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Student Assessment Group C (IC)


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Sub-Basement of Claremont Academy

Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey

Friday September 13, 2024. 10:00 AM


(Counting as GM Post)


A spooky day! In theory. Friday the 13th, the day of horror and spooks. Especially one getting so close to Halloween. It was that day when the student listing of Renee Cole King, Vanya "Jack" Davydov, Harper Hale, Daphen Celeste, and Sarah Francine Thatcher were requested in a room with a very exciting name. It was noted to show up in either their uniforms or costumes and expect strenuous activity.


In the case of the last group of the week, it was likely they'd already heard rumors either from other classmates or their Sophomore classmates about what to expect; that they'd get a chance in the 'fabled' Doom Room, to test their mettle and powers against some of the creatures cooked up in the complex and effective simulator. Some of the tales their upperclassmen and fellow sophomores had said about what they would encounter had been clearly exaggerated, likely in good humor for the newer students; a particular Upperclassman had regaled several students with a tale that she'd had to fight The Centurion. She'd later been sternly lectured by another Upperclassman about scaring the new students. So they probably weren't going to fight The Centurion. But others had suggested encounters that seemed more than possible; The Maestro, Dinosaurs, Orion the Hunter, just to name a few.


While the stories varied in the specifics, the overarching details did indicate there was probably going to be some sort of fighting or other conflict for the students to navigate to get a hold of their powers and learn how to work as a team, and for the faculty themselves to be aware of those same factors, because nothing beat a first hand test. In that way, you could in fact take it as the first test of the new school year.

The large room was mostly white and grey, covered in hexagons, and gave no indication as to what the group would be facing as they entered, heading down the stairs from the student entrance to the building. They couldn't even tell who was going to be administering the test, as the black windows in one side of the room were one way, letting the instructor see but not the students.


All they had been told was to get into costume and get into the room, and the test would begin soon.

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Spore smoothed down her costume, feeling the texture of the morphic molecules under her skin. Everything was happening so fast. Fast enough to send her heart fluttering. Sweat started to form on her brow, on her skin, leaking through the perfectly designed costume. 


"Just be careful touching me," she said to the others. "I sweat... well. I am part mushroom. So if you want to see fluffy invisible pink rabbits dancing in the air, then my sweat will give you quite a trip..."


She gazed around the room. 


"Does anyone have any clue what they do to us here? Apart from teach us? I mean, I hope they teach us..."


"Which reminds me!" she said with a smile with just a hint of fox cunning. "Does anyone want some fungus parasite for the next hour?"


Her skin started to produce purple bubbling patches. 


"It's good for your health. You won't need oxygen, or, well, you wont need much at all really. Its symbiotic, and will die down soon enough."

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Was nervous to say the least. She rubbed sweaty palms on the legs of her school issued uniform. She had never actually had her own costume, aside from doing her best to cover her face whenever she had tried to practice on her own.


She glanced around at the others gathered for evaluation. They were quite the varied bunch and she had to admit curiosity had her wondering about them.


A taller, slender brunette wearing shades warned them about close contact and Sarah gave an appreciative smile.

“Thanks for the warning.”

She shook her head.

“The schedule just listed ‘Student Assessment’.”

Sarah gave a small shrug.


20 hours ago, Supercape said:



"Which reminds me!" she said with a smile with just a hint of fox cunning. "Does anyone want some fungus parasite for the next hour?"


Her skin started to produce purple bubbling patches.


“Ah…, thanks, but I think I’m okay.” 

Sarah tried her best not to look horrified as she failed to nonchalantly step away. She realized what she was doing and stopped herself.

“Sorry, I’m still getting used to strange things. I mean, I’m not saying you are strange, just that… I mean, that…”

Sarah’s hands waved around unhelpfully as she stammered for a moment before seeming to give up. Her shoulders slumping in defeat.

“One of these days I’ll manage to stop stuffing both feet in my mouth.”

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Mz Grue


Daphne entered dressed in a silvery white jumpsuit, from her own species it perfectly fitted her form, whatever shape she took. Being a test of them as heroes, whoever they face from a bewildering series of rumours, she was in her "natural" red-skinned Grue form, her distinctive (for a Grue) black hair tied back into a messy ponytail.


