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Burning at Both Ends (OOC)


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Alright, he's going to try another new tactic! Mostly because it's boring for you to just have to roll toughness or whatever 5 times, so let's use those other saves!


Perception Suffocate, DC 23 Fort This does not increase your burning/freezing counter, since it's already an automatic Fort Save.


Suffocate is pretty rare as an effect, so for posterity here's the effect;


If you fail, you take -1 penalty on Attack rolls, Defense, and Reflex saves, and can only take a Standard or Move action, not both. You also have to make a Con check each round (Starting at 10 and then going up by 1), with a failure making you go unconscious.


If you make the first save you negate the effect entirely, and on each of your turns (after you roll Con), if you're suffocating you can spend another HP to try and shake off the effect entirely against the original DC23 Fort.


16: Emerald Spider: 1x Bruise, 5HP.

4: Francis: 1x Bruise, Staggered



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Peri's Fort Save: 1d20+13=24, phew just scrapped a pass!


As we're playing dirty going to act like it's succeeded and do a Fascinate (Bluff), then spend one of the many HP to back it up on an attack! 


First the Fascinate Bluff: 1d20+10=13, so apparently Peri is a terrible actress under pressure! Still, for the attack we have Attack Roll: 1d20+14=20, DC 25 Toughness on the off chance.


Not her best but you never know!

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