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Ren Faire: Training Grounds (IC)

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Fair Grounds (near Ocean Heights Amusement Park)

Port Regal, Freedom City, New Jersey

Friday September 27, 2024. 3:00 PM

As had been the case for well over a decade, the last full week of September had the fairgrounds near Ocean Heights Amusement Park was host to the Freedom City Renaissance Faire. The faire was spread out across the grounds, with various areas each offering a different experience.


At one end of the faire was a mostly open area set up for a number of events and activities that were more physical in nature. This included a jousting list with regularly scheduled jousting exhibitions. There was also an archery and axe throwing range, among other activities.


With the faire soon to wrap up at the end of the weekend, Claremont Academy had arranged for students that wished to attend to be excused from their last class of the day and had provided buses to transport the students to the fairgrounds. After the buses arrived at the parking area, the students were free to go where they wished for the next several hours.

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(Golden Star)


Michael had spent most of the month learning how to make chain mail. Learning how to bend rings, working in the afternoons and after class in his and Parker's room. He was fastidious in keeping the mess to his side of the room, and had burdened himself with it on top of the constant stream of other students studying, their practice as superheroes, and anything else; he always had a fairly busy room.


Months of work had produced a fairly decent- though obviously amateur- suit of chainmail for Michael to wear. It made him think about Owain, and he wondered where the graduated knight had gotten of too. He knew that Neko was on and off with parts of the Young Guardians, but he wasn't sure if Owain was also a part of that group of not, and he had been too awkward to ask. He had been meaning to get back to Charlie and spend some time with him; get some advice, all of that.


However, at this moment, Sir Michael in his homemade chainmail and his little coif hood was at the training grounds. He wasn't going to joust- he knew that was a no no-, but he was having fun at axe throwing and archery, since those weren't competitive things. And it was helping learn how to pull his punches.


He was as radiant and shining as always, even when he wasn't glowing or in his super suit. He tossed an axe and it went a little wide, thunking into the edge of the log.


"Aahhhh! Dang it!"

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"It seems you've missed, Friend Michael." Captain Riel Estime was absolutely by almost anyone's perception not there a moment ago. He was not grinning widely as might be expected. Instead he seemed...relaxed? Not in a bad mood, but not particularly exuberant at the moment. 


The two hadn't seen a lot of each other since move in day. Different grades, so it made some sense. Passing in the Academy halls. Now and again in the dorms, though Riel was always gone right at end of school on Fridays and never back until Sunday night. Typically after curfew. Michael did have the pirate captain's story by now, however. Riel took a bite of an apple he absolutely did not pay for, and continued while chewing. "Pulled a bit to the left."

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(Golden Star)


"When did you get here!?" Michael said in surprise. He was getting better at not letting people sneak up on him, but he wasn't perfect at it, so he expressed genuine surprise at Captain Riel showing up suddenly. But he still responded to the questions.


"You know that's what my coach said when I was on the football team too!" He said in good faith, flipping the axe in his hand. "Said I always had a pull. They actually did medical scans on me to see if my spine had a slight misalignment or something but it came back clean, I just naturally tend to the left for whatever reason." He said, aiming more to the right for his next toss.


"You wanna take a turn?" he offered, taking a step back. "And tell me about how school's going for you? Any issues so far? Or is everything working out good for you right now?" He wasn't going to just immediately jump to the breaking curfew thing, but knowing Michael, he was probably going to bring it up at some point, unless he was in a really good mood or having a lot of fun. "I know it's only been a few weeks, but still." he shrugged. "Ah maybe that's not the best way to say it, but you got a monkey on your back?"

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"I got here at the same time you did. That...bus. An unusual word for an unusual form of transport." A smirk tugged lightly at the corner of his mouth. "Oh you meant right here? Not long. Last few throws."


Riel watched the next throw. "Hmm. You tend naturally to the left, and overcompensate to the right. Though that one's well done. Interesting." He took an axe for himself, along with another bite of his apple. His throw was perfect. "Fortune favors me again." That line had his usual "joy of life" in it, oh yes. But just that one.


"Monkey? Do I? I'd have sworn I left that rascal on the-" He looked over both of his shoulders before a lightbulb visibly went off in his head. "Ah, one of your world's sayings. Yes. And no." Another axe. Another perfect throw. "To summarize. Your world is not mine. Many things are different. It is...continually surprising." He took one more bite of his apple, and chewed thoughtfully. 


"Friend Michael, I am a Pirate Captain." The capital letters could be heard in the way he said it. "Where I am from, Aquivan, people become pirates to become freer and chase their dreams. Being a Captain means being entrusted with your crew's freedom and dreams. Here...I am continually told, in a thousand ways both large and small, that everything I believe in, chase after, and fight for is wrong or no longer matters." And there was that bold grin, with just a hint of a dangerous edge to it. "I disagree." He took another bite of his apple and made another perfect axe throw. "So, how has your first few weeks back been?" Very conversational there.