Stepping into the Danger Room she gave a moment for the others to get used to her form, she'd never made a secret of her alien heritage but didn't often assume the visage in day-to-day school life.


"Morning All!" she gave her classmates a little friendly wave "Are we ready to do this?"

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(King Cole III)


Renee had not been happy about the idea of 'combat trials'. Very clearly, in fact. She's been panicking for most of the week, if quietly, dreading the idea of having to engage in some sort of violence. 


The girl wasn't neccesarily building a reputation for herself, and she was spending a lot of time hiding away from others, but when she was around, she was distinctive in how much she didn't want to be distinctive; hiding in baggy clothes and large books or under trees, She'd kept to herself and tried not to make a scene. She'd still shown not a single blip of a power or anything during classes or in public, so who was to say what she was bringing to this combat exercise.


But it wasn't really Renee who showed up only barely before the session started. It was a costumed Queen wearing purple and black clothes like a King's outfit, with a doublet and jerkin, carrying a royal scepter, her blonde hair falling in wavy locks under a crown sparkling with jewels, her purple eyes sparkling mischeviously. 


"Finally!" She spoke like a stage actor; using her diaphram to make even the regular tone of her voice loud and carry, almost obnoxiously. She accentued her explosively loud voice by throwing power from a pouch on her belt into the air, where it sparkled like glitter before disappearing. "The King gets to show off! I can't believe they picked me last! This was a miserable wait!" She cackled. 


"Hail and well met, my fellow examinees. We shall certainly clear this, yes?" she said before moving between the others excitedly. "Oooh, excellent mushrooms Harper. I must certainly agree to take them!" she held out her hand expectantly. "Especially if they'll take me through the Looking Glass! Come on, everyone, it'll be a lot of fun to come at this from a new angle, won't it? Especially since we've never worked together anyway!"

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Harper could not contain her glee at infected King Cole. She twiddle her fingers as unneeded preparation, then placed all fingers and both thumbs on King Cole III head. 


Making sure to wipe the tips of her fingers first. It would not do to have the regal woman hallucinating. Although it sounded Like King Cole was already half mad and might even benefit from some hallucinogen. 


With a little tingle, the purple fungus took root in King Cole. 


"There we go. Effects may vary..." she said. "But it's a very healthy fungus. You wont get ill, or hungry. Just a bit of photosynthesis, baby. You wont even need to breathe. Oxygen now supplied direct to your blood stream!" 


She gave a smile. 


"Just in case they pump the room full of gas, or water, or something..."

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(King Cole III)


"I don't have to breathe!? Hahaha! That's perfect! That means I can talk as long as I want and I won't have to stop for air, I can literally just talk and talk. Oh my speeches are going to be incredibly fantastic for this period, I'm going to regale you all with the most excellent and wonderful of tales, and my laughter will be enough to shake the timbers! Ahahaahahahaha!" she cackled as she cheerfully accepted the spores, letting it turn her entire body into a rich purple color to make her costume. "This is excellent! Now I'm really the most Royal and Regal, now aren't I? Even my skin is showing my royal heritage!" she said with another cackle, grinning at the others.


"Come on, speak up, friends, how are you doing? Let's get to know each other before we get all beaten up! Anything we need to be aware of? Someone have any weird weaknesses or pains they have issues dealing with? We'll have to protect them!"

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Jack's alarm had been going off for at least 10 minutes before the gentle giant finally rolled out of bed...and promptly fell on to the floor with a grunt. He picked himself up, barely conscious and looked the clock.


He stared at it dumbly before realizing he was late. He hurriedly slipped on his boxers, hoodie and shorts and lumbered out of the dormroom. 


The trip to the sub basement was uneventful and Jack sauntered through the door with both large hands stuffed in his pockets, looking relaxed and unhurried.


"Greetings, comrades." Jack said softly. Hearing the tail end of Renee's words he added, "I yam vell thank yous."

