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Thanks for the link, Thevshi.


Gookgak rolled a 7+12=19 for Initiative. 


Question: although the streets are empty, save for heroes and simulated villains, is there anything within 25 feet or so of Gookgak that he could potentially use for cover, like a stationary trash can, mail drop off box, or abandoned hotdog cart?

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Okay, starting things off:


Round One


27 Slipstream 2 HP (unharmed)

19 Gookgak 3 HP (unharmed)

19 Prime Mover 3 HP (unharmed)

11 Serendipity 5 HP (unharmed)

8 Centuria 2 HP (unharmed)

7 Troopers (20 spread out)

3 Stormchild (unharmed)


Slipstream will dart down one of the streets towards three of the Troopers standing near each other. She will do the site rule base Power Attack (-2 atk/+2 dam), will Take 10 to attack the first trooper, DC 25 toughness save: 19 fails and is knocked out, will Takedown to the next one: 8 also knocked out, third: 14, also knocked out.


She will continue moving and run up on the roof of a building.


As should be obvious in the above, the troopers are minions, so you can Take 10 to attack them.


@FlyingFresh Gookgak is up.

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Starting with 20 minions in 4 different directions is an average of 5 per direction. If there are any more minions (say 2?) down the street that Slipstream bum rushed, Gookgak would take 10 for a 20 attack "roll" to hit one of those minions with his tricksy bow. If that direction is already clear, he would instead shoot a minion in the street 90 degrees to the left of that. Either way, it would be a DC 21 Toughness save vs damage (piercing).


After that, he will move to slide under one of the parked cars (should be pretty easy for a guy as small as Gookgak to fit), where he will take cover. 

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Actually, you bought it as a targeted AOE, which means there is an attack roll, but you can Take 10 and hit them. With that large an area, will say you catch a group of 5 down one of the streets: they all fail the toughness saves.

The blast also takes out windows on both sides of the block and badly damages a parked car. :)

@EternalPhoenix Serendipity is up!



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Move action: Walk down the street. One of the two not yet littered with the defeated. (I know they're not literally there let me have the turn of phrase.) Thev said there's one in range of Riel and his base Speed rank of 0.


Standard action: Take 10 on this minion with a full +5 Power Attack. So DC 25 Toughness save.


Free action: Flick on Escape Notice, aka his Concealment. Done.

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Okay, 8 of the bad guys left at this point, and two of you hidden from view. The remaining 8 will act in groups of two, each group opening fire on the four visible heroes.


2 move to get an angle on Slipstream (who has +4 Def due to cover from the side of the building at the angle): Both just miss thanks to the cover.


2 aim upward and fire at Prime Mover: 23 and 24, ouch. @Lone_Star two DC 20 toughness saves.


2 fire at Centuria: 16 and 14, both missing (one barely)


Last 2 will fire at Stormchild: 15 and 23, so one hit @EternalPhoenix that is one DC 20 toughness save from Stormchild.  


EP: Stormchild will be up, and let me know if you wanted Riel to use any of us luck on anything above.

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10 hours ago, Thevshi said:

 Last 2 will fire at Stormchild: 15 and 23, so one hit

that is one DC 20 toughness save from Stormchild.  


EP: Stormchild will be up, and let me know if you wanted Riel to use any of us luck on anything above.


They're fine, they've got HP. Question. Are we assuming Stormchild's Force Field is up and it bounces off her Impervious, or am I rolling with a +2?


Edit: Also, in the interest of honesty, Kadene's Defense is +4, and even less when Flat Footed. So those are both hits, which makes the above question even more important and if it's the latter, a follow up question. Are you going with the "Flat Footed until first turn" rule? I can't use HP to double a Dodge Bonus that doesn't exist yet.

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In that case there's nothing to roll. Appreciated, Thev.


Kadene's turn.

Move action: Fly into the air.

Standard action: Hailstorm. Blast 8, indirect 2 (from the sky/ceiling), Cloud Area. If a 40ft radius isn't big enough, she can upgrade to an 80ft radius. The targets are the five down the road yet untouched. She is positioning it so that none of the other heroes are touched by it, mind. Does she care about collateral property damage? Lol, no. There's no townsfolk over there and it's not her or any of the crew's stuff.


DC 18 Reflex for half, DC 23/19 Toughness. 

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Okay, this moves us on to:


Round Two


27 Slipstream 2 HP (unharmed)

19 Gookgak 3 HP (unharmed)

19 Prime Mover 2 HP (bruised)

11 Serendipity 5 HP (unharmed)

8 Centuria 2 HP (unharmed)

7 Troopers (25 spread out)

3 Stormchild (unharmed)

2 Tough Aliens (three minions)


Between the rounds, the faculty added more opponents, another 20 of the troopers (somewhat spaced out, but still in a few clusters) and three larger aliens, one up on the roof near Slipstream, the other two down on the streets.


Slipstream will punch the large alien that just appeared up near her (Take 10 to hit with a -2/+2 Power Attack): DC: 25 toughness save: the alien only gets a 17, so is knocked out.


She will then run back down to the street level and change her superspeed array to Insubstantial 4 (but not using the Concealment) and start zipping around the area trying to draw the attention of as many of the bad guys as she can.


@FlyingFresh You are up next!


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