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Green Squad in: Urban Explotation

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Bayview Mall, Early October, 2024


October was getting started early at the Bayview Mall.


A legion of 12 foot tall Skeletons guarded the entrance to the Mall. In the open planned courtyard of the mall, you could take pictures with cut outs of Freddie, Jason, the Predator, and other horror movie icons. For kids, Scooby-Doo and Freddie Fazbear and the like offered much more sanitized versions of spooks and scares, all alongside the classic witches and goblins and ghouls.


Carmen Alvarez Arrache, Harper Hale, Katherine "Kate" Melita Devon-Leeds, and Alden Underwood were also at the Bayview Mall. There was an overarching reason for this, alongside a few specific individual reasons to draw the Claremont Students to the mall.


Harper Hale was getting pictures for her first article in the Claremont school paper; an article on the Halloween decorations going up around town, the new Halloween activities at the Bayview Mall included. The current fun was getting a special set of commemorative stickers if a young child in question went to all the special zones set up and got signatures from the Head Witch of the Coven, the Skeleton King, The Zombie Lord, The Werewolf Pack Leader, and Frankenstein. While Halloween wasn't for a few weeks yet, it was nice to get out and do stuff like this early, especially when many stores were offering Halloween discounts and stores putting up early Halloween costumes- the Freedom League was a popular as ever-, so a family could do a lot of their Halloween shopping very early in the month.


Meanwhile, Carmen as a Senior had been given her own mission; to get some decorations that were going to be going up on Claremont's Campus for the month. They'd run out in the middle of putting up decorations, and Michael had begged Carmen to take his (mother's) card and go pick up some more Halloween stuff; another few skeletons, some witches and skulls and jack-o-lanterns.


Due to certain other issues going on, Claremont students were expected to go out with their teams as much as possible, and as such Kate and Alden had, additionally, been asked by Claremont's local super-powered Golden Retriever to go with her and help her carry back the supplies.


So the 4 members of the Green Squad were currently in the Bayview mall, carrying out their specific tasks and keeping an eye on each other to make sure that no one got concerned.


Accompanying them- partially to help Carmen as well, but also as an adult figure in charge-, was the new School Nurse, Anna-Marie Delgado. An older woman in her mid 50s born in Mexico, like Carmen she was a native Spanish speaker, a handsome older woman with dark hair and eyes. She was content to let Carmen handle the transactions of business, working purely as a social support, since the school wanted Carmen to get a little more comfortable in her own skin as she got closer to graduation.


Everywhere in the Bayview mall, young kids ran about watched over by their parents as the Claremont students carried out their tasks.


It was a nice day, and it seemed like nothing was going wrong.

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It was a nice day, and Harper Hale was sure nothing was going wrong, or would. 


Instead, she took in the sights and smells, and took photographs. Her fungus empowered nose could pick out subtle scents, and the Halloween was full of candles, spices, candy, cake. It smelled like the trailer for Christmas. 


She was fascinated by Halloween. Not just the costumes, but the symbology and the history. How had a day of pagan occultism and fear turned into a Christian nation's history happy day? OK, the states were not, now, a strictly Christian nation, but it certainly had been at its founding (in her admittedly limited estimation). The whole thing was extraordinary. 


But maybe she was overthinking the symbolism. The thought made her smile, and she made the smile stick. Instead she took a few more photographs, making sure she got her team-mates in the snaps!

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Kate here always found Halloween a little weird, every she'd see one or two little 'um happily running around in her family costumes. Not that she didn't enjoy dressing up and trick 'n treating, despite really dressing up all the time for a very different reason!


She was lost in her thought as apparently, she was on pack mule duty, super-enhanced strength has one drawback it seemed, so she couldn't spend all day hunting down a thrift store bargain or checking out those tiny bookstores that seemed bigger on the inside.


"Are we pack animals going to get water soon?" Kate asked, mostly in jest

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La Puma Negra


Unlike Centuria, who carried the bulk of the bags through the mall, Carmen held only one as she walked confidently and rather happily through the mall. Sure, crowds were always an issue for her, but her little posse backing her up and carrying all the stuff made things far easier for her, not to mention being tasked by her boyfriend to use his mother's card to do so, gave her a sort of confidence she had been needing. Having suddenly money at her disposal was like a power in its own right, at her disposal. Of course, that meant a form of responsibility that she had never before, especially since it wasn't her money but Michael's mother. Still, it was something that she never would think would have, a credit card.


"I'll have you know that you are being a vital member of our team right now if it means anything to you. After all, everyone has a duty so to speak, like me. I buy the things. You carry it and..." she took a few moments to figure out what she was planning. It was clear that she was making things up as she went as they walk towards the direction of the next store, a more adult store that specialized in Halloween themed props for season, "Harper and Alden are our spotters, for deals and such, yea, that."