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(GM Post)


"Jack, you're late." the voice came from speakers in the wall, surrounding them. "Don't be late in the future. Remember that in a real life combat situation, you're going to be relied on to protect the innocent, or to be ready for anything; seconds and minutes can mean a lot in an active meta-villain situation." 


They got a taskmaster teacher, apparently, instead of a fun one. The voice was just distorted enough that the person in charge of the exam would be unclear, not able to be traced back to which teacher was handling the assessment, but the students might have ideas of who the strict teachers they'd met would be, and who would be likely to treat them in such a way.


"And Renee, be polite to your fellow students, don't be so overbearing." came another jab. A timer flashed over the one way mirror, starting a 3 minute countdown. 


"The examination will begin when the countdown reaches 0. Consider it a real-life scenario to the best of your abilities; the room can take you at your best, so give it your best." A low hum was starting around the students, as the machine was booting up and preparing to activate. Blocks were shifting around them, raising and lowering, building the outline of whatever challenge they were going to be expected to face. 


"You can ask any questions you want right now, I'll answer them if I think they're reasonable."

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Harper nodded at the speaker voice, although inside she rolled her eyes. 


C'mon... boring!


Perhaps her own, orphaned upbringing with an eccentric aunt had been to free. She wasn't used to orders. Or lectures. But she had enough wit to know that defiance would only beget defiance, and nobody would win. 


"What are the rules?" she said. A taskmaster liked rules. And liked enforcing them. "Or.. are there any rules? I mean, other than normal school rules like don't punch somebody in the face and don't get caught smoking in the sch-- I mean, dont smoke in the sch-- I mean, dont smoke?"


Harper didn't smoke. She was far too health conscious. But she enjoyed the little barb at the tyrant at the other end of the speaker. 

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The girl, Renee she thought she heard someone call her in the hall, was much more boisterous then she had seemed earlier. It was like some kind of switch had been flipped. The girl was far too eager to be infested, and the first girl seemed far too happy to oblige for Sarah’s comfort.


Or perhaps, she was being too close minded. Then she thought of being covered with those purple spots, and decided she was okay with being closed minded right now. Sarah noticed the red skinned girl enter and actually managed not to stare. She had already embarrassed herself during move-in day, and had slowly been getting used to unusual appearances. She even remembered to smile and give a small wave in return.

“Ready as can be I suppose.”

She replied a little nervously.


She did her best to hide the fact she had jumped a little when the voice suddenly came over the speaker system. A bear of a man strolled into the room. Was he a proctor? She wondered for a moment, but the way the instructor spoke from the control room made her reconsider. The instructor confirmed Renee’s name and called the boy Jack.


The instructor asked if they had questions and the fungus girl, Sarah still didn’t know her name either, asked the same question she had. And she was happy to see someone else fumbling for a change.


Her mother would tell her she was being too quiet and needed to be more forward and outspoken. Easier said than done, she thought as she waited for the countdown.

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Jack yawned and then stretched, unzipping and pulling off his hoodie which exposed his scarred and chiseled torso. He stretched a bit more, getting his muscles ready for whatever this room wanted to put him through. He hoped he wouldn't have to change...but something in his gut told him they would force him to with whatever scenario they would put them through.


He tossed the hoodie on the floor by the door, not wanting to shred it in case he went all out. The temperature around him dropped as ice began to coat his body, forming a protective layer like a second skin. At his shoulders and elbows, large ice crystals jutted out, making for useful weapons if he got in close.


He let out a breath which turned to vapor in the chilly air surrounding him. "A gud question..."

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Mz Grue


Daphne was awash with both excitement to test out what she could really do, along the general cloud of teen emotions coming off of the other. It was almost intoxicating, and she idly wondering if she' felt anything like this before. It took a little effort to focus herself ready to start the training program, catching the general feeling that everyone else was just as keen just to get going.


"Look's like we're all ready to go now! I'm sure we'll have lots of questions once things get going!"


Well then go time!



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(GM Post)


"There are no rules. Everyone besides you is a projection, but you are being graded on your workmanship. Casualties amongst the civilians are a negative, as is lethal force against your Opponents. Defeat your foes without injuring civilians or lethally incapacitating them. That's the test." the voice explained. "While you are in no danger, the powers being used are still quite real; treat them as if they were there to destroy you."

