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Ren Faire: Market (IC)

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Fair Grounds (near Ocean Heights Amusement Park)

Port Regal, Freedom City, New Jersey

Friday September 27, 2024. 3:00 PM

As had been the case for well over a decade, the last full week of September had the fairgrounds near Ocean Heights Amusement Park was host to the Freedom City Renaissance Faire. The faire was spread out across the grounds, with various areas each offering a different experience.


One large area of the fair was the market. It was a collection of pre-fab buildings designed to resemble European buildings from the Renaissance as well as stalls and carts set up to create an almost maze-like series of alleyways among them. Contained within were various shops that offered all manner of themed goods and gifts, as well as a number of food carts, stalls and even a couple of buildings set up to resemble taverns.


With the faire soon to wrap up at the end of the weekend, Claremont Academy had arranged for students that wished to attend to be excused from their last class of the day and had provided buses to transport the students to the fairgrounds. After the buses arrived at the parking area, the students were free to go where they wished for the next several hours.

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Iris was one of the many students that had come to the Ren Faire, she and Daniel had both come, however surprising to most other students at the academy...Iris was at the market by herself! She and her twin had agreed to split up for the time being. They had a mental connection anyway so if something happened, the other could rush to their aid. This made the Evans more comfortable with splitting up then they normally could be. 

Right now, Iris was browsing the markets, looking to see what items they had. She..didn't have a lot of money...so she had to be careful with what she brought! Right now she was focused on some themed gifts and wouldn't notice anyone around her. 

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Kadene Estime was simply drifting through the Market. She wasn't sure what she wanted, only that she'd know it when she saw it. Oh, sorry, did someone mention money? Don't be ridiculous. She was a pirate. This was what mirages were good for. Though...it wasn't like she could run back to the ship if noticed. Setting sail was not a valid escape plan any longer. So if she did find something, it couldn't be expensive or unique. Well, whatever. Maybe she wouldn't get anything at all. Maybe she'd go watch one of the performances in the town square. The looking was the point, not actually getting anything. 

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Going from one store to the next was simple enough, however Iris was too focused on looking that she would crash right into Kadene! "Oof!" The psychic stumbled back for a moment before catching herself. She was now, finally, paying more attention to her surroundings. She would notice the strange pirate and raise an eyebrow. Yes, this was indeed one of her fellow classmates, it had to be, some of the others had arrived in costumes after all. The Evans twins didn't, they were in their casual clothes.

"Apologises, I did not see you there. Umm...just to confirm, you are a Claremont student correct? If so it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Iris."

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Kadene wasn't really paying attention to things below her eyeline, and with the crowd absolutely missed her fellow Claremont student until they literally collided. Being 7 inches taller and 15 pounds heavier, Kadene didn't stagger so much as wobble confusedly in place. Iris had basically walked into her chest, after all. "Oi!" She was about to yell like she was on the docks of Paralogue, but remembered where she was. "The school to the southwest? Yes." She curtsied. "Kadene Estime, First Mate of the Luckstorm Pirates." She adopted her usual bold grin. "No worries, I wasn't on watch either. Blame it getting a bit too comfortable on your world. Something you need, or do you crash into all your schoolmates at the Market?" This last was an obvious bit of teasing. 

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"Luckstorm pirates huh? Well nice to meet you."


So that was not a speical costume? She was a legit pirate? Had they met a year before, then Iris would be extremely surprised but after everything she's seen after coming to this Academy, she was only a little surprised. She would take a step back before shrugging her shoulders. "I mean...I wasn't looking. Though to be fair I wasn't expecting to find anyone else here...this market isn't the most exciting is it?" She says before gesturing around at the stalls. Sure they were impressive, but she didn't see many people, or at least none that she recognised. 


Though maybe the alone time is partly why she came here. Oh well, better to have someone to talk to at this point. Even she was growing a little board of just looking. 

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Kadene had to agree. She'd looked around her fair share. Still, she glanced around once more. "Agreed. Nothing worth plundering. I had hopes, but it was a waste of time. I think I'll get a snack and see who's performing in the square instead. Or mayhap the animal pens. Haven't pet a sheep in a while. Or possibly the royal court. Give the players pretending to be royalty a scare by pretending to kidnap them for ransom. Not sure which." She shrugged noncommittally. "What do you think, Mademoiselle Iris?"

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La Puma Negra


As one of the older students, Carmen had a job of watching over the younger students, sort of, as it was more or less a recommendation to do so as Carmen had no real actual interest in playing the part of a Chaperone. That was a job for actual adults, even if she legally was one as well now as she stretched a top one of the buildings that had been built. A temporary hideout for her to sneak around along the rooftops, wearing a cloak that she had borrowed from back at school as she watched the crowds go by. Sure, she could have dressed up for something like this, but she didn't really know much what a Ren Faire was and thought the concept weird. All her money, what she allowed herself to spend, had went towards meaty foods, munching and ripping into skewers as she didn't really like crowds, looking down upon them as she tore into a turkey leg.


"I wonder how sweet things must taste?" she'd question herself, remembering how even during the Baseball game she had gone to with Michael some nuts she had eaten, almonds thought, that tasted nutty and roasted but not at all like anything else. The school had a doctor or two for special students like her and said that likely as she aged her biology would mix more with feline, a symbiosis of the two that she wasn't entirely sure of as she spotted a few familiar Claremont faces. Carmen would keep an eye on them as she ate, thinking only to sneak down and watch from time to time.

