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Student Assessment Group B


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Sub-Basement of Claremont Academy

Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey

Tuesday September 10, 2024. 10:00 AM




A new year at Claremont means new students, and new students mean that the teachers need to figure out just what they can do, see them in action, put them through the paces. In short, it's Doom Room time!


After the start of the school year on a Monday, and with the first group of new students participating in their assessment Tuesday, the second group have been scheduled for Wednesday at 10 AM, featuring none other than Diego D'Angelo, Lady Estelle de Havilland, Annabelle Simran Jones, Matilda Hopper and Alden Underwood. 


They had all been told to be there on time, and they had all been told to be in uniform, costume or whichever they prefered to call it. They should be ready for combat, and ready to show off what they could do. 


For her part, Mattie Hopper is more than happy to be there. Her eyes are all but bulging out of her head as she walks into the large room, gawking at the sheer size of the hexagon covered room. 


She is dressed in a form fitting purple costume with white details on her sides and chest. Her short hair is purple, and her smile is wide as she spots the dark plexiglass windows on one of the walls. That's gotta be where the teachers are, right? She enthusiastically starts waving at whoevers in there, while shouting for them.


"This sure is somethin'! Do all the big time super heroes here in Freedom got a place like this?"

Edited by RocketLord
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Hurricane Jones


"I very much doubt it. This facility looks exceedingly expensive," came the clipped English tones of Hurricane Jones behind her. She wore sturdy boots over camel-tone jodhpurs, and was zipping a fleece-collared aviation jacket in an older style, the brown leather thick and bulging in places. A pair of goggles rested atop her forehead, her hair held back by a severe array of bobby pins. She rocked back on her heels, looking around the place. "Also looks, well... ceilinged. I'd hoped at least my assessment would account for well, my main ability."


She inclined her head to Mattie. "We were told to be combat ready. I rather hope we're not expected to fight each other. Fencing a fellow student is one thing, but to punch one?" Annie turned up her nose. "Ghastly."



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"So Uncivilized..." Diego chuckled as he mimicked Ewan McGregor as Obie-Wan after shooting Grievous with a blaster.

The young man walked to the training room confidently, admittedly the place was kinda impressive, but he wasn't gonna give the people watching behind what was much likely a one-way window the satisfaction of looking amazed. This was not his first time having to show off his powers for someone else to evaluate and to be honest, he wasn't exactly looking forward to it. Still, if he figured he was supposed to make a few sacrifices if he wanted to become a hero, right?


"I certainly hope not. I'd hate havin' to fight with two fair ladies..." He smiled, but it didn't fully reach his eyes, he had done enough fighting with his brothers at "home" already.


Diego was clad in his civilian clothing, sweatpants, sneakers, t-shirt, earphones and a black hoodie, he hadn't thought about a superhero costume yet (although admittedly he had sketched possibly a thousand alternatives, just he hadn't managed to settle on one yet) and he was definitely not gonna wear an actual uniform again, school mandate or not. He did wear a small party black and green mask that kinda concealed his features as a slight concession and he was carried in his pockets a handful of steel spheres to use as weapons, in case the staff wasn't too eager of letting him reshape their expensive looking arena just for play-fight. 

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Harlequin was not above admitting that he was quite impressed by the Doom Room- he had been in much larger chambers, more ornate too, but they had been Fey palaces.


He was dressed as his Harlequin self, although he was still transformed to appear fully human under the mask and makeup. He grinned as his testmates began to discuss what sort of testing they were about to undergo, Diego's 'hesitance' to fight women causing him to bark a laugh. 


"<If combat is what our examiners desire, I would hate to be the focus of your ire. Would ye feel more free, fighting fair maidens three?>" Harlequin punctuated the final rhyme by shifting his Glamour into a feminine version of himself. She then regarded the group before herself. 


"<Ah, my manners escape me, my tongue has escaped and now wanders free! I am the one with the eternal grin, I am the incredible Harlequin!>" She finished the statement by flouncing a very jingly bow.

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