The room started shifting and square holograms started pouring over the blocks and creations. The room itself seemed to expand, growing in size, lengthening. Massive columns rose out of the ground, then stairs rose up out of the columns. It took on the appearance of Marble, of a bright star at the top.


The First national bank.


Behind the students came police cars; old models, not new ones, models from the 1950s. Holograms began to appear, cops holding old timey revolvers and in old timey clothes, leaning up and hiding behind their cars.


On the top of the stairs, holograms appeared again; men in business suits wielding Tommy Guns, spraying bullets down into the cars and the cops as they hide- the Cops were clearly short on Firepower here-, cackling.


"Heroes!" yelled the chief- identifiable because he had a big bushy mustache-. "Thank Heavens the Liberty League is here to stop them! The Crime League is trying to rob First National bank! We can't keep them back!" Then a blast of bullets perforated his car and he had to duck behind it.


"Get in there and take 'em out!"


And then the guns were turned on the group, lighting up the area under Tommy Gun fire!

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Jack’s movement caught her attention and did her best not to stare at the multitude of scars crossing the older boy’s upper body. She was thankful when ice covered his skin as it let her push it out of her mind.

She glanced around at the other girls and everyone seemed eager to begin. Not for the first time she hoped she was ready too.


Around them the very world seems to change. Even though it wasn’t really, her eyes told it it was. And yet, something in the back of her mind ‘felt’ the edges of the holographic environment, she could almost ‘sense’ the cops and criminals even as they were just beginning to take shape.


Perhaps that was why she seemed to react first as the ‘police’ called for help.


She knew it wasn’t real, but all her senses claimed different as she saw they suited men firing and she heard their bullets striking metal and stone around them. A brief flash of light and Seraphim was shimmering. Light seemed to liquefy and gather in her open palm, forming a tennis ball sized orb. She lobbed the glowing sphere up the steps of the bank, into the middle of the gunmen, where it exploded in a flash of brilliant white light.

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(GM Post)


The hail of gunfire slowed as the burst exploded amongst them, sending the goons scattering. more than half of them immediately grabbed at their eyes, blurred by the brilliant light of the inheritor of The Light. Though they were still firing, the blasts were even more haphazard, hitting the ground in front of the heroes and the cars, scattering piles of brass.


"Boss! The Liberty League! The League's here!" yelled one of them into the bank.

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Mz Grue


Something about being called part of a League felt right to Daphne like she'd been in one before it made her brain itch like a thought on the tip of her neurons! Still, no time to worry about that she had this sim to worry about.


Growing to massive size she stepped, carefully, forward to put all their attention on the giant alien woman who could take a few potshots. She then bent down and squinted until she spotted a thug still blinded by Seraphim. Then with great care, she gave him a gentle, as gentle you could manage as a fifteen-foot woman, enough to put him out of the fight without any, serious, damage.

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"Wow! Fast!"


Spore was like a rabbit in headlights - everything happening so fast. But not for long. The adrenaline speared her heart and brain, bringing sweat to her skin and her pulse to her neck. Everything swam into focus. 


Was it fear? Excitement? Did it even matter?


She jumped into action, fast, lithe. Landing in a cool kneeling pose, her head down, her face screwed into focus. From her skin, a hundred grey-purple spores burst, ranging from microscopic to thumb nail sized. 


"Its sporing time!" she yelled, with a mouth that was a mix of grunt and grin. 

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(GM Post)


The Cloud did as suggested; the grey-purple cloud infested and squirmed, sinking into the lungs and bodies of the thugs! They quickly went down in a heap, gasping and clutching their throats as they passed out from Exhaustion! Only one managed to avoid this, blinded as he was, but able to hear the yelling Hero Spore and cover his mouth before they could infest him!


Everything was silent for a moment before the excitable King Cole III leapt in after Spore, screaming and laughing at the top of her lungs, swinging her staff at the last remaining foe.


It didn't get there, and instead rang out with a wet, slapping sound, like it'd hit a bowl of pudding.


