member indicated over the intercom.

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Kadene laughed. "This is light work, I'll have you know!" Her hands crackled with energy again. The wind howled louder as the second and final round of the hailstorm pounded down on nothing but empty street. A car was lifted by nothing but wind and flung into three of the armed men, flattening them.


Following this, she shot straight up. This was a viable tactic on Aquivan, where Marine rifles and even cannons had distinct range limitations. She'd noticed the armed men teaming up to see if they could get past her Wind Screen with teamwork. Good luck with that up here!

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