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Ryan stretched. He wore a maille haubergeon over a black tunic, and that over a pair of gray sweatpants. On his side, he wore his sword, with a zip tie to keep it closed. Not that he couldn't break the zip tie easily if he had to, but it was for safety. Over that, he wore a black cloak.

It was too warm to wear the hood. He felt legitimately badass and cool. He stepped up and picked up an axe.

He took careful aim, and let loose, throwing it just right of center, hitting the target with a solid thunk.

The truth was, he'd been training extensively with his body. Honing his reflexes, and especially practicing his sword play. 

"Claremont certainly is interesting." He mumbled to himself.


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(Golden Star)


"...Yeah, I guess that's about right." Michael admitted to the Captain. "We just don't have the same idea about pirates that you do, at least adults don't. Plenty of kids still look up to pirates. But the idea of the well-meaning, freedom loving pirate just looking to escape the weight of their ill civilization...that just doesn't really happen in this part of the world." he leaned back against a log to think about it.


"There could be places it could still work here. There's plenty of governments with dictators who steal from their population, who would love a hero operating outside the law, promising freedom from oppression. Or even up in space, there might be a space pirate who does something like that. But here, in Freedom? Well...most people like their mayor, like their government. Not everyone, of course. But that's how it is. And of course an adult is never going to tell you that you wanting to be free, to go against the grain and against the limits of the world we're in is the right thing. They're gonna want you to mostly follow the right path, especially with something like that." he hrmmed. "I don't think places that want a freedom loving pirate rebelling against the government don't exist. They're just not this city. Yeah. I think that's right." he shrugged.


"As for how it's been for me? Same old, same old...still trying to catch up to the people I look up to, trying to figure out where I'm going with my life. Claremont is a difficult school to be in if you're used to being an overachiever and the top of your class, because I'm neither of those things anymore; I'm just a regular student, most days." he grinned but it was something that weighed on him. "So I think we're at the opposite ends of the same problem." Then he looked at Ryan.


"Nice toss. You're looking fresh today, Ryan. You've improved quite a bit over the summer, huh? Keep at it."

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Riel nodded at Michael. "Agreed. This city's name is not without irony. A city of freedom for all it is not." His bold grin spread across his face once more. "Perhaps we should change that?" He laughed immediately. "A joke, Friend Michael. Relax."


He turned to Ryan. "Guitariste, well done." He admired the work, and Ryan's sword. "That's a fine looking weapon from here. If you'd like a lesson or two in swordplay?" His free hand took hold of his own sword's hilt, rattling it with a small metallic sound. "I know a thing or two." Was it tied into the sheath? Haha, no. Trust him or don't. Think it was a prop or don't. He would still do as he desired, which did not include slashing random people like some maniac.

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image.png.552907df7b2e37cb880c4eb3be18c964.pngMizuki "Torpedo Lass" Iwasaki - AKA for today Mizuki Fairweather of the "Wind of Autumn".


It wasn't often that Mizuki decided that taking a trip to a different era would suit her needs to relax. But here she was "the merchant sailor's daughter" herself, wandering the training ground. Her costume was fitting if this was a JRPG sort of town... but the sheer effort she put into it impressed even the most stodgy purists at the fair. But she was just happy to take in the sights. She noticed some of the gang throwing Axes, and she started to look over the selection after walking over, picking a hatchet that looked more suited for use on a galleon than in the woods. It sat in her hands fairly well. It seems this one was taken care of or was a recent addition to the collection here.


She grunted for a moment. "I'm partial to knives, but this will have to do." She said taking a throw and while it didn't bullseye she hit the target to it's left. If the bullseye was center of mass she would have scored a heart shot.


"Bit rusty... been a while... me and my dad used to throw axes when we'd get together when he was on leave... those were the times."


She turned smiling to the others. "Ay, what is up? Like my dash of fantasy and anachronism?" She asked, gesturing to her costume.


Edited by The Sailor
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(Golden Star)


Michael grinned a Riel's joke, and spoke lightheartedly as he took a step back to watch the others, including Mizuki as she stepped up.


"Oh Captain, don't you worry, I'm going to change this city quite a bit when I finish my schooling. At least I'm hoping so. And after all of that, if you want to be dashing rogues on the outskirts of the law, or accepted privateers, well...we'll get you sorted." he laughed. "Unless you end up sailing to far off shores before then, of course, spirit of adventure and all that." he said as Mizuki executed an excellent axe throw.


