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Ren Faire: Town Square (IC)

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Fair Grounds (near Ocean Heights Amusement Park)

Port Regal, Freedom City, New Jersey

Friday September 27, 2024. 3:00 PM

As had been the case for well over a decade, the last full week of September had the fairgrounds near Ocean Heights Amusement Park was host to the Freedom City Renaissance Faire. The faire was spread out across the grounds, with various areas each offering a different experience.


At the heart of the faire was the town square, an open courtyard like area with side streets that led to the other areas of the faire. Several seating areas for guests were set up in sections of the square. From time-to-time various performers moved about the open spaces entertaining small groups of guests. Off to one side of the square was a small stage, which was the site for several scheduled performances throughout the day.


With the faire soon to wrap up at the end of the weekend, Claremont Academy had arranged for students that wished to attend to be excused from their last class of the day and had provided buses to transport the students to the fairgrounds. After the buses arrived at the parking area, the students were free to go where they wished for the next several hours.

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Daniel was out and about....by himself! The twins had decided to split up this time, seeing as they had developed a mental connection, it was easier for them to do to emotionally. There would always be a way for one twin to tell that the other twin was in danger and come to their aid. So Daniel felt a bit more at easy now. He was currently wandering the Town Square, mostly because he was curious about the different performances that was going on here. He was someone who was interested in the performing arts, he had even picked up acting. 


So he was curiously watching one of these street performers with great interest!

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Mz Grue


Daphne loved all forms of entertainment, including live-action -  though she rarely got to go often, so this was her chance to get her fill of everything this fair had to offer!


She was bouncing along happily "dressed" in a yellow mini-skirted uniform of that old popular science fiction franchise, she'd always wanted to do the whole "visiting an ancient world" schtick ever since she'd read about it online. Whilst green skin or pointed ears would have been super simple, she'd settled for a simple human with a quite impressive, she'd thought, beehive updo!


But what to do? She was happily trying to take everything in before deciding what to start with first!

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Spore walked by Mz Grue's side, in her own rather less flamboyant outfit: A medieval farmer, complete with (fake) scythe. 


She regretted the papermache scythe. It was light, but cumbersome. And she had too much to do with taking photographs. 


"Smile, Daphne! Now growl! Now fire your phaser!"


Daphne was making excellent photographs, and was, in Harper's mind, sure to win the best outfit of Claremont competition that Harper had decided would feature in the school magazine. Alongside her photographs. 


"Damn, you really do look amazing..." she muttered, studying the latest photograph on her digital camera. "I mean, how do you do it? It's like you walked off the set of the show... just... better than the show, to be honest. Like a real alien!"


She gave a knowing wink. There were too many people around in the crowds to speak openly (or at least, loudly) of superheroics, magic and aliens. And so many fantastic costumes on display. Snap - snap - snap. More excellent photographs!


"Now all we need is a medieval roast pig with an apple stuffed in its mouth!" she said, licking her lips. "Roasted in honey, or something. Anyone see anything exotic to eat?"

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More people huh? Students hopefully. 


Daniel's eyes were torn away from the preformance that he was watching and he spotted Mz Grue and Spore. As soon as he saw their amazing outfits he suddenly felt really underdressed...still he would make his way over to the other young heroes before speaking. "Happy to see some different faces haha. I'm Daniel in case we haven't met yet. Can I just say that you two have amazing costumes!"

Edited by Dracostern
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Mz Grue


She had been pretty proud of the Phaser it had taken a few tries as Baby had misunderstood and made an actual functioning weapon, which probably would have gone down badly at the Ren Fair! This one just glowed appropriately and made the noises. Her Tricorder was a smidge chunkier as to contain Mother Unit inside, who was currently sulking at such indignities.


"You could say my costume is out of this world!" she grinned at her own personal in-joke, "I think most of the food is elsewhere, though there might be some on offers where the travelling players are!" her attention was then drawn away to Daniel


"Hi, and thank you!" she gave a little curtsy "I'm Daphne and this is Harper! As I recall we met briefly the first day I arrived at school. How's your sister?"

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It was becoming almost a reflex - Harper was taking photographs of everything! Up went the camera, down went the finger, and she had clicked off three pictures of Daniel before she was even aware she was doing it. 


She forced herself to put the digital camera down. Thank God its digital!


How many pictures had she taken already? More than old fashioned film could manage, that was for sure. 


"The Twins, right?" she added. "Psychic twins?"


Do they share a connection? I heard they are never seen apart?


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"Oh yes! We did meet briefly, I do apologise Daphne. Things have gotten quite chaotic in Claremont as I'm sure you're aware haha! It's great to see you again!" He was grinning at the two of them before questions about Iris were mouthed and he rubbed the back of his head. Spore's thoughts were correct. Normally Iris and Daniel were aways together. So the fact that they weren't was a bit of an anomaly, still everything seemed alright. "Oh! You're talking about Iris! She's doing just fine. Thought we would try and split up for once it's...a little nerve wracking haha."


