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Somehow Stormchild seemed to fly high up into the sky of the holographic city, far above the ceiling of the Doom Room. But if she expected to be isolated from any of the enemy, that quickly changed, as two advanced spacecraft dropped down out of the clouds and veered in her direction.

Down on the street level, another six of the large red reptilian aliens appeared, again scattered about the intersection.


Turning towards one of those new opponents, Slipstream seemed to become slightly less blurred as she quickly closed the distance to deliver another punch.



The attack struck the large alien. However, this time, it seemed unfazed by the attack, remaining unmoved as the teenage speedster sped past.


Taking a sharp turn, Slipstream ran up the side of another building and again skidding to a halt on the rooftop to try to give herself a bit of cover once more.

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Monsters are shooting at Gookgak over and over now! The little gobbelyn recoils in terror as space gun blasts impact way too close for comfort. Me knew me shouldn't have come out from under the car!


But, if monsters can't see Gookgak, then monsters can't shoot Gookgak!


The diminutive student bolts from his cover, straight towards his attackers, the chant of a gobbelyn trick on his lips: "Murkem, lurkem, gloomaree!"


Shadows deepen and spread from the little gobbelyn, making an impenetrable sphere of darkness. But it is not only a darkness for the eye, but also for the mind, as the gobbelyn's curse incites creeping despair in the simulated minds of the simulated aliens.

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Prime Mover


Owen grunted in concentration as the weapons fire sprayed across his force field. Guess that's been holdin' out okay. That's good. Let's see if we can get some quick tactics in with Stormchild...


There wasn't much time before the troops figured out a way to get around his force field, so he streaked up and looped around again, flying as close to the center of the group as he could. His heart leapt as he careened towards the ground, but Owen kept his breathing steady as he focused his power towards keeping his force field intact. At the last moment, he adjusted his course and flew a few feet above the clustered groups of alien soldiers, rocketing just overhead. "You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!" he said tauntingly as he approached the center, hoping to draw their attention towards him. 


He paused for a moment, letting them train their weapons on him, then splayed his fingers out in front of him. There was a sort of vortex that formed in a circle around him, a swirling tornado of blurry energy that moved outwards from Owen's body in a showy display of power, force, and noise!

Edited by Lone_Star
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Up in the sky, the two space fighters veered towards Stormchild, streaking towards her as the energy weapons built into the hull of each fighter opened fire. Powerful blasts of energy struck Stormchild as the two fighters sped past her and several blocks further along the skyline.


Down on the street, Owen unleased a massive burst of energy among several of the holographic opponents. Six of the troopers and one of the larger aliens were all blown off their feet and sent flying, disappearing as the struck the ground defeated. However, one of the large aliens seemed unfazed by the blast and aimed a large two-handed energy weapon as the teen and fired. The blast of energy struck Owen’s forcefield squarely.


Another of the large aliens had been caught in Gookgak’s magical spell, making it seem a bit hesitant and uncertain. But it turned its focus toward Serendipity and rushed towards him, swinging a large battle axe at the teen. However, the agile Reil was able to dodge the attack with seeming relative ease.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Things were getting more interesting. Riel was beginning to think that an unlimited number of foes could be spawned in this room. It wasn't quite time to change tactics, but it was getting close. Especially as Kadene had been injured, if minorly. He'd know that cry of pain and irritation anywhere. His feint against the big fella who'd tried to chop him in two worked to perfection. His own follow up cut, not so much. Not nearly enough penetration. All right, then. "Kadene! On me!" Satisfied that the order was given and she'd seen where he was, once again suddenly he simply wasn't where anyone happened to be looking for him.

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