Delgado she had given no arbitrary task as she truly had nothing. It was last minute that she was told the nurse was coming along, but she supposed that it was a chaperone issue as she was the only one from her knowledge that could drive. Carmen hadn't even applied at all to get a license to do so, barely taking much care towards taking the free driver's ed classes offered. It was all just a form of moral support of some kind as she marched with a bag in hand. Even with the colder weather she was dressed in jean shorts and tennis shoes. A varsity jacket over her once more signifying the fall season's return as they got to the store.


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Harper didn't feel ready for a relationship. In her opinion, she needed to "work on herself" first. But the hormonal cocktail swishing around her body sometimes had other ideas. And the sight of Centuria strength, her muscles, her skin, her.... well, sometimes the hormonal cocktail had very different ideas indeed. Funny feelings flushed around her skin. She wanted to look away, but Centuria's strength was magnetic. 


Her words suddenly felt like they were being squeezed out of a mouth full of foot. 


"Wow, you are so strong!" she babbled. She wished she could garrotte her vocal cords. 


She took a few more of Centuria. And, feeling self conscious, a few more snaps of La Puma Negra too. Just to demonstrate she wasn't attracted to Centuria at all. Not even remotely. 


And a few of the nurse, just to be sure. 


"Is there anything else we need?" she asked. "Like maybe Centuria could do with some dumb-bells or something?"

Her cursed voice! She redoubled her attempt to strangle her throat, but it remained defiant. 

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(GM Post)


Miss Delgado was not the sort of overbearing chaperone that horror stories were written about. She was positive reinforcement, letting the students work through things on their own and only intervening when she needed to. But she was still nice.

"It's true, Everyone's doing quite well right now. And it's nice to see you all getting along." she said cheerfully. But if she thought anything about Harper's outbursts, she didn't say anything; sometimes it was better to leave such things be, let them figure it out themselves.

"If you're thirsty though, we can go get something to drink." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a handful of bills for each of them that she offered a split of to each student in turn. "Here. My treat today for working so hard. Get any drink and snack you want, I'm sure Stella won't mind if we're a little late getting back." she noted. "Just make sure not to leave the Mall, and don't lose anything you're carrying, okay?"

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Alden smiled agreeably at being free of the responsibility of carrying much, his teammates being taller and almost all stronger than his self. Still he too carried a token bag. He was, as always, quite well dressed, a burgundy dress shirt with loose ruffled sleeves and golden embroidery of birds and trees up each seam and charcoal grey velvet lined dress pants held up by a black leather belt upon which a pouch sat. 


He suspiciously eyed the many charms and fetishes that decorated the walls now that they were approaching Samhain, keeping an eye out for any that might dispel his Glamour or prevent his entry. It was clear that even these modern humans with their heroes and technologies needed to ward their houses when the veil grew thin, and he had to admit hiding the protections amongst vast collections of random objects struck him as quite inspired, if undoubtedly intensive on their poor craftsmen.


From the outside it looked like the boy was very intently and critically examining the decorations. It was so preoccupied that he had missed the buildup to the oncoming storm of gaffes from Harper, slowly turning towards them with a mixture of incredulity, sympathy and amusement upon his face. He struggled with his mischievous urge to tease them about their social blunder, but his better nature directed him otherwise. "<I must agree with Harper, your strength is most impressive Kate. It must be quite difficult to maintain it, if you need any assistance do let us know.>" He gave his unfortunate classmate a look of reassurance as he spoke.


When Miss Delgado offered them money to buy themselves drinks he nearly turned it down out of habit from Michael and others, but she did phrase it as a form of recompense for their efforts, which should free him from any obligations. Still he hesitated, looking to the others to see if they would accept. He had his own money, but at the same time offering offense to one who was ostensibly his host and in charge of protecting them by turning aside a gift thoughtlessly would not do.

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La Puma Negra


Carmen didn't seem to get the obvious quick flirtations, more enthused about leading her merry band of followers to the next store, a den of the more adult kind, filled oriented jokes that her upbringing hadn't ever actually confronted. So, while looking at it from the outside, confidence suddenly began to evaporate as she stood there, waiting for everyone to coalesce together before the store. Wielding her impeccable leadership skills, Carmen had plans to send Alden in but assumed that it would be maybe even stranger for them, seeing as how she didn't think Alden was even from this realm. That's why he'd make the perfect candidate, the most likely to no be phased she'd think before being distracted back towards Miss Delgado and her offer of grabbing some drinks.


"Thanks Miss Delgado," Carmen spoke happily. It appears free drinks was enough to distract her from her planning, smiling as she took a few dollar bills. They had passed a smoothie stand, and while she couldn't really taste sweat things she still loved drinking them.

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"Thirsty, yes! Yummy."


Harper closed here eyes and filled her lungs with air inhaled via her nostrils. She really needed to get a grip. She exhaled, let the baggage go, and opened her eyes at least partially grounded. 


"I could do with a nice strong coffee," she said. She guessed that Miss Delago would not approve of wine, even mulled wine. Technically, Spore wasn't allowed to drink, and she wouldn't want to drink anyway. But she grew up on a Vineyard, and wine was part of her blood. She knew plenty about subtle tastes and flavours of the grape. 