Ten Feet Tall and smelling of the swamp, the son of a Skunk Ape, covered in moss, leaking swamp water, square faced and dull-eyed, Tom Cyprus had emerged from the Bank as much as he'd emerged from a history book; foul-smelling, foul-tempered, as mean as the day is long and a creature that could stand toe to toe with the Centurion (at least back in the 1930s and 40s). He took a hold of the King's staff in his titan-sized hand, as big as a man's face, and lifted her into the air by it.


The man who joined him was far less spectacular in looks, but no less so in who he was. Dark skin, bald head, in a doctor's jacket and carrying a pistol with blue lights shining on it, his eyes obscured by goggles, Doctor Zero, real name Anthony Maurice Edwards, held his gun forward, shooting a freezing beam at Spore as he exited the building.


"Tom, get rid of her." His voice was as cold as the freezing laser he blasted at Spore, as serious as the edge of a knife. "The rest of you, this is the example. You can all leave now." He warned the other heroes.


Tom Cyprus raised his hand holding the staff up above his head with force, sending Renee flying through the air but still holding onto her staff, then here was a monumental thud that shook the very foundations of the room as he slammed her into the ground, cratering it. He hadn't even noticed he'd also ended up using Renee as a weapon to batter his own guy into unconsciousness. He waited only a moment before moving again, hurling her into one of the patrol cars, which toppled onto it's side as the King hit it and bounced again, landing on the pavement a few feet away in a heap.

It took Tom several extra seconds to grasp that he had done that, and he let out a guttural roar of triumph.

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Jack's vision went red as he saw Renee crumpled on the ground, Tom Cyprus standing over her with a smug look. Something primal stirred deep within him, a roaring fury that threatened to consume everything. The bear spirit, usually a comforting presence within Jack's soul, now raged like a caged animal desperate to break free. Its fury mirrored his own, amplifying the primal urge to protect and destroy. Jack felt the icy power surging through his veins, threatening to burst forth in an uncontrollable torrent. He clenched his massive fists, knuckles turning white as he struggled to maintain his human form, the spirit's roars echoing in his mind, his control was slipping...and then he realized he didn't want to be in control.


The temperature plummeted with frightening speed, frost crystallizing on every surface around Jack. His breath came out in great plumes of condensed vapor as the air chilled to well below freezing, the frigid atmosphere a stark contrast to the burning rage within him. Ice crackled as it spread over his already armored shell and Jack felt the cold seeping into his very bones, not as a discomfort, but as a surge of raw power.


Jack felt his body changing, muscles bulging and bones shifting with alarming speed. He grew taller, broader, more bestial with each passing second. His skin prickled as thick, frost-covered fur erupted across his expanding frame. The familiar sensation of his teeth sharpening into fearsome fangs filled his mouth, while his fingers elongated into icy, razor-sharp claws. As the transformation neared its completion, Jack's senses heightened to an almost overwhelming degree, the scents and sounds of his surroundings assaulting him with newfound intensity. 


His scarred torso and arms glowed with faint blue energy, the light diffused through his icy exterior as his form expanded, reaching a towering height of 12 feet. Jack felt the familiar rush of power coursing through his veins, his muscles rippling beneath his fur. Icicles hung from his massive jaws and claws. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly blue light, filled with unbridled rage. 


The transformation complete, he towered over the surrounding landscape, his massive paws leaving deep imprints in the thin snow-covered ground. The cold air swirled around him, creating a misty aura that only added to his otherworldly appearance. Despite his monstrous size, Jack's mind remained clear, his heightened senses alert to every sound and scent in the vicinity. 


The snowy werebear that was Jack inhaled deeply, chest expanding to impossible size. Then it let loose a deafening roar that shook the air, a primal response to Tom Cyprus' own roar over Renee. The sound carried all of Jack's anger, all his protective fury for his fallen teammate. It was a promise of retribution, cold and merciless as the Siberian winter.


Jack coiled his massive leg muscles, the icy veneer covering the ground beneath his paws cracked under the immense pressure. His icy blue eyes locked onto Tom Cyprus, narrowing with focused rage. Jack launched himself forward, his enormous werebear form hurtling through the air with surprising speed and grace.