"Ah, great job Mizuki. Looks like I'm the one who needs to work on their skills at throwing things at targets, huh? Everyone else is hitting on mark." He grinned. Of course he could have shot a blast of energy from his fingers or eyes- he was far more accurate with that then throwing stuff-, but he was hiding his powers. "Sir Michael just isn't built for ranged combat, it seems, he's meant for glorious melee engagements!" he said, tapping his chainmail clad chest.


"And I do like your costume, too. I appreciate all the dressing up we're doing. It looks good. Pirates, Nobles, Knights, and I think a couple of students are doing SciFi costumes. We're gonna have to do a group picture later, I saw Harper around somewhere with a camera, it'll be great in the yearbook."

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Mizuki "Torpedo Lass" Iwasaki


"Noble? I'm the daughter of a sea merchant! Who also goes on adventures on the sea." She says with a grin and a wink, letting a little bit of her power dance on her fingertip. "Haven't met a Kraken I can't defeat yet!"


"Although I was considering Pirate... but this outfit... the frills and bits and bobs... so cute!" She said twirling about. "That and if I do hear of some emergency on the water the outfit's fully waterproof like my usual outfit. So... I got my bases covered." She giggled. "You mentioned Sci-Fi though... hmm... well there is established franchises that have traveled to Medieval worlds or time traveled so..." She said, shrugging. "I'll allow it."

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Riel had stepped back with Michael to let the others do their thing. "Friend Michael, if I sail to any far off shore before I go home again, you are formally invited to join ship and crew for the duration." And with that, he turned his attention to Mizuki. 


"Mademoiselle Mizuki, I don't believe we've been introduced." Riel gave his exaggerated bow. "Captain Riel Estime of the Luckstorm Pirates. My sister Kadene has spoken well of you." And there was his bold grin again. "However, she failed to mention your beauty and style. Your costume is well made and suits you. I am honored by you choosing to grace us with your presence today."

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Mizuki "Torpedo Lass" Iwasaki


"Why thank you." Mizuki said with a courteous curtsey. "You should see me when I'm in my usual. I go from Fantasy to Science Fiction at the drop of a cutlass." She said with a smile, looking over the good Captain. "I wonder... what would a proper 21st century Pirate captain choose for their style." She said, looking him over before grinning. "Not that I'm particularly taken, my heart belongs to someone else... but you... let's just say I like helping my comrades."


"I don't see anyone based on their grade... that in my opinion is a scholastic thing. To me, everyone at the Academy are equals. I just do my part on the hero side of things."

She stretched. "Besides, maybe I could for a team with some of us after we get our caps and gowns." She said with a smirk. "If the recruiters from other teams don't grab me."

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(Golden Star)


"A little sailing, huh? I guess I wouldn't be opposed to it. I've got another summer internship lined up on a brand new frontier myself but who knows where we'll be when the feeling of adventure takes us, right? Hard to say until we're on the path." he smiled at both Mizuki and the Captain but then rubbed the back of his neck and looked up.


"As for a team, well...nah. I've only got two teams I want to join, in the end. Really only one. But I'd be okay with the other too. We're good, I like being on the team we're on, I like being on Team Claremont. But after that...I have a different place I want to get to. Eventually."


He was looking really far away now, somewhere only he could see. At least for a little bit it wasn't like he was even there anymore, maybe not even on the same planet, but somewhere out in the sky.


"Anyway! For now, fun is on the menu, yeah?"

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Riel's grin only grew bolder. "Why, Mademoiselle Mizuki, we've just spoken for the first time. I would lose respect for you if you were taken with me so soon." Then he turned it down a notch. "But of course, you are taken with another at present. Alas Fortune does not favor me this time. I will, however, say this." And his grin was bold once again. "Any time spent in the company of a beautiful woman such as yourself is time well spent. You may call on me at your leisure for any tailor work you desire to do for me."


With that, he turned back to Michael. "Indeed, Friend Michael. There is only one 'team' I ever want to be on, and I am already it's Captain. Fair winds and calm seas on your future journeys, my friend. Just know that you are always welcome on board the Happenstance while I remain her Captain. I've already told the crew not to be wary and allow you to board." He clapped Michael on the shoulder, then strode forward and picked up a throwing axe. "Now then! Enough of this serious talk. If fun is on the menu, then let us partake and partake deeply." His throw was, once again, absolutely perfect. "What else can we do? The rum remains gone, so perhaps some entertainment?"

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Mizuki "Torpedo Lass" Iwasaki


Mizuki grinned. "I really need to take you to an airshow. Or the local nerdy convention. You'd have a blast either way, I'd wager."


"The Happenstance, huh? Interesting name for a ship." She leaned against a wooden beam. "Maybe I should take you up on that offer as well. The seas definitely don't bother me none. Still learning how to handle the whole flying thing though." She said, standing back straight, then letting herself hover so her toes are barely off the ground. No one notices yet with how long her skirt is, but the dirt path is starting to be very slowly pushed like a bowling ball being rolled over it.