"Not sure about the smoothie. Too much sugar..."


Paradoxically, Harper was pretty militant about health (physical and mental) despite the vineyard heritage. Or perhaps because of it. 


She adjusted her sunglasses. Even in dim light, she preferred wearing them. The fungus had made her eyes and skin somewhat sensitive to ultravoilet light. Hopefully the sun would set soon...

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"Let's not go overboard on my carry capacity, I'm just an ordinary teenage girl after all!" Kate dropped into a mock whisper, knowing no one was close enough to eavesdrop


The fact that she could easily carry so much more was beside the point, best to remind everyone not to take too much advantage.


"Thank you, Miss! And I don't know about the rest of you..." she added, getting her share of the money. "And it might be a little basic! But it's Pumpkin Spice Latte season!!"

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Her breath restored, Harper managed a calm voice. 


"Pumpkin Spice Latte? Well, why not?"


She wasn't ready for a relationship. Not yet, no matter her desire for one. 


"Just what ordinary teenagers want, right?"


As though any of us are ordinary. Despite the unusual nature of her powers, Harper felt lucky. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, a mutant fungal infection would have killed somebody. And plenty of the remaining 1% would have been seriously ill. Harper was lucky to be alive, let alone a superhero. 


"Thanks, Miss Delgrado. You are the best!"





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Alden supposed it must be safe if all of his teammates were willing to accept the offered payment, and took his own share of the bills. Now to figure out what drink he might want. If he was in his home kingdom he would have a selection variety of juices, wines, meads and stronger drinks available. But there he was a prince, here he was uncertain as to what he should expect from the things sold. He had never had a latte or smoothie, and had turned down Michael's offer of soda so had no clue what to expect from the drinks here.


He shrugged good naturedly, hiding his uncertainty behind a smile and a laugh, "<I cannot seem to choose, there are simply too many options that look good! I shall just tag along with one of you.>" 

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(GM Post)


The Claremont Students and their assigned chaperone thus were relaxing at the food court when the trouble began.


It wasn't something near them at first. It was relatively far away; an animatronic Frankenstein suddenly came to life, ripping free of it's moorings with a grinding scream before assaulting a guest. Mall security was quickly out to deal with it.


The first thing the group would see would be the Mall Security moving around.


A second Animatronic had suddenly activated; a giant skeleton outside of the Mall had come alive, smashing through the doors. They were not aware of that, but once more the Security of the mall was moving around.


What finally made the group see something actually going wrong was at the food court when a short- maybe teenage-sized- person in an oversized hoodie with rabbit ears wandered up to the statues of a Witch and a Werewolf. The person reached out and touched them, whispering something to them, and with a sudden jolt, what had been statues and fake posters was imbued with life; a real life Witch was flying around the Food Court, a real life Werewolf was running amok amongst the civilians.


Chaos had ensued.


In the flash, the teenaged person had disappeared, leaving chaos in their wake.

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La Puma Negra


Sitting on her seat or just barely as she was more squatting on the seat, sipping her smoothie of several kinds of mixed fruit, Carmen was enjoying her free lunch break drink. Sure, she couldn't really taste the amalgamation of five or six fruit that she had made the fellow teenager make for her, unable to taste sweet but liking the textures and smell. That and simply preferring such a nice cool drink at that time. Of course, it being free with the highlight as she very much enjoyed free things offered to her since a young age. The stress she had put on the employee was not known to her as her tail wagged around, in sort of her own world as she sipped. Today was going to be a good day.


That was until duty called as security throughout the mall seemed a buzz with activity, Carmen using her hearing to try and figure out what was going on around them. That would easy as soon as she just needed her eyes to see what was going on. A witch and a werewolf, one cackling flying around while a werewolf growled and terrorized any that were nearby. Theoretically she could have gone for the strange fellow with the bunny hoodie on, but that was only theoretical of course as she leapt from her seat towards the werewolf, the stranger already having fled by the time she had managed to get through the crowd of panicked and terrified mall-goers. It was easy to get herself in front of a few of them as her quick speed and agility made it near effortless.



"Green, let's go!" she'd call out, giving the senior student command, as she faced down this now alive prop, "Alright, why don't you calm down before we have to send you to the pound."



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Spore froze, eye wide, warm spiced latte in her hand, a touch of froth remaining on her upper lip. 




She had wanted to be a witch when she was a kid. When she believed in them. That seemed so distant now, a life written in dusty pages in a grey book. Not her, no sir. 


And then La Puma was off like a - well, like a cat she supposed. Nobody was that fast, were they? was the thought that rambled around her skull, until slowly her brain reasserted command of the ship. Yes, nobody except a dang superhero. 


At the call to action, she stood up, feeling sick with excitement and fear, and ran behind Puma. 


"On my way!" she called. 


It was like leaping off the diving board in a swimming pool. Terrifying, but you had to do it. 

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