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Burning at Both Ends (OOC)


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yes, that is what I meant, my bad. I was reading too fast! Good rolls!


Here's your findings:


So those rolls are good enough to immediately know this isn't a physical problem. The machines are still in working order. No shorts, no blown fuses or anything. That means it's in the electronic portion of the AC; probably something to do with a glitch in the system or a bug that happened due to the sudden stop and restart, you know how temperamental computers can be about sudden stoppages, or even brownouts causing circuitry issue. Your next job should be taking a look at the OS for the machine, wherever that is!

Edited by Poncho
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in addition to whatever you are intending to do now that you're at the security staiton, please roll me a Fortitude Save at DC 10, then one at DC 11. This represents the environmental issues of the slowly rising heat you were exposed to while clambering through the vents; you got here faster but the heat might slowly start getting to you if you aren't careful!

Edited by Poncho
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Emerald Spider: 16, 6 (!) HP.

Francis: 4


He's going to attack!


He has a special effect on his attacks that each one is going to make you roll for exposure like when you were in the air vent, but only if he hits. So you've had to make 2 rolls so far, so this has an attached DC12 Fort if he hits you.


Attack Roll Results 1d20+13: 33 [1d20=20]


That is...an immediate Crit. Good thing you have all those HP!


DC 33 Toughness for the Crit. This does not increase the difficulty of the Exposure roll, that's still DC12 Fort

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Yikes! Toughness Save: 1d20+10=20, well let's use that nice HP I just earned Toughness Save: 1d20+10=28, by my calculation that a Stunned and Bruised. In that case will spend another HP to cancel the stun.


Fort Save is a little easier, for now, Fort Save: 1d20+13=29.


Finally, for a counter, let's open with a Snare attack, Attack Roll: 1d20+14=17, if it hits he needs a DC 19 Reflex save.



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