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Iris blushed faintly at the 'mademoiselle' part of the question before coughing into her fists. "Well I would suggest against actually holding them for random...still I am curious as to what this castle looks like...we should go there." The young woman would then pasue as she noticed that someone else was here. She turned her head a little bit and spotted Carmen browsing the market as well and she would call out to her room mate. "Greetings Carmen! It's nice to see you here too." Iris wasn't...really one to try and bond with people, most of the time it happened to her, but Carmen was her dorm mate, so she would try to get along with her.


...otherwise it would be an awkward dorm. Also La Puma Negra seemed nice as well.


The Psychic turned back to the pirate and nodded. "We might have another person joining us?"

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Kadene mock-pouted. "I said pretend! You're no fun, Mademoiselle Iris." Then she laughed it off, smiling. Did she see that faint blush? A good question. "But we can be good. For today." Then she followed Iris's eyes. "You have good ears. I didn't know she was there at all." Before Iris could respond to that, she called to Carmen in slightly archaic European Spanish. <"Hey, Miss Carmen! Would you like to go see the castle with us, or skulk alone on rooftops all afternoon?"> There was no malice on her tone or wording, only friendly teasing. 

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Sarah regretted not having a more appropriate outfit for the Ren Faire, she had to make do in a plain white skirt and blouse. A short blue jacket helped fend off any chilly breezes that might happen to stir.


She stopped to buy a hot pretzel and enjoyed its warmth as she strolled through the Ren Faire market. She admired the handmade jewelry and trinkets. Armor and weapons made at home forges. The care taken with dresses and shirts sewn in peoples’ home studios.

Mind you, there were more than a few resellers. But they were usually easy to spot, and she gave them a courtesy glance as she passed.


A rather familiarly boisterous voice carried down the lane of vendors and Sarah spotted Kanede. She bit her lip, they hadn’t exactly had the best first meeting back on move-in day and she had to admit she had been avoiding the girl since.

Sarah didn’t recognize the other girl Kadene spoke with as she attempted to gather the courage to introduce herself. She realized the two were calling out to someone and curiously she turned to look. It was only then she noticed one of the upperclassmen settled atop a nearby stall. Sarah recognized her from around campus but had never spoken to her.


The way the other two girls addressed her, Sarah assumed they were friends. She suddenly felt self-conscious and thought it better not to interrupt them if they were together. She did her best to look inconspicuous as she passed them.

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La Puma Negra


Finishing her meal, Carmen had decided to be more brazen, doing nothing but watch the crowds before she was finally spotted by her fellow students. It hadn't dawned on her that she wasn't really very stealthy up there while watching people, especially with so many Claremont students in attendance, it was like sure way to get caught or in trouble up here, not that Carmen was much intimidated as she still didn't really get the whole idea of what a Ren Faire much was still. There was something that she just couldn't grasp about it and thought maybe her boyfriend would let her know why people liked it outside of a way to get neat and cool food.


Tossing the turkey bone away, she stands up and jumps off, pilfered cloak fluttering behind her as got down, fixing it so that it could cover her once more in a discrete fashion among the many there in attendance, "Sure, I wouldn't mind that," she responds in a sort of bored tone. It wasn't that she really cared much, seeing the castle looming not too far away. Surely that could be something of interest for her to check out.



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Kadene grinned. "Excellent! Then we are a foursome." She whipped around and her eyes speared Sarah like an especially friendly bolt of lightning. After literally bumping into Iris, she was now "on watch" as she put it, and did not miss her floormate loitering a short distance away sort of watching them. "Mademoiselle Sarah, please join us! We're going to see the castle and speak with the king!" She waved energetically. "Mademoiselle Sarah! Oiiiiii!"

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Sarah was ready to fade into the crowd, as it were, when she suddenly felt like someone was staring at her. The next moment Kadene’s distinctive accent cut through the buzz of the crowds.


Sarah gave an almost cartoon ‘eep’ of surprise at the sudden call. She turned to see the pirate girl waving eagerly to her. It took her longer than she’d like to admit to realize what it was Kadene was asking. And felt even stupider when she actually did the whole ‘pointing at herself’ bit, like she was asking for verification it was her company the girl wanted.


Sarah quickly pulled herself together and hurried over to the group of girls.

“Um, ah, hello.”

She gave Iris and Carmen nods.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

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La Puma Negra


It was to be felt that Carmen had gotten herself stuck in with these underclassmen as she stood cloaked and covered the best that she could, even if it was evident to an extent she didn't look that normal compared to others. It worked in her favor as it seemed most saw it as a partial costume instead of some strange cat creature running around. It was interesting now being the elder classman now that she was a Senior at Claremont, taking a deep breath before she got into the current situation at hand, nodding back towards Sarah as she was greeted by her. It was just the four of them, as such groups could grow towards, sighing as she spoke.


"So where to?"

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Another person? It seemed as though Kaede had a lot of friends. She would turn to Sarah and nod her head towards them. Iris had quite the neutral expression as she spoke up. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Iris." She would speak outloud before turning to look at her roommate and then gesture towards the castle. "Unless we wanted to get something else, we are heading there. Let's go." With that she began to walk off...then once she got a few feet away, she would pause and turn back to wait for the others.

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"There, Senorita Carmen." Kadene pointed at the castle and Royal Court. She strode boldly forward, leading the way. For a moment she spun around and waved energetically. "Mademoiselles Iris and Sarah, this way!" And then she was off again. 

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Sarah returned Carmen’s nod and smiled at Iris. When Iris abruptly started to walk away, she looked between Carmen and Kadene unsurely. The pirate lass seemed unwilling to play second fiddle and boldly caught up, and passed the other girl before energetically turning to beacon them on.


Sarah half chuckled.

“I guess we know who the extrovert is.”

She glanced sideways at Carmen. The upperclassmen was still quite intimidating, and Sarah quickly followed after the others.

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