The air whistled past Jack's ears as he closed the final feet between them. He extended his massive arms, razor-sharp claws glinting in the dim light. He could feel the bear spirit within him roaring its approval, urging him on. His claws stretched out, ready to seize Tom in an icy, crushing grip. The temperature around them dropped even further, as Jack's rage manifested as an intense cold that seemed to sap all warmth from the air.


In that moment, suspended in mid-air with his target in sight, Jack felt a surge of primal satisfaction. He was the apex predator, and Tom Cyprus was about to learn the consequences of harming those under his protection. The werebear's massive jaws opened, revealing rows of gleaming, frost-covered fangs as he prepared to make contact.



Edited by Jack
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Seraphim watched as the others began to react. The blue skinned Grue literally grew and clobbered one of the gunmen easily. It was an impressive sight to see. Spore’s cloud seemed to incapacitate most of the rest and King Cole looked like she was going to finish the job when she was stopped cold.


Two more men exited the bank and the hair on Seraphim’s neck stood on end. These two weren’t ordinary men. Even as mere projections of the past, she could almost feel the malice from them and it sent a tiny shiver down her back.


She choked on a scream when the larger man suddenly slammed Cole into the gunman with ground shattering force and tossed her across the way. Seraphim watched in horror as the other girl’s body slammed into a car and didn’t move.


Without thinking she closed the distance to Cole’s side. Her hands were already glowing and King Cole’s body was awash in a warm white light, Seraphim’s only thought was the girl’s well-being. She completely missed Jack’s awe inspiring transformation.

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Mz Grue


The big swamp monster quickly taught Daphne's attention that compared to the (currently) tiny gangsters, they were a much easier target!


"Let me deal with the swamp thingie, I'm about the right size for 'em anyways!"


With a few quick steps, she lunged to grab and hold Cyprus hoping to keep him occupied for as long as she could, she'd acted so quickly that she'd at least grasped him before he could even realise she had. Though he was harder to get a solid hold she figured, she'd like to blame him for his slimy nature from the swamp, but really he was pretty strong more than she had expected.

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(GM Post)


"...Snot-nosed kids, you certainly are a handful, aren't you." Dr. Zero seemed to have no patience for them. He had no chill, as it were. "You being bold enough to stand up to Tom without the Centurian around is certainly a bold stance. We'll see how long it lasts for you." he definitely, at the least, thought this was going to be an easy win for the Crime League. Which might not have been a bad guess; if this was the full Crime League, there were still half a dozen other Supervillains in that bank, ready to either reinforce these two or draw the young heroes into the bank and more favorable conditions.


The instructor who set this up must be intending to run this group harshly indeed, if the abuse slapped onto Renee immediately hadn't made that obvious enough. Speaking of that, the not-so-good Doctor turned his attention to Seraphim.


"A healer is really a bit too much for us to allow, here. So I'm going to request you stay still." He said surgically, then blasted bolts of ice at her, not intending to wound or freeze, but rather to pin her to the ground with ice wrapped around her legs and arms.

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Spore ran forward, seeking to challenge Dr Zero. 


Seeking to eat him. 


Not with her mouth. That would be icky. No, consume his flesh with her hungry skin, feeding on his protein and glucose and...


Wait, she realised that was pretty icky too. 


No matter! It was all part of her fungoid powers. 


"You got cold powers? Well, take a look at this, doc! I'm going to kill you! ICY DEAD PEOPLE!"


It would have sounded cool, if her mad swiping had actually managed to get a hold of him. 

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(King Cole III)


King Cole III went from unconcious to concious in a sudden moment, rolling her head around a bit like a punch drunk boxer.


"D...did anyone get the number of that truck?" she asked in confusion. Then she shook her head again, like she was a cartoon character. "...Was that Tom Cyprus. Are we having to fight the Crime League? That seems unfair." she whined before a massive wave of air erupted from Tom and she covered her head with her hands and hunked down close to the ground. "This is serious! They're really challenging us!" 

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