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Gamma Buzz


It had taken quite the step for Baltazar to leave Claremont. I mean, it was fine if he was doing superheroics, or building his secret evil mastermind HQ in the forgotten cracks of the subways. 


But in public?


Well, he was a hideous half-cockroach!


But, with his ghastly head covered by a fake all encompassing helmet, a cardboard sword pray painted sword at his hilt, he could pass off his green plated skin as...




Of Arthurian legends. 


But still, he was a nervous wreck and his antannae trembled inside his helmet, causing a clanking sounds that was a bit like a... well, a buzz. 


"Pssst! Is everyone staring at me?" he whispered to Torpedo Lass. "I cant see a thing in this helmet!"


Even as the Green Knight, Gamma Buzz was stealthy as they come, and could creep up on anyone!

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(Golden Star)


"Entertainment, hrm? What about the jousting contest? It's not like I can participate, for...certain reasons." Obviously Michael trusted himself to kepe his powers down. And he'd have loved to participate in some sort of genuine sport or engagemetn, something that brought him back to his jock days. But he couldn't. So he was going to have to be satisfied with just watching. 


"Eating some turkey legs, watching the knights competing..." he paused as he realized Mizuki was floating and grinned. "Oh, that's new. I didn't realize you'd gotten to that. You're expanding your powers huh." he said very quietly. "That's great." Then The Green Knight showed up and he waved his foam sword at him.


"Ah, The Green Knight, am I Sir Gawain then? Playing that movie from a few years ago?" he was just happy that Baz had gotten out of Claremont and into the city proper instead of just into the sewers. He knew that Baz wasn't the best to look at, but he was still hopeful that Baz would eventually figure something out to interact with society more, since he thought Baz was really cool.

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Mizuki Iwasaki


"When your powers warp space and time to do their stuff, you end up learning more than being a high-speed submersible." Mizuki said with a grin, resting on the ground again, letting her feet go flat with no effort in keeping balance.


"Well well... I see even Baz couldn't resist..."

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Gamma Buzz


"Thats right! The Green Knight! En Garde!" said Baz, locking foam swords with Mike. "Your Kung Fu is really pathetic! Your Golden style is no match for my Cockroach style! Wait... no, that's China, right? Not Europe? Oh well, it still sounds cool!"


He gave another few chops of the foam sword. 


"Jousting sounds fun, too. The thing about jousting is - sooner or later you will get the point..."


He cast his eyes left or right, seeing if he could detect any tumbleweed. 


"...anyway, what I meant was. Sure, lets go see some jousting. Hopefully on motorbikes!"

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"Hey guys." 


Parker had been delayed getting to the faire. More trouble on the way, like usual. Stopping a purse snatcher. Getting a kid out of traffic before he got. The usual things. He should really start to leave early soon. 


He is dressed in a simple peasant's outfit. Nothing fancy, nothing that makes him stand out too much. He would rather just watch and participate instead of trying to stand out with a fancy armor.


"Looking good, Baz." He's happy about Baz being able to go out like this, though. It was nice to see him out and about. "How did you make all that stick?"

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Gamma Buzz


"Its just one of my many amazing cockroach powers! I.. wait. No."


He put a cockroach finger to his helmet. 


"I mean. Its public so we cant talk about that. Its a secret!"


He turned his head, his helmet, left and right, scanning for snoops. He couldn't see any, and nobody would believe he was actually a cockroach - human whose green armour plates were part of his skin. 


"And you look good too, Parker! Maybe a pitchfork, and perhaps you should be chewing a flower or something? Or lugging a huge barrel of ale with your amazing super stre--- I mean a small and easily luggable barrel of ale. What does ale taste like anyway? And is it illegal for us to drink it?"


He looked around the crowd of Claremonters. 


"I mean, for historical purposes. Hey, is anyone studying law? One of should study law, right? Someone who isn't me, that is."

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(Golden Star)


"No Baz, we can't drink ale. It's alcohol. Except for the non-alcoholic stuff they've got at the listed stalls. You can drink as much of that stuff as you want. Just don't try to sneak any of the stuff where you have to show an ID, or where they're checking for wristbands. That is the crime." Michael explained to Baz as he swung his foam sword at him a few times as Parker showed up.


"Ahaha! There's my Roommate, we've been waiting for you before we head over to the Jousting if you're interested!" he said with a grin. He realized he should probably be finding Carmen- or Sam-, but he was having fun with this group for now. He pointed out towards the jousting field, where wooden stands were put up to watch the jousting; the Black Knight of the Faire was putting in a powerful show as always, defeating all challenges to build up his reputation before whoever was scheduled to take him down showed up later in the day.

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