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Burning at Both Ends (IC)

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(GM Post)


The cameras snapped as the Emerald Spider took her leave. There were a few questions following her, but they quickly disappeared in the wind as Joseph waved off further questions himself and disappeared. A job well done for a superhero. In the late afternoon sun the Kesslecorp building looked a little worse for wear, a few melted patches, a few blown out windows. But within a few minutes the adds had started up again, once more joining the other skyscrapers in advertising the newest products made by their owners. A few minutes after that, a payment came in for Air Conditioner repair from Jessica. A little extra was included for 'hazard pay', and an apilogy for making her job harder.


Kesslecorp was certainly going to come calling again, both for Peri and Emerald Spider, and that probably also included Joseph too. If he really had some sort of evil intentions, they'd come to light eventually.


For now, Emerald City was as quiet as it got.

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Emerald Spider


The little bathroom of Slott's & Ramos HVAC Engineering was probably as far from the glitz and glamour that most people would have expected of Emerald Spider. At least it was fairly clean. Peri for her part was taking care of the burn she'd taken during the fight, taking stock of how things had gone that day.


Yes, she'd shorted out one of her spare electro-magnets, which would take a few months and her emergency fund to get the exotic materials to make another one. And she had gotten the attention of one of the city's biggest corporations, which could be a plus or a minus depending on the circumstances. On the whole, though it was a success, no one died, or was seriously injured, and Francis would (hopefully) get the help that he needed. Even the property damages weren't that bad, and almost none of it was her fault this time around!


And though less important, but just as gratifying, Emerald Spider was popular over all media after the reports of what she'd done. Her favourite was a reenactment of the fight made in Lego (she had to get herself her own Mini Fig. She'd have to give it a comment from the @officalemeraldspider account later. She'd have pulled enough figures to go across America, Freedom City always loomed large there, but she was happy to be top in the local charts.


Though she sighed after coming down from the adrenaline of the fight she was bone tired, and still had an afternoon of work, plus a few hours of patrol in the evening.


Still, that was what you got when your candle was burning at both ends...

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