The young man's attention was taken by Spore as she takes pohotos of him, she seemed quite into it, he would not have noticed either had the camera not been pointed at him more then once. He turned to her and nodded his head. "Yes that's us. The Psychic twins! I'm Daniel and my sister is Iris." Spore might recognise that name from the girl's dormroom meetings when she first arrived. "It's nice to meet you!"

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Mz Grue


Daphne felt a little pang of guilt, he wasn't showing it but she knew what it was like to always be compared to another person. She as quickly as she could tried to change the subject to matters pertaining to the Fair.


"Though I've watched a lot of stuff online, this is my first time actually going to a Ren Fair!" she almost squeed in excitement


"Have you had a chance to wander around the area? Do they have any player or the such worth watching?" 


She had to purposely take a breath, something she didn't really need to do so as not to bombard everyone with even more questions.

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"Oh?! It's that popular? This is the first time I've heard of it haha...I come from Emerald City you see...well regardless I'm still having fun!" Daniel would speak to Mz Grue. "As for entertainment...well I saw a magic show just now but it seems to be over unnfortunately." 


The young man would smile at her then look over at Spore as well, feeling a bit bad for leaving her out. "How about we all stick together for a bit? See some sights?"

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With a twitch of effort, Harper put down the camera, leaving in dangle around her neck. 


"Yes. See. Dang, think I got so caught up in the photographing that I actually forgot to use my eyes and soak in the sights. And the smells, for that matter!"


She tapped her nose. 


"Mushroom nose! I can smell real good," she said. "Which is not always a good thing. But! makes me a good cook. I think... or maybe it just makes me appreciate good cooking."


She gave a little laugh. 


"Anyway, its a great idea. Lets stick together, see the sights, and if you see any roasted pigs then let me know! I want some medieval food!"

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Some kind of display or show is getting started. A very convincing-looking goblin rides in on what must be a large horse dressed up to look like a gigantic wolf. The goblin has a too-large crown on his head, just barely kept on at a demented angle by the length of its pointy ears. There is also a convincingly terrified looking man tied up with a preponderance of that cheap plastic pennant garland you see all over the place at functions like this and made to look as if he is being held up by the jaws of the horse/wolf.


The goblin is standing on the horse/wolf's back, and magnanimously throwing out fake jewels and gold-covered chocolate coins. He crows at the top of his voice: "Hear ye, hear ye! Behold, miserable peasants! I Gookgak the mighty, have deposed the wicked King of Ren Faire, that has ruled over you so cruelly with a fist of iron these many long years! With these riches I fling, find respite from your pointless lives of misery - which mostly consist of spreading your own night soil on your fields, eating disgusting vegetable soup, and attempting to forget your sorrows by consuming an abundance of watered-down beer! For lo - that these jewels may appear to be mere plastic fakes, and these dubloons only waxy, low-quality chocolate, I have it on very good authority that, in this place, they can be whatever you imagine them to be. Rejoice!"


The character does a little dance of joy atop his mount, then continues. "And now that wicked King of Ren Faire is cast down, shall Gookgak be your new king?" The little speaker makes a show of modesty and blushes. "Why, only if you want it, my good people. I would never force myself upon you. For, I am a Good Guy!"


And the little monster beams inanely.

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Daniel smiles at Spore and nods his head. Sometimes one could get too focused on things and not notice what happened around them....though in this case it was hard to ignore. The young man turned around at the rather loud noises Gookgak made with his...mount? Then that proclaimation...the young man just blinked for a moment and called out to the little guy.


"Ummm....I'm sorry what's happening?" Confused was all over his face. 

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Mz Grue


"And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We will make amends ere long..." she put on a cod British accent as she quoted from the Bard "I saw this one play being broadcast once, or twice... As the plays the thing it seems, let's play along and see what happens!"


Stepping forward she gave a little curtsy, the short uniform dress helped in the situation!


"Oh, kind sir can we assume you are a hob-goblin?"

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The appearance of a wolf, and a goblin, made Spore spin round and start clicking her digital camera like crazy. 


That! Was! An! Entrance!


Googkak the Goblin. Well, he certainly was a strange creature. One that made an impression and certainly one that had done so in Claremont. Out here, in public... well, he would fit in. She had a pang of sorrow for the weirder mutants in Claremont who, perhaps for psychological reasons related to their appearances, didn't go out incognito in public. Like that idiot Gamma Buzz. What a immature fool he was!


But Googkak seemed cooler somehow. The right type of fool. 


"Go go go!" she screamed at Googkak. "Everyone loves a knight in shining armour!"

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