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Student Assessment Group A (OOC)


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Alright, for his turn, I'd like to have Gookgak take 10 to hit a tough alien minion with his Tricksy Bow, with a -5/+5 Power Attack, with his standard action. If that hits that's a DC 26 Toughness save vs damage. If it misses, would he get an attack roll with it next round with Homing, after taking 10 (idk)? Then I'd like to have him use his move action to hide (hide in plain sight) with a -20 penalty for having just made an attack, taking 10 with skill Mastery, for a DC 15 Stealth.

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@FlyingFresh Unfortunately, a 15 will not hit the Tough Alien (needs a 16). Next round he can make an attack roll thanks to Homing to try to hit it again. But would need to make the attack roll as you cannot change the power attack shift, which will remain on the homing attack.


Got it for the hiding after the attack, will note that for when they try to spot you later.

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Okay, the troopers turn. One note, I missed that Prime Mover has Impervious 8 on his Forcefield, so he did not get injured before (and I will return the spent HP, as he did not need to roll toughness saves).


So, first, 4 of the troopers get opposed Notice checks vs. Gookgak's attempt to hide after attacking: three manage to spot him.

So, three will shot at Gookgak (will give you a +4 cover bonus though): 18, 23, 22, so they come close to hitting, but miss.


Okay, two groups of 3 will shoot at Prime Mover (combining fire): Group 1: 24, 11, 23 two hit, not enough to get past his Impervious.

Group 2: 22, 22, 14, again, only two hit, so Impervious stops the other two.


Another two groups of 3 will shoot at Stormchild: Group 1: they all miss

Group 2: 12, 18, 16 again, only two hits (and the lead missed), so does not get past Impervious.


Two troopers will shoot at Serendipity: 13 and 18, both missing.


The last six will shoot at Slipstream. Not going to bother with rolls, as she is Insubstantial. Will say a couple pass harmlessly through her and the others miss.


@EternalPhoenix Stormchild is up!


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@ThevshiWith a reminder that the Hailstorm actually wraps up this round (because Cloud Area) if those two that survived it are still there, I think I'll have her use Air Control to throw a car at the largest group she can take out that way. I think that's an Area attack with DCs 18 Reflex and 23/19 Toughness. If not, she can Accurate or All Out Attack a little. Lemme know. Then she'll use her move action to get vertical space between her and the shooters. Eat distance penalties, she says. 

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Okay, on to:


Round Three


27 Slipstream 2 HP (unharmed)

19 Gookgak 3 HP (unharmed)

19 Prime Mover 3 HP (unharmed)

16 Fighters (2 engaging Stomchild)

12 Alien Lts (2 unharmed)

11 Serendipity 5 HP (unharmed)

8 Centuria 2 HP (unharmed)

7 Troopers (20 spread out)

3 Stormchild (unharmed)

2 Tough Aliens (4 remaining)


More threats. More of the big aliens, including two that are even tougher. Also, two fighters up in the air to engage Stormchild.


Slipstream will change back to her Strike and close with one of the large aliens that appeared: 2 one of the Tough Aliens. She will -2/+2 Power Attack and take 10: DC 25 toughness save: 29, it makes the save and messes up any Takedown.

Slipstream will zip up another rooftop.


@FlyingFresh Gookgak is up!




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