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Freedom City, New Jersey

Tuesday October 8, 2024. 4:45 PM


The members of Red Team had been on a field trip to Freedom City University to attend a lecture on campus. After the lecture, they had returned to the school van for the trip back to Claremont Academy.


Apparently, something had caused a major traffic jam on State Route 6, so the driver had tried to take them through downtown over to State Route 4. While the plan had initially worked reasonably well (even with the normal early rush-hour traffic), they were in the heart of Midtown when traffic became totally gridlocked and they had come to a complete halt.


It had not taken the students long to learn the cause. The police had blocked off the street a few blocks away in response to a bank robbery that was underway. Apparently there was something else taking place in the city that had the attention of most of the police and some of the city's heroes, so there were not enough resources to respond to the bank robbery right away.


After a brief call back to campus, the Headmistress had given the students permission to intervene and assist the police. So they had exited the bus and made their way to where the police blockade was set up.


While the officers had initially been a bit skeptical about a bunch of teenage superheroes intervening, they had quickly realized there were not a lot of other options at the moment. The officers provided the Claremont students with what little information they had. Apparently there were about 10 or so armed men in ski masks who were being lead by Wildcard from the Crime League. They had taken several hostages in the Freedom City Trust building, an old, two story stone structure that dated back to at least World War II. It was a strong, sturdy building, with a large lobby area on the main floor and an open atrium to a balcony on the second floor around which were various office and conference rooms.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


It had been a nice trip, the twins had learned a lot and were thinking back to what they had learned before the bus stopped. There was a lot going on and eventually they managed to get out into the city, they headed towards the Freedom City Trust building. Daniel looked excited but Iris looked focused, this was not a game to her at all.


The twins would arrive on the scene in their hero outfits, thankfully they had them at the ready just in case, this was Daniel's idea, and they would float over towards the bank and pause. Daniel wanted to charge in, but Iris told him to wait, they needed the rest of their team here..

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Jack had been quietly dozing on the bus when he was awoken by students moving about and disembarking. He exited the bus with the others, wiping sleep from his eyes and yawning. 


He looked over the bank and the surrounding buildings. "I might be able to go in front and distract if others want stealthy approach..." He offered in his thick accent. "Or can make bridge to top of building or sumthing..."

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The lecture was fine, but sitting still and listening had never been one of Mattie's strengths. Still, it had been fine, she supposed.


It didn't take long for Mattie to get into costume once they got the call. Her form just shifted, and then she was wearing her purple and white outfit, her features changed slightly and her hair was purple. The whole secret identy thing still felt weird, but at least it was easy for her to get into costume.


"Aw, that's a real bank robbery! I didn't know people still did those in the big city!" Mattie says to the others, as they stand around looking in. The cops doesn't seem particularly happy that they're here, but that's fine, they're probably just grumpy on account of that robbery.


"I mean, I can do the whole sneakin' thing if ya'll want me to. I can shrink down and become a mouse or something an' get inside, then sneak up on 'em?" 

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Gookgak really liked bus rides. He would plaster his face against the window and watch the world go by. What a great kind of magic!


Of course, his Uncle would say it wasn't really magic, it was "engineering". Gookgak couldn't tell what the difference was. But, Uncle Hogwarm was really clever, so he had to hold out that it wasn't really magic as a possibility.


But something had brought the joyous bus ride to a halt.


Dang! What now?


Outside the bus, as the teens began to discuss how to approach the bank robbery situation, a squeaky yet gravelly voice piped up from the curbside mail deposit box. "Gookgak is sneakiest of all!" The mail slot opened, and somehow the little gobbelyn's impossibly flexible body wormed its way out and onto the sidewalk, clutching a handful of letters. "Look! Me found a bunch of interesting notes! Nah! Maybe me read them later." And he stuffs them all back in the mailbox.


"So, Gookgak can sneak into the bank that is getting robbed real easy! Piece of pie! Can Claremont friends see in the dark? Gookgak knows gobbelyn trick that makes everything dark and enemies give up hope. Real simple for Gookgak to take out demoralized robbers, one-by-one in the dark!"


But then he frowns. "But if Claremont friends no can see in dark, then plan is no good. Cause then how you guys going to do cool heroic stuff if you no can see? Which, if me understanding correctly, is most important consideration in this situation. Hmm. . . "


Then he snaps his fingers.


