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(GM Post)


"I don't know what that means." Dr. Zero said. The real Dr. Zero had died in an accident in 1955. Even if this machine did have a perfect knowledge of what Dr. Zero's brain would know at the moment of his death, the movie that Spore was referencing was decades after his death. "You children with your new slang...can't you put more effort into actually being effective or useful instead of finding new ways to butcher the english language." he denounced Spore as he dodged out of the way of her attack.




Tom continued to be rather...slow. As Jack and Mz. Grue leaped at him, Jack slicing into his weird, marshy body, and Mz. Grue attempting to grapple him, he continued to move a few seconds later than he was supposed to. Jack sliced at him, and then after a few seconds, raised an arm to defend himself. Mz. Grue garbbed at him, and after a few seconds, he put his mitts up on her wrists and pushed them away.


"G...eee.....t ....aa....w....a....y." Then he slammed his massive hands together, sending a wave of pressure and force outwards and down the stairs, cracking the air like a bolt of lightning; tipping more polic cars and sending the cops flying as the heroes were forced to deal with the pressure wave.

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Jack felt the force of the thunderclap strike him squarely in the chest, causing him to take a step back. The impact was like a sledgehammer, momentarily knocking the wind from his lungs. Despite his massive size and icy armor, the blow had enough power to make even him stagger.


Through the haze of pain and rage, Jack's keen eyes caught something odd. Tom seemed to be moving in slow motion, his reactions delayed as if he were underwater. Jack's mind raced, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. Was this some strange effect of the thunderclap? Or perhaps another hero's power at work? He had no way of knowing what this meant, and in the heat of battle, there was no time to ponder it further.


The pain from the thunderous strike made Jack's anger flare anew. It was like throwing gasoline on an already raging inferno. The bear spirit within him roared its fury, urging him to strike back, to crush the one who dared harm him. Jack's massive form trembled with barely contained rage, frost crackling across his fur.


Without conscious thought, Jack lashed out reflexively with his claws. His massive paw, tipped with razor-sharp icicles, sliced through the air towards Tom's seemingly slow-moving form. The attack was pure instinct, driven by pain and fury rather than strategy. Jack's claws glinted in the dim light as they arced towards their target, promising cold vengeance for the thunderous blow he had endured.


Edited by Jack
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Seraphim breathed a sigh of relief as Cole started to come to.

“Well, I’d have to say they do look like the old photos they use in the documentaries.”

She agreed before a sudden shockwave hit her, and slammed her into the same car King Cole had hit. Her head spun and she felt unsteady for a moment, but something told her she couldn’t afford to sit there.


She groaned and it took an effort of will, but Seraphim shook her head to clear the haze. She felt the warmth of her light and felt like she could think again. Her body still ached, but it wasn’t that bad.


Seraphim began to glow and shimmering wings of light appeared at her back. In an instant she was airborne. Another orb of light formed in her hand and she slung it between the villains with, perhaps, more than a little anger than she intended. It was only afterwards she realized her classmates might be caught in the effect and she swore as the flash went off.

“Son of a-“

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Mz Grue


You'd think it would be easy to grasp onto a figure as big as Cyprus, but Daphne was finding it harder than expected. It might be because she was a little too tall and had to adjust to keep him in sight whilst trying to get a solid hold of the guy. It was more frustrating as she was pretty sure she'd done this many times before, much more successfully when she was older. If only she could remember how this all worked!


"Oh poo!" was how she managed to express these feelings.


All the while taking a stance against possible counterattacks.

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(GM Post)


Tom yelled in frustration once more as he was beset on all sides, blinded by Seraphim's shining light. He might not have been feeling the attacks being pushed at him; he was fighting off both Jack and Mz. Grue in a physical sense quite easily, but he was definitely blind at the moment. Doctor Zero, meanwhile frowned, turned his attention back to Seraphim.

"You really are the most troublesome of this group, aren't you? Healing, disrupting...you really must go." he decided, shooting another blast of ice at the inheritor of The Light, but it went wide.

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Despite the aches and pains, and being smashed about the room, Spore was having fun. This was like the best virtual reality game ever!


And it was the right place, right time, to try out some of the spore powers she had been practicing!


She took a huge breath in, felt the fungus tickle her lung tissue, and breathe out - 


- a mist of yellow-grey vapours flew from her tongue, like an ocean spray. 


This was not an attempt to dampen Doctor Zero's spirits, or dehydrate her body. Each droplet contained a potent neural mycotoxin, that - hopefully, could shut down Doctor Zero's nervous system. 


"Think you are cool?" she said. "Take a load of this!"

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(GM Post)


The giant Cyprus wasn't having too much issue handling Mz. Grue and Jackson. Even blinded, it seemed like he was a furious as could be and almost impossible to take down with physical blows; each strike seemed to only be making him even angrier But the wave of spores wafted over Cyprus and Dr. Zero.


The Giant didn't even flinch, continuing to roar and scream; if it was actually affecting him, his super human constitution and toughness were keeping it almost impossible to deal with.


Dr. Zero was a different sort, as he snarled angrily.


"Stop with...y..our....tri..." he couldn't even finish his statement as the mycotoxin entered his bloodstream, and he stumbled, then went down, paralyzed by the Fungo-spores from the Fungus Superhero. His eyes were lashing around back and forth, but his body couldn't move.


This meant nothing to the giant Cyprus, who, blind as a bat, swing out violently at Mz. Grue, but he only hit a pillar of the bank, exploding it into powder as he roared, his eyes starting to work again.

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