"Me got it! Clever Gookgak also know Drowsy Dust gobbelyn trick. It put them all to sleep! Maybe Gookgak and other friends that are sneaky can scout ahead.  And friends that are clumsy - um, I mean, friends that are better at stuff that is not sneaking - those friends can be ready to rush in at the signal."


He looks around, unabashedly ready to receive raving praise for his brilliant plan. 


"Um, wait. What was signal again?"

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


The twins glanced over at the others that had arrived now, specifically Gookgak and his mailbox trick, that was....really weird after all. Still this was Freedom City and werid things happened all the time. As they gazed at the others both suddenly felt a little nervous. They were the oldest ones here and techincally the leaders maybe? So these students were their responsiblity. 


"Alright, here's the plan. Gookgak and I will sneak in, if you want I can carry you up to the vents and we can crawl through. I can't see in the dark but I can hear and follow you, we'll drop down from above." Iris would begin before pointing at her brother, Bounce and Jack. "You three go through the front door. We will pincher them. Do you have any questions?"


Daniel shook his head, if there were no questions then Iris would offer to pick up the goblin and fly him to the vent, which she would rip off with her psychic powers. Then she would follow him into the vents.


Meanwhile Daniel would shrug and turn to Jack and Bounce. "Alright, here we go, let's go wild! Err....ok not too wild, we don't want to break too many things-."


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Jack nodded, agreeing with Daniel's plan. He moved purposefully towards the front of the bank, his body already responding to the impending conflict. A familiar chill spread across his skin as ice and frost materialized, forming a protective layer over his entire body. The icy armor crackled softly as it solidified, ready to shield him from harm.


As he approached, Jack focused on the moisture in the air. Water molecules coalesced in his palms, rapidly freezing into large, jagged boulders of ice. He hefted one in each hand, feeling their weight and coldness. Spotting two robbers on the balcony above, Jack took aim. With a grunt of effort, he hurled the first ice boulder. It whistled through the air, slamming into one of the criminals with a satisfying crunch. Without hesitation, he launched the second, taking down the other lookout in quick succession.


Satisfied with his initial assault, Jack pressed himself against the wall beside the bank's main entrance. His back to the cool surface, he readied himself for the next phase. New ice boulders formed in his hands, their surfaces gleaming menacingly. Jack's senses were on high alert, listening for any movement from inside the building.


He glanced at his teammates, giving them a quick nod. With a subtle gesture, Jack motioned for them to advance while he prepared to provide cover. His muscles tensed, ready to unleash another barrage of icy projectiles at a moment's notice. The familiar surge of adrenaline coursed through him, sharpening his focus as they prepared to breach the bank.



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Getting rides from his flying super-friends was quickly becoming Gookgak's new favorite thing. "Ooh, Iris, you're really good at flying! Hey, can we catch a pigeon? Pigeons are delicious!"


But, all too soon, the joyride was over, and Gookgak was once again being shoved in a dark, cramped tunnel to do some scouting. "Okay, Iris, if you no can see in dark, then stay really close to Gookgak," the little gobbelyn whispered.


"Hmm. It's getting really noisy up ahead. Hey look, this marking on the vent duct says 'air intake'. Wonder what that means? Oh well. Guess me better go around this blind corner now. . . . Aah! No! Ouch! Ouch! Ooch! Eech! Oh! . . . Hey, uh, Iris? Me think you better go around other way. You may not fit through air handler impeller blades quite as easily as clever Gookgak. Argh."


A few more turns leads the scouts to an inconspicuous vent accessing the bank lobby. Gookgak uses an eraser from his book bag to quickly back the pointy sides of the plate screws out so the pair can access the room. His little blue eyes scan the scene.


Bank patrons on floor with hands behind their heads. Badguys with guns making threats. Sensible decor. Hey, what's this platter on this side table next to me? Could it be?


"Cookies!" Gookgak scoops one up with glee, mouth anticipating the sweet-bitter delight of chocolate chips, and crams nearly the entire cookie in his mouth and begins to chew contentedly.


Suddenly, he stops, mid-chew. A look of utter terror and betrayal spread across his face. He blinks. He looks at the cookie in disbelief. 


"What is this? Oats? Raisins?!!? Who would do such a terrible thing? Who is responsible for this perversion? Someone will pay! Oh yes, someone . . . will . . . PAY!"




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